90-1048 0 R I G I NA�. �uncil File � '�l'�'/0�4 . �reen sheet ,� D0,3 � � RESOLUTION C OF SAI AUL, MINNESOTA i�Z r t � �---� Preeented By Aeferred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherein a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following , organizations for the following amount: � Conway Community Center Booster Club $ 900.00 Hazel Park Recreation Center Booster Club 1, 000. 00 Highland Little League Association 1, 000. 00 Jimmy Lee Recreation Center Booster Club 1, 000.00 McDonough Booster Club 1, 000. 00 Parkway Little League Baseball 1, 000. 00 Pro's & Con's Youth Softball Association 1, 000. 00 Saint Paul Rookies 1, 000. 00 and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-0545-33000 Yeas Nays Absent Requeated by Department of: imon � onw �— CONflK[JNITY VICES — acca ee � e man -� un e ��- i son T— � ° � C���9 � Adopted by Council: Date �� !� _�j �:;�'�,'� Form A roved by City Attoiney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g � Y� � BY� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date ����qQ Council ' . � sy: � JUN 2 7 1990 eY: ���� pU�IISHED �u� '7 1990 RGV����" . � � �31990 � �U-/0�� DEPARTM[NTl�FlCE/COUNpL DATE INI'fIATED � c�� snzvicFS GREEN SHEE No. ��pA� CONTACT PERSON 8 PFIONE pEPAHTMENT DIRECTOR Pat Moynagh 292-7430 �� crrvarroaNev ❑aTVC,�.eaK MUST BE ON COUNqI AOENDA BV(D/1TE� WOUTIt�Ki BUOdET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVtCEB DIR. May 15� 19�I O �MAYOR(OR AS818TMIT) ��s e TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAOE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUI� Pat Moynagh Parks ACTION REQlJEBTED: ��r ��� Disbursement of Youth Programs Fund ' �) �es7r �s+� �T0��� o N Cov�/�L �v�A �coM�Hw►noNS:,,�.cA�«�cR► cou�c�x �ronr � _PLANNIN(i WMM{9SION _dVIL SERVI�C�MMIS810N ��Y� R EC�� � � _qB COMMITTEE _ OOMMENTB: _���„� _ JUN 11 � 6 199gUN 0 5 1990 &1PPORTS WMICH COUNpI OBJECTIVE7 Y- INIl1A17N(i PFiOBLEM.IS�1E�OPPOR7VNITY(Who,What.WMn.WMre�NRM: _ _____ The fund was set up to disburse proceeds from Charitable Gambling to eligible community based non-profit youth serving organizations . These organizations have been screened by the Youth Programs Advisory Board. �ovMrr�oES iF�o- Improved Youth Program� for Conway ' Community Recreation Center Booster Club, HazelPark Recreation Center Booster Club, Highland Litt�e League t�ssociation, Jimmy Lee Recreation Center Booster Club, McDonough Booster C1ub, Parkway Little League Baseball, Pro' s & Con' s Youth Girls Softball Association, and Saint Paul Roakies . DISADVANTAfiES IF APPRONED: None 018ADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED: Poor quality youth programs RECEIV�'� ������,�� n�:��:a�c.i� ��i i��r 1UN18199� ��t�� �.5 �� a��� C►�`� CL��K TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = 7 �9OO.OO �gT/R�VENVE�DOETBD�LypCLE ON� YES NO ����� P-3-399-33179-0545-33000 ACTIVITI/NUMOER FINANt�AL INFORMATION:(EXPlA1N) dw