D00693CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . ADMIIVIS7'RATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVLSION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor on Sec6on 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of Director of the Division of Pazks and Recreation to amend the 1995 budget of the Special Services Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Rndue n U • Department of Community Services Division of Pazks and Recreation Special Services Enterprise Fund Spending Plan 325-23102-0283 RENTAL - VEHIC 325-23102-0289 RENTAL - MISC. 325-23102-0299 OTHER - MISC. 325-23102-0389 OTHER - MISC S 325-23111-01 l l FULL TIME PERM 325-23111-0282 RENTAL - BLDG 325-23112-0299 OTHER - MISC. 325-23112-0389 OTHER - MISC S 325-23112-0738 TREE PLANTING/ 325-23112-0829 OTHER - SELF P 325-23113-0131 CERTIFIED - TE 325-23113-0299 OTHER - MISC. 325-23113-0385 FOOD SERVICE S 325-23113-0533 MATERIAL FOR R 325-23114-0371 ELECTRICITY 325-23122-0356 SAFETY SUPPLIE 325-23123-0299 OTHER - MISC. 325-23123-0371 ELECTRICITY 325-23123-0533 MAT'ERIAL FOR R 325-23124-0131 CERTIFIED - TE 325-23124-0373 GAS INCL BOTTL 325-23124-0439 FRINGE BENEFIT 325-23124-0533 MATBRIAL FOR R 325-23125-0533 MATERIAL FOR R 325-23125-0819 APPLIANCFS (Continued) 5,058.00 0.00 9,216.00 5,402.00 184,552.00 18,291.00 15,750.00 45,Q01.00 5,000.00 163,051.73 125,642.00 3,750.00 11,500.00 110,317.00 6,500.00 0.00 4,200.00 875.00 3,000.00 8,017.00 309.00 3,244.00 17,SOO.OQ 100,000.00 5,000.00 No: -��^-°� Date: � � _�� � IJ Ni���� 6,000.00 5,800.00 5,200.00 (5,00�.00) (5,000.00) 2,000.00 10,000.00 21,15Q.00 (2,500.00) (30,000.00) 15,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 12,000.00 (3,000.00) 50.00 (3,000.00) 2,000.00 (1,000.00) (3,000.00) (300.00) (1,000.00) 600.00 (22,QQQ.00) (5,000.00) Amended S"d�urt, 11,058.00 5,800.00 14,416.00 402.60 179,552.00 20,291.00 25,750.00 66,151.00 2,500.00 133,051.73 140,642.00 4,750.00 14,500.00 122,317.00 3,500.00 50.00 1,200.00 2,875.00 2,000.00 5,017.00 9.00 2,244.00 18,100.00 78,000.00 0.00 ��3 p. 20�2 • 325-23140-0131 CERTIFIED -'I`E 325-23140-0299 OT'HER - MISC. 325-23140-0357 ATHI,ETIC/RECRE 325-23141-0299 OTf�R - MISC. 325-23141-0389 OTF�R - MISC S 325-23141-0533 MATERIAL FOR R : 11 �t• ��� �� /1 . 1 11 � .� 1 11 /' .1 11 IJ.1 1.1 (1,228.00) 6,228.00 (3,000.00) (3,000•00) (5,000.00) 3,QQO•�fl 1 11 �� . 1 11 . � 1 11 .1 11 1�61 1.1� Totals 9A�73 -�- 9RF 73 ADJUST 1995 BLIDGBT TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOUNTINC FOR MAINTAIIVING NORMAL OPERATIONS AND TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 10.10 OF THE CITY CHARTER. • ���Lrd ' _ _ �,., -.,� . , � �z �� fi isss�' Date �n l/�-( 9� Date l a-18�S Date Page 2 of 2 Requested by: Department Director Parks and Hecreation '�1�3 GREEN SHEET N_ 33300 Mmnwa're � DEPAHTMEM OIRECfOR u CIiY COUNC Vic Witt enstein 266-6409 �� ^�" OcrzrarroaNev �cmc�aK NUYBEit FOR AUST BE ON CAUNpL AGENDA BY (DA'!� pp�N� BUOCaET DIRECTON [m FlN. & MGT.: OADEP � � ` MAVOR (OR ASSISfANi) TOTAL # O F S I G NA TUR E P A G ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CT70N REQUESTED: Approval of Administrative Order amending the spending plan of the Special Services Enterprise Fund 325. a _ PLANNIN6COMMISSION _ CMLSFFVICECOMMISSION _ CIBCOMMI77EE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCAURT _ SUPPOPTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 PERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a coMract for ihis tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any currerrt ciry employee? YES NO Erzplain ali yes answen on separaM sheat antl attech to green sheet (Who.Whet,When,Where.Why): Adjust the 1995 budget to reflec� pxoper accounting for maintaining normal operations. Budget will reflect proper accounting for expenses. None Major object codes will show overspending. AMOUNTOPTRANSACTION $ —� REC�lVE� OCT 2 01995 �lTY CL�R� COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIqCa50UHCE $PeCl2.1 S0TV1CeS ACTIVITYNUMBER 325 - various FINANCIAL MFOflMATION: (E%PLAIN) � ��