90-1181 O`Q I � � n�� � Council File # �'"�/�" � l � i \I ' Green Sheet # 5655 RESOLUTION TY OF S I T PAUL MINNESOTA ��, � � �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application ID��25274 for a Health/Sports Club A license by Sweatshop 280, Inc. , DBA Sweatshop 280 at 2550 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. Y_eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon -� �T� �— �— License and Permit Division 0 ac a e � e man `+ —Wi�son v By: � Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 2 1990 Form Ap oved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY; '�-zZ-90 � By� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Ma or: Date J U L � 6 1990 council � By: �",.d;� ii�� By' PUBIlSWED J U L 2 � 1990 � � �y�-���� � �PARTM[NTIOFFl COUNqL DATE INITIATED Finance and Management GREEN SHEET NO. �655 OONTACT PERSON i PNONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNqL Kris Van Horn - 298-5056 �� 0 pr��aEy 0 c�n,a�RK MU8T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� IqUTINQ �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.l MOT.8ERVICE3 DIR. ' ❑�u►voA�on�sT�wT► �('.ounci 1 Re TOTAL k OF 810NATURE PAtiEB (CUP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SKiNATURE) ACTION REGUE8TED: Application ID4�25274 for a Class A Health/Sports club. RECOMMENOATIOMS:aDD�+OU o►�ka(� COUNC�COMMITTEEl�EARC�I REPORT OPTIONA� _PLAPININO COMMIS810N _GVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION ��� PHONE NO. _pB COMAAl1TEE _ VGQ _STAFF _ OOMMENT8: _�� � JUN201990 SUPPORT8 WNICFI COUNpI OBJECTIVE4 CITY ClERK i�nNO�.�.oP��ruNm Mmo,wnu.wn«+,wn«e.v�: Sweatshop 280, Inc. , DBA Sweatshop 280 requests Council approval of their applicatmdn for a Class A Health/Sports Club license at 2550 University Avenue.'. All applications and fees of $202.50 have been submitted. All required departme�ts have reviewed and approved this application. A�/ANTAQE8IF APPFiOVED: i-�.�1� G�h 1;�,�.,�, -tbr JV.1`Q,OI,r-5j,�n 0 'I�.�Q.1/�/� D18ADVAFITAOE8 IF APPROVED: � K � S I G/v _ - --__ OISADVMITAQES IF NOT APPROVEG aECEtYfD t,ouncil Research Cente� �UN 20��Q JUN 121990 �e�� bLG4\f� 1h li1 A TOTAL AMOUNT�TRAIisACTION a C�TIREVENUE BUDOETHD(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTINIT1/NUMOER FlNAPN�AL INFORAAATI�1:(EXPUUN) . dw • • . � . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABI.E IN THE PURCHASINCa OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298�4225). r ROUTIN(�ORDER: Below ere prefened routings for the tive most frequent types of documsnts: OONTRA►CTS (a�su►nea auttwrized OOUNCIL RESOLUTIaN (An►snd, BdgtsJ budget exiets) Accept.OraMa) t. outside A�sncy t. Depertmem Dtrecta 2. inideting Dsp�rtmsM 2. Budgot Dincbr 3. City Attomey 3. City Attorney 4. Meyor 4. MayoNApistaM 5. Fnance&Mgmt Svcs. Diroctor 5. Cfty t�OUndl 8. Flnance Acoountlng 6. Chief Avoountant, Fln d�MgrM 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (�, COUNCIL RESOLUTION (��)�� 1. Activtry Mana�r 1. �nittatinp ospartment Directa 2. Depertm�nt pux�uM�nt 2• �Y� 3. DepartmsM Diroctor 3. M�yoNAaf�aM 4. BudpM DfreCtor 4. City COUt1Cil 5. Ciry c�srlc 8. Chfei Accountant, Fin�Mgrnt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ail others) 1. InRiating DepartmsM 2. ' City Attomey 3. MayodAssistarn 4. qty Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31(iNATURE PAOES Indicate tM#�of papes on which sipnatures ars required and�percliP each ofthsae pe�es. _ ACTION REQUESTED Describe what ths projecNnqu�st sseka to sccomplish in eitMr cMoralopi- cal ordsr or ordsr of impoitancs.whichswr is most app'opria�e for the lasue. Do not write complsN ssMenoss.Bspin each item in ycwr Iist with e verb. RE(:OMMENDATIONS Compiete M the issw in qus�tion has b�sn p►esented bsfore anyy bcdY, Public or private. 3UPPORTB WHICH COUNqI�JECTIVE4 lndic�e whk�Councfl objecdw(s)your proJsct/request supports by Ifsting the key wor�d(a)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIC3H80RHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET,SEWER 3EPARAT101�.(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNdL OOMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or cor�ditbns that created a need for ycwr project or request. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whsttror thi�ia simply an ennuel bud�et proc�duro required by law/ chartsr or whsther thsre are�pscific in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens wlll bsnefit from thls pro�t/action. DISADVANTAf3ES IF APPROVED Whet negativa slfects or mejor diengss to axistin�or past processss might thia proje�t/reqeest praduce N k is peassd(e.g.,trefNc delays, noiae, tax increaaes or euessmenb)?To Whom4 When4 For how long? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED WhM will be ths ne�ativs conspuences if the promised action is not approved?Inabilky to dsliver ssrvloe4 Continued high trafNc, noise, accident rate�Loss of rovenus? FlNANqAL IMPACT • ARhough you must hibr the inMrmetfon you provide here to ths issue you aro addressin�, in�ral you must ansMrer two questfons: How much is it �oing to cost?Who is yofng to payt . � � ' �- y-U//�'� UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � � 2 Z " �-! INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant t,�(� c� ��. Home Acldress �1a Sc�.�M' �. � . Rusiness Name � ������ Home Phone °��7 — 1 `1� � Eusiness Address jS`" � Type of License(s) �;��{.� ' ���� �y�� Business Phone (p-�(n _ �f�5 � A Public Hearing Date � �(�1(� License I.D. 4i �S��C.� at 9:00 a.m. in the Co cil Chambers, , ( 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t � � ��j �j"( y- llate Notice Sent; Dealer �l VI ��- to Applicant Pederal Fi.rearms 4� ��.q� Public He.�.�ring DATE II�SPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D �i I -1 � Health Divn. ' ; �1 �� � � � i Fire Dept. � i � ��d I O � i � Yolice Dept. I ��3 � License Divn. � � a t � C� f„� City Attorney � 3 I Z� , c� -� Date Received: Site Plan � � � [ �t j5 To Council Research Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord � � �o I��� _. . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . 4 . . �,�v'���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � `r' � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGII�IENT SERVICES � LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION � • . These statement forms are issued in duplicate. Please answer aIl questio�ss fully and completely. '. This application is thoroughly checked: Aay falsification will be cause for denial. �" • _ ' 1) Application for (type of Iicease) Phvsica� c��ttire and HP�1rh SPrvirPC � — 2) Name of applicant Gavle iJineQar on hehal f nf S�.►Par�hr,� ' -- 3) Applicant's title (corporate officer, sole owner, partaer, other) Owner r — 4) Name under which this business will be conducted: c�a �, . a � S�.�eatshop Sweatshop n '-� �� Applicant / Company Name Daing Business A� "—`-= . ..t�- • .�,. . . - �. '; r� 5) Busir.ess telephone number 646-$053 .� _ r ' � 6) If applicant is/has been a married female, list maiden name same 7) Date of birth $-26-53 Age 3�__ _ Place of birth USA _�— 8) Are you a citizen of the Uaited States? Yes Native Naturalized 5) Are you a registered voter? Yes Where? Ramsey County _ 10) Horse address 372 Summit Avenue, St. Paul Home Phone 227-1749 _ I1) Present business address 2550 University Avenue West Business Phone 646-�053 _ 12) Zncluding your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years. Business/Employmeat Address ' Sweatshop, Inc. _ current 2550 University Avenue West, St. Paul Business Incentives ' current 5653 Bush Lake Road, P1pls. 13) Married? ?J�_ If answer is "yes"�, list name and address of spouse. I4) Have yoa ever been arrested for an offease that has resulted. in a conviction? If answer is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, charges, confictions, and sentences. Date of arrest , 19 Wilere Charge Conviction Sentence . , . . . . . �9 p-�/�� ,. . Date of arrest , 19 � Where ' Charge - ��: Conviction ' � ' Sentence • 15) Attach a copy hereto of a lease a e nt or proof of owaership for the premises at which a license will be held. �, � 16) Attach to this application a detailed description of the design, location, and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan) . 17) Give names and addresses of two persons who are local residents who can give information concerning you. Name Address P1r. John Rupp 366 Summit Avenue, St. Paul Ms. Suzy Olson Fairmont Avenue, St. Paul 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made. Address 2550 University Avenue West Zone Classificati.on 19) Between what cross streets? Franklin and Universitv Which side of street? 20) Are premises now occupied? Yes � �� �7� V What business? Sweatsho� How long? ��� 21) List license(s) , business name(s) , and location(s) which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in, and locations of said Iicense(s). . None � � 2'l) Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No If answer is "yes", list dates and reasons. A'ot applicable ' 23) Do you have an interest of any type in any other business or business premises not listed in� A2I? Yes No X If answer is "yes", Iist business, business address, and tele— phone number. 24) If business is incorporated. give date of incorporation July , 19 84 and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. / • ' • ' O /�� .' . . �J,�9 -i , . . ) List alI officers of the corporation giving their names, office held, home address, date of birth, and home and business telephone numbers. Gayle lJinegar 372 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 227-1749 (h) 22�-3573 (w) .4. avid l•la u '60'Porrland Aven Paul, 2 2-�i957 (h), 131 � �. 20) Ii the business is a partneiship, list partner(s) address, phone number, and date of birth. Not Applicable 27) Are you going to operate this business p rsonally? If not, who will operate it? Give thefr name, home address, date of b�rth, and te phone number. • C��,�. (i"`' vT � v/�'�l �� 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? yeS If answer is "yes", give name, home address, date �of birth, and telephone number. See other side (we have several). . � 29) Has anyone you have named in questions 023 through $26 ever been arrested? NO If answer is "yes". list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convictions, and sentence. 30) I � understand this premises may be inspected by the Police, Fire, Health, and other city officials at any and all aad all times when the business is in operation. , State of Minnesota j _ ��- f�' pr O� County of Ramsey ) i nat re of Applican Date being duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me 1�r,.�,`f,, � ,�nn�nnnnnn�ti�nnnnnnnnr � � 1 .. � �� �y . this day Of � 19 � ;e r�� ;Y — :;�.> ;y r � = ' =�" . i�ra..__�� C` �,i ; •� � :-�••. L�/Ca��h.E:.�,.,f 2�.: , 1£:'• S " Y �,i. � � ':.4"L`VW'W�'�dV�WJ`NW�'JriVVVbWV'/`!a/'y Notary �wblic, � County, IyIlV J :iy commission expires Rev. 2/88 � ��y� ����1 SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE R�C�IVED LICENSE APPLICATION ��N121990 CITY CLERK . F1LE NO. Dear Property Owner L25274 Application for a Sports/Health Club Class A� License PURPOSE = APPLICANT Sweat Shop 280, Inc. dba Sweat Shc� 2gp LOCATION 2550 University Avenue Suite 180 HEARINC �Tu�y�2, 1990 9:00 a.m. Ci'ty Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed 'without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.