98-833Council File # 98 • g33 ORiG1NAL Presented By Referred to Green sheet # �o25S'� a� Committee: Date 1 2 3 L• n WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 and Greening the Great River Park of the Saint Paul Foundation have developed a plan for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi River Valley; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is making grant funds available to eligible municipalities for landscape plantings along 5tate roadways; and `7 WHEREAS, Greening the Great River Park and the City of Saint Paul have ' 8 identified the Lower Phalen area of freeway 94 as a site requiring landscaping 9 to accomplish the goals and implement the plan o£ the Greening the Great River 10 Park projeot; and 11 WHEREAS, a planting plan has been reviewed and approved by MnDOT, the City of 12 Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Reoreation and Greening the Great River 13 Park, the major components to be completed from September 1998 to October 14 1998; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the City and Greening the Great River Park desire to secure funding and execute necessary agreements for MnDOT funding; and wHEREAS, Greening the Great River Park will provide the necessary matching funds for the grant; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the plan and authorizes proper City officials to submit necessary documents to execute agreements for up to $8,872.00 in MnDOT funding. Requested by: Rebecca Stack-stenberg • . •- - '- - • i�J/=�' -.t �� Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified By Approved y May By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � _ �`_ - � .�. ���� by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ✓fh�06� � l, � O"KC� OEPARTMENTfOFFIGE(GOUNCIL Parks and Recreation Forestry CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Rebecca Stack-Stenberg, 266-6416 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA 6Y (OATEI September 30, 1998 98'- �33 `� �ATEWITIATED GREEN SHEET � 5"� n10. 62587 os zvh8 INITIAUDA INITIAVDATE 1 �EPARTMENTOIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMeER FOA ? CIT' ATTpRNEY _q CLERK 1 � NOUTING N{Xr�� ��/i'.SiL OROEH FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. � y��q� �Il1AYOR(ORASSISTANT�� _ z�G}IF{ ��— TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGE$ � (CLiP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SYGNANRE) ACTION REaUESTED: Authorize grant appiication and execution of a contract between the city of Saint Paul, Greening the Great River Park, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT1. qECOMMENDATIONS: Approve fAI or Reiec[ (F� _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEftVIGE COMMI59�N CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFf OISTWCT COUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? PERSONAL SEflY10E COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: 1. Has this pe�soNf'rrm ever worked under a con[rect fot this tlepartmsnt? YES NO 2. Has Mis persoNfirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this pereonffirtn po5sess e skill not normally possessed by anV wrrent c�ry employee? YES NO Fxplain all yas amwen on separMe sheM antl attach to graen sheM. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whs[, When, Where, Whyi: Funding is available from MnDOT and the Greening the Great River Park project to fandscape the Swede Holfow area of Interstate 94 with native plants. The grant applicaYion needs to be submitted by the City of Saint Paul. Greening the Great River Park will provide the required 58,872 match. ADVANTAGESIFAPPRDVED: The Swede Hollow area of Interstate 94 wiil be planted with native plants. �ECEiVF� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. .��YC3+.'�'S C3fEf�� c... - ci" � �a��tJ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � unding opportunity will be lost; the area will not be planted. � � � � :.. • � � � F "�.a���� Lg'i� � d" ;. � 'ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S H.H7�L.00 DINGSOURCE Greeninq the Great River Park NCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) COSTlREVENUE eUDGETED �(CIR ONE) YES NO �V�<�:E �����:��'d�'� �fi�� ACTIYRY NUMBER AU� 2 $ ��99 Creening the Great River Park y r3 3 600 Norwest Center Phone 612-224-5463 � o Saint Paul, MN 55101-�797 Fax 6'12-224-8123 August 12,1998 T.K. �7Jalling 8aint Pau1 Pazks and Recreation 1224 NorthLexnigton Pazkway Saint Pav1, MN 55103 Dear Mr. Wallin.g: The Greening the Greaz River Park proj ect is enthusiascic abouz contal�uting to Saint Pau!'s and the IVIinneseta Departmen2 af Transportatian's plan to landscape the Swede HoIIcw azea affreeway 94 withnative plants. The Greaning project has $8,872 avalable to conta�bxte to the city to be used as a match for the Minnesota Depazttn.ent of Transportation's $$,872 that wilI be applied to the groject. The Greening project has worked with MNDOT in developing the laudscape designs so they wilt be consistent with our project's goals. We look f�rward to workiag cvith the city and the state to unplement the plans ttais Octaber 1998. Sineerely, �� RobertBuf Executive Director fhe besf fime to plant a tree was fwenty years ago; fhe second best time is now a� g- P'33 PART �I - Mn/DOT COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PART`PQERSHIP PROGRAM PR03ECT APPLICATION (i> ,�rLicArrT Local Government Unit / Community Cit�� �l Sain�_ Paiii. Address 3Q0 Ci'y Ha�3 I-nlnex, ZS Y7es'� rourth S�sc e� , Sair.': Pav1, Nfid S�1Q2 (2} COMMITTEE OF PRIMARY CONTACT PERSONS:* One of the Committee members must be employed as a staff inember or representative of the Local Government i3nit Name �o�e� i,'w`_fie�, Direc��, Greeninq the Great River Par}phone 224-5463 Address 600 Non,�st Center, 5aint Paul, M[�f 55101 Name T.x. Address 1?29 Name_ Address Paul city forester � Pkwy., Saint Pau 729 East 7th St., Saint Phone488-7291 �08 ne ��1-2659 MN 55106 (3) DESCRIBE THE LOCATION OF THE PRO]ECT SITE(S). (Include county, city and the limits of the project.) Tnuik Fiighway: Hiahwav 94 riQht-of-way from Mounds Blvd. to the railroad tracks under Seventh St., Saint Paul, R<�nsey County (4) BRIEFLY STATE Tf� GOALS AND SCOPE OF YOUR PROPOSED PROJECT. The project is part of the larger effort to restore native plant corvnunities in the urben Mississippi River valley coordinated by Greening the Great F Park The goal for tha.s project in particular is to increase �he total amour.t of land restored to the bluff woodl.and conrcnunity and to begin a co nnection between the Swede Hollow green corridor and the Mississippi River. I n is in a highly visible area and will assist efforts to inc: of awareness (5) BRIEFLY STATE THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS USED AND SIGNIFICANT COORDINATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMS. T he project is a collaboration among the City o£ S aint P aul, G the Grea ver for nooct's actaon pian, "xestoring an Urban Watershed." Also, the of Saint Paul �ssecl a 5 a�-8'33 (� LIST "I'HE REQUIRED MATERIALS ONLY AND THE ESTIMATED MATERIAL COSTS FOR THE PROJECT (soiI amendments, herbicide, plant materials, seed, sod, construction materi- als, weed fabric, mulch, rodent protection, etc.) DO NOT INCLUDE LABOR OR EQUIPMENT. PROJECT MATERIALS QUANTTi'Y ESTIMATED COST (on state right of way only) (see attached) TOTAL MATERIAI. COST $� � 872 (7) SHOW THE DESIRED TIMETABLB FOR COMPLETION OF EACH MAJOR COMPO- NENT OF THE PROPOSED PRQJECT F12QM PREPARATION QF PLANTING AREAS (Inciude Sales Tas and Shipping) THROUGH COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. .:om:OavWfiBe�hC.lncat YaFa:651R87-0825 T¢ DK Page 7 ot l Tuesday. Mag.ct it.1998 4:03A9 P/, a � .�� � m q8 -t3� (8) DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF LABOR FORCES AND THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF PERSONNEL THAT WILL INSTALL AI�D MAINTAIN THE PROJECT. (city crews, youth service corp., contractors, volunteers) *I£ the majority of work is to be performed by volun- teers, a preliminary pledge list of volunteers must be attatched. Contractor: �ity crew: naw.ang com Minnesota Conservation and other crew (3 person): assistance �n for volunteer ins�allatio: the Great River Park will monitor for one year after which the area will be managed as �rt of the metro highway system. STATEMENT QF ASSURANCES To the best of my knowledge and belief, data in this applicafion are true and correct, and the document has been duly authorized by the government unit of the applicant with full understanding of the pro�am requirements. It is agreed that at least one primary contact person will attend a six hour Mn/DOT landscape pzoject inspection, installation and maintenance training school to ensure that communiry workers, volunteers and contractors are provided with proper d'uecrion and infonnarion packets. It is agreed that if volunteer workers aze to be used, they wiil meet minimum age or eligibility requirements. It is agreedthat ttae government unit of the applicant will enterinto an Agreement with MnJDOT ensuring that the gove of the applicant will ensur� or provide required maintenance of the landscape imnrove ents on ro nea�eement. Signature of the Primary Contact Person Authorized By The Locai Government Unit �/�`/ Date REQUIRED ATTAC�IMENTS TO BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION: (A) � RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND T?ESIGNATING A[ITfIORIZED PRIIv1ARY CONTACT PERSON. (B) � (C) � (D? � MAP OF PR03ECT LOCATION. NIN/DOT APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN (Approval Stamped and Dated By District 1 Metro Division and Landscapin$ Programs Staff.) VOLUNTEER PLEDGE LIST (If volunteers are to be used) The documents submitted in support of this application shall be considered part of this application. a4�-833 APPENDIX I COMMiAVITY ROADSIDE LANSCAPING PAI2TNERSHIP PROGRAM RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON Appiicants must adopt the following as a resolution or letter and submit it with the applicarion. Applications without a completed and signed resolution or letter will not be considered. Be it resolved that unit for the project indentified as on the state trunk highway(s) to be conducted during the period act as sponsoring _ through _ (duradon dates) Se it further resolved is hereby (name of primary contact person) authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for funding of this project on behalf of (applicandlocal govemment unit) (applicanUlocal oovernment unit) WITNESSED: above resolution was adopted or approved by (City Council or City/ Counry offical) of SIGNED: (signature) (title) (applicandlocal government unit) (date) (sia ature) (title) I certify that the on . (date) (date) 9 Gn4'P 1 �F ���oF3�i �4Fg6�� . . ' �� ���� ���" q$ . 33. �� - -sro�s,v�� Nrs ass.. � £ s" A � ��—� ;� � / F � � � -� � r �� x ' _ _� ��� ,� ��� � O 2 'R �' � a =,;,�' d C3��4x17� � � � -" g _ o , ^ L _i �1 � y 1.,�: - � y , �� j t,.. � �, � �.P"'"��&r �� .� �� � r � ' � Sr7 � "� v5 � y�� �, � -l� � �� s� � � 5 '�'. �' ` o pp � � . :� C � � ���� � �\ � h s�r� � �� ➢ -�r ���� � o �� _� - � _� � � ��� , _.-�= � - �� �Wr, ```�-- °�. yR � � ��lN=vA ]�K Fn $ R' P a � ' '�' g � & ! _ �� � , :6€ - � ��.� � b° �� o , •- ; � �`' ;* ` t.._ L � i � ��v � 1 O j � �� "° ^\ , � ° �� � �l , 1 � �� - � �� h � ; � �F � � . �� � ' ---� 1 ; s p ' a ;� � � � � � j O �f,�� �� " � � �� �. `� � � a � �� � �- ��. o � o � � �, 4 s ; ;{ ��'�. , •.�,� � '\ � u � y � � a F '� �� j � . '� � . P `�. � � � � � ���� � � � � � �-�, �' � , `/ � li, � = �;� `� v � � ��� � i „ �' �`'���.,�'� , �-�--, �, ,� � °��� �\ � r � p c� _ � � q ° '„ � � 1�� ��fi� �_� � � s�€a � �� �` � �p ��_ '� \ � � Y�x. �� a� �����, _ � c °� _ � , e �{ "+P��'.b` ia '�'� ���'''``` {`?-� "' '_ � i � C�°����� k� �j.7�1'.7'� �°v '� a ` �' ' �s>� � ��� �F��� �- ` ���'` ,, .� \ F "�.� �;� , n e�"."dEv r`�%�isme Y'o�...av�� ; ��`�� � \� ) � � � urz . � $ a - � } u e� g d � �`l.5 � x ,� '- y\ � I' ' 1�-=��Y�1p b w P� �.3 S � � � t� ! � � � s�'� - - -- — - _� � � � ( � , �� '0 owre:9-o9-05 � '�� �lU���GV�O�'I�1 SWEDE-H'O�L01.1i"a MNb'r W'° ,eo-fe / � � THE GREAT RNER PARK oesicu[re."{z.M�*S;i vr�—j—j ��4� !N![P4LWWlCH-BWfP)4.W ��/ OF ScptE: l'�=NO Arepm 5 '�t-'T%Pfl.l•��.C�N� .�z�i�ul4CWrtk 3P� u.m'� al '- !!d��+! _' La+E�Pe.g�_ . crt� s���...-r / / �� , o� � + y ,� �:� � / � I �,� � � ��Q°� i �$°� � � � � � / � y / � f b!� y . t� MkP� . � tG '_� / _,�+;�. . � � ��_--'� � �� � �� � � � ---_ __ �_ � ���_ � . ��-f1z�� //\ �� � f \ \ ! % F ~ P��� � � V � 1 { i � I--;- ,� f� � ���bik �� � � .. \ / �ver--..t�R� __... A - 5KCN6Fa»ut � 9 aa-oper� �/ �AJ ' ' E �tA'NW�'k I ✓r .cew.mm E wSAn@¢edA - 15 .'4�?iiSYW4NY.P � 9 �z.oeriE Gnff¢- �YMMaan?us_poicR -� 9 2'ae6 : .ui GGtRNS N14pA;, � 0 2"gqB. R 6UNIQEWtS VIF4JNiRi�ilk !$ $yp�s�,e _ TGUM �fF�Nlli kM�4u}Nq ' )O � +s�Oqur�,' t1V+ooD `P°PUUti b'ME6u)'m�ES I � Als-tlz5 �_ � NBUm uMxwSa.NaaA,t 6 ay - � � �.m CorvNVSS�K+�t�. ; IB 8 2 � 6' — kMe1TTKaf�ax�}haNS. •28 dSd�Ji G4Fo EpW�'{�gONIAMFj.�NOU�fSh=� Zg Ni �- F�$ 6t?MAi�Lh 4oS a�. o �y�� �- 0.� eDOV--eMnt ' �- So a 2 lui�4./S -; 5rt1eX 5(P� , S - IL ¢raw�m� $TMTI�J. _-nn . P(B�TFSE - . �2 �� g�a^ k6+I 46 _1tNle@9A,_. � ._�_- . �(so . 6�L+N. . _ ' -.: _ ' _ " _... 25 �F-4J'RY�" � f .AS_srr�.�cess.�v r«?{sE quesr. a z�N � � � J �m� O o- Pb� _ O '^ � = Pr � ' Z W V Q � �+1 U O O ry) i � ! a , � � ; � 0 a 3 � � � � � � � Q �/� V � 7� La� iu�q � � 6 � � � � _ f Jt �'� ���}� � a t,. N O rur � 1 � 0Ill9�Si1'iCi3 \ L 1 �? ��� �o.y��re�r� „�- _� s 6uu�ul�peY eio u� �a qeaF.um� °�-=za m io 8evw� =�s (6�Clhf��Aie� "`Z �5'.Y�"KbfFLF�u{ 3 ' P' � N � i� � i � � � t!�Lf�SS/ccE UN�Jbqhrc'` - tn�`�R �aN �° C� '� �� � � �� . � � � ?- ��. N� (l_ /L � 9 r � o / � � 4 , � �,. �� - o —3��€��+� , %:.i : ?�rc�P�'f�( � i � � t I i � r` V—" ` � � V � �I�2.YTG0D3 � _ f (,��ttt�Er7n�.�}��e C:Q�,�a � rt3[odf�4"�t�p}r-'�'-1*'( � d w �•'� ���. ��� , � � , ' '� -� �� . � � I , �� , � '�� �- + � � V-..'� c � ww + �' � � �� - -'b � �,� �o �' ���� � / � � � �y}A�N G��SwerE {{a.wW � �qp,r+NS� kND_DVGf-�1.�Pr ?`�R<� � SEG7�77N+'f�F?I � ,' �' � I I �_,� � � ._ `�S�d— -' ;� , .-�.o��ti«,��� � -� ���:_ � � Y� � � -� a , � .sec - - . �rw.a� � urinu.z � 2Aav�2EhrEt ^ ��..« � � � p S� ���9+ � '�, � A,� . � . �n � �' � � �c. . _ ■ �� Council File # 98 • g33 ORiG1NAL Presented By Referred to Green sheet # �o25S'� a� Committee: Date 1 2 3 L• n WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 and Greening the Great River Park of the Saint Paul Foundation have developed a plan for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi River Valley; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is making grant funds available to eligible municipalities for landscape plantings along 5tate roadways; and `7 WHEREAS, Greening the Great River Park and the City of Saint Paul have ' 8 identified the Lower Phalen area of freeway 94 as a site requiring landscaping 9 to accomplish the goals and implement the plan o£ the Greening the Great River 10 Park projeot; and 11 WHEREAS, a planting plan has been reviewed and approved by MnDOT, the City of 12 Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Reoreation and Greening the Great River 13 Park, the major components to be completed from September 1998 to October 14 1998; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the City and Greening the Great River Park desire to secure funding and execute necessary agreements for MnDOT funding; and wHEREAS, Greening the Great River Park will provide the necessary matching funds for the grant; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the plan and authorizes proper City officials to submit necessary documents to execute agreements for up to $8,872.00 in MnDOT funding. Requested by: Rebecca Stack-stenberg • . •- - '- - • i�J/=�' -.t �� Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified By Approved y May By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � _ �`_ - � .�. ���� by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ✓fh�06� � l, � O"KC� OEPARTMENTfOFFIGE(GOUNCIL Parks and Recreation Forestry CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Rebecca Stack-Stenberg, 266-6416 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA 6Y (OATEI September 30, 1998 98'- �33 `� �ATEWITIATED GREEN SHEET � 5"� n10. 62587 os zvh8 INITIAUDA INITIAVDATE 1 �EPARTMENTOIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMeER FOA ? CIT' ATTpRNEY _q CLERK 1 � NOUTING N{Xr�� ��/i'.SiL OROEH FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. � y��q� �Il1AYOR(ORASSISTANT�� _ z�G}IF{ ��— TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGE$ � (CLiP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SYGNANRE) ACTION REaUESTED: Authorize grant appiication and execution of a contract between the city of Saint Paul, Greening the Great River Park, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT1. qECOMMENDATIONS: Approve fAI or Reiec[ (F� _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEftVIGE COMMI59�N CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFf OISTWCT COUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? PERSONAL SEflY10E COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: 1. Has this pe�soNf'rrm ever worked under a con[rect fot this tlepartmsnt? YES NO 2. Has Mis persoNfirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this pereonffirtn po5sess e skill not normally possessed by anV wrrent c�ry employee? YES NO Fxplain all yas amwen on separMe sheM antl attach to graen sheM. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whs[, When, Where, Whyi: Funding is available from MnDOT and the Greening the Great River Park project to fandscape the Swede Holfow area of Interstate 94 with native plants. The grant applicaYion needs to be submitted by the City of Saint Paul. Greening the Great River Park will provide the required 58,872 match. ADVANTAGESIFAPPRDVED: The Swede Hollow area of Interstate 94 wiil be planted with native plants. �ECEiVF� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. .��YC3+.'�'S C3fEf�� c... - ci" � �a��tJ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � unding opportunity will be lost; the area will not be planted. � � � � :.. • � � � F "�.a���� Lg'i� � d" ;. � 'ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S H.H7�L.00 DINGSOURCE Greeninq the Great River Park NCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) COSTlREVENUE eUDGETED �(CIR ONE) YES NO �V�<�:E �����:��'d�'� �fi�� ACTIYRY NUMBER AU� 2 $ ��99 Creening the Great River Park y r3 3 600 Norwest Center Phone 612-224-5463 � o Saint Paul, MN 55101-�797 Fax 6'12-224-8123 August 12,1998 T.K. �7Jalling 8aint Pau1 Pazks and Recreation 1224 NorthLexnigton Pazkway Saint Pav1, MN 55103 Dear Mr. Wallin.g: The Greening the Greaz River Park proj ect is enthusiascic abouz contal�uting to Saint Pau!'s and the IVIinneseta Departmen2 af Transportatian's plan to landscape the Swede HoIIcw azea affreeway 94 withnative plants. The Greaning project has $8,872 avalable to conta�bxte to the city to be used as a match for the Minnesota Depazttn.ent of Transportation's $$,872 that wilI be applied to the groject. The Greening project has worked with MNDOT in developing the laudscape designs so they wilt be consistent with our project's goals. We look f�rward to workiag cvith the city and the state to unplement the plans ttais Octaber 1998. Sineerely, �� RobertBuf Executive Director fhe besf fime to plant a tree was fwenty years ago; fhe second best time is now a� g- P'33 PART �I - Mn/DOT COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PART`PQERSHIP PROGRAM PR03ECT APPLICATION (i> ,�rLicArrT Local Government Unit / Community Cit�� �l Sain�_ Paiii. Address 3Q0 Ci'y Ha�3 I-nlnex, ZS Y7es'� rourth S�sc e� , Sair.': Pav1, Nfid S�1Q2 (2} COMMITTEE OF PRIMARY CONTACT PERSONS:* One of the Committee members must be employed as a staff inember or representative of the Local Government i3nit Name �o�e� i,'w`_fie�, Direc��, Greeninq the Great River Par}phone 224-5463 Address 600 Non,�st Center, 5aint Paul, M[�f 55101 Name T.x. Address 1?29 Name_ Address Paul city forester � Pkwy., Saint Pau 729 East 7th St., Saint Phone488-7291 �08 ne ��1-2659 MN 55106 (3) DESCRIBE THE LOCATION OF THE PRO]ECT SITE(S). (Include county, city and the limits of the project.) Tnuik Fiighway: Hiahwav 94 riQht-of-way from Mounds Blvd. to the railroad tracks under Seventh St., Saint Paul, R<�nsey County (4) BRIEFLY STATE Tf� GOALS AND SCOPE OF YOUR PROPOSED PROJECT. The project is part of the larger effort to restore native plant corvnunities in the urben Mississippi River valley coordinated by Greening the Great F Park The goal for tha.s project in particular is to increase �he total amour.t of land restored to the bluff woodl.and conrcnunity and to begin a co nnection between the Swede Hollow green corridor and the Mississippi River. I n is in a highly visible area and will assist efforts to inc: of awareness (5) BRIEFLY STATE THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS USED AND SIGNIFICANT COORDINATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMS. T he project is a collaboration among the City o£ S aint P aul, G the Grea ver for nooct's actaon pian, "xestoring an Urban Watershed." Also, the of Saint Paul �ssecl a 5 a�-8'33 (� LIST "I'HE REQUIRED MATERIALS ONLY AND THE ESTIMATED MATERIAL COSTS FOR THE PROJECT (soiI amendments, herbicide, plant materials, seed, sod, construction materi- als, weed fabric, mulch, rodent protection, etc.) DO NOT INCLUDE LABOR OR EQUIPMENT. PROJECT MATERIALS QUANTTi'Y ESTIMATED COST (on state right of way only) (see attached) TOTAL MATERIAI. COST $� � 872 (7) SHOW THE DESIRED TIMETABLB FOR COMPLETION OF EACH MAJOR COMPO- NENT OF THE PROPOSED PRQJECT F12QM PREPARATION QF PLANTING AREAS (Inciude Sales Tas and Shipping) THROUGH COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. .:om:OavWfiBe�hC.lncat YaFa:651R87-0825 T¢ DK Page 7 ot l Tuesday. Mag.ct it.1998 4:03A9 P/, a � .�� � m q8 -t3� (8) DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF LABOR FORCES AND THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF PERSONNEL THAT WILL INSTALL AI�D MAINTAIN THE PROJECT. (city crews, youth service corp., contractors, volunteers) *I£ the majority of work is to be performed by volun- teers, a preliminary pledge list of volunteers must be attatched. Contractor: �ity crew: naw.ang com Minnesota Conservation and other crew (3 person): assistance �n for volunteer ins�allatio: the Great River Park will monitor for one year after which the area will be managed as �rt of the metro highway system. STATEMENT QF ASSURANCES To the best of my knowledge and belief, data in this applicafion are true and correct, and the document has been duly authorized by the government unit of the applicant with full understanding of the pro�am requirements. It is agreed that at least one primary contact person will attend a six hour Mn/DOT landscape pzoject inspection, installation and maintenance training school to ensure that communiry workers, volunteers and contractors are provided with proper d'uecrion and infonnarion packets. It is agreed that if volunteer workers aze to be used, they wiil meet minimum age or eligibility requirements. It is agreedthat ttae government unit of the applicant will enterinto an Agreement with MnJDOT ensuring that the gove of the applicant will ensur� or provide required maintenance of the landscape imnrove ents on ro nea�eement. Signature of the Primary Contact Person Authorized By The Locai Government Unit �/�`/ Date REQUIRED ATTAC�IMENTS TO BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION: (A) � RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND T?ESIGNATING A[ITfIORIZED PRIIv1ARY CONTACT PERSON. (B) � (C) � (D? � MAP OF PR03ECT LOCATION. NIN/DOT APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN (Approval Stamped and Dated By District 1 Metro Division and Landscapin$ Programs Staff.) VOLUNTEER PLEDGE LIST (If volunteers are to be used) The documents submitted in support of this application shall be considered part of this application. a4�-833 APPENDIX I COMMiAVITY ROADSIDE LANSCAPING PAI2TNERSHIP PROGRAM RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON Appiicants must adopt the following as a resolution or letter and submit it with the applicarion. Applications without a completed and signed resolution or letter will not be considered. Be it resolved that unit for the project indentified as on the state trunk highway(s) to be conducted during the period act as sponsoring _ through _ (duradon dates) Se it further resolved is hereby (name of primary contact person) authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for funding of this project on behalf of (applicandlocal govemment unit) (applicanUlocal oovernment unit) WITNESSED: above resolution was adopted or approved by (City Council or City/ Counry offical) of SIGNED: (signature) (title) (applicandlocal government unit) (date) (sia ature) (title) I certify that the on . (date) (date) 9 Gn4'P 1 �F ���oF3�i �4Fg6�� . . ' �� ���� ���" q$ . 33. �� - -sro�s,v�� Nrs ass.. � £ s" A � ��—� ;� � / F � � � -� � r �� x ' _ _� ��� ,� ��� � O 2 'R �' � a =,;,�' d C3��4x17� � � � -" g _ o , ^ L _i �1 � y 1.,�: - � y , �� j t,.. � �, � �.P"'"��&r �� .� �� � r � ' � Sr7 � "� v5 � y�� �, � -l� � �� s� � � 5 '�'. �' ` o pp � � . :� C � � ���� � �\ � h s�r� � �� ➢ -�r ���� � o �� _� - � _� � � ��� , _.-�= � - �� �Wr, ```�-- °�. yR � � ��lN=vA ]�K Fn $ R' P a � ' '�' g � & ! _ �� � , :6€ - � ��.� � b° �� o , •- ; � �`' ;* ` t.._ L � i � ��v � 1 O j � �� "° ^\ , � ° �� � �l , 1 � �� - � �� h � ; � �F � � . �� � ' ---� 1 ; s p ' a ;� � � � � � j O �f,�� �� " � � �� �. `� � � a � �� � �- ��. o � o � � �, 4 s ; ;{ ��'�. , •.�,� � '\ � u � y � � a F '� �� j � . '� � . P `�. � � � � � ���� � � � � � �-�, �' � , `/ � li, � = �;� `� v � � ��� � i „ �' �`'���.,�'� , �-�--, �, ,� � °��� �\ � r � p c� _ � � q ° '„ � � 1�� ��fi� �_� � � s�€a � �� �` � �p ��_ '� \ � � Y�x. �� a� �����, _ � c °� _ � , e �{ "+P��'.b` ia '�'� ���'''``` {`?-� "' '_ � i � C�°����� k� �j.7�1'.7'� �°v '� a ` �' ' �s>� � ��� �F��� �- ` ���'` ,, .� \ F "�.� �;� , n e�"."dEv r`�%�isme Y'o�...av�� ; ��`�� � \� ) � � � urz . � $ a - � } u e� g d � �`l.5 � x ,� '- y\ � I' ' 1�-=��Y�1p b w P� �.3 S � � � t� ! � � � s�'� - - -- — - _� � � � ( � , �� '0 owre:9-o9-05 � '�� �lU���GV�O�'I�1 SWEDE-H'O�L01.1i"a MNb'r W'° ,eo-fe / � � THE GREAT RNER PARK oesicu[re."{z.M�*S;i vr�—j—j ��4� !N![P4LWWlCH-BWfP)4.W ��/ OF ScptE: l'�=NO Arepm 5 '�t-'T%Pfl.l•��.C�N� .�z�i�ul4CWrtk 3P� u.m'� al '- !!d��+! _' La+E�Pe.g�_ . crt� s���...-r / / �� , o� � + y ,� �:� � / � I �,� � � ��Q°� i �$°� � � � � � / � y / � f b!� y . t� MkP� . � tG '_� / _,�+;�. . � � ��_--'� � �� � �� � � � ---_ __ �_ � ���_ � . ��-f1z�� //\ �� � f \ \ ! % F ~ P��� � � V � 1 { i � I--;- ,� f� � ���bik �� � � .. \ / �ver--..t�R� __... A - 5KCN6Fa»ut � 9 aa-oper� �/ �AJ ' ' E �tA'NW�'k I ✓r .cew.mm E wSAn@¢edA - 15 .'4�?iiSYW4NY.P � 9 �z.oeriE Gnff¢- �YMMaan?us_poicR -� 9 2'ae6 : .ui GGtRNS N14pA;, � 0 2"gqB. R 6UNIQEWtS VIF4JNiRi�ilk !$ $yp�s�,e _ TGUM �fF�Nlli kM�4u}Nq ' )O � +s�Oqur�,' t1V+ooD `P°PUUti b'ME6u)'m�ES I � Als-tlz5 �_ � NBUm uMxwSa.NaaA,t 6 ay - � � �.m CorvNVSS�K+�t�. ; IB 8 2 � 6' — kMe1TTKaf�ax�}haNS. •28 dSd�Ji G4Fo EpW�'{�gONIAMFj.�NOU�fSh=� Zg Ni �- F�$ 6t?MAi�Lh 4oS a�. o �y�� �- 0.� eDOV--eMnt ' �- So a 2 lui�4./S -; 5rt1eX 5(P� , S - IL ¢raw�m� $TMTI�J. _-nn . P(B�TFSE - . �2 �� g�a^ k6+I 46 _1tNle@9A,_. � ._�_- . �(so . 6�L+N. . _ ' -.: _ ' _ " _... 25 �F-4J'RY�" � f .AS_srr�.�cess.�v r«?{sE quesr. a z�N � � � J �m� O o- Pb� _ O '^ � = Pr � ' Z W V Q � �+1 U O O ry) i � ! a , � � ; � 0 a 3 � � � � � � � Q �/� V � 7� La� iu�q � � 6 � � � � _ f Jt �'� ���}� � a t,. N O rur � 1 � 0Ill9�Si1'iCi3 \ L 1 �? ��� �o.y��re�r� „�- _� s 6uu�ul�peY eio u� �a qeaF.um� °�-=za m io 8evw� =�s (6�Clhf��Aie� "`Z �5'.Y�"KbfFLF�u{ 3 ' P' � N � i� � i � � � t!�Lf�SS/ccE UN�Jbqhrc'` - tn�`�R �aN �° C� '� �� � � �� . � � � ?- ��. N� (l_ /L � 9 r � o / � � 4 , � �,. �� - o —3��€��+� , %:.i : ?�rc�P�'f�( � i � � t I i � r` V—" ` � � V � �I�2.YTG0D3 � _ f (,��ttt�Er7n�.�}��e C:Q�,�a � rt3[odf�4"�t�p}r-'�'-1*'( � d w �•'� ���. ��� , � � , ' '� -� �� . � � I , �� , � '�� �- + � � V-..'� c � ww + �' � � �� - -'b � �,� �o �' ���� � / � � � �y}A�N G��SwerE {{a.wW � �qp,r+NS� kND_DVGf-�1.�Pr ?`�R<� � SEG7�77N+'f�F?I � ,' �' � I I �_,� � � ._ `�S�d— -' ;� , .-�.o��ti«,��� � -� ���:_ � � Y� � � -� a , � .sec - - . �rw.a� � urinu.z � 2Aav�2EhrEt ^ ��..« � � � p S� ���9+ � '�, � A,� . � . �n � �' � � �c. . _ ■ �� Council File # 98 • g33 ORiG1NAL Presented By Referred to Green sheet # �o25S'� a� Committee: Date 1 2 3 L• n WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 and Greening the Great River Park of the Saint Paul Foundation have developed a plan for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi River Valley; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is making grant funds available to eligible municipalities for landscape plantings along 5tate roadways; and `7 WHEREAS, Greening the Great River Park and the City of Saint Paul have ' 8 identified the Lower Phalen area of freeway 94 as a site requiring landscaping 9 to accomplish the goals and implement the plan o£ the Greening the Great River 10 Park projeot; and 11 WHEREAS, a planting plan has been reviewed and approved by MnDOT, the City of 12 Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Reoreation and Greening the Great River 13 Park, the major components to be completed from September 1998 to October 14 1998; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the City and Greening the Great River Park desire to secure funding and execute necessary agreements for MnDOT funding; and wHEREAS, Greening the Great River Park will provide the necessary matching funds for the grant; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the plan and authorizes proper City officials to submit necessary documents to execute agreements for up to $8,872.00 in MnDOT funding. Requested by: Rebecca Stack-stenberg • . •- - '- - • i�J/=�' -.t �� Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified By Approved y May By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � _ �`_ - � .�. ���� by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ✓fh�06� � l, � O"KC� OEPARTMENTfOFFIGE(GOUNCIL Parks and Recreation Forestry CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Rebecca Stack-Stenberg, 266-6416 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA 6Y (OATEI September 30, 1998 98'- �33 `� �ATEWITIATED GREEN SHEET � 5"� n10. 62587 os zvh8 INITIAUDA INITIAVDATE 1 �EPARTMENTOIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMeER FOA ? CIT' ATTpRNEY _q CLERK 1 � NOUTING N{Xr�� ��/i'.SiL OROEH FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. � y��q� �Il1AYOR(ORASSISTANT�� _ z�G}IF{ ��— TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGE$ � (CLiP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SYGNANRE) ACTION REaUESTED: Authorize grant appiication and execution of a contract between the city of Saint Paul, Greening the Great River Park, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT1. qECOMMENDATIONS: Approve fAI or Reiec[ (F� _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEftVIGE COMMI59�N CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFf OISTWCT COUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? PERSONAL SEflY10E COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: 1. Has this pe�soNf'rrm ever worked under a con[rect fot this tlepartmsnt? YES NO 2. Has Mis persoNfirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this pereonffirtn po5sess e skill not normally possessed by anV wrrent c�ry employee? YES NO Fxplain all yas amwen on separMe sheM antl attach to graen sheM. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whs[, When, Where, Whyi: Funding is available from MnDOT and the Greening the Great River Park project to fandscape the Swede Holfow area of Interstate 94 with native plants. The grant applicaYion needs to be submitted by the City of Saint Paul. Greening the Great River Park will provide the required 58,872 match. ADVANTAGESIFAPPRDVED: The Swede Hollow area of Interstate 94 wiil be planted with native plants. �ECEiVF� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. .��YC3+.'�'S C3fEf�� c... - ci" � �a��tJ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � unding opportunity will be lost; the area will not be planted. � � � � :.. • � � � F "�.a���� Lg'i� � d" ;. � 'ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S H.H7�L.00 DINGSOURCE Greeninq the Great River Park NCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) COSTlREVENUE eUDGETED �(CIR ONE) YES NO �V�<�:E �����:��'d�'� �fi�� ACTIYRY NUMBER AU� 2 $ ��99 Creening the Great River Park y r3 3 600 Norwest Center Phone 612-224-5463 � o Saint Paul, MN 55101-�797 Fax 6'12-224-8123 August 12,1998 T.K. �7Jalling 8aint Pau1 Pazks and Recreation 1224 NorthLexnigton Pazkway Saint Pav1, MN 55103 Dear Mr. Wallin.g: The Greening the Greaz River Park proj ect is enthusiascic abouz contal�uting to Saint Pau!'s and the IVIinneseta Departmen2 af Transportatian's plan to landscape the Swede HoIIcw azea affreeway 94 withnative plants. The Greaning project has $8,872 avalable to conta�bxte to the city to be used as a match for the Minnesota Depazttn.ent of Transportation's $$,872 that wilI be applied to the groject. The Greening project has worked with MNDOT in developing the laudscape designs so they wilt be consistent with our project's goals. We look f�rward to workiag cvith the city and the state to unplement the plans ttais Octaber 1998. Sineerely, �� RobertBuf Executive Director fhe besf fime to plant a tree was fwenty years ago; fhe second best time is now a� g- P'33 PART �I - Mn/DOT COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PART`PQERSHIP PROGRAM PR03ECT APPLICATION (i> ,�rLicArrT Local Government Unit / Community Cit�� �l Sain�_ Paiii. Address 3Q0 Ci'y Ha�3 I-nlnex, ZS Y7es'� rourth S�sc e� , Sair.': Pav1, Nfid S�1Q2 (2} COMMITTEE OF PRIMARY CONTACT PERSONS:* One of the Committee members must be employed as a staff inember or representative of the Local Government i3nit Name �o�e� i,'w`_fie�, Direc��, Greeninq the Great River Par}phone 224-5463 Address 600 Non,�st Center, 5aint Paul, M[�f 55101 Name T.x. Address 1?29 Name_ Address Paul city forester � Pkwy., Saint Pau 729 East 7th St., Saint Phone488-7291 �08 ne ��1-2659 MN 55106 (3) DESCRIBE THE LOCATION OF THE PRO]ECT SITE(S). (Include county, city and the limits of the project.) Tnuik Fiighway: Hiahwav 94 riQht-of-way from Mounds Blvd. to the railroad tracks under Seventh St., Saint Paul, R<�nsey County (4) BRIEFLY STATE Tf� GOALS AND SCOPE OF YOUR PROPOSED PROJECT. The project is part of the larger effort to restore native plant corvnunities in the urben Mississippi River valley coordinated by Greening the Great F Park The goal for tha.s project in particular is to increase �he total amour.t of land restored to the bluff woodl.and conrcnunity and to begin a co nnection between the Swede Hollow green corridor and the Mississippi River. I n is in a highly visible area and will assist efforts to inc: of awareness (5) BRIEFLY STATE THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS USED AND SIGNIFICANT COORDINATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMS. T he project is a collaboration among the City o£ S aint P aul, G the Grea ver for nooct's actaon pian, "xestoring an Urban Watershed." Also, the of Saint Paul �ssecl a 5 a�-8'33 (� LIST "I'HE REQUIRED MATERIALS ONLY AND THE ESTIMATED MATERIAL COSTS FOR THE PROJECT (soiI amendments, herbicide, plant materials, seed, sod, construction materi- als, weed fabric, mulch, rodent protection, etc.) DO NOT INCLUDE LABOR OR EQUIPMENT. PROJECT MATERIALS QUANTTi'Y ESTIMATED COST (on state right of way only) (see attached) TOTAL MATERIAI. COST $� � 872 (7) SHOW THE DESIRED TIMETABLB FOR COMPLETION OF EACH MAJOR COMPO- NENT OF THE PROPOSED PRQJECT F12QM PREPARATION QF PLANTING AREAS (Inciude Sales Tas and Shipping) THROUGH COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. .:om:OavWfiBe�hC.lncat YaFa:651R87-0825 T¢ DK Page 7 ot l Tuesday. Mag.ct it.1998 4:03A9 P/, a � .�� � m q8 -t3� (8) DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF LABOR FORCES AND THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF PERSONNEL THAT WILL INSTALL AI�D MAINTAIN THE PROJECT. (city crews, youth service corp., contractors, volunteers) *I£ the majority of work is to be performed by volun- teers, a preliminary pledge list of volunteers must be attatched. Contractor: �ity crew: naw.ang com Minnesota Conservation and other crew (3 person): assistance �n for volunteer ins�allatio: the Great River Park will monitor for one year after which the area will be managed as �rt of the metro highway system. STATEMENT QF ASSURANCES To the best of my knowledge and belief, data in this applicafion are true and correct, and the document has been duly authorized by the government unit of the applicant with full understanding of the pro�am requirements. It is agreed that at least one primary contact person will attend a six hour Mn/DOT landscape pzoject inspection, installation and maintenance training school to ensure that communiry workers, volunteers and contractors are provided with proper d'uecrion and infonnarion packets. It is agreed that if volunteer workers aze to be used, they wiil meet minimum age or eligibility requirements. It is agreedthat ttae government unit of the applicant will enterinto an Agreement with MnJDOT ensuring that the gove of the applicant will ensur� or provide required maintenance of the landscape imnrove ents on ro nea�eement. Signature of the Primary Contact Person Authorized By The Locai Government Unit �/�`/ Date REQUIRED ATTAC�IMENTS TO BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION: (A) � RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND T?ESIGNATING A[ITfIORIZED PRIIv1ARY CONTACT PERSON. (B) � (C) � (D? � MAP OF PR03ECT LOCATION. NIN/DOT APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN (Approval Stamped and Dated By District 1 Metro Division and Landscapin$ Programs Staff.) VOLUNTEER PLEDGE LIST (If volunteers are to be used) The documents submitted in support of this application shall be considered part of this application. a4�-833 APPENDIX I COMMiAVITY ROADSIDE LANSCAPING PAI2TNERSHIP PROGRAM RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON Appiicants must adopt the following as a resolution or letter and submit it with the applicarion. Applications without a completed and signed resolution or letter will not be considered. Be it resolved that unit for the project indentified as on the state trunk highway(s) to be conducted during the period act as sponsoring _ through _ (duradon dates) Se it further resolved is hereby (name of primary contact person) authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for funding of this project on behalf of (applicandlocal govemment unit) (applicanUlocal oovernment unit) WITNESSED: above resolution was adopted or approved by (City Council or City/ Counry offical) of SIGNED: (signature) (title) (applicandlocal government unit) (date) (sia ature) (title) I certify that the on . (date) (date) 9 Gn4'P 1 �F ���oF3�i �4Fg6�� . . ' �� ���� ���" q$ . 33. �� - -sro�s,v�� Nrs ass.. � £ s" A � ��—� ;� � / F � � � -� � r �� x ' _ _� ��� ,� ��� � O 2 'R �' � a =,;,�' d C3��4x17� � � � -" g _ o , ^ L _i �1 � y 1.,�: - � y , �� j t,.. � �, � �.P"'"��&r �� .� �� � r � ' � Sr7 � "� v5 � y�� �, � -l� � �� s� � � 5 '�'. �' ` o pp � � . :� C � � ���� � �\ � h s�r� � �� ➢ -�r ���� � o �� _� - � _� � � ��� , _.-�= � - �� �Wr, ```�-- °�. yR � � ��lN=vA ]�K Fn $ R' P a � ' '�' g � & ! _ �� � , :6€ - � ��.� � b° �� o , •- ; � �`' ;* ` t.._ L � i � ��v � 1 O j � �� "° ^\ , � ° �� � �l , 1 � �� - � �� h � ; � �F � � . �� � ' ---� 1 ; s p ' a ;� � � � � � j O �f,�� �� " � � �� �. `� � � a � �� � �- ��. o � o � � �, 4 s ; ;{ ��'�. , •.�,� � '\ � u � y � � a F '� �� j � . '� � . 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