90-1031 OQ � r�� �,� � Council File # !��/�.�/ 1 � V Green Sheet # 5736 . RESOLUTION � ,,i� , C F SAIN PAUL, MINNESOTA �.,. : , i , -� Presented By �- J � �" Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS: A request has been made by Lexi-Front, Inc. DBA Gabe's By the Park (I.D. 4�16156) at 991 North Lexington Avenue for a one day extension of service area on July 14, 1990, between the hours of 1:00 PM and 10:00 PM. Therefore be it RESOLVED: That the request by Lexi-Front, Inc. DBA Gabe's By the Park at 991 North Lexington Avenue (I.D. ��16156) to extend the On Sale Liquor Service Area on July 14, 1990, between the hours of 1:00 PM and 10:00 PM to the parking lot adjacent to the building be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: n osw � License & Permit Division 0 acca ee v @ 1fl$ � u i son � BY� � JUN 1 9 1990 Fo� Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: , � , ��/-qv By� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date JUN 19 lg�uncil By. ,/�v By: p�g��{� J UN 3 0 ��9U . . � �o-�o�� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Finance/License & Pe��t GREEN SHEET NO. 5736 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITV COUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298-505 �� g GTV MTOFiNEY �GTY CLERK MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DA ROUTWO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MKaT.BERVICES OIR. For Hearing: June J�1990 MK �tiu►voR(OR/►8S�8T� Q Co»n�i 1 R TOTAL N OF 81GNATURE PAQES (q.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION RECIUESTED: Request for a One Day Extension of Service Area NO FEE REQUIRED RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs pq a Rysct(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARpI REPORT _PUWNINO OWiAMI8610N _CIVtL SERVi�(�OMMAI8810N �YBT PHONE NO. , _CI8(�MMITTEE _ _BTAFF _ �MENTS: _D18TAICT COURT _ 8liPPORTB WNICFI OaJNCIL�JECTIVE4 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM�138UE�OPPORTUNRY(Who�Whtl.WMn.VYMn.Wh�: Lexi-Front, Inc. DBA Gabes's By the Park at 991 North Lexington Avenue (I.D. ��16156), requests Council approval for an extension of the On Sale Liquor Service Area on July 14, 1990, between the hours of 1:00 PM and 10:00 PM to the parking lot adjacent to the building. ncvMrr�oES iF��o: WSADVANTAOE8 IF APPF�VED: dBADVANTAGE8 IF 1�T APPROVED: � R�C�rvEp �UN 11i�� �ounci� Research c:enter J�N 46� EITY ClERK "'"' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRGLE ONEj YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTMTY NUMSER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� ' �,V � • • � �yU.,a 3 / . Gabe;s By The Park 991 N Lexington St. Paul Mn. To Whom it may concern; Gabe' s By The Park wishes to request an extension of our Liquor License to our parking lot for the date of July 14th. The hours of the extension requested would be lp.m. to lOp.m. We will be policing the area with our security staff . Thanks For Your T'me � �i�cerely, G,, G �' --� � � Timothy J Weiss G.M. Gabe ' s By The Park `Y'1 � ��: .. r� t _. �� _.. ill ��'i