90-1016 OR1 G� NAL ` Council File # . Gra�a ShNt # . � RESOLUTION -� CITY OF SA T PAUL, MINNESOTA �� 4 � � Pr�s�at�d By R�f�rr�d To Coamitt�es Dat� WHEREAS, Municipal AthleticS had not formally been a part of the City's budgeting and accounting systems until the 1990 budget process, and WHEREAS, the 1990 budget process attempted to adequately anticipate all the program needs, and WHEREAS, the start of the softball and baseball seasons has evidenced an inadequate budget for the sports officials for these programs, and WHEREAS, The Mayor , pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget, and WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adopted October 1 , 1981 did establish certain Special Fund Policies, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recomnends the following changes to the 1990 budget: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION MUNICIPAL ATHLETICS Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------- ------------ ----------- ------------------ 394-23194-9925 USE OF RETAINED EARNINGS 0.00 46,000.00 46,000.00 394-23196-9925 USE OF RETAINED EARNINGS 0.00 134,000.00 134,000.00 394 ALL OTHER FINANCINC 568,700.00 0.00 568,700.00 ------------- ------------ ----------- 568,700.00 180,000.00 748,700.00 _____________ ____________ ___________ Page 1 of 2 ORIGINAL �'�o��'a� SPENDING PLAN � ------------------ 394-23194-0219 FEES-OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50,000.00 (20,000.00) 30,000.00 394-23196-0219 FEES-OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 394 ALL OTHER SPENDING 518,700.00 0.00 518,700.00 ------------- ------------ ----------- 568,700.00 180,000.00 748,700.00 _____________ ____________ ___________ BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 pudget . `� Approval Recortmended Budget Director Page 2 of 2 Navs Abs�nt g�q��ated by Drpartm�nt ot3 �- � � t �r- 1 s � a►aoptsa � counc�: Date JUN 19 1990 gorm �,�r by City Attorney Adoptioa Grtiti�d by Council Sacr�tary � : By= �► by Idayor !or Submiaaion to �ipprowd by �tayor: Dat• � 9 1�ACi BYs BY= � PUBUSHED J UN 3 01990 . , ��° "�°'�' DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL pATE INRIATED Community Services - Parks s-2�-90 GREEN SHEET Na.. CONTACT�R80N d PHONE DEPARTMEN7'DIRECTOR �D11TE' :_�GTV OOUNdI 1 L/DATE 292-740 /'/ �� C�arr�rro��r �cm cxEnK MUST BE ON COUNqI AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDpET pIpECTOp �FIN.6 MOT.BERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A881STANT) TOTAL�Y OF SIONATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81CiNATUR� 7 Parks �cnaa RECwESTeo: Approval of Council Resolution amending the financing and spending plans of Fu�,��E��ED A4unicipal Athletics. on :APP��W a►�(� COUNqL. fiCH REPORT OPTI�IAL _PIANNINfi COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMt�8SI0N ANALYBT ���}Y _p8 C06AMIITTEE _ 1'7 �8TAFF _ COMAAENTB: . —���� — MAY 2 3 1990 I�AY 2 2 1990 ��,�,�����, cer _ � iwn�►nNO�.�.o�oaTUNm�wrw,wn.�,wn.�.w►,e�s.wny�: The start of the softball and baseball seasons has evidenced that��E�a inadequate spending budget for sports officials. : J�1N 0� 1990 r:�na�°��FS ����x;� 11DNANTAdE3 IF APPROVED: Sports teams have already paid fees for services which will be rendered and compensated for. as�wv�rrrnc�s iF�rrAOVEO: None RECElVED MAY 2 419�U D18ADVMITA3E81F NOT APPROVEO: Sports officials will not be paid in a timely manner. BV��� ��r��� Fi�CEtYED �ounci� Researcn t;e�ter. '��(��� JUN: 4 7 �y�u CITY CLERK ..�_ . , TOTAL AMCIUNT OF TRANSACTION i 1 HO.000 COST V�NUE WDOETEO(CIRCLE ONE) YES �,NO i, �J �Np�p� User Fees, Retained Earninga A�1'ryrry NUWEp 9�1 94-931 AR FlNANpAL INFOR�AATION:(EXPWN) This fuad contains adequate revenue to cover anticipated costs. � �� �` Analyst: Tom'Cian �` yG-���� Date: 5/30/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Parks Green Sheet Numb 8084 Amount of Request: $180,000 Positions Requested: 0 Amount Recommend $180,000 Positions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: Fund 394 - Fund Balance Subject of Request: Provide$180,000 spending authority for payment of Umpires. Background: Softball and baseball teams are charged$225 entry fee per team. Umpires are part of the expenses to be paid with that entry fee. The umpire expense was inadvertantly left out of the 1990 budget. The season has already started,Teams have paid their fees,and umpires have worked games. This was a new budgeted city fund in 1990. Prior to 1990,transactions were handled without budgets. Major Issues: The teams pays their money for certain services,one of which is an umpire at their games. If this resolution is not approved,the umpires cannot be paid,they will quit working, next year teams will refuse to pay entry fees,a heavily used activity will fall by the way. Decreases fund balance in Fund#394 by 180,000. Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) Current year- Fund 394-fund equity reduced, Spending authorized increase of$180,000. $350,865.69 12/31/89 fund equity ( $0.00) Other 1990 use of fund equity ($180,000.00) This use of fund epuitv $170,865.69 projected fund equity Following year-will need similar spendin Authority. Recommendation: Approve Follow—up Recommended, If Any: Review 1991 proposed budget to assure that this type expense is included in fund#394 O R I � �+� (J L . Council File # �/�/7 r � . Green Sheet ,� ���'\ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTA ��� ,\ , . P esented By Referred To � Committee: Date � — /9- �P� RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMPREHENSIVE HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PLAN AND DIRECTING THAT IT BE SUBMITTED TO THE - U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, on July 22, 1987, President Reagan signed into law the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (the "Act") ; WHEREAS, Title IV of the Act contains five new or re-authorized housing assistance programs to be administered by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") , specifically: Subtitle B. Emergency Shelter Grants Program Subtitle C. Supportive Housing Demonstration Program, to include both: (1) Transitional Housing Demonstration Program; and (2) Permanent Housing for the Handicapped Homeless Subtitle D. Supplemental Assistance for Facilities to Assist the Homeless Subtitle E. Section 8 SRO Moderate Rehabilitation Program Yeas NaYs Absent Requested by Department of: smon �w'�— . . . o ��[an n�nG c £eenem ir 17eele.�vrr,P -1-- acc ee e ma �'!'hun — z son By� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 6 /� q� BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ' By: � . ^'/�l/!-�/�-��' By: �!' ✓