90-1247 �le��e���f� ��rpy to: Council File � - o Real Estate Division Green Sheet # _ r'D 2�s �ity xa�� RESOLUTION (PW) (Wheelock) ����� CI�F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,� Preaented ey' �.��,-t.�=�r /� Referred To � Committee: Date WHEREAS , the City Council adopted Council file #90--73f� dated May 8 , 1990, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Mackubin Street from West Wheelock Parkway to West Arlington Avenue identified as Finance and Management File No. S-�88�26 . WHEREAS, the property at 1373 Mackubin Street being� legally described as: Schletti Addition North 16 feet of Lot 3 and except the North 10� feet; Lot 2 with the property identification number of 24--29--23--32--0058 was assessed the amount of $175. 5P1. WHEREAS , said assessment amount should be changed to $162. 00 based on the discovery of an input error for the rate per assessable foot of sidewalk reconstructed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment is changed from $175 .50 to $162 .00. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of a $13 . 50 to be funded by 1989 PIA funds. � eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: osw � �� on � Fina & Mana ement Services � cca e � e a �— � i�son � BY� Director T v Adopted by councii: Date JU L 2 4 1990 Form App� ed by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy. ���� ,�_ �H _ � �- 3 - 5-� By� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date ��L 2 4 1990 Council , ? ° ` g L���,� By: ���2/��� y� ausus�Ea A u� -� ��9�. . . RECEIVED �rlfQ '���i� �.r �PARTM@NTIOFFICE/COUNdL DA INIT TED 1990 � Finance/Real Estate DivisiQn 6�22r90 GREEN SHB�[f�� NO. 9016 INITIAU 011TE INITIAUDATE OONTACT PER�N 8 PIiONE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR dTY NCIL John Saumweber 298-5317 �� �CITY AITORNEY �AYQ���S��i�c MUBT BE ON CWNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING �BUDQET DIRECTOR FIN.3 MOT.SERVIf�B DIR. �MAYOfi(OR ASSISTAN7') Council Researc TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PACiES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATURE) ACT10N REGIlE8TED: , Approve of the attached Council Resolution to reduce the p assessment amount. File No. 5-88-26 Assessment No. 3573. JUL 3 � 1990 nEOOMMEr�a►'rqHS:Mn►�UU a�(p1 COUNqL i�PORT OPTIONAL ANALY8T PFIONE _PLANNIN6 COMMI8SIOP1 _dV�L SERVICE COMMI8810N dB c�o�m� "A" — co��Nrs: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT OOURT _ $UPPORTS WIiICM WUNdI OBJECTIVE9 iarru►nNO�.18SUE�OPPORTUN�TY(Who�N/h�t.WMn.Whsro.Why): Property was incorrectly assessed for sidewalk reconstruction. REC�IVED J U L 5 1990 ADVMITAOE81f APPROVED: OfFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Property will be assessed correctly. DEPARTM��NT OF FINANCE �Nl� MAMAGEMEI�T SERVICES ois�v�r,r�s��aROVEO: Property owner still has an assessment payable via property taxes. , RfCEiVED �U�13i9A0 as�ovMrr�aes iF rwT,�+ROVm: Property would not be assessed correctly. �o�CiC Res�r��i ���� �I�L � �► i��u TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION s 13.5 O �gTlAEYENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) VES No ���� 1989 PIA �vmr Nu� PINANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � dw