90-1076 OQ � � I n� n Council File � - � �O 1 � I V f,.,� � Green Sheet � 7747 RESOLUTION � --� C OF SAINT PA , MINNESOTA (o�I,; Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID �670718) for renewal of a Gambling Manager's License by Joe D. Haller DBA Climb Theatre at Joe & Stan's, 949 W. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved/dc�iad. a s Absent Requested by Department of: imon �� on License & Permit Division cc e — e �— � iuson �— BY� 0 ��N 2 �, �ggp Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gy; . �p�?`9 Hy� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date lo '7 � ����.� JUN 2 7 1990 By: By: -- PUBUSHED J U L 7 1990 �. , ���0"�07 - �. DEPARTM[NTIOFFICFJCOUNpL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 774.� Finance/License CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �NITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine Rozek-298-5056 �� Q�y AITORNEY �qTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL BY ca►� City Clerk �� ❑BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.SERVI�S DIR. Hearin 6 -90 B 6-� 0 �MAYOR(OR A8818TANTl ����1 R TOTAL N OF 81QNATURE PAOE8 � (CLIP A�L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUI� AC110N REWE8TED: Approval of an application for renewal of a Gambling Manager�s License. Z(e Hearin Date: Notification Date: REOOMA�ENDATIONB:MP�+W a�(R► COIlNCIL. R�ORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVIL SERVIf�COMMIBSION �LY8'T ' PHONE NO. _qB OOMMITI'EE _ _STAF'F _ COAiMiAEWTS. _DISTRIC'f COURT _ SUPPORTB WHICN COUNpI OBJECIIVE? INIflA11N0 PqOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORI'UI�TY(Who,WMt.M1hsn.�Nhsrs�Wh�: Joe D. Haller DBA Climb Theatre requests Council approval of his renewal , application for a Gambling Manager's License at,Ioe.& Stan'-s, . 949 W. 7th Street. License fee of $11.17 has been submitted. Fee is prorated for one month. Pulltab sales will end 6-30-90. ADVANTIUI�ES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, Joe E. Haller will continue to manage the pulltab/tipboard sales for Climb Theatre at Joe & stan's, 949 W. 7th Street. DISADVMITk0E8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA(�E8 IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED �UN 12��jQ Counci� �esearch t;enrer �tTY CLERK JUN l 11yyU TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN=ACTION = C08T/REVENUE SUDQETHD(CIRCLE ONE) YE6 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPIAII� �� � s �-. i . + NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTtON3 ARE INCIUDE�IN THE GREEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL � MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINC.,OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Bebw are preferrod routings for ths five m�t froqueM typea of documeMa: CONTRACTS (sasumes authcxizsd COUNdL RESOLUTION (Amsnd, Bdpts./ budget exista) Accept.araMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. InitiaUnp DepaRment 2. BudgN Director 3. qty Attwney "3. Gty Attornsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAaaistsnt 5. Flnar�cs d�Mgmt Sv�s. DiteCtor 5. Cdty Cour�ll 8. - Flnance AxouMing 6. Chfsf AxouMant, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �> UNCIL RE30LUTION (����� �, qct�vity Menayer 1. Initlating Department Director 2. DepartmsM AcoouMe�nt 2. Ctty Attomey 3. DepaRmsnt DireCtor 4. City�'WIIh��t 4. Bud�st Dlrector 5. Gty qerk 6. Chief Accour�u�t� Fln&Nl�mt S�res. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER3 (sN others) 1. Initfating DepaRmsM 2. Gty Attomay 4. qty�Clerlt TOTAL NUMBER OF SK3NATURE PACiES Indicate the l�of pa�es on which ai�natur�aro requirod and reli ea�ch of tFiese� ACTION RE�UESTED Deec�ibe what ths projsct/roquest�sab to accomplbh in either chrorwloqi- cal order or order of importeuxe�whichsver is most appropriate for the issue. Do not aMte complets sentencss. Begin each item fn ycwr list with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS • Complete N the fssus in qusstion has beon preasMed before any body, pubUc or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE4 Indkate wh�h Councc:il objecNvs(s)Y��P►o1��9��PP�bY��� the ksy word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEtCiH80RHOODS,ECONOMIC DEVEIOPM�NT, BUDOET, SEWER SEPARATION).(8EE COMPLETE UST IN IN3TRUCTIONAI MANUAL.) COUNG�COMMITTEEIRE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY OOUNqL INITIATINO PROBLEM, 188UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the skuatfa�or conditlons that croetsd a need for ycwr project or request. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whethar this is afmply an snnual budpst proceduro requfred by law/ charter or whether tlwre aro�pecific ways in wh�h the Chy of SaiM Paul and Its cRizens wfll bensfit from this projecU�ction. DISADVANTA(3E3 IF APPROVED What npative effecta or major chenges to exfstinp or past processes might this projecUrequ�t producs if It is ps�esd(e.g..trai8c delays� noise, tax increasss a asesart�ts)?To Whom?Whsn4 For hoM►bng4 DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED Wf�at will be ths negative consequenws ff the promised e�ction is not approved?Inabflity to de8ver aervk;s?CoMinued high tratfic, noise, accident rate? Lws of rsvenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you mt�st tailor the informatfa�you provids here to the iasue you are addressing, in peneral you must answsr iwo questfons: How much is it gdny to c�st9 Who is gdn�to pey? R . . qQ-/4�� � TiiVISIUN OF LICENSE ANI) P�:RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � / � � � INTERDF.PARTMF.I�TAi, REVIEW CHEGKLIST Appn ro essed/Recei ed Lic Enf Aud Applicant Joe, � �� �� � _ Home Address ��-Q I19� �p�✓t �C Rusiness 1�'ame C �i m � �G�--f'VQ � Home Phone Business Address !� S S '�t Yt5 Type of License(s) � ►'�pal� - --� Business Phone � �GJ � �� o��� i rt /� 1 f' � Y"Yt �1`�'h n '� Public Hearing Date �7 License I.D. �� �Q�] C L _ at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha ers, 3rd floor City Ha11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �pq ��'jD� �o llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� � �� to Applicant �p 8'/RQ Pederal Firearms �6 f�-} Public Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ���- ; Health Divn. ' � � � i Fire Dept. ( � N f-� I i � C� ��� � Police Dept. `� I � la5 �d I� �3� ��I(� � IC� License Divn. 1 � �I�� � �� City Attorney �II��� � ' �Q� Date Received: Site Plan �� �' / 8' �"� To Council Research r� Lease or Letter � l�� Date from Landlord ��� , CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOI2MATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: LJorkers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: