90-1083 � �° CITY OF ST. PAUL C NCIL O. O ' D ✓ t FINAL ORDER � Y . aii3-90 : ` � / � Voting In the Matter of Ward 2 opa�atiag and aaintainiwa t�e Cit�—svaed "?o�a Sqaare" Yablic Spacts located �rithia the fallowing straets; Cedar Street, Se�enLh Stratt, ltinnesota Street and Sixtb Str�et. The le�el of operatioa •�d sainteaaac• of tbe �TOMD Square Pablic Spae�s" for the period of Ja�y 1 , 1490 thra Jnae 30� 19l1 , :hall be perfor�ed in a saaner �et fortb asd describad in a repart froa the Departseat of Cos�naity Serviees. A cop� of tIIe eost attributed to the progra■ With distrfbnLion of said serviee charges :re enclased vith this order. The costo of aperating and saintaiaiag t�e "Toxn Square" Public Spaces shall be assessed against the benefited progerty o�raers of the do�vntova area as designated in the Tova S�uare Assesssent polic� for�nlated by the City of Saint Pspl. (tWasq.fo) � � " � under Preliminary Order /��/la approved -��`�� a�e..s 7 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered The same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �UN 2 8 1990 Yeas� Nays 6pswitz Certified sse by CouncIl Secretary �� � In Favor By Maccabee s�tta�n a ��Q Against �1�, JUN 2 8 1990Mayor PUBUSHED J U L 7 1990_ � t y . • � 5/16/90 � 0��� " . DEPARTM[NTlOFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Jw/�.---yD l Finance De artm t Real Estate GREEN SHEET �f Nv. 9150 CONTACT PERSOPI 8 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE . �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNGL Roxanna Flink 292-7028 N�� ❑aTM ATTO�N�' �crrv c�aK MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(D/1TE) ROUTIND �BUD(iET dRECTOR �FIN.�MOT.SERVICES WR. Must be in Cit Cl rk' Of �u�u►voRtoR�ssisrnNn Q ('.nnnri 1 g TOTAL�M OF SIONATURE PA� 1 (CLIP ALL LOGATION8 FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REQUEBTED: Setting hearing date to approve the estimated annual operating cost of the "Town Square" Public Spaces Approving estimated operating costs of Towt1 Square for July 1, 1990 thru June 30, 1991 File #18113-90 RECOMhIEND�►TtONS:AvP�(N a�(� COUNCIL RE'ORT �TIONAL ' _PLAPININO COMIYNNS810N _pVll 8ERV1�COMMI8810N ANALYST PFIONIE NO. _f�B COI�AMfT7'EE _ A 8TAFF _ COMMENTB: _DIBTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHlpi(�OUI�I OBJECi1VE7 Recreation Ward 2 wm�nrui a�oe�.iasue,or�o�TUNirv�wrw,uim.e.wn.�.wn�..wny): Since 19$2, surrounding property owners have shared the operating expense of the loft area in Town Square Park �ov��oes��+oveo: Because the loft or park area draws visitors and shoppers to the Town Square Mall, surrounding property owners benefit from the increase traffic flow. This has been an annual procedure since 1982. DISIIDYANT/kiEB IF APPROVED: Hearing will be held at a later date to ratify the charges to px'operty owners who can then pay their amount o� have the charge certified to their 1991 property taxes DISADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPpOVED: The City as a whole, would bear the added expense to operate the loft area of Town Square payable thru the General . Fund. RECEIVED 4c�uricii Research Center �AY23�� MAY 17�_� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � 984,547.�� �gT/11LeyENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON6� YE$ NO ����� Town Square ��ryiTy N�� 43180 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Approxima.tely 1,200 properties are notified �(�/ � ' , T � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET IN3TRUCTIONAI MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINt3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDEfl: Below are prefsrnd routfnps for the Hvs most frequent rypss of documsMa: ' OONTRACT3 (sssumes authorizad COUNCIL RE80LLITION (M�snd� Bdgta./ budyet exists) Accspt. Qranta) 1. Outsids/1�snCy 1. Dep�rtmeM DireCtor 2. Inftiatinp D�Rmsnt 2. Budgst DUector 3. qty Attomsy 3. Gty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayar/MsistaM 5. Flnence d Mgmt 3vcs. Dir�ctor 5. CMy Coundl 6. Flnance AccouMing 6. Chisf AocouMaM. Fln d�Mgmt S1res. ADMINISTRATIVE OROER �> COUNqL RESOLUTION (��I�� 1. Hctivity Mana�er 1. Initiatlnp OepaRmsnt Director 2. Deparhr�ent/lacountant 2• City AtWrt�y 3. Department Dlrector 3. MayorlA�sistant 4. Budget Director 4. qty COUr1Ci1 5. Cily(:lerk 6. Chief Axountant, Fin�AAymt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othero) 1. Initfeting Deputmsnt 2. qtY Attornsy . 4. (�t�Clerk � TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAOES Indk�te the#�of p�pss on which�turoa ue roquind and pepsrcUP e�ch of theee pepK. _ ACTION REGUE8TED Dacribe what tho proj�ctlroquest es�ks to acxompNsh In eithK chroralopl- cal order or ordK of irnportancs�wh�hsvsr is most appropriats for ths issw.Do nW nRiM oompl�ta ssntenoss. Be�n e�h Item in your Iist with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Compists N ths iss�s in quesdon haa b�sn preserned be�ore arry body, public or p�ivate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Coundl obj�ctive(s)Y'�+����u��+PP�bY���9 dis ksY word(s)(HOUSINCi. RECREATION� NEICiHBORNOODS.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEYVER SEPARA?lON).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL COMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE3TED BY COUNCdL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or oondidons that croated a need tor your projsct � or roquest. ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED Indicate whsther thb is simpy an annwl budpet proceduro rpuind by law/ chaRer or whsth�r thsre an ap�ciflc in which tM dy of SaiM Pwl end Its citizsns will benNft h�om this p�thctlon. DISADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED ' - Whet nepative sffscts a myor ch�rqes to sxisting or past proces�es mi�ht this projsct/roquest produce M it is p�d.(e.�.�,trat�c dNeys� noise, tax incroases or ass�nb)4 To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the nepative coneequonoea if the promised action is not appraved?Inability to detiver ssrvice?Continusd high traffic, noise, accideM rate? Loss of revenue? FlNANqAL IMPACT Although you must tallor the info�mation you provide here to the issue you are addr�ainq,in pqnsral you must answer two queations: How much ia it qoing to cost?Who is�oing to pay? � �,: � � � , ��yo�o�3 . `'t'°, � CI.TY OF SAINT PAUL �+ ;, � y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : '��j�� ; �• "� DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION "" TOWN SQUARE P/1RK )AMES SCHEIBEL 445 Minnewta St, Saint Paul,MinnesoW 55101 MAYOR 612-227-3307 r�y a, 1990 Roxanna Fl ink Supervisor of Assessments 218 C i ty Hal l St. Paul , MN 55102 Re: Towa Square Park Service Charge Dear Ms. Flink: The Operations & Maintenance Budget for Town Square Park has beeen completed for the period July 1, 1990, through June 30, I991. The budget was presented to and approved by the BOMA Advisory Committee. A copy of the April 27th letter of approval from BOMA is attached. The break down of the budget is as follows; To tal To wn Square Park Budge t: . �1,032,336 Town Square Park-Garden Level only: �285,535 I am an ticipa ting a surpl us o f $20,490 from the 1989-90 budge t and have committed this amount tA reduce the assessment. In addition, to further reduce the assessment, I will transfer $5,505 from excess rental profits, code 43183, to the Operations & Maintenance Budget. Also, I have received a refund from BCED for services purchased from them. This amoun t bo tals �21,794, and will be used to fur ther reduce the Service Chsrge. �SS, �..3�5� To tal Garden Level Budget �T9�;6�#� av, :}�� less surplus - ��� 1 e s s rea tal pro f i ts _ �4T339 g S°S less refund from BCED - �21,794 Total Service Charge for Garden Level ;237,746 ��s � �- .� �- � � . , �yo��o�3 . 4` Roxanna Fl ink Page 2 Maq 8, 1990 The remaining amouat for the lower three levels of Town Square Park, �746,801, will be paid by ECE Development Properties, Inc. If you need additional information or have any questions, feel free to call me a t 22 7-3307. Sincerely, � Curtis Burrou s Manager, Town Square Park Enc. cc Lloyd Burkholder Dick Rupert . . � . . (,���-�0�3 April 27, 1990 Wil l iam Bu th St. Paul Building, Owners & Managers Asso. � 386 N. Wabasha St. Suite 645 St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear Mr. Buth: This letter is to confirm our final discussions on April 17, 1990, regarding the Town Square Park, Garden Level Budget for 1990-1991. The budget from July 1, 1990, through Juoe 30, 1991, was approved at �285,535. This is a decrease of $11,107 from the previous qears budget. We are presently running under budget for this year and will commit our anticipated $20,490 surplus in Operation/Maintenance Funds towards reducing the service charge for the 1990-1991 year. In addition, to further reduce the service charge, I will recommend that �5,505 of excess profit from rentals be transferred to the Operation & Maintenance account. A1so, I have received a refund from BCED for services purchased from them. This amount totals $21,794, and will be used to further reduce the Service Charge. The ac tual amoun t cer tif ied to the C i ty Ffnan ce Depar tmen t for the 1990- 1991 service charge will be $237,746. I Would like to receive from the BUMA Board of Directors an official signature of approval on this action, which may be applied to this letter and returned to my office. I w�oul d 1 ike to thank you and the o ther members of the Board of Directors from BOMA for qour assistance and guidance through another budget process. Sinc rely, � Curtis Burro ghs ` r `.s�� ''_ ' � 1 uperintendent of Parks and Recreation - _ ; • � ' ���� �� 9�� r� ., fp �, �� �; ��; �3 . , � , � yo,,a O 1' 1�, R /1 '1' 1� N C; & �1 f� T N '�' 1�; N A N �; G a � �LL...i,..i._J C s ctc�.�..,,a bM`iaLt� .� .. !b'� : � 1f Y I �i i `l � l � g......1.. . ;� :.: �. .�:, Q�Y''"r��/t^� I� o:e.:o..00.e.e.�.b __ ..__.�YI - -.. .- - - . -_..._...__ Y4 _ ���,\; i���Y i i `i ' ._ _ . _._. L. O _.. ��`' 9 L--L� j . ; • i �' ROrY . .. w � L L�.��� - ,+ '/ /�� �E�r� �l� � 1� ��� � 4 ��� �� \ sQP ��� � ���.- � �. .�' .. ` .... ..�. �... .' > �V V N 1� •� �':a a� \ :�` � �✓ -} ' '++..��� �.� �y.� . . � '.� \� � S �t a _ � G� \ Oo,,,�, y. i �� �� ,� \ �/' p � ,� �k� �� � �. 1�� � � �` ��� -�� ' i�`/ ��^: `�,� V� t � �� �� '.�' OL ?C' �'/�'�/ l� � ���,�Z,� � ,.i. p� . � �.� .w.�+.r�w«r :::� � . ..:. ��•� .'.., � � . ���� � .� ,/ �� \ �,✓ i\ y'<1, �N�t' - - �. i �`. � � y, ��� .A�• `�� \ � iK ` � l: � e__ l�� 1 /.. , . o:t�� � `,,`i . \ �y\' r `:, � i /�.. �^' �t�. 1 y6 . r.`w �/ .�Q, ]� � �.:/� /. `;'�' dAVIBtl1.1tAICA ' '�e �'' .r, /• � ���.�,�J �: �j.' 41QF4' A�9�[tOURA[iNN � r'� � � ., < � . ,j , . fw= � ?���p����� '�� � �f ' � s. , �t t �� � }~ � �}< ,. �; r �)�' \ �/i' ;t�� ��+�+^'� \���, �5.��. "t \ \ � �•Jyt�" ,��,i �� 't� Qr � � °� � • � ,y� '�� �..e, �? � ^`�/�1. f�. � ;!' JA \ �`.� ' �� � : r�6/1�,.• �J 1.;�1.;. �� ::�:..wq� rrG� � 4r � �� 6`�,. / ;� �{C`1 . ./ .� 1 �� �: y �� ,�s �,. � " C,� � / ,��.. - > i r ..�;��� � c J' �,�: ; rj � � , / � ` �$� ;, �' . , s :. . i,;�� � `.`i `'` ' ', ' �� � �, . ��� .� e��' , ,�r ., `� ,J�+' �a- � �;; ' ± .�rf�'� �RM�2 ��i,. � s� �� � � ,F, \ � �,,-, � r � , � �. . �.... . , , y�. , .. . .. ... _'. �:.� � i ._. ',. � � , '/ �` � t /�� .�� /,��� i � ♦+ ,.� .� �. •�V, 9 �(' �%.e.i'. �� 4 �►� �� ��� ,��;-, �� s ` .,n + •:,,,4'G�h`y''�i � ' 33 � �, �`'� � p�� . �� , �, �,�; � .. ;., • � � � '., ."`�,- � , ;� ' , ,u�: ' :�;,�� � `,,>�°' �-�� \f /� :�� +S. +•'IttM, r .1 .0��� �I� ''.� ���� . C� ♦ �L e`� `+ • tr . 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PAUL CITY COUNCIL � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE RECEIVED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE CHARGE JUN�81�0 C�ITY CLERK File No. 18113- 0 City Council District # 2 District Planning Council # 17 PURPOSE To consider the level of operation and maintenance AND of the Town Square "public spaces" located in the area LOCATION bounded by the following streets: Cedar Street, Seventh Street, Minnesota Street, and Sixth Street for the period of July l, 1990 to June 30, 1991. HEARING Thursday, June 28, 1990 at 9:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House SERVICE Total estimated costs and financing plan for the proposed CHARGE level of Operation and Maintenance for Town Square INFOR- "Public Spaces " for the period from July 1, 1990 to June MATION 30, 1991, is as follows: Concourse/Street/ Skyway Level $746,801 Paid by Zone 0 Loft Level $285,535 Paid by all Service Charge Zones Total proposed service charge $1, 032, 336 Estimated Service Charge rates are figured in Dollars per square foot of land area. Amounts will be rounded off to the nearest dollar with the minimum charge to be $1.00. SERVICE CHARGE BLOCKS * ZONE RATE IN ZONE Zone 0 $5.0283170 36, 50A Zone 1 $ .0754203 35, 37,49,50B,51,60, 61, 62 Zone 2 $ . 0536974 21,22,23,24, 34, 38,48,52,59, 63,71,72,73,74,75 Zone 3 $ .0350632 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19,20, 25, 26, 33, 39, 40,45,47,53, 54,57, 58, 64, 65, 69,70, 76,77,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89 Zone 4 $ . 0036440 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18A . � . � � � � � � � � � � � 27,28,29, 30,31, 32,41,43,55,56, 66, 67,78,79,81,90,91,93,94,95,96 * To find out what block your property is located in, check the first three digits in the number above your name and address. You can then take the block number and match it with the "Blocks in Zone" list to find the service charge rate. for your property. The City Council will hold another hearing for the purpose of adopting the service charge. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the exact amount you will be required to pay. QUESTIONS Services Performed: 227-3307, Service Charge: 292-7028 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218, City Hall 8:30 to 9:00 A.M the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June 8, 1990 by the Real Estate Division Department of Finance and Management Services St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 (tnsqlst) . � ; � , � .. � � - � � 9�-���'� � . � '.: �` - PRE�Y:IVi�TARY�.�RDER ,'� -� � �Council e o. 0;918=-8 Dave Thu� � �I.n��he Matter�'n��o r �����n� `� °'� ac �.1"�' „� Pe �, ,g�nd�m tai�ng, e��; -�` e qu " uli : . � p,�es�oca'�ed�,�`hln;�l�`ie follow'�ri eets•-Ced : tf� S en 'r 't '`''� �.` `Stree"t and�S tiee�in"'�`VotingtW�� es ta i . xFfi�' '�`fD"'��6, e�nF�"u.��:�'=�a� �N . `. ,,�, he�`eve�of opera�ion an main�e ance of e own u ��'��Pertod o�Jul '1`��` fi� ��h � �i. �, � ,«.,.�;�� � . o�the .- Y• _ 1990�liruJune,�8�0 1991�shall b�eper orm�eed "a �`` a''�d, ; ���c l e scilbe �in a e ort�rom the:De az a � .� `' . � p���nt o���n�'�;Se ' P,,,Y .,. e os �lb�ut d the rogr wittfdls b�'�'o f8' ` ce arge� ar enc��lyo�s.�e , oi}ry�{�Ker • p . . �''�wf# . TW� �1:`R . � . �h�e,�co�.s�,s�of opera g and mzin� lning th, e�_o uaz ub i S a s b F .as��e_.ss�agains�th�ene�ted'properGj%.ownerao th�owiito ��'•� �` �" th`e 5To Square Assessmen�P licy�'rmulafed b}�`ttie�`�Cj q "� n��eglgna ed in ° s 's�'�'��'�'�r-�'��;-.., �a . The'Couneil of the Ctty ofSafntPa�a��e� the ab�o�+e"3�{ii�pi�ov u eri'�an$ha}%n'��sldered°a�'e""" ' of�.e�_M,�ay'or upori�, .: �'..������"�c ��.*�* ta��oTves: � , „�a�the said�re�ort and'the�sam yis hereby a�pproved altern 'tives an '� .r��r w+e � 'th f1ie���°`tri'a�"ed�an"nu �COS -�her o�s$984;5 7�0 • , .� �- • 'a 9 � ,�b e ng�e�K ad o�ea���rove n " . e 28ttt a ,of u e,-199b;,:°_� .m... e Cou c aznbers ot�h'�C 3 ; �_- ouseBu ngs<, 'an th - -it��Of S�lnt: !},at no �e s d t�bllc h arin d Y�the C er `'�.".. B' ns_ ° improv mep'�',�'iia�to ```�"v�� � � oC "'��::` e o . g .`L'�''1g`.�`g'p: � eof� ��ma e _ e ` Y.,� n_ � Y'31: f990. , - , d:b 11 ay r.June�-: 990;' - 'Ju e'9- 6; 99 i : , , ., , � i. _ - ; . ' ' - ; ( _ .. q a �/D�� . . _ � REL ARYzORDE ;iY� _ I';Counci ile iJo� -918 By=Dave��'hu e �. ��:�e���opes ti�ii�malntaining ttie - . bw�quare,�ubllc= o Sp�e�s1,oca e�d���e4i'oll'o���g"s�rce`�syCedaz'='.tr_ " . �$ es � Streef`and S�reet in�/otic►g Waz�2 . hele�ve ot" p�ra on�an�n ceoYthc o � b acestor ^� ' �,t�r+dt �. �u 'perioc�o L�duly 99d�hrit`�June�O; �9��shaIlbepei�orme . a ne�r_'sp'e�fortha�n.d - �?'� 4" ��.. a�e'sr.�v.��vPo+ut-+w .x>, .. _ n a r cr''�°t.ed�"n ep�f�`ro,"''�"--,�"he`peparEtqen!>of,C�omm°�"� c : . • � " copy�o�e cos���u ed:to e progiatnwi�th d q : � e cti`azges• ar�enclaCse wIth�t.k�is ozder: , - . ��_. � e cos o�opera�ng an maln in rig#he�'�o q ' q " sh8�be ass"s�ed a � e'benefi�ed+�co er'own�rs of. h o e � '�"� �'' , �,��,.����-�.fi�, #'-•.p.=�a-�'.��,.r..,� �„�::� as des'� a cd�n_ e o -Squar esgsmeat Policy formulated y, � a�n �•�'�,.�tp��+.-�q+k!�.�.E'k� �y � ti ne o�:the Ctty�of Sain�Paul havin�} ec,ei� }� �`,ayor ` r.�ASr ! aL �* E wY._ Dn.,b�•i,.x• �C"� LLl B above• p�iovemenf,and having�onsidere said�r e� �� � s��v�a>v � � •�.i�. �. a�t�he��a�reRo�d fhe s�m`�is herebY; PPr . 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