90-1232 �� ciTY oF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. 7������ AMENDED FINAL ORDER �" By File No. N THIRD STREET Voting In the Matter of improving THIRD STREET NORTH between East Third Street and Ward Arcade Street (City Project 90-P-1080) by closing the street at its � west end and, at a reduced width from the existing grade, pave with with a bituminous surface, construct curb and gutter, driveway aprons, outwalks, catch basins, sod and plant new trees. Also, construct new curb, walk, sodding and tree planting on the North side of East Third Street from Maple Street to Arcade Street. Also, construct a storm sewer separation system in Third Street N. from Ma.ple Street to Arcade Street and in Arcade Street from E. Third Street to Third Street N. (City Project 90-S-8079) Also, construct a modified street lighting system in said street. Also, subject to the condition that engineering inspection costs not exceed 20.5 percent. k under Preliminary Order 90-1001 approved June 14, 1990 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement;��� COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date .JUt � 9 �� YeasDimond Nays Goswitz Certifie Pa ed by Council Secretary �� � In Favor By � Maccabee Re t tman � - ��o/ .��e Against � Wilson �UBItSHED J U L 2 g 1990 Mayor � a y�.�.� . . . RE ,�,'�-�`��/90 �qp—/ � �PARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Pub��� �lorks 5/3/90 GREEN SHEET No. 7269 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE Paul St. Martin 292-628Q � ❑�P�TMENT DIRECTOR �pTY COUNGL NUMlER FOR ❑�A��NEY �CITY CLEFiK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DAT� ], 9O ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.8ERWCE3 DIR. Must be in City Clerk's Office no �MAVOR(ORASSISTANT) 0 Council Research TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAOE8 (q.IP ALL LOCATiONB FOR SIQ�NATURE� ACTION REWESTED: Order is amended because a street was inadvertently omitted from the original order. File �� N THIRD ST Original Green Sheet �9735 flECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(N a iNpct(I� COUNCIL COM ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINf3 COMMIS810N _CIVIL SEFlVI"�,8 COMMISSION �� PNONE NO. _CIB OOMMITTEE _ �_STAFF _ CONIMENT$: _DIS7RIC'T CWRT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpI 08JECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISBUE.OPPWiTUPNTY(Wla.Wh�t.Wh�n.WMre.Why): ADVANTAQES IF APPROYED: DISADVANT/�E81F APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED �;auncU R�se�rch C JUN 1319A0 � e�r_� UN l��80 CITY CL�RK ""'�"- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE SUD�TED(CIRCI.H Ot'!E) YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMOER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� • �W . NOTE: COMP�ETE DIRECTION3 ARE INq.UDED IN THE CiREEN SHEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(9 OFFIC.E(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Bebw are preferred routings for the ihro mwt frequeM typea of documsnts: OONTRACTS (ASSUmes auttwrized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Am�nd, 8dptsJ budp�t exiKs) AccePt•Cirants) 1. Outside A�enC�► 1. DepartmsM DireCtOr 2. Inftfatinp Dsp�RmsM 2. Budgot Diroctor 3. City Attorney 3. qty Att�rnsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAeeistant 5. Flnance�Mpmt Svcs.Oir�sctor 5. Cfty Council 6. Finar�ce A000uMing 6. Chisf AccouMant. Fin�Mgmt Svca. ADUAINI3TRATIVE ORDER (BudOSt) COUNdL RESOLUTION (��rsa�� �tsvislon 1. AcNvity Merngsr 1. Initiatinp[�spartm�M Director 2. Dsputment Axountant 2. City Attornsy 3. Dsp�rtm�M Dfrector 3. MayoN/►�eistaM 4. Buelpst DireCtor 4. qty CdUncil 5. City Clsrk 6. Chief AocouMant, Fln d�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all dMro) 1. Initiatin�DepertmeM 2. City Attorney 3. Mayor/AssistaM 4. dty qsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATUAE PAOE8 Indicate the#�of pa�ss on which sigr�atures are required and rd esch of th�e� ACTION REOUE3TED D�cribe what ths proJscdnqusst ssdcs W axomplfsh in eithsr chro�ologi- cal ordsr or order of imporfancs.wFiiofts�rsr 1s m�t approprfate for ths isws. Do rrot write oomplsta sentsncee.Bsp(n each ftem in your Ilat with a verb. RECOMMENDATION3 Complst•If ths lewe in qus�tion ha besn pnsvnt�d bsfors any body, public or private. SUPPORT3 WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE4 Indk�ts whiCh Cowtcil�;)Ya��Pr'�roQ�s�PP�a bY��� the keY word(s)(HOUSINO.RECflEATION. NEI(iH80RHOODS.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT� BUD(iET,3EWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNdL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explafn the sRuetfon or oondida�a that crseted a need for ycwr projsct or request. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED � Indicate whethsr thfs ia simply an annusl budp�t p►oosduro requirod by law/ charter or wfiethx thero us epeciHc wa in which the Gty of Salnt Paul and its citizens wlll bsnsflt trom this p�o�t/acNon. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What nspative eifects or major chanyes to sxi�tinp or past proceases migM � thfa Prol�/�1�Droduw!H R is pasaed(�.p.�tratflc dNays,noiae, tatt increasss or aetiss�n�b)?To Whom?Whsn4 For how long? DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED Whst will bs ths negativs cons�qu�nces ff U1s p►omissd action is not approvsd?In�bflRy to dslivsr aewic�?Continusd hbh treific, rroise, , accidsM rate7 Lo�s of rs�snus? FlNMIqAL IMPACT AltNough you must tallor the information you proWde hsre to the issue you us add►e�fnp, in qsne►al you must anawer two qusstions: How much is it yoi�9 to cast?Who is 9a�9�PaY� , ,. RE 5/23/90 ��'' / Z�2 .. DEPARTLAENTIOFFICFJCOUNCL • 9735 . �,b,�wor� �so EEN SHEET No. �;�� CONTACT PERSON i PFIONE 7E NITIAUDATE � oe��aTwa�rou+� " crtrco�c� :� Paul St.Martin-292-6'180 �5 -3/ �� cmr�rroa�r cmcxewc ;� � eE ow�x�oa�on er aou�r�o �euociEr ou�oR `�ot�nc��i�-F�ege� • t be n City C�er�c's §�no � �y����� •. Jim Schwartz �'� n TOTAL#OF SIGNA A ES 1 �(CUP ALL LAC.ATIONS FOR 8KiNATURE� `���1p,� • �c1aw aEauES�o improve tha area near the intersactbn of East Th�d Stroet and Arcada Straat by cor�stnxx�ing stnet inprovemants on THIRD STREET NORTH betwean East Third Stroat and Arc�de Straat.oo�ahuctkp naM►curbirp on tlw Nonh skia of East Thind Straat botwaon Maple Straet and Arcade Straet and oonstn�t a sbrm sewar on East Third Streat batwaon M�le Stroat and A�ado Str�t. Also construct a street���h�i��s��n in said street., , _ _ i�cnolAYENDATION�Appiw�W v WMet�RI COUNCIL COYM R REPORT OPTIONA �PLAI�N4tdO COYNISSION �CIVL SERVICE COYMIB�IDN �� PF10tiE N0� : � CB COMMITiEE � A�� — COYMENTS �018TRIC'TCOUWCL su�onTS wF+�oourc�os�ecrn�r Ward 7 NeighborNoods,sewer separation 8�safety . INI7IATMKi PFiOBIEM.I3SUE.OPF'ORlUN1TY MI►10.YVFIAT.WHEN.WFEfiE.WFil7: ;rs Dangerous traffic movemeMs and the baRen appearance of this triangular area p�mpted the Daytons Bwff Neighbofiood Housing Services Inc.to approach PED and Public Wo�CS with solutions that fit with the East Third Street Corridor concepts. � Wehave designed a new street coMiguration to solve these problems. Pubiic Works is taking this opportunity to construct a storm sewer separation system with the street wo�{c. `f�' ADVANTAOES�APPFiOVED: � Improved vehic;ular and pedestrian safety. ; roved neighbortaod aesthetics and impetus for futher work on East Third Street Corridor. rmwater sepa�atwn. o���ces��araovEO: Some inconvenience to pubiic during construdion. ' � � .,.,. DISAOVANTAOES IF NOT APPAOYED: °�, Co�inued dangerous traff'�c pattems. . Lost opportunity for neighbortwod devebpment. . ' � . .. -�Y� _ ' . - , -_....r o. .._ ' - _ . .. - .. .. . � .. . .. . - - � ' •�' � � .� :�A� .. '_ . . � �.M, T.� .�'f �: � ..F. . �F �., � t X; � '; � . . ��. t n . . •• .. . 1 . . . . . . . . �: _ �NrouHr oFTw►Na�rwN:�`I17;600 cosrrnev�a�suoa�(c�a� � Mo URAP.�•�600�SRB•40,000 � RJNDWO SOURCE ACITV�TY I�AAI6EN . ; FM�ANCIAL It�FOR11AT10N:�E�.AN1 � :�; A�I' i';'$ .�a• d i:,. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. D� � FINAL ORrDER �..�µ•.. �.... .;,� '. .; By ,,,.�°. ,.. • � File No. � �� S? Voting In the Matter of � =g� g� � ��� g��� �ird 3tr�et and Ward Arcads Str�eet ( t� 2'roject lG-P-1080) by elasing th� atreet at its � �eeat ead and, at rsd��d �ridt6 frva t�e existiag, ts'ad�, Pane �rith a bitm�inons snncfa , coustr�t c�r� �d gutter, driwe�� apraas, antvalts, cateh �si , sod sad plsat ne�r tress, 1►Zso, eaastrnct nsv carb, walk, sodd sad tree pLntia; oa th� l�ortb sids ef l�ast Third Streat fra� �taple #trsst to Lreads Strest. 111so, coastruct a ster�t e�nrr ssparatton �ystst in Eist Tltird �trest fro� li�pl: Street to A�ea Str�et. (Cit� Proj�et }9fl-38A79) � /11so, coastzuct a �a�i��'ied street liffibtins s�sts� is said �treet. S �t �l 90 -�oa� � -i�� �v , under Preliminary Order approved � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon he above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pe aining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the bove-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the 'mprovement;��Xt�F COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas D�� Nays ��t� Certified Passed by CouncIl Secretary Long Haccabee In Favor By 8att�au • ��e Against �1�� Mayor , � 5`�,�,���� ������� � , (�+� � �� � - ��I�t SW�'T' ' . � �?�5 - . � r�►� �� � ����� :� �� �s�:�-�� �'� �, «�►��► � .�►�� ' a,oaer� .-,.�.-.+....._.�. .���s�.'� st �e � Ci[ C� ne� . ° �3 0 war0ittow�fie�t�3-�----�-�-�.-_. „_,,._... '�O'�AL� � �:i�A�B� f 2; � ALL LAC+��'IDM�!'�R�t i+���� � I�r�prow�o►.�rst r��+r i�rs�otbn ot�t 11ti�d�►Nt and Aroad�Striwt 6y�s1��ttyet impro�l�ain'�$7'l�ET . i�'fM�n E�st 719kd S1ri�t�red Araid�Str�eor�rua�rNw ewb�+p eri N�a�'�e�1 EaK'f�rd 3ln4t b�n�l��pla S�et � a trtAro�r��ar�daan�ud a sbtm ssrw��n E�t Thind 3t�b�n�SUraat a�td�&nN. Aiso eoastruct a �,.---_.�, said s��eet. <' ;� . ` ' .._��wn�cowwssia .. ,. �_ Fa; ,; ...._��� �iT�c�ou�c� p � B l . _-__� ��� I � H �cARjNG , �leiphbortaods,� � c�ero��ra� �y, /1�'9D r we,�c,fr�o«, . ��D� �o�rklor c.on�pts. Wshave�' ,ti�y�D construct a " �c�rmm s+e�+r sE 90— /Z-3 2- , �-- � C �_�� -F. 94-/� --- ,� --- ` . / k�o�ed vqer�+r�+d pede�fan sar j__ litnpr+o�rett neig���F�id ae�f�etic�a�nd ln�pe�us for tuthe�w�orTi�o�r�__, ___ Storrr'hAiM�er�foti. -----_�_ . �_ � M1�D011v�ntetlEE��0 ptlbliC durinp Oof1StlUC�i01t. � L'tN�l'tU6d t�R1�6PQSi8.�[+�C:p8RtBR18. LOS�0�4ffUtl�ji 10t'fl8��'�'100d dAVB�OpfY1@�. �"� . � t►ounci� Resear�h Gen�e ,.����� CtT1t �1f.E�C MAY 2 4� � � � � � � � � � �:.�� ;rar,u�uNOU�ra��+w►w�c�ra�r:`-11�.�:5�:o cos,r�t.uop��e■Qr�+ais a�: Mo ��UpAp�,7�?�Q�S�.4p,Gpt�1 �,�� P�NpMIt..wROnr��raN:iExw.AMn U 1ry ��. • • � . RE 5/24/90 ��0�/�✓?�, � . 'e�i'y , DEpARTMLNT/OfFlCEJCOUNCII DATE INITIATED :' Finance De artment/Real Estate 5/23/90 GREEN SHEET N0. 72�� �� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR INITIAU DATE a pTM��l OATE rtY: Peter White 298-5317 �M�� �CITY ATfORNEY �CITY CIERK 'I M 3T 8E N COUNpI Af3ENOA BY(W1 5 90 �T�� �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERViCEB OIR. ` l�ust �e in City C1 r�c' � � �y�c��� (',rn�n�il , �;' later than noon We�dnes�da � �� �$ ❑ 0 R '`` TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 of 2 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SI(�IATUR� ' ACTION RC�UESTED: Install sanitary, water or+storm sewer service, connections, if'.r�quested by the progerty = owner for the Third Street North street paving and lighting project�. - ; _ File # 18605 , , ''` RECOMMENDATIONS:Apqow(A)p�1�(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/i�BEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMIS310N _qVll SERVI�COMMI3810N ��Y3T PHONE NO. _dB COMMITTEE — � A STAFF _ COMMENT8: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,YVMn.Whsn,Why): See Attached Green Sheet 4�9735 ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: ' Much easier to install connections when street is all ready under construction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED: ;i;; ;a�. Property owner will have an assessment �,��, �.;; �.;. dBADVANTAOES IF NOT APPFiOVED: `�, G': : � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = Per connection C�T/REVENUE SUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO "�' Assessments FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Assessed per connection at the scheduled charge in effect at the time of installation. . � � � . � � �. . �y�-��3� � Summary of Engineering Recommendations Report Prepared - May 3� 1990 PROJECT: Improve THIRD STREET NORTH between East Third Street and Arcade Street (City Project 90-P-1080) by closing the street at its west end and, at a reduced width from the existing, grade, pave with a bituminous surtace, construct curb and gutter, driveway aprons, outwalks, catch basins, sod and plant new trees. Also, construct new curb, walk, sodding and tree planting on the North side of East Third Street from Maple Street to Arcade Street. Also, construct a storm sewer separation system in East Third Street from Maple Street to Arcade Street (City Project 90-S-8079). INITIATING ACTION: This project was initiated by the Daytons Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services Inc., the Department of Planning and Economic Development, and the Department of Public Works. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Third Street North is an oiled, uncurbed street approximately 300' long and 32' wide with a 60' right-of-way. Entry from the west end is prohibited, but drivers often ignore the signs. The geometry of the intersecting streets and the existing curb lines encourage unsafe movement of traffic. Also, the project area is presently serviced by a combined sewer system. During periods of moderate to heavy rainfall, stormwater and sanitary sewage combine to flow into the Mississippi River. This small drainage area is isolated from other bigger system surrounding it. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The proposal is to construct new curbs and pavement in a new geometric layout in order to improve the traffic problems. This will be accomplished by: 1. Closing the west end of Third Street North and squaring off the northeast corner of Maple Street and East Third Street. 2. Constructing new curb on the North side of East Third Street from Arcade St. to Maple Street. Also, planting trees and placing sod in the areas created by the street closure and new curb alignmerrts. Also, constructing a storm sewer separation system at this time to take advantage of the street construction and to avoid future reconstruction. . � . � . � � . � . , �9� -��.� TIME SCHEDULE: � This project, if approved, will be started in late July 1990 and be completed before the fall freeze up. �OST ESTIMATE� . Cu�a P� � Streets P-1080) �^��`-° °� Construcaon $59,700.00 Engineering and InspeCtion 12.300.00 TOTAL � , . � 7� (�DD de Storm Sewers (S-8079) Construction � $27,800.00 Engineering and inspection 6,800.00 Miscellaneous 5.400.00 � . TOTAL $40,000.00 � INAN IN M T : Str efs P-1080) �7� ��� �o UFiAP Storm Sewers Sewer Revenue Bonds $40,000.00 �QURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please contact Paul St. Martin at 292-6280. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is an excellent project and the Engineering Recommendaiton is for approval of the order. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Eggum Director of Public Works d�- - . 1 � ._ � � -.. � �p � a � 1 ' $ a � 4� _`. � , E,.� ¢: _,.. �^' .�.' 4` . - . - . . � ..: . . o . � — � z • ' i , ..� .'„ . ��: �. ( -� d a �_ _ . • r•s � �..�• ( _ � ` �°�.;- � ' : ( � \ M1$� ( •`. 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F ¢�,�Approved by Mayor�June�14, 1990 a' . . ���� .�� `'. .,:� ���` ���(Ju e�23,.�1990) „ ' � . ..�"r�;�i�`. ;< �i ,x.�i��'�v'-�i,3,�,-%�.5��~ .. . - "`� �b � . ,. � . - ... . - .. . ..s ... , . F � -._. . . .. ... .:. • . . . .,. ,. . .. . �v . ... . . . . . . . . . _. . . a , �. �...' .. . �.._,. '. . " . '.�.. , . - . . -:' � ' ..�. .: . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Y' � .. , , . , . . .. , .,� . . . , : . . . . . t