90-1033 O � G•i ��q L council File # �10�/033 Green Sheet � 5709 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � :' --� ,� <-�,,. � i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 4�99385) for a Sunda� On Sale Liquor License applied for by The Lexington Restaurant, Inc. DBA The Lexington Restaurant (George R. McLean-President) , at 1096 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. e s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: o w License & Permit Division on � �a ee �- —Ret-fman � une z son �— BY� O � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date JUN p l�an �� Adoption ertified by Council Secretary By: !'�?j�� By� � A roved b Ma or for Submission to PP Y Y Approved by Mayor: Date (o oJUN 19 19gfi'uncil , By: [!�1�� By� PUBUSHED J U�V � 0 1�9Q_ . .� . . �'F�yo�33G DEPARTM[NT/OFFICFJOOUNdL DATE INITIATED I'I F;.nan�e�Li��nse GREEN SHEET No. 5 7 0 9 ' CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �NITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT�FiECTOR �CITY OOUNqI Kris Van Horn/298-5056 � �p �cmr nrro�ev �CITY CLERK MUgBT BE ON COUt�L A(�E BY(q[1�E7 IIONTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVK:EB DIR. 1�Ius�i�'��t�Ci It�i• �i MAYOR(OFi ASSIBTMIT) �lerk b : ❑ 0 Crn�n�i1 g, TOTAL�M OF SIQNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 8KiNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTEO: Application (i.D. ��99385) for a Sunday On Sale Liquor License REOOMh�Na►710N8:Mw�•W o►�(� COUNCIL REPORT a+TIONAI _PLANNINO COMMISSION _�pVIL�RVIC:OOMMI8810N �� P�ONE 1�: _GB COMMITTEE _ _STIIFF _ COMWtEP(T8: _DI8TR16'T COURT _ SUPPORTS WHN1M OOUNGL pBJECTNEY INIT1M1N0 PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORNrNTY(Who.WMt,Wh�n�WMn.Wh�: The Lexington Restaurant, Inc. DBA The Lexington Restaurant (George R. McLean-President) requests Council approval of its application for a Sunday On Sale Liquor License at 1096 Grand Avenue. All applications and fees of $202.50 have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this application. ADVANTAQE8 IF APPi�VED: DISADVANTAfiEB IF APPROVED: DISADVANT/U3ES IF NOT APPROVED: � REGEIVED �ouncu kesearch �enxer ��� MAY 49 �,�� C1�Y CI�ERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T�NUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITI/NUMSER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �� , � , NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE aREEM SHEET INSTRUCTIOIdAL MANUAL AVAIIABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below are proferrsd routin�for the Nva most frequent types of documenta: OONTRACTS (assurt�authorizsd COUNCIL RESOI.UTION (AmerW, BdgtsJ bud�et exfets) Acc�pt. arants) 1. 'Outside ApenCy 1. DepartmeM DireCtor 2. Initfatlng Dsp�Rment 2. aud��r.c�or 3. Gty Atta'ney 3. City Altorn�y 4. Mayor 4. May�oNAesf�tant 5. Finance 8 Mpeit 3vcs. Director S. Gty Coundl 6. Flnar�Accoimting 8. Chief Accountent, Fln 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpet COl1NqL RE30LUTION (all othsro) RevMion) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager t. Initiatinp DspartmeM Directa 2. DepaRmsM AccountaM 2• �Y�Y 4. Bud�get��DiroCtor r 4• City COUfICii 5. C1ty Cierk 6. (�ief Aocountant, Fin 3 MgmE S1n:s. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aN dhsrs) t. Initiating Depanment 2. City Attornsy 3. MayoNAssistaM 4. Aty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31CiNATURE PACiES Indicate ths#�ot pepes on which siprwtures are roquired and papsrcliP eech of tl�� ACTION REQUESTED Deec�ibs wt�ths projscf/nqus�t�e�ks to accompllsh in eiths�chrorrologF cal oMet or order d impat�mce,whichewr is most appnopnste tor the �SUe. Do rat write complate sentsn�s. Be�n sach pern in your Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATION3 Compiste if tM issus in qusstion hes been preseMed bsfore any body.Pub�ic or privats. 8UPPORT3 WHiCH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicste which Coundl abjsctivs(s)Y�P�'��4��PPo�bY���9 ths ksy word(s)(HOU3INQ, RECREATION,NEKiHBORHOODS, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET,SEWER SEPARAl101�.(3EE OOMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUGTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNCIL OOMMITTEFJRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, IS3UE,OPPORTUNITY Explein the situatbn or condkiona thtl cro�ed a need for your project a roqu�t. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicats whether this is simply an annuel budpst procedure requirod by law/ chartsr or whethsr thero aro sp�ciflc in whfch ths Ciy of Saint Paul euid its citizer�a will benefit hom this p�/action. ' DISADVANTA�3ES IF APPROVED What nsgaNve eifects o►mejor chang�s to sxisting or past procese�a might this proJect/requea produce if tt fs pesaed(s.g.,trafRc dslays, noiae, tax increeaes or aseeaen�entsy?To Whom?Whsn?For how lony? DI8ADVANTAt3E$IF NOT APPROVED What wiN be the negatNe conseqwncea if the promfsed action is not approved?InabilRy to deNver�?Contlnued high trefNc, noise, �xideM rate4 Loss of revenue? . FlNANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the informatbn you provids here to the iasue you ars addressing, in ysnsral you must anaMrer two qu�tbna: How much ia it -��-y ouing to coN7 Who ia�ing to pay? �' -- - .� . � ,�.:., r . �r- yo _,0 33 STATE OF MCNNESOTA ) AFFIDAVIT Or^ APPLICAPiT ) ss. �'OR SUNDAY ON-SALE CCUNTY OF RAMSEY ) LIQUOR LICENSE The following is ar. affidavit of�• ,�o�`��=� t �,��'.�,_an�� Affiar.t, being first duly sworn, saith under oath: That the business premises located at /C y� �Q A.v� �v,-� meets the following requirements of Chapter 340 of the P4innesota Statutes and the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code pertaining to the licensing of Sunday On- Sale Liquor Restaurant Establishments: 1. The establishment has facilities for seating not less than fifty guests at ar�y one time. 2. The establisnment has the appropriate facilities °or serving meals. 3. The establishment is under the control of a single proprietor� or cnanager. � �, C7 �'r, 1+. Meals are regularlJ served at tables to the ger.eral public fo� �- -= 'r. considerat�on of payment, ti = � N - 5. The establishment emglcys an �3equaie staf� to provide the us�i : ° and suitable service to its guests. � 6. The establishment is properly licensed as a restaurant under �- Chapter 291 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. 7. The establishment meets the health requirements for food establish- ments as specified in Chapter 291 of the St. Paul Legislative Code ar.d Minnesota Statutes pertaining to the service of food. 8. The establishment meets the criteri8, and requirements set forth herein on a continuing basis, including not only Sundays, but other times as well. , That the affiant will notify the Office of the City License Inspector immediately upon the cessation of ar.y of the require�ents specified above: That affiant makes this affidavit for the purpose oF Obtaining a Sunday On-Sale Liquor License for the premises located at �!�y� ��.��R�� '� �r?_ for the year 19 ��. Further, affiant saith not. ;' '7 � :; „ > � W //l' � � ,'� ('r�:Z..,/�/ ✓"`o�i�`'(�- - 0 V E R - �''�++,. � . � � � . �-�p��.33 . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RA�EY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of . 19 b�r Notary Public County N!�,� commission expires: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPOR4TE ACIfl`IOWLEDGE.ME�tT STAiE OF :�ff1V'i`TESOTA ) ) ss, COUNTY OF RAb1"a�Y ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / .�� day of ��►-v ui��.�1 , 19 yU • �'Y �. !�D `�,��-'�r ,4'1:�T�A IIJ.. . ��c�r�,�U 7—' Na.me Title and . Name Title of �`�� �„�.SC !IV��`O.0 k l='S7`.4�cJJ"v4N7� �/f/� .. a �,�r-5��-'�'�� on behalf of the corporation. ,/� ' / ' `,; ��v � Notary .�blic Coun ?�y coa�niss ion expires: 4 ��Y-yS' ■M \N�MyNV�A■ �'9�: NEIL P.McLEAN �1�'� NOTART PUBLIC-NINNESOTA � RaMSer couNrr My,Comm.ExpiresJune 14,1995 x x __ . . � yo-�o33 � � SAINT PAUL CITY C4UNCIL ` PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE RECEIVED LICENSE APPLI�ATION . MAY091990 CITY CLERK F1LE NO. � Dear Property Owners: L 99385 Application for an On Sale Sunday Liquor license. PURPOSE APPLlCANT The Lexington Restaurant Inc dba The Lexington Restaurant (George McLean, President) LOCATION 1096 Grand Avenue HEARING June 19, 1990 9:00 a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Oivision. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.