90-1211 v. 0 R 1 �t N A L Council File � '' Green Sheet ,� 5708 RESOLUTION CI OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ;` � ; � �r Presented By -- _ Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. ��97542) for a Class A Health/Sports Club License applied for by St. Clair Racquetball Club & Fitness Center (Gary Sturm - Sole Owner) at 1560 St. Clair Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. e s Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: �� � License & Permit Division c ee � e m u e � z son By� _� Adopted by Council: Date Jl1L � 7 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g , • . 5� � � Y� By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date JU L 1 8 1994 Council By: r��������i r By' al1Bl�S�ED J U L 2 8199� � ���, , ���o—/a?// DEPARTME•NTIOFflCElCOUNpI DATE INITIATED p � Finance/License GREEN SHEET NO. ��0 v INRIAL!DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PNONE �DEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298=5056 N��� �CITY ATTOANEY pTY CLERK MUST BE ON WUN(� AOE q�,@Y(DAT� ROUTINO BUO(iET DIRECTOR FIN.8 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. Hearing� "'� 't'��"W �MAYOR(OR AS818TANn [� Council Research TOTAL N OF 81GNATURE PAtiEB (C.LIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUi� ACT10N REGUEBTED: Application (I.D. #97542) for a Class A Health/Sports Club License RECOAAi�NDATIONB:Approvs(N a�h�(R) COUNCIL COM�ARTEE/RE�ARCN I�PORT OPl`IONAL _PLANNII�Ki OOMMI8810N _CIVIL BERVIC:COMMIBSION ��YBT PFIONE NO. _CIB OOMMITTEE _ f�OA�IEN'f3: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WNICH OOUNpI OBJECmE7 INITIATINO PR09LEM,188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet.Whse.Whs►e.M�hY): Request by St. Clair Racquetball Club & Fitness Center (Gary Sturm-Sole O�mer} for Council approval of the application for a Class A Health Sports Club ,at 1560 St. Clair �venue. All applications and fees of $216.00 have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this appl�cation. ADVMITAtiEB IF APPROVED: 018ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: d8ADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: R�CEIVED ��uncil �esearch Center, �UN�1��� JUN 191�U CITY GLERK "��`� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUB sllDOETED(dRCLE ON� YES MO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) !�b dOC. t�1 C,S nu,• NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INq.UOED IN THE(iREEN 3HEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINt�OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are p►eferred routings for the flve mat hsqueM typss of dxuments: CONTRACTS (aswmes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ _. budyet exists) Accept. Cirants) 1. Outaide Agency 1. Depertment DireCtor 2. InRiati�DepartmeM 2. Budqet Director 3. City Attorney 3. Cdry Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. MayodAseistant 5. Flnar�ce d�Mgmt 3�s. Di►ector 5. City Catndl 6. Flnance Accourninp 6. Chief AccountaM, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. /►DMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNqL RE30LUTION (all others) Rsvision) and ORDiNANCE 1. Activfty Manegsr 1. Initfeitlng Dspertment Director 2. Dspartmant AccouMaM 2• �Y A►no�Y 3. DepartmaM DI►sc�or 3. MayoNAqistaM 4. Budpst DireCtor 4. qty CoUrlCil 5. qty qerk - 8. Chisf AccouMeu�t, Fin d�Mgmt Svcs. /1DIYAINISTRATIVE ORDER8 (all od►�rs) 1. IniNatin�Dspsitment 2. dty Attorney 3. MayodAssistaM 4. qty perk TOTAI.NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PACiES Indicate d�e N of pa�ss o�which signetures are roqWred and peperclip ea_dt of these p�es. ACTION REQUESTED Describs what the projecUroquest sNks to a000mpli�h in eithsr chronobpi- Cal order or ordsr of importanoe,whiohwsr b mo�t appropriats for ths iesue. Do not w�ite oomplete ser�tenoes. Bspin esch itsm in your Iist wRh a verb. RECOMMENDATION8 Complsb H the feeus in questfon has be�n preeented bsfore any body, public or privet�. 3UPPORTS WHlqi OOUNqL OBJECTIVE7 Indfcats which Coundl obl��'e(s)f��P�'�►�4���bY���W the key word(a)(HOUSINCi, RECREATION, NEKiH80RHOOD3.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, . BUDOET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE C:OMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OP'TIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY OOUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, 183UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situedion or condftfons thet crs�ed a need for your project or requeat. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indicate wheli�er this is simply an annwl budpst procedure required by law/ chartsr or whethsr thoro are speciflc in wh�h the City of 8aint Paul . and its citizsns witl bensitt from this p�t/action. D13ADVANTAtiES IF APPROVED � What nspatnre Mfects or major chsngss to e�ciqing or past processes might this project/rsqusst produce'rf R is pesrsd(e.g.,tratflc delays, noles, taz increases or as�menb)?To Whom7 Whsn? For how long? D13ADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs the nepative oonsequenoss if the promised action is not approved7 InabiNty W dslive►�?Condnued high trafHc, nofae, axidsM rata?�oes oi revenus? FlNANGAL IMPACT Althaph you must tailor the Informallon you provWe hsre to the issue you are addrassinp, in�sneral you must anawer two questions: How much is it goiny to coN?Who is qoing to pay4 _ . l.� y�,���r UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � � C l L �c�.3 �1O INTERDF.PARTMF.IvTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant . � �� Home Address -t�.o� � C v�i7j ���L.� - � l C1 N ri[�N �r � n �� +�SS �, ` �.J � . Rusine 5 ame Home Phone �;y X- ° 1 Business Address 1�' (pQ `^�_ �_'��_tf �`ti� � Type of License(s) ��n �/�-�� � `�;�� Business Phone (�'((� —�(DQ(�� ��i_�� /.-{- . Public Hearing Date �'}T License I.D. 41 �� ���-f� at 9:00 a.m. in the C nci Chambers, _ �, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� ���-�-(� �j (�1�� llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4� � �r�t to Applicant Federal Firearms �� �� � Public He�.iring DATE IhSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D ��� � � Health Divn. ` � � � � � � i �Fire Dept. � � ; I�� i o �, � � Police Dept. �j I " 1 �,�5 � License Divn. �I i � � i � City Attorney ,rI � J 3 � o� Date Received: Site Plan �� �� L � � To Council Research Lease or Letter � � `� Date from Landlord 11 Ct(J CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Offieers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ' ,� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUI. ' �,/'`9'�����/ '' � DEPARTMENT OF PINANCE AND MANAGIIKENT SERVICES �, LICENSE AND PERMIT•DIVISIOF . 1'hese statemeat forms are issued ia duplicate. Pleas� aaswer all questions fully and completsly. This application is thoroughly�checked. Anq falsificatioa will be cause for denial. � 1) Applicatioa for (type of Iiceas�) .S � 2) Name of applicaat __, �[7�, ���lh h't__ ' e co orate officer sole owaer artner other � 3) Ap�licut s titl ( rp , � � � ) S� F (! e 4) Name under which this busiaess vi].1 be conducted: � � , � NS Applicant C aay Name Doing Business As C�o��� 5) Business telephone number ��G'�— G� �n �� 6) Zf applicant is/has been a man ied female, list maiden name 7) Date of birth ��— �—� � Age � Place of birth�� , �� �/?, . 8) Are you a citizen of the IInited States? J� Natfve _1� Naturalized 9) Are you a registered voter? x r_S Where? ��r�y�� ��?��/��, —�R i1 c- 11 t' � � ur�r�x 10) Home address �'�„ �Gx ����((,,,Cj,�j�_1�� g�e Phone ��S-c�`t,�� .3 � � � " � �J�J ,ssz�o�( 11) Preseat business address /� � r�'�, (r��0/�1X�,CBusiness Phone ���i —(�"�G'j�' 12) Including qour preseat business/employment, what busiaess/employment have you falloved for the past five years. Busiaess/Employment Address _. , O�r�n �-rz/�c /�1/�1 . 13) Married? 1�P�_ If aaever is "yes", list neme and address of spouse. r � — f'J�l�i (` ,,.�s�,�.%�f�` �fl�.� /�C , l�/1/�iA/T- , � ' � �-�-o y. 14) Have you ever beea arrested for aa offense that has resulted ia a convict�? 119�_ If answer is "yes", list datea of arrests, where, charges, confictions, aad s n[eaces. ._� . Date of arrest , 19 Wliere = Charge T_ � .v Coaniction Seatence ,. , �;�9o-��?i� �. � � Data of arrest , 19 Where Charge Convictfon Ssntence IS) Attach a copp hereto of a lease agreemeat or proof of o�rusship for the preaises at which a �.icense wili be held. �h ,�Nvicess d'� f,��eyp�0�/%7 j,7el� �e01'�.. ►1�0�� 1fr�s G��l /�oh/Z 1� �e�e 5//G �C�, �/�%/ s�lf�cl ��'�t�y�i� �o�����P�f 16) Attach to this a�plication a detailed escription of t siga, location, squa �S ; footage of th� premises to b� licensed (site plaa) . 17) Give n�es and addresses of two persons who aze local residents who can give information coaceraiag qou. Name Address � ,/�S�0 O �E�r'��- � ���/l.f J � r �s��ir(� , � 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made. ��� /�7� `S`��'�°�- , Address ����:,� _5�=�,�UIG- ��� Zone Classification . 19) Between what cross streets? _ � � �� /[�r'/y�l� �1�� �ich side of street? ���� , � 20) Are premises now occupied? � - What business? � l How long? � C/�� `s- � F� ��c ��``°�' '� 21) List Iicease(s) , busine�"s nam�(s'S, d ocat on s whfch you currentlq hold', formerly held, or may have an interest in, and locations of said Iicense(s) . ' C` � , c � � - � � � � �� r � � 22) Hav��aay g the �liden�ses Iis d by� you fa��.BZl�aver beea revoked? 'Yes No l/� If answar is "yes", Iist dates aad reasoas. 23) Do qou have an intereat of aay type in any other business or business premisss not listed ia #21? Yes No _� If answer is "yes", Iist busiaess, busiaess addr�s,:--and tele— phone number. -- --, _ "� 24) If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation _: , 19�� aad attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and miaates of first meeting. • : :'J �.�� . _ , , � � ��-y�-����/ ,�25) • List alI officers of the corporation giviag their names, office held, home address, date ' of birth, aad home aad busiaess telephone numbers. ' 26) If the business is a partnership, list partnsr(s) address, phone aumber, aad date of birth. 27) Are you going to operate this business personally? �� If not, who will operate it? Give their name, home address, date of birth,, and telephone number. � 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? � If answer is "yes", give name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. � �� ����C 3J / ���,�,C'� _,.�,�S�'��"i�/� �� �o�r �;� C l,/j/71'� S.,�i� �S�`7"�' � � 29) Has anyone qou have named in questions #23 through #26 ever been arrested? _� If answer is "yes", li.st name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convictions, and sentence. 30) I �C%�" �/ ��l`.�/'�/'n . understaad this premises may be inspected bq the Police, Fire Health, and oCher citq officials at any and all and a11 times when the business is ia operation. State of Minnesota ) ) ' �` �� County of Ramssy ) Signatu o Applicaat D te being duly swora, deposes and says upon oat8 that he has rea e foregviag statement beariag his sigaature and kaows the conteats thereof, and that h same is true of his owa l+mowledge except as to those matters thereia stated upon iaformation and belief and as to those matter� he belienes them to be t�e..._. . o - =,� Subscribed and sworn to before me "' this �� day of �_, 19 / O . J. "� _ � :nnnn.vv�M�nnnnnnn,vv�.tivU.nnnn�wv�! ,v Notary Pnblic, Connty, I�T ., ;,�::�� ,, R � ' sr,, a. ! "itiT� G� � >�� �� , �`, �` cc�*; ? � My commissioa expires � —/� - /9 9:� � �;ia Gimn�sY,:..,_.;���;�o�:i.A ':�2` �. 2/88 L :..,;. 'sYVMlVM1A'w'1�tW�n/VYWV'rMl`."nJN1�'r%+ . ��� �.��/ SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � LICENSE APPLICATION R�C�'v�D . JUN 2���,g0 c���'� GLEkK FILE NO. Dear Property Owners: L97542 ' Application for a Health/Sports Club (A) license. PURPOSE APPLICANT St Clair Racquetball and Fitness Center LOCATION 1560 St Clair Avenue HEARING July 1�, 1990 9:0o a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 2fl3 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Oivision. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.