90-1166 O R 1 G �N l�► L Council File #` `7���(�� . Green Sheet � 7742 `�� RESOLUTION � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 4�72609) for a State Class B Gambling License by Frost Lake Booster Club at Chuck's Bar; 901 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved/�enicd: — =. Yeae Navs Absent Requested by Department of: mon �— �' ' License & Permit Division on � acca e� .i e tma � — une i son — By: JUL i 7 1990 Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; . y q� By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date J U L i 8 1990 Council g .l r���'f����/ By a Y� �11Bt1S�ED J U L 2 81990 __.� . ��o���� DEPARTM[NT/OFFICEICOUNpI DATE INITIATED Finance/License GREEN SHEET NO. �7�2 CONTACT PERSON d PFIOI�IE INI7IAU D/1TE INITIAUDATE ❑DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine Rozek-298-5056 Nu�� �pn,�rro�r�, �CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON OQUNGL AOENDA BY(DAT� City Clerk ��� ❑BUDOET DIRECfOR �FIN.S MaT.SERVICES DIR. 7-10-90 7-3-90 ❑""��oa toR�svwn TOTAL N OF 81QNATURE PAQE8 (CLIP/U.L LOCATIONS FOR sIaNATUR� �CnoN a�cuE87eo: Approval of an application for a State Class B Gambling License. Hearing Date: 7-10-90 Notification Date: 6-13-90 RE�Dn7�oN8:�PVro�+W a��(RI COUI�L RE'ORT OPTIONAL _PUNNINQ COMIM18810N _pVIL SERVI�COMMI8SION ANALYBT PHONE NO. _p8 OOMMITrEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _aBTRICT COURT _ SU�TS WHlp�l OOUNpL OBJECTNE9 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPOR'TUI�N7'Y(IM1o.YV11et.Whsn.Whsro,Whf�: John Pettis on behalf of Frost Lake Booster Club requests City Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling License at Chuck's Bar, 901 Payne Avenue. Proceeds from the pulltab sales will be used to promote youth athletics and activities. Investigative fee of $373.25 has been submitted. AOVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, Frost Lake Booster Club will operate a pulltab booth at Chuck's Bar, 901 Payne Avenue. DIBADVANTA�iE81F APPROVED: DISADVMITAOES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED �uur►�;�, rc�s�drer� ��ncer. JUN 15��0 J UIU 15 w��� CI�'Y CLERK � �"'�', TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = CAST/REVENUE St�OETLD(CIR�E ON� YES NO FUNOMKi SOURCE ACTMTY NtlM9ER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� duV � _ . x s .a , �. i,`. �� .NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Bebw aro prefsned routinqs for ths flvs most frsqusnt typea of documertta: CONTRAC'fS (atwrt�s autho�iz�d COI�NCIL RESOLUI'ION (Mnend.8d�ts./ budget exists) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. DspartmeM Director 2. Initiatin�D�pe�tment 2. Bud�t Director 3. City Attort�ey 3. Gty Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoN/1sslsfsM , 5. Flnerx;s 8 Mpmt S'vcs. arector 5. Gty Coundl 6. Flnencs Acoourninp 8. Chief Aa:ouMant� Fin d�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpet OOUNqL RE30LUTION (dl dhers) RwiNon) u�d ORDINANCE 2. ��Depe�Rrns�Acoournent 1. ��msnt Director 2. ' 3. Departmsnt Director 3. MaynHlltsistaM 4. Budget DireCtor 4. t�ty Ct�It1Ci1 5. Gty asrk 6. Chief AccountaM, Fln 8�AA�mt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (all others) t. InftiaNng Dspartmsnt 2. Ciy Attorney 3. Mayor/Aseistent 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIOIH/►TURE PAt�E3 Indicate the#�of p�pss on whid�sipnatw�s u�requfrod and pep�IlP sach�the» ap�. ACTION RE�UESTED Dsscribs what tM proJectlroqwN essks a accompliN�in Nth�r chroralopi- cal ordsr or ordsr of importance.whichsvsr le tnost appropriate for the issus. Do not w�e oompleM ssntences. Begin each itsm in your Iist with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complete ff the iasw in qusstion has been preseMed bsfore any body,public a private. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicats which Cour�l object�e(a)Your Pro�tirequ�t supPa'�8 bY���9 U�e key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATIOM, NEIGHB�HOODS,ECOI�IOMIC DE1/ELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEVUER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LI3T IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNCIL COMMITTEElRESEARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL A8 RE(iUESTED 8Y COUNqL INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explefn ths sftuation or oondida�s thed crsated a need for your project or roquest. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whsthsr this fs simpy an annual budqst proceduro nquired by law/ charter or whMhsr ths►s aro epsciflc ways in wh�h tM City of 3aint Paul and its citizens will bsnsflt irom this prohct/action. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What nepathre sffscts or mejor chang�s to existing or p�st•processes mipM this P►o1��4�P�N k is psated(e.g.�ti�aiflc deldya� noise� tax incrse�es or a�amsrKs)�To Whom?Whsn?Fa how long? DI3ADVANTAOE3 IF NOT MPROVED What will bs ths nsguive conaeqwnCee if the promised action ia not epproved?Inability b deliver esMw?CoMinued high traffic, noise, eccidBM►ate?LOS!Of rovenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARfwugh you must taibr the infamation you provide here to the issue you ars addreasinq,in gsneral you mwt anaMrer two questbns: How much is it going to cost?Who is gan�to pay? , . � . . r�--'y0-�/�� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINISTRATION DATE � �� �v / 5 �-�I—�a INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Pro essed/Received by L�c Enf Aud .�e h n �e+�t s y�C.. PP �f'�Sf ��e�_ � ��' �j Home Address IJ'�7� �e-On2� ���vlo A licant G 5 _✓ U. Rusiness Iv'ame (� � �LKS �G,� Home Phone ����3�5 0 Business Address '1 b � 14yr1,¢� �^� Type of Lic.ense(s) C�aSS� C�qm���nti �- Business Phone L�C1�►'�S-C/ Public Hearing Date '� tO q d License I.D. 41 0�5�' �� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council hambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� N�� llate A'otice Sent; - Dealer 41 �'� to Applicant �0 �3/9� Pederal Firearms �� ►-J�/} Public Nearing DATE ITSPECTIUN REVIEW VEKFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� , Health Divn. ' � ►J I� � � Fire Dept. � 'i i u�,� � Police Dept. � 5�(� 3 � � o S�.-� �� � � ��License Divn. ' � ��l ti u' Ci,ty Attorney � ��� �v� D,� Date Received: Site Plan �I I���10 �_ � �y� � To Council Research Lease or Letter ��� Date from Landlord 5 �v CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: W'orkers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . ,� � . � ��y����� Citq of Saiat Paul , DepartaRnt of Finaaca and Managea�nt Services .. Division of Lic�ase aad Pssait RRgistracion ZNFORMATION REQQZRED S�TS•APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ODflDQCT P'VLLTAS/ZIPBOARD Se1LES I�i SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling Licsasa ia Liquor Establishmeats - N�v Applicstion) L. Fnll and complste na�s of or�anisation vhich is applyia` for liceass �C`OS� �-•0.�� ��e.'r ��v� 2. Does qour orgsnization'e,eet th� definitioc of a °large" orgaaizatioa as outlin�d in tha November. 1988 revision of Ssction 409.21 of tha Legislativa Code? V�l� Attach to this applicatioa p�rtinant fi:uacisl snd/or oraaaisational iaformatioa to support• qour aasaer to this qu:stion. NOTE: Ooly 5 las�e or=anisaticns vill be allow- ed to open palltab operttions under ths. zevis�d city ordinaace. If more than 5 organi- zationa apply, qualified applicants �rill b� s�l�cted raadaaly b� the City Council. 3. Address �here games will be held �d( �0. e, �v�� v . Number . treet City Zip 4. Name of manager signiag this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games ����V� ��15 Date of Birth Z � (a) Length of time maaager has been member of applicant organization _�S[,��_ n T- 5. Addresa of Manager ��1�'( (,.,Qov�e, ttv2. � .�0.�5� �S/0� Numbar Street City Zip 6. Day, dates, and hours thia application is for 7. Is the applicaat or orgaaization orgaaized uader tha lavs of the State of 1�1? ,��S 8. Date of iacorporation � 9. Dats whea registered with the State of Mianesou .� 2 10. How long has orgaaization been ia existeace? 2� U'r'S _ 11. EIov long has organizacioa bsea ia existenca ia St. Paul? 5 1 12. tihat is the purposa o£ th� orgaaizatioa? t` U tC � Q11� QC- \lV t�l e.S 13. Officers of applicsat organizatioa: - x� JA�\� p���s x�.� S�e �e,��e,Y- . Addrsss �5�19 l.-GOv�2+ �l`�P L Address �lols C�rt S��e��.. Ticl� � � DOB O Titla mB , Name t1 \ l�a�s V �3'� Addz�ss � �ddress 1�1�� �2?��R__ ____.— ' Title (S��ic� �C'�S DOB Title z_�V lc.,..`�� �B _ . : � � � �y0-���� • ly. Give aames of officers, or aaq ocher•persocs who paid for services to ths orgaaization. N�� J aw.+�s= xffi. � Address 1`��� �'zL\�o� Addrsss Title � 1 1�QS i w. f'��4 r� 2itle � tta separate sh�et for additional names.) 15. Attichsd I�srsto is a list of names and addresses of alI membars of ttie organization. 16. Ia �oss cnatody will orgsaization's records be kept? Name ���� �C.�\5 dddreas ���"I L° �V �'�+� �'\av� 17:} List all persons with the authority to sign checka for dispersal of gasbling proceeds: Name �O�v� ��� Name Address �S^]Q �20U�� ttV 2 S�.�cl� \ Address Member of Member of DOB Z� 3' S Organization? VP�S . D�B OYganizatioa? ` T— Name Nme Address Addrass Member of Meaber of Dpg Organization? __,_, mB Orgaaizitioa? ig. Savs you rsad and do qou thoroughly uaderstand the provisions of all lavs��tsdiaances, aad regulationa goveraiag the opsration of Charitable Gambliag games? � 19. Will your organization`s pulltab operation be operated/managed solely bq nembers of your organization? qes _ n� �..— 20. Hss your os�anisation sigaed, or does it intead to ai�a, a consulting agreement or a managerial agrsement �ritt� aaq p�zson oY cvspany to assist qour organiaation With the ' pulltab sales aad/or recordiag ke�ping? y�s �X ao I� snswr is y�s, give ths aame aad addr�ss of the person aad/or co�paay contrsctsd. � Nas� ��?1� �\�2,v� Address _ _ N�� Address I� aaswsr is qss, ha�+ will such a consaltsat be paid? (perceatag�, flat fee. gambling faads, gsnaral,,.fuads. etc.) Attuh a cop� of said coatract to this application. � t .�' 2I. Operstor of premis�s whare gsmas vill bs hsldt Nma C.�lv'W S �h2C Busineas Address C1'0( �A'1/VL2. ti��L gome Addr�ss o P�c a�� L�l . S��� . . .�. � �q�—�/(o� r , r. . ?Z, a) Does your orgaaisatioa pay or inund to pay accountiag fe�s out o£ gambling fands' � y�: ___,_,_ n° _ b) If you da pay accouating fssa, to whom will such fees be paid? Name Address Dpg t�lnber of Organizition? c) Sow are the accounting fa�s charged outl (flst fat. hoarly, atc.) d) t�hat do you anticipata will be your, average moathly deduction for acconnting fess? 23. Amount of rent paid by applicaat organization for r�at of the hall: �y�o/M 24. The proceeds of the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expeases for t e following purposes and uses: � 4 � � , ` � � o�T� aa�4�, �c f, e.�na�r � G uS���S �� � � -��, v l Q�� 2 � O �� � hv��..Scz� 25. Iias th� premiaes where the games are to be held bsen ceztified for occapancy bq the Citq of Saint Paul? P� 26. Has your organization filad faderal form 990-T? `�gS If aasver is yes. plesse attach a copy �rith this application. If ans�rer is no, plaia why: Aay chaag�s desir�d by tha applicaat association aay bs made only vith the coosenr of the City Couacil. o �c � .. . psgaaiz ion Nam� Date � B'� IYan�a�er ia cduge of ga�e Or zstioa Presi c or CEO