90-1218 0 R I G I N A L e � Council F'ile � o - ��,sr Green Sheet # 0��� RESOLUTION '� CITY O SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � { • Presented By Referred T Committee: Date 6afiEREAS, a grant from the Dayton Hudson Foundation was received by the Housing Information Office-in 1989 to conduct a final evaluation of the Better Opportunities Through Self- Sufficiency (BOSS) Program and; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues i.n excess of those estimated in the 1990 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget; Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 065 - Housing Information Office 30135 - BOSS Program 9H90 Unreserved, Undesignated r^und Balance 0 6,000 6,000 All Other Financing 349,782 0 349,782 TOTAL FUND FINANCING PLAN 349,782 6,000 355,782 , .�.;: , �ar� � �90- RIGINAL Current Amended Budget Changes Budget SPENDING PLAN 065 - Housing Information Office 30135 - BOSS Program -0219 Fees, Other Prof. Services 0 6,000 6,000 All Other Spending 349,782 0 349,782 TOTAL FUND SPENDING PLAN 349,782 6,000 355,782 Net Change 6,000 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVAL RECOMMENDED r�' '�`�9 �� FINANCE DIRECTOR BUDGET IRECTOR Y�a _ Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon �— osw z "c— on acc ee �— e na v ' � � une i son �- By: Adopted by Council: Date �UL �. 9 1990 Fom► Approved by City Attorney Adopti Certified by Council Secretary � gy; / i By� ��'`� Appro ed by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: Date � J U� 2 � 199� Counc i r � , ; o ,, . ;L �� ��+J�?�'V°�/-"�� h By: �/�.��lG�'G�L"/ By' DUBIISNED J U L 2 81994 nVV••"- DEPAfiTMENT/OFFICElCOUNdL DATE INITIATED Q JUL p'91990 �%��'/�?��. Housing Infarmation Office 6/8/90 GREEN SHEET NO. U��7 �A���d�� �i INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOFi CITY OOUNpL Chris Lukesh 298-5591 �� �CITY ATfORNEY �CITV CLERK MUBT BE ON OOUNdL AOENDA BV(DA7'� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR S� �FIN.3 MQT.SHRVICES DIR. �MAYOfi(OR A8818T� � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR$I�3NATURE� ACTI�I REGUES'fED: Acceptance of this grant will allow the Housing Information Office to complete a final evaluation of the Better Opportunities Through Self-Sufficiency Program (BOSS) . RECOAAMENDAT1oN8:nDP►a+(N o►�1� COUNC� MITTEE/RESEARCH NEPORT OPTIONAI _PUINPIINO COAAMI8810N _dVll SERW�COMMMSSION ANALY8T PFbNE NO. _qB COM�Al1TEE _ COAiMYlENT8: STAFF _ _��� - CITY AT1�C�Ri��Y BUPPORT8 NMICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(YV1a.Mlh�t�NRNn.YW�rs�Why). There is a need to provide housing subsidies and comprehensive services to low-income single parent families to enable them to become economically self-sufficient. �wv�wrnoES��o: Will allow the Housing Information Office to complete a final evaluation of the B.O.S.S. Program and use the results to help model other self-suffici.ency programs. Results can hopefully be used for lobbying purposes for Welfare Reform. RECFivEn JUl,�2�� �,����F,��o: LERK N/A �C�� JUN 111990 BUDGET OFFICE 018ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVEO: Evaluation will not be done. Councii Researcli Cente� Y �UL 1 �-l��g TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 6000.00 ������C����� � � �N��� Dayton Hudson/Target Foundati.on A�Mn N�� 30131 FlNANCIAL INFORMATIW�1:(EXPWt� ' , , NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE aREEN 3HEET iNSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABIE IN THE PURf�lA31N0 OFFI(�(PHONE NO.29�). ROUTING OROER: Below are prefened routinqs tor the fivs most frequeM types of documeMs: CONTRACTS (assumas autho�iz�d COUNqL RESOI.UTION (Amend, Bdpts.! budgst exists) Accept.QraMs) 1. Outsfds A�sncy 1. D�psrtment DirgcWr 2. InitiaHn�Departmsnt 2. 8ud�tn«� 3. Gty Attomey 3. 4. Msycx 4. May�or/AabtarN 5. Fins�x�e d�Mgmt Stires. DUsctor 5. Gty Councfl 6. Flneuics�Rccountiny 8. Chisf M,couMant.Fln�Mgmt Svas. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpst COUNqL RESOLUTION (aN othets) ReviNon) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manaper 1. InRiating Departmsnt Director 2. DspartmsM A000uMant 2. dty Attomsp 3. OspsrtmeM Director 3. MayoNAalstant 4. Bud�st DiroCtor 4. Gty CoUfICH 5. (�ty Clerk 6. Chisf Ik�ouMa�� Fln�Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRAI'IVE ORDERS (sll others) 1. IMtietUng Dsparbnsnt 2. qty Attomey 3. MayoNAplsuM 4. Gly Cbrk TOTAL NUMBER OF 81�NATURE PACiE3 Indicats the�of pegss on which sig�mtures are required and p�ps GIP each of Meae p�___ss. ` ACTION REt�UE3TED Dssc�ibe wh�t fhs projeot/nque�t sesks to accompl�h in either chronolopi- cal ordsr or ordsr of impORancs.whiche�ver is most�ppropriate Mr the laus. Do not wrtte oomplete ssr�ences. �gin each Rsm in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if ths isws in queNbn has besn prssent�d bsfore any body, public or private. SUPPORT8 NMICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate wh�h Council objsctiw(e)Y�P�►�9��PPo�bY���9 Me key word(a)(HOUSINti, RECREATtON, NE�iHBORHOOD3,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION). (3EE OOMPLETE U8T IN IN3THUCTIONAL MANUAL.) �UNG�COMMITTEE/RE3EARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE3TED BY COUNGL INITIATINO PROBLEM,133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situ�don w oonditlons thet croat�d a n�ed for your proJect or request. ADVANTA(a�ES IF APPROVED Indicate wh�l�thts ie Nmply an ennwl budpet procedure requfrod by law/ chartsr or whsthsr thvn u�spsciflc in which ths(�ty of Seint Paul and Its Citlzer�s vWll bsne�ft irom thia pro�t/actfon. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What nep�tive eifects or major chen�e�s to existing or past procsssss might . this pro�.cv►equsst produce N n�s paseed(e.g.,traiNc dslays, ndae, tax incnasse or a�rtNMs)?To Whom?Whsn? For how bng? DISADVANTAC3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will ba ths nsgative consequsncss ff ths promiasd actbn is not approved?Inabllity to dslivsr arvice�Contlnued hiyh traiHc, noi�, accident rate?Loss oi revenus? FlNANGAL IMPACT • Althouph you mwt Wior the information you provido Mre to the issue you are addroainp, in�nsnl you muat answer two�que�tfons: How much is it 0��9 to cost?Who is qoing to pay? _ - , ��'�0�/�/ AnalySt: Renshaw �— Date: 07/02/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS D@p3rtment: Housing Information Office Green Sheet Number: 8307 Green Sheet Date: 06/08/90 Amount of Request: $6,000 Positions Requested: None Amount Recommended: $6,000 Positions Recommended: Funding SOUrCe: Fund�1065,Housing Information Office Subject of Request: Resolution authorizing spending to complete a final evaluation of the B.O.S.S. Program. Background: A grant was received from the Dayton Hudson Foundation to conduct a final evaluation of the B.O.S.S. Program. The money was received by the City after the 1990 budget was prepared. Therefore,the ezpenditure was not budgeted. Major Issues Approval of the resolution will allow the Housing Information Office to complete the evaluation. Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) Recommendation: I recommend approval of this resolution. Follow-up Recommended, If Any: . C:\123DATA�BLANK_A