90-1012 0 R I G I NAL ��� � Council File # O ' OI.Z � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAI PAUL, MINNESOTA 'I � � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the government of South Africa systematically denies the Black majority basic human rights, freedom, and justice under the policy of apartheid; and WHEREAS, the apartheid regime continues to jail, torture, and even assassinate its political opponents; and WHEREAS, the white minority govemment, under tremendous pressure from the resistance of the Black majority and the impact of intemational sanctions, now seeks to portray itself as having "changed" by lifting some segregation provisions and releasing some political prisoners, most notably Nelson Mandela; and WHEREAS, the people of South Africa have welcomed the release of Nelson Mandela, leader of the African National Congress, but have insisted that apartheid cannot be reformed, it must be abolished and replaced with full democracy, including the right to vote on the basis of one person, one vote in a unified, nonracial South Africa; and WHEREAS, a national "Vote for the People" campaign has been launched by the Africa Fund, a non-profit organization, to collect ballots from the American people to highlight the demand for full democracy in South Africa and full sanctions in the United States; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul welcomes the release of Nelson Mandela, leader of the African National Congress, ca11s for the release of all other South African political prisoners, and continues to condemn the racist apartheid system practiced by the South African govemment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul calls on the United States Congress to pass full, comprehensive economic and political sanctions against the racist government of South Africa and keep them enforced until full democracy is established in that country; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul supports the demand of the South African people for full democracy based on one person, one vote, in a unified and nonracial South Africa, and urges President Bush to vigorously support this demand and to refrain from attempting to lift sanctions until it has been enshrined in a new South African constitution; and , . - . . �I _-y�-,oi� BE IT FINALI,Y RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul endorses the "Vote for the People" campaign as a symbol of the South African people's demand for full democracy. imon Y�eas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: OSW1 Z �- on � �_� acca ee ,�_ ue�v�ive � ^�V1,�,T,VG�ttQ1/Ii e man une �. i son � � sy: Adopted by Council: Date ��N 19 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: �✓a.�.t.e. ,�, By: .) Approved by Mayor: Date Q JUN � 9 ��roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' By: �� PUBUSNED J U N 3 01990 ��o -�oi� DEPARTM[NT/OFFICEfGOUNqI }— DATE INITIATED . � �' �e 6 � 90 GREEN SHEET No. 9288 TACT PERSON 3 PNONE INITIAU DATE INITIAWATE p�� �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL � � PjI(lr� N�� �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� pOUTNlO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICE8 OIR. �o o�Y���,���„� ❑ TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGES 2" (CLIP ALL LOCATION�FOR 81Q�NATUR� ACf10N AEQUESTED: ��► v�� JUN 7 1990 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(A)a Rsjsct IR1 NCII COMMITTEE/RESEAACH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMIMI8810N _qVll 8ERV1�WMMtS810N '��YBT PFbNE NO. _p8 COMMITTEE _ _BTAFF _ COMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WNICN 0�lNqL OBJECTIVE? INI'fIAT1PKi PF�LEM�ISSUE�OPPORTUNIIY(Who�What�Whsn�WMrs.MRM: ►r��ed. by -�Ine Ma�ya�s oJ�;�: ,n, Se�H-{e� -�,i.5 re�o(,vti ow ha5 �eh, �o-s pon5ored. b�� w,a�.�o-v �c��� l�e� -� -�he U.S� �v�'�re�►ce ��a,,5 . /� re5olu-riow .,�orw S�. Pa�l, wov�.d �e�ve -� broa,o�e�,.-bl�.e i nn pcu� oF -�e re5ol,v-�►a�. � tvti� �,�,v�,l, M.�etti �n� � -�e .� � � - - ADVANT E8 IF APPROVED: ) ! DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: OISADVANTA(iE8 IF NOT APPROVED: RECEI�EO ��N12��� �aur►c�i Kesearch �ent�r CITY CLERK �U� i�,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � COST/REVENUE dUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIN�i SOU� ACTIVITY NUMlER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � ' t ' NOT�: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA3ING OFFICE(PHONE N0.29�-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Below aro profened routings for the�rre most frequent types of docurtronts: OONTRACTS (assumes authorized (�IJNqL RESOLUTION, (Amsnd, BdyfaJ budget exists) Acc�.arants) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Department Directa . 2. �niNating D�pertmein 2. sudget arector 3. City AttornAy 3. Gty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AseletaM 5: Flnance d�M�mt Svcs. Dirsctor 5. (�ty Council 6. Flner�ce Acoountiny 6. Chisf AccouMant, Rn d�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCII RESOLUTION (ad othsrs) . Revision) eutd ORDIWINCE 1. Activity Mar�er 1. Initiatinp Department Director 2. D�t AxouMant 2• �A�°Y 3. Departrn�nt Director 3. Mayod/►tststaM 4. Bt�st dreCtor 4. (�ty Calncil 5. qty Clerk 6. Chisf Accour�ant� Fin d�M�mt Svcs. ADMINISTRATNE ORDERS (all others) 1. IniHadng DepenmeM 2. City Attomey 3. Mayor/A�sistant 4. City qsrk TOTAL NUMBEF!OF SKiNATURE PAt3ES Indicate ths�of p�pes on which signatures aro roquired and pBperC1 P _ eidl Of tFl���B. _ ACTION FlEOUE8TED D�s what ths projsct/roquat saeks to�ieh in eiCher chronolopf- ced order or ordsr of importar�ce�wMd�evst is most appropriate fior the i�us. Oo not write compNto ssMences.Begin sdch item in your list with a verb. • REOOMMENDATIONS Complete ff the iswe in qw�tfon has b�a�present�d be4ore any body.public or p�fvete. SUP�RTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 Indicerte which Coundl abj�cd�ro(sI Y��Prok��'�4uest supports by lisdng ths key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEIOHBORHOODS,EOONOAAIC DEVEIAPMENT, BUDf3ET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE LiST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REGIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNIIY Exptain tha situatbn or conditlona that creeted a noed for your proJect a request. ADVANT/1CiES IF APPROVED Indicate whsthsr thls is simply an annual budyet procedure required by Iaw/ chartsr or whsthsr thsre are sp�ciflc wa�rs in whfch ths Gty of SaiM Paui . and fts citizsra will benefit from Mis pro�ect/actlon. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What negative sflecta or major chmges b sxisting or pasC proc�sses migM thts P►olecU�cl�t Produce if ft is pessed(e.g.,traffic dNaya� noise, wc increases or assessmeM�)?To Whom?Whsn? For how long? DISADVANTA(3iES IF NOT APPROVED What wiil be the nsgative consoqux�if the promised action is not approved?InaWlity to deiiver sKVice?CoMinued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenus? FINANCIAI IMPACT ARhou�h you muat tailor ths informatbn yau provide here to the issue you ue addressing, in generel you mwt answer two questiona: How much i�it 9��9 to cost?who ia�oin�to phR / � � � / r th��Gp VF th��'Sjng�latlo�MFNt j ryF are gla��atlo�jghtt�en.Ying , h°Il�G�VFIPj� ah�lan�bad q� °f fyF �hjjd e�' t�r���t 1S�SI e�a�se �e e �s V (�@ �?h n S %V Ur��1 FR�yM�andjng��11��arrnya� �-yQ_�Q/� l�g whit����lorjskjng h �nder e���•w���n �A U L � �jnorl���su e�S �o�ni�n�a�s :oR le• Ile y an ��Ihtal� iTA 55102 3 ;•��R� 1 { y 5}S k � �Hr �S W �k ��iw' �.. 1 �,�+ suw �"f =..� �nr:. •?���:t.•'r' u ria. r / x��.♦ ��. s x.��K / � � , � a� � / � J6 ��� J :.i � "----�___ / ,Fgning the racist apartheid system _.. _ _ ar��ca, eame from an initiative by Seattle � ,� have become a co-sponsor of this resolution st;`� ��.ce of Mayors. A resolution specifically for �`l�'��y�,• . �'�id serve to broaden the impact of the resolu � o� Annual Meeting of the Conference of Mayors, held June 1�� �90 in Chicago. I invite you to author this resolution in Council, remembering your previous work on the apartheid issue. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Since ly, ;�` J s Scheibel Mayor s�se Pr[nted on Recycled Paper