90-1097 . - � - 0 R I G I N A L , Council File /4^ n � ��7 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By �--�� �`� Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS , Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code regulates noise and sound limitations within the City limits ; and WHEREAS , said Chapter provides for a variance, upon appli- cation and City Council approval , after a showing that full compliance would constitute an unreasonable hardship on the applicant, other persons or the community; and WHEREA5 , Jam Productions , Ltd. is promoting and staging a performance by a rock group known as "New Kids on the Block" on July 4, 1990 at Harriet Island and has applied for a variance in connection with the performance ; and WHEREAS , the City Council conducted a public hearing on the variance on June 7 , 1990 and after being fully apprised of the facts , determined that a variance should be granted subject to the terms set forth herein; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , that a variance from the noise limitations of Chapter 293 is hereby granted in this matter subject to the following conditions : -1 ) This variance shall be granted from 6 : 00 a.m. through 11 : 00 p.m. Wednesday, July 4, 1990. 2) There shall be a 105 dBA sound level limit at the sound mix position. 3) Sound delay towers shall be used to provide better sound coverac�e if the anticipa�ed attendance is 40, OG0 persons. 4) An acoustical curtain shall be suspended from the rear of the stage roof, extending down to the stage floor and covering the entire width of the stage , excluding the speaker wings . . 5) Jam Productions , Ltd. shall maintain continuous sound level monitoring to ensure that sound levels comply with the decibel limit iri the variance. 6) Jam Productions , Ltd. shall work closely and cooperate fully with the Division of Public Health. . . R 9� -/�9� . � . ORIG� ���AL 7) The Division of Public Health shall have full access to all locations needed to ensure compliance with this variance . 2 eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon osw �— n �— Communit S ces acca ee -� et man �- u e T— i son �— BY� �— Ado ted b Council: Date ''� Form Approved by City Attorney P Y ����"� v :> �:���r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy:\� c �-/3-`lU By' Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council � _ , J N 2 7 1990 By: By' PUBUSNfD J U L 7 1990 r'o -��q� OEPARTM[NTIOFFICE/COUNqI pATE INITIATED ^O�� Cormiuni ty Serv�ces - Heal th 6/22/9� GREEN SHEET No. �+ CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE IN171AU DATE INITIAtJDATE �DEPARTMENT aRECTOR m GTY COUNGL Peter Ki shel - 292-7776 �� �Grr nrro�er �qTN CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNdL A4ENDA BY(OAT� p011TIN0 �BUDOET DIAECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.BERVICES DIR. ASAP Q MAYOR(OR A881STANn � TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAt�ES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81QNATURE) �REpUESTED: City Council resolution ratify'rng a variance to Ghapter 293 (St. Paul Noise Ordinance) �coM►�,o�► :�vv►�•w«�c�+►► cour�c��co�nT���narr oP�o�u. _PLANNING OOMMIS�ON _pVIL SERVICE COMM1881pN ��YST PNONE NO. _p8 OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _D18TAIC'T COURT _ SUPPORTB WFIIGI COUNqI OBJECTIVE4 INITIATINO PROBLEM.�6UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.WMt.N�hee�WMro.Why): The sound level .variance will allow sound levels in excess of those in Chapter 293 (St. Paul Noise Ordinance) for a "New Kids on the Block" concert to be held Jul,y 4, 1990 at Harriet Island in St. Paul . The variance provides that from 6:00 p.m. throuah 11:OC� p.m JAM Productions, Ltd. must conform to the conditions and limitations set forth in the attac ed resolution. Public Hearing held June 7, 1990. ADYMITA(�E81F APPROVED: JAh1 Productions, Ltd. (New. Kids an the Block) will be able to provide entertainment that produces sound levels exceedina the limits set in Chapter 293 (St. Paul Noise Ordinance) . as�ov�wr�s���ovec: A sound level limit at the mix of 105 dBA will be disruptive to some city r��idents durinct the duration of the event. DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: JAR1 Productions, Ltd. (New Kids oa the Block) would not be able to present a concert within the sound limits of Chapter 293 (St. Pau1 Noise Ordinance). TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a See bel ow c�n�,�NUE euooE��c��o� � ,�o FUNDINO B�JRCE ACTIVITY NUMOER flNANCIRI INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� Expenditure may be necessary to enforce the conditions of the variance. i . ' . NOTE: COMPLE?E DIRECTION3 ARE tNCLUDED IN THE t�REEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVItILABLE IN THE PURCHASINt3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.2�-422�. ROUTiN(i ORDER: Below are prNerrod routin�s for the fivve most froqueM types of documerKS: ' OONTRACTS (a�umos authoriz�d COUNqL RE30LUTION (Amend� Bd�ts•/ : budget exi�s) Accept. Cirents) 1. Outeids A�sncy 1. Departmsnt Dinctor 2. Initfatinp D�portmeM 2. Budgst Dincbr 3. (�ty Attomsy 3. City Attornsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNA�nt 5. financs 8c Mqmt 9vca. Dir�scbr 5. City Coundl 8. Flnencs/►coou[��W 6. Chief Ik:counhM� Fln�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpst OOUNGL RESOLUTION (all others) Revbbn) and ORDINANCE �, p��M� 1. Inkiating DspeRmeM Director 2. a 3. DspsRm�nt Director� 3. M�� 4. Budgst Diroctor 4. dty CtlUncil 5. City Clerlt 6. Chief/�ccountant, Fin 8 AApmt 3vca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (aN od�srs) 1. InkiMi�p�epartment 2. Gty Attomey 3. Mayor/A�staM 4. dty Clerlt TOTAL NUMBER OF 31CiNATURE PAGaES Indicate the N of psy�s on whfch signatures are roquired and eP pe Prcli beioh of these pa�ss. ACTION AEOWESTED pescribs what the projscf/raqueet esaks W ecoomplish in efthsr chronobgl- cai order w or�of importance�whkhevar�naN appropriate for the i�us. Do not write oompleb se�snoss. Bspin eadt item in your list with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complste If the issus in qusstion t�es besn pr�sesntad before any bo�dy.Public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COIJNpL OBJECTNE? Indicate which Coundl objscUw(s)Y'rnu proJscth'sQtwst suPports by�ietin� ths key word(s)(HOUSINt�, RECREATION, NEIOHBORHOODS,EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUOQET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE U3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 RE�UESTED BY COUNGL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNIIY Explein ths situation or condlMone that cnetsd a need for your project o►request. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this ia almply an annwl budqet procedu�e required by law/ chaRsr or whstl�th�ro are sp�CMC f�which tlw C�y of Safnt Psul and Its dtizsns wiN bsnsllt fi+om tf�is p�Nactia�. ° DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What ne�adive Nlects w major cherp�s to existing or past proceases migM this ProJsct/►eQueet Produce if it ia pawd(e.g.,t►effic delays� nolee, tex incrs�ea a e�ents)?To Whom?Whsn? For how lo�? DISADVANTAC3ES IF NOT APPROVED What wl8 bs the ne�ative conssqusnces if ths promfsed action is not epprovsd7 InablNty to dNiver ssrviCe4 ConUnued high trafficc, noise, axidsnt rats?L.o�s af rsvennire? FlNANGAL IMPACT Atq�ou�h you must tsilor the iM�matbn you provids here to the issue you aro add�irp,in psnsral you mu�answer twa queationa: How much is it �oiny to c�stT Wtw is�Ofrp to Pa�R . , �-�� 9�'� .. , . : 9 - v� : 6 `� � , _ � . _ . . . � � � , June 8� 1990 �� Ms. Jane !lcPeak � . City Attorney _ . Rvom 647� City Hall _ ,: Dear Ms. McPeak: After p�blic hearing on June 7, 1990, the CiGy Cow;cil granted tfie appeal of J�n Productiaas, Ltd., for a variance from the nofse sou�ce limitations for the New Kids on the Slock cancert to bQ held or� Eiarriet � Island July 4th. in i►ccordancQ with ataf� r�oaodnerxl�►tione ae amendec9 , to allo�r 105 dB� level and to delate statf �ecomms�cla�tion No. 5. will yau.please Prepnrw t,hQ Proper reeoYution i�eplao�t3ng,thia ection. Please contact Peter Kiahel°For th� d�taila� an �the.eta�f �ec�om�asndation. Siru:er+aly, . Albe�'t B. Oloon City� Cletk � A80:t.h . :cxs Peter Riahel� E�al.th Divieion � , . . , ,, . � � . �---`��� . . . :.0� � a � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM May 29 , 1990 T0: Council President William Wilson Councilmember Thomas Dimond Councilmember Roger Goswitz Councilmember Robert Long Councilmember Paula Maccabee Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember David une FROM: Peter T . Kishel � Safety & Health a yst SUBJECT: Sound Level Variance Request for Jam Productions, Ltd. "New Kids on the Block" Concert, July 4 , 1990 at Harriet Island We have reviewed the variance application and recommend that the variance be granted with the following conditions and limitations . 1 ) This variance shall be granted from 6 : 00 a .m. through 11 : 00 p .m. Wednesday, July 4 , 1990 . 2 ) There shall be a 100 dBA sound level limit at the sound mix position. 3 ) Sound delay towers shall be used to provide better sound coverage for the anticipated 40 ,000 attendance. 4 ) An acoustical curtain shall be suspended from the rear of the stage roof , exten.ding down to the stage floor and covering the entire width of the stage, excluding the speaker wings . 5 ) A sound abatement wall constructed of 5/8" sheet rock, laminated between two sheets of plywood, shall be erected not more than 8 feet behind each speaker stack, and shall extend 3 feet beyond the outermost speakers and 3 feet above the highest speakers . 6 ) Jam Productions , Ltd. shall maintain c�ntinuous sound level monitoring to ensure that sound levels comply with the decibel limit in the variance. :�. � �d--���� s . i Page 2 Sound Level Variance for New Kids on the Block Concert May 29 , 1990 7 ) Jam Productions , Ltd. shall work closely and cooperate fully with the Division of Public Health. 8 ) The Division of Public Health shall have full access to all locations needed to ensure compliance with this variance. PTK/lv Enclosure c : Roy Garza . � . � �;t v' - % :i �'j` , , F,, > � ,�°'T=°�� �'`�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL .° � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � sm �.a. DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR 1954 Universiry Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 RECEIVED (612) 292-7717 May 9, 1990 �nv����o inM� T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk CITY CLERK FROM: Peter Kishel ���j� ,�., SUBJECT: Sound Level Variance Public Hearing Attached is a variance application from Jam Productions, Ltd. , Chicago, Illinois , for a "New Kids on the Block concert to be held July 4, 1990. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Harriet Island. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for May 31, 1990 . If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 292- 7776 . PK/lv Attachments Printed on Recycled Paper �s.,�s - 9 0 T H U 1 � : 0 6 C O M P A N Y T . I N C t P . 0 3 - , �v �f v i � Application for Sound �evel Variance City of St, Paul Noise Ordinar�ce Chaptcr 293 of chc Sc Paul I.cgisiativc Code 1. Organizadon or person seeking variance: < � � � �1� �1 �(F� 2. Address:���__ (,l�G ST ��r�-4-�`�._ �1 l c.4 C.G C7 �L� (o C�f,�. ( (� ._ 3. Resposible pexson; � � l�� Y „ ; 4. Title.or posidon: � ��i �� ��-b�2- P/!- '/[7J11.�L�/� S. TeIephone�3�?)��n�— �o��� 6. Briefty describe the noise source and equipnnent involved; �.� S��'(�7� �? _ �'Ov� � -�D ��� O�'� �¢��,D��� °'�(1��v �l.Qc _ �U � r� rv �/ 7. Address�r legal descripuon o�noise source:��2�E-� � ���-� S'� P��JL� �1'�� N ���� , _ 8. Noise souxce time of o radon: � r'�-C � , OC� Pe .._,_ � 9. Briefly describc the stcps that will be takan to minunize the noise levols:_S((-��, . �,.�, � �J\l�l, ��,�s�,, f�t t�i�, �C��.�Q.1 �\L1�►(Z- (-NC—�2� �i�� !J� .i _„_ �'�ti^J� 1>�1cJ�`�(� rJ S 1 ` Ql4-�J� — �0. Bricfly state reason for seeking vazia»ce: ��1��� � _�/� p�,�q�/ _ �� (Yl� (i tJ l,� -t � C' �� �1' ,�c �Di�t , ` I � i l. Dat�s dur�ng which the variance is rcquestod: _ Signature of responsible person Date � "-�G Return compieted Appltcation and $150.00 fee to: �ffce Use On1y City of St.Paul ,. f� Departmcnt of Community Services Dace Roc'd. �• 3� Divi�sion o!Pubiic Hca1�h Rcvicwcd —�— � ' Environmenlal Monitoting Dnte public Notice Scnt � . 1954 Un[veraity Av�.Wcst Suitc 4 Rofcrrcd to Council -� St,Pau1, MN 54�04 292-777b � . � .� � �;�,- �� � �';; � ' . May 9, 1990 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HBARING Dear St. Paul Property Owner: This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the noise source limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance {Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislative Code) . A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be held on: Date: May 31 , 1990 Time: 9 : 00 a.m. Location: 3rd Floor, City Hall Council Chambers Written comments or objections may be filed with the: Department of Community Services Division of Public Health Fnvironmental Monitoring Section 1954 University Avenue W. , Suite 4 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Within fifteen (15) davs of �he mailinq date on this notice Description of Variance: Jam Productions, Ltd. , Chicago, Illinois, has requested a sound level variance for a concert by the group, "New Kids on the Block" at Harriet Island on July 4, 1990 . The variance is requested for the hours of 6 :00 a.m. until 11 : 00 p.m. A 110 dBA sound level limit at the sound mix is being requested. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 292-7776 . Yours ly, 7 .t%��/ /; Peter T. Kishel Safety and Health Analyst PTK/lv