90-1098 O 1 �AI ����� L � Council File #` �v /D 9� Green Sheet � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To \ Committee: Date WHEREAS , Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code regulates noise and sound limitations within the city limits ; and WHEREAS , said Chapter provides for a variance , upon appli- cation and City Council approval , after a showing that full compliance would constitute an unreasonable hardship on the applicant, other persons or the community; and WHEREAS , Richard Knutson, Inc . of Savage , Minnesota, and the City' s Department of Public Works have applied for a variance for sewer and road paving work in the West Seventh Street and Otto Street area ; and WHEREAS , the City Council conduct.ed a public hearing on the variance on June 7 , 1990 and after being fully apprised of the facts , determined that a variance be granted subject to the terms set forth herein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , that a variance from the noise limitations of Chapter 293 is hereby granted in this matter subject to the following conditions : 1 ) That the variance is only effective from July 5 through July 12, 1990. 2) That no noise limitations will be applied on the above days solely for construction work in the area of Otto and Canton Streets and the Orrin Street railroad crossing ana iro.« i,::z hou:s of o : 00 ,�.M. to 11 : 00 P.M. ?aCh d.ay. 3) That between the hours of 7 :00 A.M. and 5 : 00 P.M. on one of the above days the parties may perform a dynamite blast as part of the construction; and, be it �0 R�I G I NA � 9J ,°�� L FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department ' of Public Works shall be responsible for overseeing compliance with this variance. 2 Ye�� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: im n —���— osw z — "�— an —�— Community Se ' es acca ee � e an � une z son �— BY� b Adopted by Council: Date .!U� 2 6 1g90 Form Ap ve by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. -� _� C', � By° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date (o��y 9�� Council JUN 2 7 1990 By; By= �� �.��. PUBUSHED J U L 7 1990. 9v - /0 9� OEPARTMENT/OFFICElCWNCIL pATE INITIATED Q Community Services - Public Healt 6-22-90 GREEN SHEET NO. ���Q COMTACT PERSOi�I 6 PMONE INRIAU DATE INRIAUDATE Peter Kishel - 292-7776 � Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �cm oouNa� �� �CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENOA BY(DATE) ROU7q10 �BUD(iET OIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. ASAP 0 tiu►voa�op�ssisra�m � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAOE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION FlEQUESTED: City Council resolution ratifying a variance to Chapter 293 (St. Paul Noise Ordtnance). �ooM�riaa'�a+s:Mw�+(N a�(� C01lNqL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLMININO COMIYlIS810N _GVIL BERVIC�COMMISSION �� �E�. _qB COMMRTEE _ _STAFF _ ' OOMMENTS: _DISTRIC'T COURT _ SUPPORT8 WHlqi COUNpL 08,IECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUI�NTY(Who.Whet,WMn,Whsrs,Wh»: The sound level variance will allow sound levels in excess of those in Chapter 293 (St. Paul Noise Ordinance) for sewer and road paving work in the West Seventh Street and Otto Street area. The variance is effective from July 5 through July 12, 1990. The variance provides that the contractor, Richard Knutson, Inc. and the City's Department of Public Works conform to the conditions set forth in the attached resolution. A public hearing was held on June 7, 1990. ADVMITA(iES IF/�PPROYED: Construction work at the railroad crossings will be completed within minimal disruption to local residents and to the railroad. DI8ADVMITAOE3 IF APPROVED: During the time period the variance is in effect, local residents may be exposed to disruptive noise and activities. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The construction work would take longer to complete, resulting in more disruption to local residents. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RAI�ACTION = See below CpgT/l�VENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE GNE) YES NO FUNpprO gpUpCE ACTIyITY NUI�Ep 3 3 2 6 2 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPINN) Expenditure may be necessary to enforce the conditions of the variance. n� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDED IN THE aREEN SHEFtT INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAiLABLE IN THE PURCHASINti OFFICE(PHONE NO.29�4225). ROUT�NC3 ORDER: Bebw are proferred►outin�e�or ths five rno�frequern typ�of doCUments: ' CONTRACTS (aswmss wttwrized (AUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budpst exists) Accept. �rents) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Depertment Director 2. Initiatin�D�pertmeM 2. BudgN Director 3. City Attorrrey 3. City Attornsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAs�ateM 5. finarx:e 8 Mymt 3vca. Dira4Kor 5. City Council 6. Flnance Ibcountin� 6. Chisf AcxouMaM, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNdL RESOLUTION (sll others) Rsvision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manaper 1. Initiating Depertmsnt Director 2. Dspertmsnt�uMaM 2. Gty Attomey 3: DepeRrnent Diroctor 3. MayoNAalaant 4. Budgst DirsCtar 4. City COUnCiI 5. City Clerk 6. Chief AccouMant. Fn 8 Mpmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DspaRment 2. Gty Attomey 3. MayoNAstlstaM 4. Chy Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SK3NATURE PA(3ES Indicete ths N of psp�a on which si�natures are required and papsrcliP es�of Meas e�. ACTION REOUESTED peecribs what the projecf/requeet seeks to accomplbh in sither chronologh cal oMer or ordsr of impatanos,wMd�sver la mat appropr�e for the issue. Do not write car�plets esntsnoes. Bs�in�h Rem in your 8a�with a verb. REOOMMEN�ATIONS Complete if ths issue in question has bsen proseMed bsfore any body.pubifc or prNate. 3UPPORTS WHICN OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? I�e which Council obj�ctive(s)Yau�o�ct/r►eQQuest wPPo►ts bY���9 the key w�oM(s)(HOUSIN(3, RECREJITION, NEIOHBORHOOD3,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,3EWER 3EPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE U3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNCIL COMMiTTEE/RE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REGIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNIT'Y Explain the situa�ion or c�ndfdons that creeted a r�ed for your proJect or requsat. ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED Ind�ats whethsr thls is aimpy an umwl budgot proceduro required by lawl charter or whsther there are speciflc wa in which the qty of Saint Paul snd its citizens wHl benefit t►an thfs pro�ict/actiwt. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What r�sgative effscta or major chanp�s to exietin�or past processes might this projecNrequsst produce if it Is paqsd(a.g.,traffic deleya, noiae, tax increasss or assssamsnts)?To Whom7 When? For how long? DI3ADV/INTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative c�r�aequencss if ths promised action ie not approved?IneWliy to dsliver ssrvice�Contin�d high treific, noiae, accident rete?l.oss of revenus? FlNANGAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the information�rou provide here to the isaue you . are addreesing,in gansrat you must answer two qu�tions: How much is it going W cost?VYho is gan�to pay? _ , . : .. ,,; ' . �,�-�p�� ,: � , . . _ , _ : � �..� � � , June 8, 199E) _ . , . _ , , , �.,� . . . : . _ . � , . , . . _ . � . , ; . . Ms. Jarw McP�ak . . . ,, _ `Eity_Attorney - ,�. " � ; Room 64�� .City Hal1 . , , _ _ , � _ ,; Dear Ms., [�lcPeak: - , _ . , A�ter public hearing on J�ne 7, 1990, the City Council graat¢d, the . app�aZ of ttichard Knu�on. Inc. fo� a,variance frc�n ,the noise source .. 1iaEitations for the Sever►th/Ot�o �3ewer Separatfon �o ject in ac�r�ce ' witYt staff.reco�a�aer�dat�on�i.. ' - � • , Will y�i,plearse prepace the prc�per -resolu�fon i,apT�nting,. thie act�on._ . . Flea�se �ori�tact Pete� Kishel for Che detmil�_o� t�» s�f r'evooamer�dation, ,> ; , Sir3ce�'ely . . .; _ : , . ;: , _ , � . � Albert a. olson ; , � . . � : .. � �3ty`C�.ark . _ , , _ A60:th . . . . � , � cca Peter Ki�hel, Heal�h Dtvis�on - - • � , . . , � .. . . . .,. . ' . . .. . � � �. . . ' . � . . � . : . ' . . y : . _ . �. .. . .: - . , . . . q , .. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. .. . . .�.,, . . . ' .:<..��. � � � . :... .. . . ' ' . . .:� � .. �� . � � ' � . . � , �� ,'.' ` . . . , .,. . . . � .� . . . -. � . . � . ..-- � . . . . . . _- . -. .. �� . .. .. . �:. - . . _ . . ,. ; �.. -. �`: ..' . � . /� .. .. �. . ` �-�. ! � / r ,�C � _.�lj � � .. � � �. / 'iy �/ :,0` � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM RECEIVED �IAY1619A0 May 11 , 1990 CITY CI.ERK T0: A1 Olson, City C erk FROM: Peter Kishel � SUBJECT: Sound Level Variance for Seventh & Otto Sewer Paving Project Attached is a variance application from Richard Knutson, Inc. /City ofSt. Paul Department of Public Works, for the Seventh-Otto sewer separation project. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of the railroad crossings at: Otto and Stewart; and Orrin and Stewart. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for May 31 , 1990 . If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 292- 7776 . PK/lv Attachments . . � g��/��'� �.b"T'°'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES a 4 O tiC "`� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR 1954 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 (612)292-77'17 May 11 , 1990 Richard Knutson, Inc. 12585 Rhode Island Avenue South Savage, MN 55378 Attn: Chuck Rugroden � Dear Mr. Rugroden: Your application for variance from the noise source limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislative Code) has been received and is being processed. A public hearing before the City Council will be held on May 31 , 1990 , third floor City Hall Council Chambers. A representative of/from Richard Knutson, Inc . should be present at the hearing to respond to any questions or concerns the Council may have. After the public hearing the Council may by resolution grant, deny, modify or revoke the variance request. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 292-7776 . Your uly, ,,�G�6- Peter T. Kishel Safety and Health Analyst PTK/lv Prin�ed on Recycicd Paper .�..t�°-.a'L4�s �'o �`o�� 4"T'°�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL °�� � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES , < �b V� ^C �•"• DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR 1954 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55'104 May 11 , 1990 (612) 292-7717 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Dear St. Paul Property Owner: This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the noise source limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the� St. Paul Legislative Code) . A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be held on: Date: May 31 , 1990. Time: 9 :00 a .m. Location: 3rd Floor, City Hall Council Chambers Written comments or objections may be filed with the: Department of Community Services Division of Public Health Environmental Monitoring Section 1954 University Avenue W. , Suite 4 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Within fifteen (15) davs of the mailincr date on this notice Description of Variance: Richard Knutson, Inc . /City of St. Paul Department of Public Works, has requested a noise variance for sewer and road paving work for the Seventh-Otto sewer and paving project. Noise sources to be used will be heavy construction equipment, backhoe, jackhammer, loaders, trucks, Railroad equipment (by Railroad personnel) and blasting (one-time blast) . If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 292-7776. Yours truly, Peter T. Kishel - Safety and Health Analyst � PTK/lv Piin�cd on Rrcycled Paper u,.�..S , �1 - .y ..,�i�-1 _^ ` , � J)` ,� J J`� Y � ��/"� / � : ' Ci}� oi Saint Paul " Offlce Use Only Department of Community Services Date Rec'd Reviewed � Division of Public Health Environmental Health Sectlon Date Public Notice Referred to ❑ 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Sent Council 292'���� Requires Noise impact Statement � app0 ���a��o� foQ ��r���a��� ��,�.�. . �, ; ,, '��� ; - Sound Levei Restrictions - ' j ;�- �r , - _ �� City of Saint Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 1 . Organization or Person Seeking Variance C i ty of Sa i nt Paul Publ i c Works 2. Address 600 City Hall Annex - 25 W. Fourth Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 3. Responsible Person Paul st. Mart i n 4. POSItIOn Civil Engineer I II 5. Te►ephone 292-6280 ` 6. Briefly Describe the Noise Source and Equipment Involved Construction equipment doing work on the Seventh - Otto Sewer Separation project (See attached map for project location) 7. Address or Legal Description of Noise Source See attached map for project location. A mailing list for the project area is available from Pete 4lhite, Real Estate Division, 298-5317• , 8• Noise Source Time of Operation The contractor shall determine his working hours. 9. Briefly Describe the Steps taken to Minimize Noise Level from Source. . None 10. Briefly State Reasons for Seeking Variance � To complete the project in the time specified in the contract, the contractor may want to work nights and weekends. The methods and construction equipment used to complete rock excavation on this project may result in noise which exceeds Dates �n�Cnown�ot�s o n�ise or {4a�ce. 11 . Dates during which the Variance is Rec�uested , e co� ract w� e comp eted between April 15, 1990 and May 15, 1991 Slgnature of Responsfble Person _ ��^�' /OI � Date ���7 � 9� Return Completed Appllcatlon and s150.00 fee to: Environmental Health Section, 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paut, MN 55101 Make Checks Payable to the "City of Saint Paul" N-1 5/87 : , � _��=�� .. , -. Z � � . o W � Z Z q z ° m � � w (�� �i�� � � o GRA�E ,Q� �j� BENHILL U MnDOT GRACE ������ , 35E TUNNEL � I.S t a o EDGCUMBE °� JEFfERSON � ] P ANT � �uuET � � � MONROE PALACE PALACE �� 3 � � w . z Q �m � <v� L�J �. � � � > m °� JAMES 4� Q �JAMES . .. ........... ..... ....... ..... � � � � L RANDOLPH � RANDOLPH : �� �• ��+ � � .:..............::......::........ JUNO '���: AR ...................... ;................. MSIRONG :��� ___ a C .....................:..... . .....:::. .:..... WATSON � �� � Q ""' """""" TUSCARORA � � BAY D � sG� O�O a OR �J� 9c F,Q P� � CHEFFE J� �� a N ELEANOR ` 0 � z � 0 � � Z �y�P U t � , 5 � 5 � � � OTTO � Q w � � � � �STq �O , � Z � � �0� y� y� E�3NEW SEWER CONSTRUCTION ��k, � W/RESTORAl10N OF EXISIING ��p O��P � STREET OR ALLEY G4. P �NEW SEWER CONSTRUC710N �Q' AND PAVING ��� ,.. �PAVING �'� X PAVING OF INTERSECTION � SEVEN TH - OTTO STOR M SEWER CI TY PROJECT 90- S- 8060 . , � �� � - �o�/d�g J a� ������� �������' ���■ 12585 RHODE ISLAND AVE. SO. • SAVAGE, MN 55378 • 612/890-8811 - FAX 612/890-8346 .� � May 1, 1990 - ' City of St. Paul - Department of Public Works _ � 600 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 Attn: Mr. Daniel Haak Re: Seventh-Otto Sewer & Paving � Variance request for RR crossing RKI #379 Gentlemen: We are requesting a variance for the above mentioned project. Information regarding the request is as follows: 1. Company Name . Richard Knutson, Inc. 12585 Rhode Island Avenue South Savage, MN 55378 . Attn: Dale Meyer Vice President � 2. Dates Requested . July 5, 1990 - July 10, 1990 (See attached for more detail) 3. Location of Source . (See attached map) � 4. Nature of noise . I Heavy construction equipment Backhoe Jackhammer � Loaders ITrucks Railroad equipment (By railroad personel) Blasting (One time blast) � I � . • ' ' � �,J` �U',c� Mr. Haak May 1, 1990 Page 2 5. Reasons for request. � Time constraints imposed by track usage. (See Attached) - 6. Steps to minimize noise levels. 1) Coordinate with Soo Line RR crews to minimize time spent at this crossing. 2) Well maintained equipment on job to minimize noise levels from equipment. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, Richard Knutson, I . � ��,� . �uck Rugro en Estimator CR/kl . enclosures � � , ,� o .,:�W� � _��J1�— ,�,Q" • �q�n�...a. s� '-'��',v�tG .7G. V'� ( . . . . //�-� '^�1\\`ww,[.�71\\�.�� � �►r_:. `' . , , � �\M� i `r� �1� ,"'�r. R� -��+��✓���. ;•::':•` ''I- .,• ... '. ,�GCU BE � 'i� - �1.. '•. _.. �, �� � a �. fERSON �� h��� '�:•�':� ?lEASANT 5 '�'_� ..•�0.`� . <� � ��� � MOHR � P� ••::, o . AV E. '•:,'.,= .' :� � •' . • . ;�,:�.• .•; :�• :�:� � Q_AVE A ',i,� �- ���r.��,.r.`T��N ���. u m �o( � •� ' . t� N.4� y� � ... ��� , I �:�: > < v'�V� L :� r:;� ��� �"°'' ��.� y��•/� :.- ��l � �� [� � L ; RANDOLPH — * Q��,.� } � '�,o"r G' �., . .- .,._..�-� „ - � �H m a a sr c '"� �.:�". -.:��iJ�.� .�-..._..-.. * � �• ��: � ,,,, �� } ..L.._......�::�._..._..._...�:.:. _ J �1fY 3 •.;: . . '31�a� �� . �«�w«�«f-t_ � AVE. � W F � ��� * —.�.: a x ���w.r Y ,+��-. z ,�•{� •:p..-:.�:. � • q .�L- J.�r.��: .•ia•a:�i•. .��� a_�,c � .�:::•::•::• :: .-�: �v�, � � ��' +►',;��. t� ;•,�.��_ WATSON �► �,� � ... ( ��►s• �' :.. ';. `�( ZO +��'�: - �Y�T� '�'!iV£:� + � � � t1 F-�"y„� '�!� �"* ,�►'o `� � T - p ..�i C� , 3 � �. �.::�' :'� � c V Z Y ��� BAYARD 1- * -� �• -�" . '-iM� �. �, X ��¢ � J ,�y, r I r � ���i J �a ~�—^. ;SCHEFFEA c Es�E .`�� � •N � y�:I; I:�: � t P�E d��•�� _ r ' �"1: P� /� . �MoMr � � ELEANOR : � �M � ��ti ! ";p�' .�� � �---: '• � r � � � .� ����:�..:. , �,.f�� '�C .�. � * � ��+• CA���s Q' �� �', . .r : • •: ' � '��`�'� ,,,, � � � � :''`r � V�= 10 � pN�s ,.%'', �� ,�� 9, • � o� t � ��y � R2 �Q�SS1ntGS �- r •t a � �'. J;:y• • �' i+r�•� � x . � � • � �t � � .'f. �~� �' •� 'f ���,� � Q �r�. .P� :•�?' ��,yn��� �' _ ' , `�w.', .;:W���//�' - o;:�� .. ', = 5 � .� ''M�''' ':�i��'111(/ � ,�"� �� '' SEVENTH/ OTTO (EKD 6) x Q��.% . W � . -+ :'`'�� _ �`� OILED 5.6 MILES• STREE7S TO BE PAVED IN 1989 pqVED � 0.5 MILES" 27 MILES OILED STREETS-PAVING DELAYED _ 8EWER CONSTRUC710N ����'� ON STREE7S 70 BE RECONSTRUCTED 3.3 MILES ,. � ON"07HER" - (REPAIR 7RENC1� 0.8 MILES 115�89 • I�cludss: Vtctoria-0.6 mltes MSA(' •• )-�f*treeno street assessment 1990 � Incfudes: Otto east of 7th-0.3 milss MSA r )- � .�. ' , • SEVENTH-OTTO STORM SEWER�PA��Gi� n i�?f The safety plan shouid address at minimum two principals �SSUes: � � administrative matters and hazard analysis. Items to include but not limited to: � Administrative Section - Identification and accounta.bility of contractor personnel responsible for � accident prevention. - Local requirements, such as noise control, traffic problems, etc. - Methods for control and coordination of subcontractors. . - Plans for layout of temporary construction facilities. � - Plans for initial indoctrination, continued safety education, and training of employees. - Plans for traffic control and marking of hazards (haul roads, highway � intersections, railroads, utilities, bridges, restricted area, etc.) - Plans for job cleanup and safe access and egress. - Plans for fire protection and emergency serv�ces. , - Plans for safety inspections by qualified persons and reports to be dept ;� and filed with the grantee on a regular basis. - Accident investigat�on procedures. - Fall protection systems procedures. :'�°� - Fall protection systems detaits. '"� - Sketch of temporary power distribution system. - Safe clearance procedures. � - Office trailer anchoring plans. �� - Severe weather contingency plans. - Reports scheduled to be filed w�th grantee on a regular basis. � Activity Hazard Analysis - Activity hazard analyses must be prepared for every cantraci activity � and operation in each major phase of wo�c. - The plan should identify the sequence of work, the specific hazards anticipated and the control measures to be implemented to minimize eliminate each hazard. The activity hazard analysis shall incfude � these major points: � - Activity being performed (in each phase) � - Sequence of Work - Hazards to be controlled in each activity - Reports scheduled to be filed with grantee on a regular basis. � GR-6.00 (]7081 RAILROAD-HIGHWAY PROVISION The provisions of 1708 in the MnDOT Standard Specifications for � Construction shall govern as amended below. Sewer line crossings of the Soo Line Railroad tracks on Otto and Orrin � _ Avenues are restricted as to the time they are to be accomplished. The rail line involved serves the Ford Motor Co. which depends on twice daily train movements. As such service must be maintained all all times, exce�t for the � periods discussed below. These periods are listed in order of their length, from longest to shortest. ' � 11 � .., - ' . �� �/J �� �� SEVENTH-OTTO STORM SEWER & PAVING � 7/5/90 - 7/10/90, (4th of July weekend) approximately 132 hrs. � The period starting on Thursday, July 5, 1990 wiil be the ; longest period of time available to cut rail service to the plant. � The Contractor is allowed to take the line out of service as soon as the last train passes on Thursday afternoon (7/5/90), and I have service restored by the time of the first train on Tuesday morning (7/10/90). � 5/25/90 - 5/28/90, (Memorial Day weekend) approximately 60 hrs. ( � The Contractor is allowed to take the line out of service as soon as the last train passes on Friday afternoon (5/25/90), and have � service restored by the time of the first train on Monday � morning (5/28/90). IAny weekend, approximately 42 hrs. � The Contractor is aflowed to take the line out of service on any I weekend from the time the last train passes on Friday afternoon, until midday on Sunday. � Within the time frame selected, the Contractor must complete all work Inecessary to construct the sewer crossing of the tracks. � Removal and reinstallation of the rails and track structure is to be accomplished by Soo Line Railroad crews. The Contractor should contact Ithe Soo Line to determine their time requirements for this work. Portions of � the crossing at Otto consist of spur tracks which may be removed prior to, and reinstalled after, the deadlines discussed above. Time limits for this should be coordinated with the Koch Fuels Co. terminal whose facility the spur serves. ( Compaction of the trench bacicfill shall be 100% Standard Proctor Density in the area 5' on either side of the railroad centerline and extending downward � to the trench bottom at a 1.5:1 slope. Alternatively, the Contractor may use I Lean Mix Backfill as a trench backfill in this area. The add�tional compactive effort or the use of Lean Mix Backfill shall be considered incidental to Bio � ITEM 503.601, "SEWER CROSSING OF RAILROAD TRACKS AT OTTO AND ORRIN". The limits of this construction should be planned so that on completion of this work, no adjacent construction activity will effect the operation of the Railroad in any way. The Engineer, the Soo Line Railroad, Ford Motor Co., and Koch Fuels Co. must all be notified at least 2 weeks in advance of the period the tracks are to be taken out of service. In addition the Engineer should be notified as soon as practical after the contract has been awarded, as to when the tracks are planned to be taken out of service. 12 � �- �' , , �� -�J �� � ' SEVENTH-OTTO STORM SEWER & PAVING � CONTACTS: � Soo Line Railroad Co. Leif Thorson Soo Line Building Pubiic Contact Engr. � Box 530 (612) 347-8274 _ Minneapolis, MN 55440 Koch Fuels Co. Mike Savage � 778 Otto Avenue Plant Manager Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 228-4620 � Ford Motor Company Jerry Meath 966 S. Mississippi River Blvd. Matenal Manager St. Paul, MN 55116 (612) 696-0684 � GR-7.00 (18061 DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OF CONTRACT The provisions of 1806 in the Saint Paul Standard Supplemental � Specifications for Construction shall govern as amended below. 1. All work required by the Contractor complete in ptace on streets � identified on the following table shall be completed within the allotted � calendar days. If said work is not completed within the specified time; � liquidated damages of in the amount specified will be charged against the Contractor. � Street Comnletlon Date Llquldated Dama9es Otto-Stewart to W 7th 90 calendar days $500/calendar day � W. B. Shepard closure 90 calendar days $2,000%alendar day W 7th-View to May 100 calendar days $2,000%alendar day Jefferson-Vctoria to View 60 calendar days $500/calendar day � Victoria-Jefferson to Benhill and , Benhill- Deubener to Victoria 35 calendar days $1,000%alendar day 2. All streets and alleys shall be restored or in the case of newly paved � streets brought up through the first bituminous base course w�thin 30 days of completion of underground utility work and mainline sewer work or within 30 days of removals where no utility work or mainline � sewer work is required. The construction of catch bas�ns or catch basin leads shall not be considered mainline sewer work or utility work. If said work is not completed within the specified time; liquidated damages in the amount of $200/calendar day will be charged against the Contractor. 3. The Contractor shall be aware of City Ordinance No. 17642 which limits � work in any given block on a project to,90 days from the time removals are started until an asphalt base course is placed. If said work is not compteted within the specified time; liquidated damages in the amount � of $200%alendar day will be charged against the Contractor. � ,.. � 13 �