90-1184 -O� l.� ��'�q L Council File � ('' 5694 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION C OF SAINT UL, MINNESOTA � �` ,�; ,',. � t � � � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. ��'66376) for a Class A Massage Parlor license applied for by Maximiliano Centeno DBA Maximiliano Hair Galleria, Inc. at 937 Grand Avenue,be and the same is hereby approved. ea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: � n o�sw Z �_ �' License & Permit Division acc e �� e a �,)„_ une i son � BY� _� Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 2 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary , ` , By: �v '�!� By' � A roved b Ma or for Submission to � � s 199� PP Y Y Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: ��,il��.u��' By' pllBllSltED �'J� 2 11990 _ � : . . ��yo�i��y �- DEPARTMENT/OFFl�JOOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Finance/License & Permit Division GREEN SHEET NO. 5694 OONTACT PER80N 8 PNONE �NITIAU DA'fE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL Kris Van Horn/298-5056 �� �cRy�no��, [3�' cm c�.eaK MU3T 8E ON COUNpL AfiENDA BY(DAT� 110UTIN0 �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVI�3 OIR. � . �MAYOR(OR ASSISTMIn � Council lt TOTAL#►OF 81ONATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL�OCATIONS FOi4 SIGNATUI� ACfION RECUESTED: Application (I.D. 4{66376) for a Ciass A Massage Parlor License RECOMMENDnTioNS:�PP►�s W o►�1�(Rl COUNCIL COIAMI7'TEFJRE�ARCH i�MORT OPTIONAL _P�MININ(i COMMISSION _qVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION �� P�E�. _qB OOMIiAl1TEE _ _STAFF _ OOAAMENTS: _D�7HICT COURT _ SUPPORT8 WHKYi OOUNpI OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNRY(Who,Whtl,WINn,WIN►�,Wl1y): Request by Ma.ximiliano Centeno DBA Maximiliano Hair Galleria, Inc. at 937 Grand Avenue for approval of his application for a Class A Massage Parlor license. All applications and fees of $307.00 have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this application. ADVMITA(iE8 IF APPROVED: 018ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVMITI�E8 IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED JUN291� �ounc�l Research Genter. �ITY �L�RK JUN 12� ..,x. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YBS NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �ry , � , . � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDEO IN THE(3REEN SHEET.)N3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFlCE(PHONE NO.298-42,25j. ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below are preferred routinps for the five moet frequeM typa of documsMa: OONTRACTS (a�umes autFwrized OOUNpL RESOLUTION (Miend, Bdgb./ budpet exists) �. Oreu�ta) 1. Outsids Agency 1. Mp�Rment Director 2. InlNatin�DspaRment 2. 8ud�st Director 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Aesistant 5. Finar�ce&Mgmt 3vcs. Dfroctor 5. City Coundl � 6. Finance Accountinq 8. Chief Aocountant. Fin 8�Mgmt Svr�. ADAAINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Reviaion) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiy Mannper 1. Initletin�.DspaRmeM Director 2. Depertmant Aa;ouMaM 2. City Attornsy 3. DspertmeM Director 3. May�oNAaistant 4. Budget DireCtor 4. City C011nCil 5. Gly Clerk 6. Chief AcoouMaM. Fn 8 AA�mt 8v�cs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating D�s►tmeM 2. - Gty Attornsy 3. Mayar/As�staM 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBEFI OF SKiNATURE PA(iE8 Indicste the N of pa�sa on which siynstures are required and pepercliP each of tF�eee�,a s�t. ACTION REGIUE3TED Deec�ibe what ths projscUroqwst sesks W accomplbh in ei�er chra�ologi- cel order or oMer of importarws�whblwwr Is mo�t a�propria�e tor ths issue. Do not w�ite oomplete eenterwss. Begin each item in y�our Nst with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete If the fas�e in queMion hes bsen pre�eMed before any body,publ� or private. 3UPPORTS WHICkI COUNGL OBJECTIVE? �ndicace wnicl,cound�objecaw(s)�r pro�s�vreau�t s�nr�a br���fng the key worcxs)(HOUSINQ, RECREATION, NEI(3HBORHOODS,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET, SEWER SEP/1RATION). (3EE COMPLETE US7 IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPT'IONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO P�I.EM, 138UE,OPPORTUNITY Expldn the aituation or c�ndkbns that created a need Mr your proJect or roquest. ADVANTA(iES IF MPROVED Indicate whether this is simpy an annwl bud�at procedure required by law/ chertsr or whethsr thsre aw sacl�c wa in which the City of Sairn Paul end its citizens will bensflt irom this pro�Ct/action. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What negative sfhcts a ma�changes to sxisting or past processes might this project/reqt�sst produce if it is paased(e.�.,treiflc delays, ndse, tax incrsasss or a�msnts)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths nspative conssquerwes if the promised action is not approved?Inabllity to dsliver asrvk;e?ConNnued hiph traffic, ndae, accident rate?loss of re�►bnw? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must taibr ths U�ormatbn you provide here to the iseue you are addrossing, in general you must answer two qusations: How much is it going to cost?Who is goinq to payt . � + � � �y����y DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE d / 3 la��C�� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLZST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ��Lm�� � �,�_� ��jn� Home Address � pp� �-u%t['p�n �v . Rusiness Name �y�,,�,��' � ��,�� l--`��r Home Phone ,�,��,, -ds �� �wl l�e,�i ct., i,.:�-�-,� • _ �j Business Address �13`� �rC�.r1cQ 14-u� Type of License(s) GL TG�� �p� Business Phone �� -(�'�,`1 I �,�("�� � Public Hearing Date�_�y� �-� License I.D. 4� � tD.3��O at 9:00 a.m, in the Co�inci Chambers, 3rd floor City Ha11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �f 11�A llate Autice Sent; Dealer 4f �, �� to Applicant I'ederal Fi.rearms �� _�_�� Public Nearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVtEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved Bldg I & D i � � ?� 6 wf� ��l.�-j -.f--lUC�r l �� a� � �' Health Divn. �� ' � � � �� I �� Fire Dept. � � ' � � j � � � � Police Dept. I � � � o� License Divn. � ( � "1 � ��3 ; O� City Attorney � � �,� � �� Date Received: Site Plan `�j ��3 ��� To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter l Date from Landlord � l02� l c1 C� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOI2MATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: , , ,�. � �� � , ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL G� //f,�,/ " ` � , • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERPICES �/U� � LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION . ' , � � These atatement formo ar� isaued in duplicate. Please answer all qu�stions fully and complatel} . ThiB application is thosoughly checked. Aay falsification will be cause for deaial. f � 1) Applicatioa for (type of licease) (�SS b ; �1 , 2) Name of applicaat rn RyCt rn� '�l Aa►a ( _Q�J ��J C� f 3) Applicaat's title (corporate officer, sole owaer, partner, other) l.D�'D 0 ���Cev �— � 4) Name uader �►hich this busiaesa will be cond ted: ► � � f� �Ct m, c A�r v IR�� A cv��� �IC. Applicaat Compaay Name Doiag Business As 5) Business telephone number �� �- � ?J� � 6) If applicant ie/has beea a married female, list maiden name ' 7) Date of birth ��S o13 ��!`{3 Age �{�o Place of birth � . L' • 8) Are you a citizen of the Uaited States? e S Native Naturalized 9) Are you a rogistersd voter? y es Where? s T • Y�'^ � m � 'J N �-- 10) Home address � � o� ��r+CU�N ��� ' Home Phone � a 7 '��l 5 � 1 I) Preasnt businesa address -I �J � ��p� �` �u P Business Phone �, r� � '� 3 7 � _ _ , 12) Including qour present businesa/employment, what business/employment havs you followed for the past fiva qears. Buaiaees/Emploqaent Address � lq 7��,I'YL t' � i Kl w� I Z W l Y � 3 �- V� Q�1�t �'1 V � . _� . � 13) Marzisd? �� If aaewer ia "yes", list name and address of spouse. . , ; , ' 14) Havs you evar been arrasted for an offense that has resulted ia a conviction? d , � If answer is "qea", list dates of arr�sts, where, charges, confictioaa, and seatences. . � Date of anest , 19� Wti�re ; ; Chargs , ' Conviction Sentence `w . ; .. , �-yo-�1�� • Date of arreat , 19 � Where ' • � Charg� s . ' Coaviction Seatance ' + 15�iAttach a copy har�to of a lsas� agreement or proof of cwaership for the premises at which ; ��a licease will bs held. • , 16) Attach to this application a detailed description of �the desiga, location, and square ; footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). � 17) Give names and addresaes of two persons who are local residents who can give information conceraing you. Name � Ad ess I •� � l� � u�'V � Q � � �A �D�; Eg C.. � 18) Addreas of premises for which License or Permit is made. Addreas � �j � �t2�-1�� �v e Zone Classif ication �2 _ 19) Betweea what croas streets? �til �0+� 'r (�� �O�Q Which side of street? � �.. 20) Are premises now occupied? e5 � � r � � ' What busiaess? ��J�C�/'Y1� 1( 1AKrG lA How long? �Y S � Z1) Liet licease(s) , business name(s) , and location(s) which you curreatly hold, formerly held: or asy bave an in ereat , and locations of said licsnse(s�. � . . eAt,� � SIA 0�1 l L' o.�S 5 s t , �..� w b �lt V ��, �- �-j��4,�, �� Q ' 22) Have aay of the liceases Iisted by you in No. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No � � � t If aasver is "yes", Iist dates and reasons. • J . � 23) Do you have an intereat of any type in any other business or business premises not liated ia l�21? Yes No � If answer is "yes", list buaiaess, busiaess address, and tele— • ; phone nnmber. 24) If bueiness is incorporated, give date of incorporation ���(,�w1 Q.. , 19 �_ ��nd attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and oiautes of first meeting. y ` � � �qa-i��y �. ' 1'" � ' _ 25) List all officers of the corporatioa giving their aames, office held, home address, date % of birth, and home• and businesa telephone numbers. � � � fY1� �. � �Ub �� � � 2NO � . i ' l��S � 3 . ��� 3 ; , � 26) If the busiaese is a partnership, list partner(s) address, phone nu�ber, aad date of birth. ..►�'_ �� 27) Aze you goiag to operate this .business personally? � If not, who will operate it? Give their me, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. C v� �Le �+� u �au� e c,��� �q�r� 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? �� If ansWer is "yes", give aame, homs address, date of birth, and telephone number. � rZg3 � c w�ci1«v �� .� ���e �1�v�e �, � s � - ��a�-Q w�,�,� : 29) Has anyone you hava named in questions #23 through #�26 ever been arrested? . u d if answer is "qes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convictioas, and sentence. ' /� c–�— 30) I m�?'�/�YII /l4Nv (,Px�'lC�x�'O uaderstand this premises may be iaspected by the Polic�, Fire, Sealth. and other city officials at aaq aad all and all times whea the busiaess ia in oparstion. scace af riinuesoca ) ^-�9-� . ) � ,�-- County of Ramsay ) gaat re of A licaat Date . , i � IQJ�L. ' ' �� . being dulq swora, deposes and saqs upon oath that h� has r the foregoiag statemeat bearing his sigaature.aad knows the conteats thereof, aad that the sama is tru� of his owa knowledge escept as to thoee matters therein stated upoa info=mation aad belisf and as to those matters he believes then to be true. Subscribed and swora to bsfore me „ ' ,•'1 MONICA R.HUSNIK this �_ d8y of s 19�O ��NOTARY PUBIl�-MlhycSQTA �, RAMSE7 C�I,Nn � Mq Commission ExD�res Juna 11.1991 r M Notary Public. councy, r� My commission expires I"I"1 � Rev. 2/88 s /� 'u�y0-//� SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINC - NOTICE LICENSE APPLICATION ��cEfvf� JUN 121990 c�r�r c�.E�K FILE NO. Dear Property OHmer L66376 Application for a Massage Parlor Class A License PURPOSE - APPLICANT Maximiliano Centeno dba Maximiliano Hair Galleria, Inc. LOCATION g37 Grand Avenue HEARING Jul� 12, 1990 9:00 a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Off�ce at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.