90-1208 (�,J I _ � \ � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F E NO. FINAL ORDER B �"."'_ , '' . Y • " 1,�-. Fi�e No. 18597 Voting In the Matter of �tallation of mter wains a�nd wster servic� coan�etiona ia Ward ��. ��� fro� Mc 1Caisht fload to the ce�l�s�s� �est of Vf�ian Laae 7 a� ia Yi�ian Lane fras Dabl A�emu to 2S0 fe:t nortb of aahl Avaraue. under Preliminary Order ���`� � approved � —��� ! D The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �� i 7 1�90 Yeas D�p� Nays ���z Certified s ed by Counc' ecretary Lo,ag � ��yy�t � In Favor By Eett*sn � Against x�� J U L 18 1990�ayor �►UBItSHED J U L ? 81990. ; . . . . ... , RE 5/30/�0 ��C��d��� � DEPARTM[NTIOFFlCFICOUNCII OATE INITIATED Water Uti�ity 4/26/90 GREEN SHEET No. 914 5 CONTACT PERSOPI d PMONE INITIAIJ DATE ', INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �C COUNGL Thtxnas D. Mogren - 298-41� �� ���n�,,,�,. 0 cmr c�eaK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA 8Y(OATE= ROUiIlKi �BUOOET OIRECTOR O FIN.a MKiT.SERVK�3 DIR. ust be in City Clerk s ice �v���,�i�� ❑ � Council Re TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAQES `' 1 (CLIP AL�LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Set up a public hearing before the City Council for the installation of public water mains in Dahl Avenue and Vivian Lane as shown on the attachec3 �lan. File �� 18597 RE DATIONS:ApP►ae(y c►Rei�(R) COUlIdL COMMITTEEfRESE/1RCN REPORT OPTIONAL � / _PLANNINf3(�MM18810N _CIVIL SERVI�COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. _��,,,,�E A Dist. i Counci � A �� _ ca�MErrrs: —asrA�cr couRr _ SUPPOR78 WHICN COUNpL OBJECTIVE? Ward 7 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wlwt,WINn,1NINro,Wh»: Acorn Tnvestments, Inc. is proposing to develop residential lots on Dah1 Avenue from McKnight Road westerly to the cul-de-sac and on Vivian Lane from Dahl Avenue northerly approximately 150 feet. Construction of public water mains has been requested to take place during the 1990 construction season with pipe work provided by the Water Utility and trench- ing provided by the developer's contractor. �ov�wrROES��oveo: Acorn Investments, Inc. and their contractor will be able to proceed with construction of Dahi Avenue and Vivian Lane as requested. The existing dead-end water main in Vivian Lane will become a circulating main. D18ADYANTAOES IF APPROVED: There will be the usual temporary inconvenience associated with new street construction. DISI�DVMITAdEB IF 1�T APPHOVED: The proQosed project will not l�e allowed to proceed until City Council concerns have been resolved. R�C,EI�ED �ounc�� Research �enies ��N�11�O MAY 2 5� CtTY CLERK �A�� _ _ _ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS/1CTION i 2S i 48O.00 C08T/REVENUE StlDOETED(pRq.E ONE) Y!S NO ������ Water Revenue/Assessments A�y�y N��p $50-28016-9212-9�43 FlN��ee�a�aTC�i"e�m�eii�orandum to Thomas D. Mogren from Peter White of the Real Estate Division. �w 1 . , .,. . ' • NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET lNSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINQ ORDER: Bslovr are profsrrsd routinps for ths five most frequent typee of documeMs:' OONTRACTS (assurt�es autFariz�d COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend,Bdpts./ budpst exists) Accept.(3rnnb) 1. Outaide Agency 1. DepartmeM Director 2. IniGatinp Dspertmsnt 2. Budpet DUector ' 3. City Attomey 3. (�ty Attorney 4. May� 4. Mayor/Aseistant 5. Flnance&Mpmt Svcs. Diroaor 5. Gty Councfl 6. Flnancs AccouMing 6. Chisf/lccouMsd�t, Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TR/tTIVE ORDER (R u�dp�etn, OOUNCIL RE80LUTION ����CE 1. q����� 1. InRiatfng DspartmeM Diroctor 2. DeputmeM AxatMant 2• �Y��Y 3. DspertmeM Dlroctor 3. MayodAteiataM 4. Bud�st Ditector 4. City ColJhcil S. (.ity Gerk 8. Chfef AxouMsnt, Fln&Mgmt S'vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE�tDER3 (all others) 1. InRiating Departmsnt 2. Gty Attorney 3. MayoNAssistaM 4. dty Gsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PA(iES Indica�the N of pa�ss on which siqnatures ars requirod and paperdiP each of tF�ese�es. ACTION RE�UE3TED D�c�ibe what tM proj�t/requsst aeeks to accanpiNh in eltl�er cnronotogi- cel onfer or order of importence�whfchever is most appropriete for the iss�,e. oo na w►�cs com�ece s.ncer�es. Bsgin e�ch itern in your Ifst with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete N the issue in question hes b.en preseMed bsfore any body, publ� or p�iveds. SUPPORTS WHICkI OOUNqL 08JECTIVE? ��dkx�e wnicn cound�oblscdw(s)ra+�pro�curoauest supporta by�isar�g N�s IuY word{s)(HOU81N�3� REq4EATION.NEICiH80RHOODS� EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET, SEWER 8EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTtONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL COMMITTEEIRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the aitwtion or oondkions thed created e need for your proJect or request. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr thia fe simply an annuel buclpst procsdure required by law/ chartsr or wMther tMre aro sp�dtic wa in which the Gty of SafM Paul and its citizeru will bsnsHt from this pro�t/acKion. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What neqativs edecb a mejor chan�ss to exisUnp or past procesesa might this proJsct/►pw�t produca if it ia pesNd(s.g.;trafNc dslays, noise, tax inc►easss or assseanenb)?To Whom?Whsn?For horrr Iong7 DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED � YVhat will be the nepative consequencss if ths promiaed action is not approved?Inabiliry to dNiver�rvics?CoMfnued high traiNc, noiee, accidsnt rate?Loes of revsnue? FlNANqAL IMPACT Although you muN taitor the fnfamation you provids hsre to the issue you are addreesinp,in gsn�ral you must enswsr two questions: How m�h is it gdng to cost?Who fs goirp to pay? .� f� �� �-ya-��a� �� :o: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Thomas D�. Mogren . ' '�`� Water Utility '��`E � .��:. 40� City Hall Annex - � ` ` r j�,-' �'r '' � ; y � �� `�``�`'•# From: Peter White s �a, .- �c, ,a� Real Estate Di ision �-", �1►'Y (� �t � �� ',_ 218 City Hall �`�r'"�,�,. ��'� ��'% ,, ��.:':=��..____,,-!`n,l Date: April 16, 1990 �'`����.�'�' Re: Estimated costs for the .proposed Water r4ain in Dahl Avenue and Vivian Lane Per your request, the following: Construction costs $27 , 125 Rea1 Estate Service Fee 1, 355 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $28,480 Estimated Rate/Assessable Foot $18. 00 FINANCING: Assessments $19,�86 Water Utility Aid 9,480 . ,, TOTAL FINANCING $28,48� Please send the required green sheet when requesting to set up the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call John Saumweber at 298- 5317. PW:JS: ag (Mogren) i t � ...�i+.+....._.,7 � \ 4 • _ � _ � � C , , . • � � � \ _ ; ! > � � . . ,.l 2 � N � .' n -1 C '1 � • ".�: � °o tn '. . / \�:,, 1 € ° m . / � / \'a' � ° � � > � ;;` c � ' . r � � � � v� << ;. � � �. I : �/ �• -'� �= � , , � •" / � �? � N+ � r . `� Or / � � � � . O i/� O�/ , � \ i. � �'�� / .- ` `L.�,\ _ \��I l�' • } � / �Y r I �` =_� O �. . I � ���a� �6�r ,p � \`•�'� I h� w, � I �o .ys � , � \ . � • Nf �"- • � I �� . `s �`\�, . � y� N q' ��`. s �. �� r � I � o �s o �?. \�� N O " `i s ' �Oa T�' . �'^ ' s � � � 's. 3e. . a . � � � / � I ~ � /3 W `�' � ��O � ' I � ' �—�OS S '°a c� . . � .�� � �j_ Zo ? • . ' O : ) • 6� o�or . ` / 11� .► I �� � A A'�T,. ._ �?�'� �e �` . � • � � i �� �'O q� r ` ' . r°� � dy�� 7�.� R� e� ' � � � � \\.sv�`�.c��oc..oic.o � \ /l O , � 2 N �s .�o •. � �a � ' , �� q,z, ._ • � O ,�.� i • � �1 � � e, � s;� + I y �� . � ` \r : s ~ C $ S �a -.�'�i �o :; `, r b'- �T O^� v�=\�s o/ � � �`� _ �f. �/d •�. / � . �� �1` x� • � � , �y � L: t� `^ . / �9� . h � KlA �..a...� . sZ , ��;-� _M.s>.9 .,N_ � . -ii•�oi >m o z r�•fsi � � m m � p ��p\. IO � I /—'.• 1 \ i N� 2 � OO Q� `�.} I$ � I � y .. 1 l� = D it� . l� v .°t s J , '`c ) 1 1� F O m !� I v^ P _ . / ^ Z� . � � �I �`. 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PAUL CITY COUNCIL c,{��� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Cr9o-�aa � PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT C4NSTRUC.TION City Council District 4i7 Dear Property Owner• Planning District Council ��1 File No. 18597 To decide whether to proceed with a water main and service connec- PU R PO SE tions in DAHL AVENUE from McKnight Road to the cul-de-sac west of Vivian Lane and in Vivian Lane from Dahl Avenue to 150 feet north AND �f Dahl Avenue. , LOCATION � Tuesday, July 17, 1990, at 9:00 a.m. H EA Ril�G City_Council_Chambers,_Third Floor_City_Hall_- Court House i�EC�IVEO �UN291990 C!T'f CLERK If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will FINANCIN G be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this pro�ect are as follows: INFO R M A TIO N ESTIMATED COSTS AND RATES $28,480 � �a ,�o� .. ' �,� #w �s�3�F�a+`�+.t+,�,S�.��Fj�'R i�d°'�':l{ 3".$.1'1;4''�+�'`�.�'7i,�s�.i4t. �:.. � +-�.�. ,' ,������'4�t��� � ��-`'��PItELiA+II1�TARY ORDER� , ' r�` '�a�„ � ���+-,-��� �'�_�y��"�����"�`� � �` .� �., . ''��'.�����.ra�+���V'�� ' 'r � - �F �Council Filed+fo.90 987—By Tom Diacnond = �r�.:.� �?t 'A�^,� �e�-.�'��c A�:a+,�k� � �w- � �ti; in�tt►�e Matter;of insta11aUon ofv�rater mains " d� ter s�e�ic�e,�c�c�nn ons inD�hl�� *��.+�34 »�,-�G«.v� x � .z-;•Y �r � Avenue fro'�`m McKnight Roa.to-ttie cul�de sac�s �of,�„Vivlan°Lane�an �Tivian°Lane� x.- �-�.�.�., ��from Da�il Avenue'��o�150 fee no'of '�ah1 A enu"�e�'!ri'Vo in Wair -s',�:� `°'Te,r i '�`af"Fd'h�i'�'�,sp.?7.aFjg�.ry s ; t Counc�il,�of the City�of�S�n�t� ,n��iaving received�the repo��he�,N a r upon, , ��the abcive lmprovement,and hgv�ng co�nsfi�ered sa"�d te ereby.r � _ . . �'� ew+�^ ,:r.,c '�x:�#� .,:±�.}.�r.nr �x'��"+�+'_�� � . °����1�That the said report�and thG same�s�ereby approved tfi no ,n,�a ves.and;=: `wr xwy r�. r�e�.,�>.•�r� <�r,�, .,� �'�that the estimated cost�thereof f�`sfiS28$48U;financed by;Asses's ar�,$i9 OOO and Watei� �. ,��....,,�, ..� �^ �`� x�tltilityAid:S9 480:Waterseivice connections�ll'be"a�s'e�r`�i�'t`iie: ed e c�arge,:�, iri'effect at`the ttme of installation, � � �s r's�a�� a��ax�,� '����ft�atapu��hearingbe onsaid �roveu,�ent�on,th� ' � 'J, •.�M p.c„a ., �,i'3 'a9 'HL 9 e'el�;�A:�,��e�Counc.�Chambers oftt►e Cttyi�ialt a oo useBuaaing • in the City" of Satnt Paul -� '� ` ` 5 x� ..,� ��..�,e��,�� � ,. " � ���3 ThaLn,oi�ce,,of�saicl public hearin ven o e ns and` �the manner v P,��`d�bY��yCharter;stating the�Wme';aad�"plac"�e o� �' e paluie`�'of the;� ' �.�impr�vement and`1he'total cost ttiereof as esiima�ed�� � �,�Flle No`�18597� �,�`�� �'� : �. � Ad ted �.. `� -�.� �r �>�s opi, Counctl June�,12. 1990 � � a�w.:'�«` 4 �^1`*'+�'�gA" .+��s6�,srux ('� �a.-.i�r-�€xr�flr .' . . -� f►pproved by.Mayor June 1Z.- 990 ��.��x � : :'� 'June 28. • 90 � "a 7�: - -! l � . . ` � _ . . �1�..�. >.�.�i . .. :. . .,��„p4. , . . ..._.� _..� '_i"___. _..�_'__.'�.. ...�.._z_., r� . . �..�, . . � �. , �. r. . .. 4 '�. . . ` . .. � .�} ��; �� �.,e . . . 5 . .. ' rti} 'A T �'.. . . .. . . 1 F Ot. � � �:' �� ���}x � .. �4 _ f ..'E' �' i. � t��!'Q S�}'V�r'**.�`[„t a , . W �.� { ,y`. j'F.h..�,,� '. � 1-C ..y��„5...L.� . . � �i � . { M Tr y,� 4 , 4 �� �,. '? � f ���`"�fi'p�-�'ii,x �3,Ca,',,, . E r a a� d, x� *.y� .. k � � '��3� c ,��", �`.y� �� �e�����j�� ;^4 . �y [i y�� �� � w {F M1� r e'„p,ti �"C ,, ° 't �` ! 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