90-1030 � � f �'� N� � Council File � Q�Q Green Sheet � 7730 --- ESOLUTION CITY OF S 1 T PAUL, MINNESOTA �_� Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID ��67635) for a Gambling Manager's License by Charles J. Pilon DBA Church of St. Bernard's at House of Morgan, 741 Edmund Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved/d�i.a�. Ye�.$_ Navs Absent Requested by Department of: � on T— o w �_ on �_ acc ee ,�_ e �_ ane i son BY� -�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��u(�2� 1990 � Adoption C tified by Council Secretary By: G ..G..�p By' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date (o%R/�> JUN 2 8 ���ncil By: � By' � PUBUSHED J U L 7 1990_ +� , ��a_��� DEPARTMENT/OFFIf�JCOUNCII DATE INITIATED Finance/License GREEN SHEET No. 7?��A� CONTACT PER30N 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITV OOUNdL Christine Rozek-298-5056 �� g CITY ATTORNEY ` g cm c��uc MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) MU S t b e t O � �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICE3 DIR. Hearing/ 6/19/90 Cty Clk/ 6/12/90 ❑�►Y�+ca+���m 0 Council Research TOTAL N OF SIaNATURE PAQE8 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REWESTED: Approval of an application for a Gambling Manager's License. Hearing Date: 6/19/90 Notification Date: REOOMMENDATI0N8:�PV►�(�U a�(R) � i�PORT OPTIONAL _PUINNINO COMwqBSION _pVil SERVICE C�AMIS810N ANALYST PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: _DI37F�CT WURT _ SUPPaiT3 WFIICN COUNpL OBJECTIVE4 INITIATII�Ni PROBLEM.188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whet.Whsn.WMro�Wh1�. Charles J. Pilon DBA Church of St. Bernard's requests Council approval of his application for a Gambling Manager's License at House of Morgan, 741 Edmund Avenue. License fee of $134.00 has been submitted. ADV AGE81F APPROVED: If Council approval is given, Charles J. Pilon will manage the pulltab/ tipboard sales for Church of St. Bernard's at House of Morgan, 741 Edmund Ave. DIBADVANTIUiE81F APPROVED: . RECEIVED .lUN 071990 CITY CLEkK DISADVMITAOEH IF NOT APPROVED: �ounc�� �esearC� �.�nr+�� �UN 0 6�l�yu r.nnr TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COSTlRENlNUE SUOAET@D(qRCL.E ONE) YES NO FUNOINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMlER FINANCIAL INFORAAATION:(EXPWN) ��V + . ,a � � � �' . . f . . . . . �NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN SHBET IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINta OFFICE(PHONE NO.29�-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Bslow are preferrod routlnga for tFro five most frsquent typss of doCUmMts: CONTRACTS (�urnes authorized OOUNCIL RESOlUT10N (Amend, Bdgts./ budpet exists) Accept. OraMs) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Dep�rtment Director 2. Initiating Dsp�rtment 2. Budps�a►ecca 3. City Attorney 3. qly Attort�ey 4. Mayor 4. MtyoNA�eistarlt 5. Flnar�ce& Clty Councfl Nlpmt S1res. Dlrsctor 5. 8. Flnance�uMirp 6. f�iN A000uMaM.Fin d Mpmt S�s. ADMINISTRATIVE DER (8��, OOUNdL RESOLUTION ��d ORDI�NANCE 1. Activiry Manager � 1. Initlatin�De�rtment DirecMr 2. DepaRmsM AccourKaM 2. Gty Attomsy 3. DepartmeM Director 3. Mayod/1alqetM 4. Budgst Director 4. Gty CoUllcil � 5. Gry Clerk 8. Chief AccouMant,Fln 8 Mpmt S�s. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aN others) 1. Initiating Depertment 2. Gty Attorney 4. CIty�Clerk��t TOTAL NUMBER OF 8K3NATUFIE PAGES Indk�ts tM#�of pa�es on which aignatures are required and�d ee�ch of theee� _ ACTION REQUES'TED Dsacribs what the proj�cf/roquest aeeks W a�omplish in eithsr chrorwbpa cal adsr or ordsr of impo�nce�whbhsver fs most appropriate for the i�ue. Do not write c�mpl�te sentenc�. Bsgin sach item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATION8 Complets if ths isws in questlon has bsen preserned before any body.publ� or private. 3UPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVE4 I�which Cou�cil objsctNro(s)Y�+�P►ol�ro4��PPa'u bY� ths keY word(a)(WOU81Rl�;:RECREATION�NEIQH80RHOOD8.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,3EVVER 8EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE UST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MAPIUAL.) f:WJNqL OOIdMITTEEJqESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNqL INITIATINCi PROBLEI�.188UE,OPPORTUNIIY Explain the situation or conditbns that crsated a need for your project . or requsst. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indir.ate whether this fs simply an annual budpst procedure required by Iaw/ ` chaRer or whsther thsro are speciflc we in which the City of Saint Paul and ita ciNsens will benefit from this p�t/action. DI3ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED What nsp�tive eifecb or mejor chanpee to sxfstinp or past processes migM this projscVroqt�eat producs if it is passed(s.g..t►atfic delays, rwfee. tax incranes a�as,asmsnts�?To Whom?Whsn? For how bng? DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will be ths negative consequ.ncea if the promised action is not approvsd?Inabflity to deliver ssrvics?CoMinusd high traffic, rwise, � accide�t rate7 Losa of rsvenue? FINANCIAL IMPAG? Although you must taibr the information you provide here to the isaue you are addrsssing,in general you must answer two questions: How much is ft going to c�st?Who ia goiny to pay? � � .� �yo-�o3d DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �� CJ l S� 07- C INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Pro essed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ��G�r I�5 S, 'C'"�I�1 _ Home Address ��1 (-tJ C�t'rA n�u +r� Rus ine s s Name C��� � ��,-�r hQ✓d S Home Phone �� � � � � �3 Business Address i-Mt.�,SQ, 0� I�OY�jC�� Type of License(s) Cl(,�m�p�inq 1 ��iY-- Business Phone Public Hearing Date lO 11 �j /� License I.D. �{ �-"�&i� 1Q �(� 35 at 9:0� a.m. in the Council�ChambErs, �, ] 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l Ivlq" llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� N�� to Applicant Pederal Firearms 4� ���' Public Hearing DATE ITSPECTIUN REVIEW VEKFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� ; Health Divn. ' � ' ►�1� � � Fire Dept. � � i N�/� I � 51�- �o� s�►.,E Police Dept. ���I �� � cl U i License Divn. � � I � I�� � �� City Attorney � � (t, �la� ��. Date Received: Site Plan �,�" /� To Council P.esearch lD (r� 9(� Lease or Letter � Da e from Landlord _ ►��[,�. �r' CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: