90-1149 O � � �� �" " � Council File �' � � � � Green sheet # �D 3 oZ RESOLUTION CITY OF S T PAUL, MINN OT `� � � �'� Presented By � Referred To Co ee• WHEREAS, The outdoor giraffe exhibit at Como Zoo did ot ov' e ed area for Sunny, Betty and Gigi , the Como Zoo giraffes, and WHEREAS, At the request of the Como Zoological Society and the Como Zoo Design Committee, the architectural firm of Rafferty, Rafferty, and � Tollefson designed an Acacia tree-like structure to provide a shaded area for the giraffes; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Pipefitters Local Union 455 volunteered over 6,000 hours in construction and procuring materials and equipment and with the provision of space at the Saint Paul Technical College were able to pre- fabricate and erect the shade structure; and WHEREAS, Schletty McCann, Inc. provided the sandblasting and paint materials and volunteered their employees, as representatives of the Saint Paul Painters Union Local 61, to sandblast and paint the shade structure; and WHEREAS, New Mech. Inc. and the Kolar Company donated equipment to � construct and erect the shade structure; and WHEREAS, Pioneer Power, Inc. , PVF-Midwest, 3M Company, Inc. and Waldorf Paper Company generously contributed materials needed to build the shade structure: NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, That the Saint Paul City Council expresses their gratitude and appreciation to the above mentioned organizations and their members who designed and constructed the Acacia tree-like structure for the outdoor giraffe exhibit area and Como Park Zoo. � Y�as Nave Absent Requssted by Department of: �` — Comm y Serv' s -�— �— Adopted by Council: Date �UL j � 1990 FO�Q A roved by Cit Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY; ` �Z _ r. HY� l�pproved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date UL �. � 19� counc�� B �"`� ��%� By� Y= PUBIiSNEp J U L 2 1199Q. � s � ��`���t� o �90 -,i�r� DEPARTMENT/OFFIC4FJCOUNCIL DATE INRIATED �� 2 � 199 CS/Parks and Recreation 6/13/90 GREEN SHE�� NO. ��,�ATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR j�����}� 'a0l�lCil V i Cto►^ Camp, 488-4041 Nu��,, �TY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON f�UNCIL AGENDA BY(DAT� IIOUTIN3 BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.8 T.SERVICE3 DIR. MAYOR(OR AS818TANn TOTAL#►OF SItiNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATURE) R E C E I V F ACTION FlEOUESTED: . Approval of Counci 1 Resol uti on JUN 21 1990 RECEIVED REOOMMENW1710NS:MDr�+W a�(R) COUNdL COMMITTEE/RESEARCII f�PORT L _PLANNINO COMiMI8810N _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� �WE f�. �� _dB C06AMITTEE _ OOMMENT8: STAFF � _DIBTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS NMICH COUNqL OBJEC71VE7 IPNNTIAATiNO PROBLEM.18SUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who�What�WMn.WMro�M�h�. To provide Saint Paul City Council recognition, gratitude and appreciation to Saint , Paul Pipefitters Local Union 455, Saint Paul Technical College, Schletty McCann, Inc. , Saint Paul Painters Union Local 61, New Mech. ,Inc. , Kolar Co. , Pioneer Power, Inc„ • PVF-Midwest, 3M Company, Inc. , and Waldorf Paper Company who generously contributed labor and materials to build an Acacia tree-like structure for providing a shaded area for the giraffes in their outdoor display area at Como Park Zoo. ADVANTA�E8 IF APPROVED: This provides City Council appreciation to the above mentioned organizations and their members for a $50,000 - $60,000 donation of labor, materials and supplies. OISADVANTAOES if APPROVED: None RECEIVFD . �1�V291990 K DISADVANT/IOES IF NOT APPROVED: ' Would not provide City Council recognition and appreciation to the above mentioned organizations and their members for the $50,000 - $60,OOO .in donation of labor and � material for the Como Park Zoo giraffe shade structure. v�unc�� ��s�arch Cent�r_ JU;� 2'P I��t� ���� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTWN = -� COSTlREVENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE OW� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE D011dt1011 ACTINITY NUM9ER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� d� � � � � � " - � � Council File $ �' � � �9 Green sheet #� �0 3 0� RESOLUTION CITY OF S T PAUL, MINN OT `� � � �''�� � Presented By L���'��r�L� , Referred To ���°:e:,��.�-�-r-�� ` Co ee• �� WHEREAS, The outdoor giraffe exhibit at Como Zoo did ot ov' e a ed area for Sunny, Betty and Gigi , the Como Zoo giraffes, and WHEREAS, At the request of the Como Zoological Society and the Como Zoo Design Committee, the �architectural firm of�.a#�e�-�y, Rafferty, and ' Tollefson designed an Acacia tree-like structure to provide a shaded area for the giraffes; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Pipefitter�cal Union 455 volunteered over 6,000 hours in construction and procuring materials and equipment and with the provision of space at the(�ai"'n� Paul Technical College were able to pre- fabricate and erect the shade structure; and � r�� WHEREAS, Schletty McCann, Inc. provided the sandblasting and paint materials and volunteered their employees, as representatives of the Saint �ul Painters Union Local 61, to sandblast and paint the shade structure; and ✓ � WHEREAS, New Mech. Inc. and the Kolar Company donated equipment to � construct and er�t the shade structure; � WHEREAS, Pioneer Power Inc. , PVF-Midwest 3M Comp�'ny, Inc. and Waldorf ' Paper Company generously rials needed to build the shade structure: NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, That the Saint Paul City Council expresses their gratitude and appreciation to the above mentioned organizations and their members who designed and constructed the Acacia tree-like structure for the outdoor giraffe exhibit area and Como Park Zoo. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon �� onw�tz � Commu y Serv' s acc ee � e man �— • vne i son � O ,UL j O 19� Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoptivn Certified by Council Secretary g : � -` �_Z _ r y '� By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date �,J�� � i �9�Q� council B :�:��c4r�'-C��=-f/� BY� ���,/ �� Y� � �� —���� ��tT* ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL -`a ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �o a �IIII Ii1111i �� ��� 1111 1;1 III ^ �,. ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK "" 386 City Hali,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 )AMES SCHEIBEI MAYOR July 26, 1990 Attached for your files is a resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Council expressing appreciation to all the organizations that helped in the design and construction of the Como Zoo Giraffe exhibit. To r �r • AM Oate o Time pM WHILE YOU WERE OUT nn_ V iCfOr CQ.i'1►� - of Come 2oa . Phone�� Area Code Number Extension TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOD URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL M sa e �� Z � �, �' m►d�s � l � �On _�_�l�nne�.ib L�s 5413 � - ope�em� 23-0OO�f. GB�qRAL OffKE lR00lJC�'f �12 AIWr S72SS � CC�AA►A�IY nS-7'9N O � ! G � N� � Council File $ Q' � � �9 Green sheet # �0 3 oZ RESOLUTION ' CITY OF S T PAUL, MINN OT `� � �'�� � Presented By �����.�C�l Referred To ���5��_ \ , Co ee• � WHEREAS, The outdoor giraffe exhibit at Como Zoo did ot ov' e a ed area for Sunny, Betty and Gigi , the Como Zoo giraffes, and WHEREAS, At the request of the Como Zoological Society and the Como Zoo Design Committee, the architectural firm of Rafferty, Rafferty, and � Tollefson designed an Acacia tree-like structure to provide a shaded area for the giraffes; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Pipefitters Local Union 455 volunteered over 6,000 hours in construction and procuring materials and equipment and with the provision of space at the Saint Paul Technical College were able to pre- fabricate and erect the shade structure; and WHEREAS, Schletty McCann, Inc. provided the sandblasting and paint materials and volunteered their employees, as representatives of the Saint Paul Painters Union Local 61, to sandblast and paint the shade structure; and WHEREAS, New Mech. Inc. and the Kolar Company donated equipment to - construct and erect the shade structure; and WHEREAS, Pioneer Power, Inc. , PVF-Midwest, 3M Company, Inc. and Waldorf Paper Company generously contributed materials needed to build the shade structure: NOW, TNEREFORE, Be it Resolved, That the Saint Paul City Council expresses their gratitude and appreciation to the above mentioned organizations and their members who designed and constructed the Acacia tree-like structure for the outdoor giraffe exhibit area and Como Park Zoo. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon ,��- on�=tZ �- Commu y Serv' s acc e -� e ma "�� � une z son .. Adopted by Council: Date �UL i Q 19� Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; � . ` �Z - r BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date ,�J�L � j ;��Q council B �:��6�i=�,CL%�'�/ . By' � 1�if� Y=