90-1179 O R����� L Council File # 0'" /��9 5692 Green Sheet � RESOLUTION F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,,, ,:�� `��� Presented Sy Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. ��56685) for a Health/Sports Club License by 340 Inc. (John Rupp, President) DBA St. Pau1 Athletic Club at 340 Cedar Street be and the same is hereby approved. ea a s Absent Requested by Department of: s.mon �'� � License & Permit Division on � �c�aee � --Aef�ma � — une �— i son "'Q— 81's —� a Adopted by Council: Date JlJL � 2 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: , !�-�j.`j(� � By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by ayor: Date .��L �. � ��5�' Council 9 �B ���.�.���� By= Y• p�1glISNEp J U L 2 1 1990 � , ""NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINti OFFICE(PHONE NO. 288-422b). ROUTINO ORDEH: Bebw are proferred routings fof the flve moet treqwnt types of documer�ta: CONTRACTS (assurtiss authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdyts./ budpet axi�s) Accept. GraMs) 1. Outsida AgenCy L DepeRment DireCtor 2. Initiating DspaKmsnt 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Asaistent 5. Financa 6 Mgmt 3vcs. Dfcector 5. qty Caincll 6. Finance Acoounting 6. Chief MxouMant, Fn&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget GOUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revisbn) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. InitiaUng DepeRmeM Director 2. DepaRment A�ccouMant 2. Cky Attorney 3. DepaRment Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Gerk 6. Chief AocouMaM,Fln fl Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Inkiatiny Dspertmsnt 2. Gty Attorney 3. MayodAstistant 4. Gty qe�lt TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAOES Indicate the A�of pages on whkh signaturss are required and paperclip each of tF�ese p� ACTION REOUE8TED Deecribf what the projsct/roqu�t seeks to acoomplish in eithsr chronobgf- cel order or ords�of importance,whichsvar is most appropnate for the issue. Do not write complete eeMences. Begin each item in your Ust with a verb. RECOMMENDATION3 Complete ff tM fasua In question hes beon preesnted before any body, pub8c or p�ivate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVE? Indicate which Cou�dl objsctive(s)Y��Pro1�reQ��+PP�bY���9 ' the key wotd(s)(HOU81N0, RECREATION, NEI�HBORHOODS,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REGIUESTED BY COUNdL INITIATING PROBLEM, IS3UE,OPPORTUNITY Explein the aftuatlon or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAt3ES IF APPROVED Ind�ate whsther thia is simply an annual budpet procedure required by law/ charter or whsther there are spec�tc wa in which the City of Seint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this prorect/action. DISADVANTAC3E3 IF APPROVED What negative Mfecta or major chenges W sxfsting ot patt processea might this project/request produ�if it is passed(e.g.,traffic dsleys, noise, tex increases or assessmenb)?To Whom?Whe�4 For how bng? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conaequencse if the promised action is not approved?Inabilfty to deliver service?Contlnued high traffic, noise, aocidsM rate? Loas of revenue? FlNANqAL IMPACT Afthough you must taibr the information you provlde here to the issue you aro add�iny, in gsneral you must anewsr two questbna: How much is it going to coat?Who is�oing to pay� _ R . . : . C'�9° ��7� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ��� / � � Z`� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW C:HECKLIST Appn Processed/Received y Lic Enf Aud Applicant �'`��(,� �YI.0 • Home Address �(l/� �uyy��� Business Name ���� � ��L�`� Home Phone �Q�cj -3(�3� Business Address j�(� �(�CL� �� Type of License(s) � Q-�-1( -�� Business Phone ��, -�i�P�..D j � L. � ---�r Public Hearing Date � �C� License I.D. 46 �L¢C9�'S at 9:00 a.m. in the Co ncil ambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� p� � 3� �9 {3 llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� Y\ �� to Applicant Pederal�irearms �� {�� -� Public Hearing DATE II�SPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CONIl�IENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � I `3 � C� I5 Health Divn. � � S � aa � �� ; Fire Dept. i � � i I � 3 f � � 1 I Police Dept. � •��a` i ��l License Divn. � . �I 13 ' �� City Attorney ` � �`� ��c� , �k Date Received: Site Plan ,�� �� �Ct p To Council Research Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord 3 l�� c1 c> CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: `:,..� ,-y , , _ � ��� o�� PA�. . �,�ya-,��� - DEPARTI�NT OF FINANCE AND MAtTAGII�NT SERPICES • • LICENSE AND PE�MIT DIVISION �, . . . 1'heae statemeat forms are iaaued ia duplicate. Please ans�r all queations fully aad ccmpletsly. This application is thoroaghly checked. Aay falsificatioa vill be canse for daaial. , � I) Applicatioa for (typ� of I.icenaa) 5 �� 2) Name of spplicant (�/�c,c.,L � S�v�,�� Z— 3) Applicaat's title•(corporate officer, aols owaar, putaer, other) i4-E-_L, le�' ,Di`/2e��-a�t.. 4) Name uader which this busiaess will be conducted: 3c;�(5� �,�.G : D�� sr P��.� �-+-�,,�.�: cc�b Applicant Company Name Doing Business As 5) Business telephone number '2. Z-'Z 3(0 (o / 6) If applicant is/has been a manied female, list maiden name 7) Date of birth 7 — !3 — �l- / Age � Place of birth 3'['� I�N.u.L _ 8) Are you a citizen of the IInited Statea? �e3 Native Naturalized 9) Are you a registered voter? �e S Where? . l2A.w�J � �cv,1 -�c., 1�0) Home addzsss 1� ot � T�v✓t e 4 . Hame Phone ��r 4 3G 3a l I) Present busineas address 3�Fo Cecl�a 2 Sfi^«f Business Phone ZZ Z 3(0 6 � 12) Iacluding your preseat business/employmeat, what buainess/eaploymint have qou followed for the past five years. Busiaess/Employment Address ST�Pi4�,c..L /��-Gt.Lc.�' C.Lta.� �Yo C'�e c�.s2 S% • S.s-/r►1e.� aiP�vi�lu��a H ;IM�4 r�nst�-� (��Q. z� ao_wo rlcl77��c�� Ce.�.t.�l-r.t S��u,,�.Q • r..�w4rR� 13) �rried? l� If aaawer is "yaa", list name aad address of spouae. G-st.-L� �'!?•�2,�e S'c�.�. 1 z i 4 �� ,T�a r�e� ST�/�i�u.L �IJ'I/'! 14) Have yon ever b��a arrested for an offense that hss resulted ia a coavictioa? /fC0 If aasWes i: "yes", list datee of arr�sts, vhers, charges, coafictiona, aad santencas. '" ..:�;< Date of arzast , 19 Where Chargs • Comriction Senteace r �. � .` . � - � . . �po i�� �� Date of arrest , 19 Whare Charge Comriction Seatance IS) Attach a copy 6ereto of a lsass agreemant or proof of oMnership for the premises st vhicb '' a licease vill bs held. 16) Attach to this application a detailed description of the desiga, location, and square footage of the premises to be licens�d (site plan). 17) Give names aad addresses of tvo persons who ars local residents who can give informatioa conceraiag you. � Name Address /)'ll�l . � G'—vreCwv� �s�,c.'E-Zr»-ro v� ►'1 Z(e�U �X c�tQ� S� 6�L'G1�.,SSI��j . �'-,i�S�.�m�n a toa c�orl�f TQ�-e!{ �_` ST���� 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made. Address ?�/U Cfc�IF2 ST"- Zone Classification C�l.�.a f' 19) Between what cross streets? '�7l'�'``� e2.¢.`/�l2 Which side of street? � 20) Are premises now occupied? � �.I f�' , � wi�at busiaes8� r�tltiGr,�ct� ���1 , ao�, long� � �'�/'S � --r 21) List Iicense(s), business name(s) , and location(s) which you cunently hold, formerly held, or may bave an interest in, and locatioas of said Iicsnse(s) . ���� � - 22) Have any of the Iicenscs listsd by yon in No. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No � If answer is "yes", list dates and reasons. 23) Do you have�an interest of aay tqpe in any other business or business premises not listed in #21? Yes No � If aaswer is "yss", list busiaess, buainess addrsss, and tele— phone avmber. • . 24) If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation �� , 19 � and attach co of Articles of Incor oration aad minutes of first meetin . ' - ` � " ' �'�a-���'r � . . . , . �25) L'ist all officers of the corporation giving their names, office held, home address, date of birth, aad home and busine's telephone numbers. � �f a-�n G� I� - ��J �r-����r �� ����r� � . . . ��. I° , �i1 i� SS`a/� � .D�. � �J�w�� : s� �-yo ��„� . Zz2 = r7S� � : z zZ - ��� . 26) If the busiaess is a partnership, list partner(s) address, phone number, and date of birth. t'v��` 27) Are you going to operate this business personally? � If not, who will operate it? Give their name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? � If answer is "yes", give name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. �p(' ,- 3 . �� S�= l�ri�r.n �g�"�v����,��i1 ,� Z�� � S��t Sf, ��'� �I//ti;� �✓ �"��'/ Z�IZ'c�7� 29) Has anyone you have aamed in questions �23 through �26 �ever been arrested? �11� If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, r�here, charges, convictions, and seatence. 30} I �� �C.�L�'� understand this premisas maq be inspected by the Police, Fire, Health, and other city officials at any aad all aad all times when the business is in operation. � � State of Minnesota ; _ , .� Countq of Ramsey ) Signature of Applicant ate PGL� �� �UN���`G beiag duly swora, deposes and says upoa oath that he has read the foregoiag statement bearing his sigaature and knows the conteats thereof, and that the same is true of his owa kaowledgc except as to those matters therein stated upon inform�tion and belief aad.as to those matters he believes them to be tzue. Subacribed and sworn to before me � �PI�+i6Cv�9:�:,PS;.??..':40.�c'4�,-_."?-::�sSyi�'-+'�'C�'� �� r �rA 1 � �:i�is'i;i�t l.i:'.�'ii�:. ��li. �.1�Yt�`���1,� � t�$ dg� �L w4 19 � . 'a :� Stt 't:pY 1•�n� F�• r�s..,r...+JT:� c� ! )�S0.A I. 1�If. .�..c.Sii "�:. ��+�.:1 �� ••Y•� ��^i � y -♦ M L ✓ s➢'S�i`w "��•'� i'Z.I�iY��..:� ;�:ly���.t'�� � !fyi 'y6l�1tEK��i.!).r:•;T!L�:^:,..G•^.^ ,'i'�t'e iti:�t i1.i f:� �i RyeSVr�'*S:�Viv:�1J'r"c:�,:%�.'G1`rTO:-:lSv Sdi Y�S'�'�^Sc4:tybD Notary Public, oY,�.s� couacy, r� Mq commission expires �" � " /� Rev. 2/88 � ,- . . ��a �r�y SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � RECE1-VED JSE AP CATIOf�it251990 ��T`! CLEF�C � u � ;, . FiLE NO. Distric 17 , l 56685 i� � Application for a Sports/Health Club(A) license. PURPOSE APPLICANT 340 Inc dba St Paul Athletic Club (John Rupp, Pres.) LOCATION 340 Cedar Street ,� 1 . C� , 9:00 a.m. HEARINC City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and � NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Oivision. It is suggested that you call the City florir' e (1ffi�o at �QR_d9�1 if vnu wich rnnfirmatinn_