90-1047 �R I G! NA L Council File � q�-�ay� _ Green sheet # DO/ _ RESOLUTION ,����.. CITY OF SAINT P , INNESOTA '� Preaented By •��/ Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherein a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following organizations for the following amount: Conway Booster Club $1, 000. 00 I ' Duluth and Case Booster Club 1, 000. 00 Dunning Booster Club 1, 000. 00 East Side Midget Hockey Club 1, 000. 00 and does hereby authorize the. appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-0545-33000 eas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z rT— COMMU TY S RVICES on acca ee — �— et man � un e �— � /,l z son � 0 ��°� , 1��s'� Form A ved b Cit A orne Adopted by Council: Date �U M ti � �� y Y y Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gy; � G - G - � BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date � �(� /9Q Council � JUN 2 '7 1990 By; ll�'`��/ By: PUBUSHEO �U L 7 1990 . �� RECEIVED ��y0 -/0�� DEPARTMCNTlOFFICEIff�UNqL DATE INITIATED � COMMUNITY SERVICES 1/15/90 CRE�N SHE��j� ] 2. 1990N�• ���TE— CONTACT PER80N 3 PFIONE OEPARTMIENT DIR�ECT�OR �CITY COUNGL , Pat Moynagh 292-7430 N�� crrv,►rroA�r �evn �Jppq�� MU8T BE ON COUNCIL A(�ENDA BY(DAT� p01lTll�p BUp(�E'f pMiE6TpR flN.3 MGT.SERVICES DIW. April 10, 1990 ❑�voR�oR�srnwn Chris Roze Licen e TOTAL�OF 813NATURE pADEB 13 (CLIP ALL LOCATIOI�FOR SKiNATURE) oy ag omm er� �R�,��: EC�IV�C� I�ECEl1/�D Disbursement of Youth Program Fund ' �'��` N �' ��`�U MAR 2 01990 RECOMMENDATIONB:APPr'�(N a�(� COtlNql OPT _PLANNIN(i COAAMISSION _CIV1L 8ERVICB OOMMI8SION ���"''p,�rM��i�'j` (�F+.F���'1NCE � . ANALYBT tL PMONE NO. _q8 OOMMITTEE _ �" ^ _STAFF _ OOMMENTB: S _DISTRICT COURT _ �,��8�►,��►,�,���E�„�� J UN 5 1990 n�m�nru�PROe�M,�.oPPOaruNmr(who,wn.y.wn.�,wn.r•.wn»: .`,; The fund was set up to disburse proceeds from Charitable Gambling to eligible community based non-profit youth serving �rganizations . � These organizations have been screened by the Youth Programs Advisory Board. ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: Improved Youth Programs for Conway Recreation Center, Duluth and Case Recreation Center, Dunning Recreation Center and East Side. Midget Hockey Club. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . None as�ov�wr�s iF NoT�aw�vec: Poor quality youth programs t�ECEi�I�D C�unci! Research Center. JUN�181�9A0 - �uN �4 is90 ..:.. CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s 4,0 0 0.0 0 cosT�v�u�euooer��a�a�> v�s No ��a�� P-3-399-33179-0545-33000 ACTIVITY NUMeEfI FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� d�t/ NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS AAE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA3INO OFFICE(PH(�NE NO. 298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: � 8elow aro preferred routings for the five moN frequent types of documents: CONTRACT3 (assumes auttro�iz�d OOUNGL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdgtsJ J budget exfsts) Axept. (3ranta) 1. Outsfds Ag�ncy 1. DepartmeM DireCtor 2. InRfating D�partment 2. Bud�et DirecWr 3. Gty Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Msyor 4.�„ MayoNAesietaM 5. Flnance&M�mt Svcs. Director 5. City Coundl 6. Finance AccouMing 6. Chief A�countant, Fln S Mgmt S'vcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budget OOUNCIL RE30LUTION (all othero) pe�rieipn) end ORDINANCE 1. Activity Mana�sr 1. Inftiating DepaRmeM Director 2. Depertment AocouMent 2. Gty Attorney 3. DepartmaM Diroctor 3. MayoNA»istarit 4. Budpet Di►ecto� 4. CNy(:oUticil 5. City Cierk 8. Chief AccountaM, Fin d�M�mt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (aU othsrs) 1. In�iating Dep�Rmsnt 2. Gty Attomey 3. Mayor/AssietaM 4. City Gsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATURE P/1CiES Indicate the#�of peges on whiCh sf�natures are required and peperclip each of theae a�es. ACTION RE�UESTED D�cribe what ths proJscUnqusst s�sk�ro acoomplish fn either chronologi- cal ordsr or oMsr of importsnce,whblwwr b most appropriate for the issue. Do n�w�ite complMe sentences. Bepfn each item in your Ifst with a verb. . REOOMMENDATIONS Compl�e if the i�ue in qusstion hes been pre�eMed before arry body, public or private. 3UPPORTS WHICkI OOUNqL 08JECTIVE7 Indh;ate whk�►Council ob1��(8)Y'�r P►��1�SuPPo�bY listing the key Mrord(s)(HOU3ING, RECREATION,NEICiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD6ET,SEWER 3EPARATI01�.(8EE COMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL COMMITrEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 RE�UESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM,13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or c�rrMidons that created s need for your proJect or r•que�. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate wh�th�r this ia sfmpy an annusl budgst procedure required by law/ chartor or whsther thsrs are sp�ciflc wa in whtch the City of 3aint Paul and ite citizens will benslit irom this pro�icUactMn. DI3ADVANTAt3ES IF APPROVED What nsgativa MMcts or myor charpea to�existing or pest processes might thb projecilrsquest prod�e if R fa passed(e.g.;traiflc dNerys� noi�, tax increases or as�ssmsnts)?To Whom?Whsn?For how Ibnp9 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative conasquencsa ff the promised action is not approved?Inabflity W�Iiver servi��Continued high traffic, noise, aocident rate?Loss of rovsnua? FlNANCIAL IMPACT ARhough ycw must tailor tha information you provide here to the issue you ue addrossinp, in gensral you must answsr tMro questions: How much is it going to cost?Who ia�oing to pay? , 'M ''rv ��qo _io�7 ��7 �'.�'� ' YOUTIi PROGRAMS FUND GRANT OR LOAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this 21st day of February, 1990, by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and the Conway Booster Club, a nonprofit organization hereinafter referred to as "Organization" . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has established a fund for the purpose of providing grants or loans to nonprofit athletic and sports groups and youth programs group or organizations desiring to provide better youth programs in St. Paul neighborhoods, and WHEREAS, the Organization meets all of the eligibility criteria established by the City to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and WHEREAS, the Organization desires to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the City and Organization as follows: 1. The City shall provide a grant in the amount of One Thousand ($1, 000) dollars to the Organization. A grant is being given, with the Organization providing matching funds for the purpose stated below. 2. The Organization shall use said funds for the purpose of paying baseball and softball entry fees and purchasing baseballs and softballs. y � , �r L(J-/O�� � 'f �" 3. The Organization shall file with the City a financial report within sixty days of receiving said award showing how the funds were expended, for what purpose and proof that the funds were expended for the intended purpose. The Organization shall not be eligible for any future awards until the Organization has filed said report of previous expenditures. . 4. No Organization member shall receive any monetary gain from any of the monies received from said grant or loan. 5. The Organization is an independent contractor and not a regular employee of the City and accordingly, is not entitled to any benefits of regular employees of the City. , IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1�---- Assistant City Attorney Di ector, Dep . of Finance andZ��,�, Management Services S-3�'�� ORGANIZATION By: � , �����.17 J —� Its ��s�► ��o�J Director, Department of Community Services �,vrns� �Jo�, Fun�inist ator Funding Code: 33179-50060 v _ - . � �o-��y7 � � � ��� YOUTH PROGRAMS FUND GRANT OR LOAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this 21st day of February, 1990, by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the Duluth and Case Booster Club, a nonprofit organization hereinafter referred to as "Organization" . ��TITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has established a fund for the purpose of providing grants or loans to nonprofit athletic and sports groups and youth programs group or organizations desiring to provide better youth programs in St. Paul neighborhoods, and WHEREAS, the Organization meets all of the eligibility criteria established by the City to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and WHEREAS, the Organization desires to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the City and Organization as follows: 1. The City shall provide a grant in the amount of One Thousand ($1, 000) dollars to the Organization. A grant is being given, with the Organization providing matching funds for the purpose stated below. 2 . The Organization shall use said funds for the purpose of purchasing basketball trophies, first aid kits, equipment bags, baseballs and softballs. � 9�"��7 3. The Organization shall file with the City a financial report within sixty days of receiving said award showing how the funds were expended, for what purpose and proof that the funds were expended for the intended purpose. The Organization shall not be eligible for any future awards until the Organization has filed said report of previous expenditures. 4. No Organization member shall receive any monetary gain from any of the monies received from said grant or loan. 5. The Organization is an independent contractor and not a regular employee of the City and accordingly, is not entitled to any benefits of regular employees of the City. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL L� � � Assistant City At or ey Director, Dept. o Finance and�� Management Services �-3y5> � ORG IZATION ` BY: ' ` J . Its ' •' Director�epartmen f Community, Services � u+l 1`c�v W Fund Admini rator Funding Code: 33179-50060 _ - ° �yp_ 1p�7 C� ���� YOUTH PROGRAMS FUND GRANT OR LOAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this 21st day of February, 1990, by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and the Dunning Booster Club, a nonprofit organization hereinafter referred to as "Organization" . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has established a fund for the purpose of providing grants or loans to nonprofit athletic and sports groups and youth programs group or organizations desiring to provide better youth programs in 5t. Paul neighborhoods, and WHEREAS, the Organization meets all of the eligibility criteria established by the City to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and WHEREAS, the Organization desires to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the City and Organization as follows: 1. The City shall provide a grant in the amount of One Thousand ($1, 000) dollars to the Organization. A grant is being given, with the Organization providing matching funds for the purpose stated below. 2. The Organization shall use said funds for the purpose of purchasing uniform tops, including printing for the V.F.W. baseball team. �. . - ��-/o�� 3 . The Organization shall file with the City a financial report within sixty days of receiving said award showing how the funds were expended, for what purpose and proof that the funds were expended for the intended purpose. The Organization shall not be eligible for any future awards until the Organization has filed said report of previou� expenditures. 4. No Organization member shall receive any monetary gain from any of the monies received from said grant or loan. 5. The Organization is an independent contractor and not a regular employee of the City and accordingly, is not entitled to any benefits of regular employees of the City. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ^` �iG�C�-- J Assistant ity Atto ney Director, Dept. of Finance and.��}e, Management Services S-s��' ORGANIZATION / ` By: _��cL��v c Its �l�f���t ���� Director, �repartmen of Community Services 1��,� 1���� Fund Adminis ator Funding Code: 33179-50060 . ,� . �-yo -�0�7 ti �� ��� � YOUTH PROGRAMS FUND GRANT OR LOAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this 21st day of February, 1990, by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and the East Side Midqet Hockev Club, � a nonprofit organization hereinafter referred to as "Organization" . WITIvE85ETx: WHEREAS, the City has established a fund for the purpose of providing grants or loans to nonprofit athletic and sports groups and youth programs group or organizations desiring to provide better youth programs in St. Paul neighborhoods, and WHEREAS, the Organization meets all of the eligibility criteria established by the City to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and WHEREAS, the Organization desires to receive a grant or loan from the above mentioned fund, and NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the City and Organization as follows: l. The City shall provide a grant in the amount of One Thousand ($1, 000) dollars to the Organization. A grant is being given, with the organization � providing matching funds for the purpose stated below. 2 . The Organization shall use said funds for the purpose of purchasing hockey breezers. � r' � ��//��� � 3 . The Organization shall file with the City a financial report within sixty days of receiving said award showing how the funds were expended, for what purpose and proof that the funds were expended for the intended purpose. The Organization shall not be eligible for any future awards until the Organization has filed said report of previous expenditures. 4. No Organization member shall receive any monetary gain from any of the monies received from said grant or loan. 5. The Organization is an independent contractor and not a regular employee of the City and accordingly, is not entitled to any benefits of regular employees of the City. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. APP D AS 0 - RM: CITY OF SAINT AUL ci'���G�"� �1 Assistant City Att ney Dir ctor, Dept. o Finance and ��i, Management Services �-3'" ORGANIZATI � � By: � . t,�. Its ' Director' Departme�. of . Communi y Services ����� �� Fund Admini ator Funding Code: 33179-50060