90-1129 ��(��� � � N �L Council File # �-���� V Green Sheet � �a,�� RESOLUTION CfTY OF AINT PAUL, MtNNESOTA r1 � � ► Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department was authorized to solicit funding for the St. Paul D.A.R.E. Program, and WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department has received contributions from West Publishing, The St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press, Northern States Power Company, The McNeelp Foundation, Mr.Robert Salisbury, MATSA, Bonfe's Auto Service, The Degree of Honor Protective Association, A.P.I. Inc., and Empi Inc., and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Paul Police Department is authorized to accept $22481.50 in donations from the listed sources, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul expresses it's gratitude and appreciation for the support of this very important program from these compainies, foundations, and individual. � � imon Y—� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: onwitz � Police �acca ee � ettman un e .,,c,� � i son BY� ��71'',.t�Cr...�/�-t,�tn-' —�,�, �_ Adopted by Council: Date JUL 5 1990 Form Approved by C'ty torne • Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � BY= `-� - �� By' ��' Approved by Mayor for Submissian to (U� 6 �9�4 Counc il Approved by Mayor: Date � 1 • By: ��� BY� �.G� e� P�tR�►cyF� ,1��!_ 141990 C060490B ' �QD -//�Z�%' , . . , � PAfiTMLNT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police 05/14/90 GREEN S�HEET No. 92,�T�UDATE OONTACT PER30N 6 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Chief McCutcheon 292-3588 ��� ITY ATfORNEV CITY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNpI AC�ENDA BY(0I1TE) ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOFi �FIN.6 MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. AYOR(OR A8813TANT) TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACiION REGUESTED: c} Approval of the attached Council Resolution. �G/��D ��N 2 0 199 RECOMMENDATIONB:MW�W o►�lRI ' COUNqL COMMITTHE/RLSEARCN REPORT _PLANNINQ COMMISSIOPI _CIVIL SER1A�COAAtiiIS810N �� R��Y� _GB COMMITTEE _ L• BTAFF _ ��� _DI8TqICT COl1RT _ SUPPORTS WHK:FII(�UNpI OBJECTNE7 INITIATIN(i PROaLEM.188UE.OPPOR7UWITY(Who.Whu,IMNn.Whsrs.Why): The St. Paul Police Department desires to accept contributions for the D.A.R.E. Program from West Publishing, the St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press, the McNeely Foundation, Mr. Robert Salisbury, MATSA, Bonfe's Auto Services, the Degree of Honor Protective _ Association, API, Inc. , 1Vorthern States Power Company and Empi, Inc. ADVANTAf3E8 IF APPROVED: The Police Department will be able to continue this very important program. as�v�rrr�s��o: None ,apparent. R�-��1\'�� RECEIVED ��2219g0 ,�uN 1 � J �sso GC�'� C'�'�k�` BItDGE� OFr'r"� DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The Police Department will lose these generous contributions to the D.A.R.E. Program, which will prevent its implementation in the schools of St. Paul. Councii �Research Cente� J U:V 2 2 i�yU TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION a �Z,481.50 (�gT/pEVENUE WDQETBD(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �Np�p gp�p� Contributions A�ryrry N��q 34133 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �W . , �yo-i�a9 Analyst: Barbara Jeanetta Date: 6/15/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Police Green Sheet Number: 9258 Amount of Request: Receipt of$22,481 contributions Positions Requested: 0 Amount Recommended: Same as request Positions Recommended: Funding Source: Private contributions Subject of Request: Authorize Police Dept.to accept contributions for the DARE program. Background: CF 88-1664 established Council's intent for the Police Dept to pursue grant funding for DARE. Since then,the Police Dept has recognized�receipts of private contributions through council resolution. This measure is meant to satisfy budget policy F-39(pg 45)on approval of grant applications and receipts. Major issues: None. Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) Additional$22,481 raised towards private contribution goal. - ' . �0�o Q/L � Q� ✓f G�.f.Q-��• ����,�� � � ���`J Recommendation: Approve. Foilow-up Recommended, If Any: Review intent of budget policy F-39. Unless purpose of these resolutions include public acknowledgement of generousity of contributions,there seems to be little value in simply recognizing receipt of contributions. Policy seems to be aimed more at recognizing obligations(fiscal or programmatic)of grants. Jeanetta's 715:analll.wkl.all 8-15-90