90-969 .. �� cirv oF sr. P,au� COUNCIL FILE NO. ���� AMFNDED FINAL ORDER ' By FIle No. 18582B Voting In the Matter of �Pr�oing the follaniaa streets vitb a bent etr:v lighting syaten Ward ia con�aaction with th� Arlingtoa/iiestera Araa Street laving and Lig�ting Pro,�ect: �— Arrmdel Street fros Boyt Avenae ta Nheeloct Par�y Cohansey 3trset fr� Nebraska Aven�e to iihs�lock Parlaray Cotta�e Avsan� fresa Z�lackabin �treet to Tiheelotk �'arkt►ay �berland Street from Aebraslu� Avenue to Arlington Avense 6altier Street fro� Arlington Aveaue to I block santh nf Cattage Avenn�s l�ebraska Avenne frtrm Macknbin Strset Lo Wheelock Parlc�ray ilestsrn Avenue froa �ebraska Avemte to Arlingtan A�eau� r� � undei Preliminary Order Q�! `�3 approved ��9d . A The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance_with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. FURTHER RESOLVED, That construction of a lantern style street lighting system for the Arlington/Western Area is hereby rescinded from C.F. No. 89-2170 approved January 9, 1990. FURTHER RESOLVED, That other than as amended above, C.F. No. 89-2170 shall remain in force. Ratt�aa � , ��a Against Yilson ��N 7 199�ayor pUgUS1�0 J UN 16 1990 RE, 4/19/90 � �JT��✓�f �� DEPARTM[NTlOFFlCE/OOUNqL ' DATE INITIATED � Finance/Real �state Division 4/18/90 GREEN SHEET Ho. 8980 CONTACT PER�N d PHONE INITIAU OATE INITIAUDATE Peter White �/ 298-5317 � ��P��ENT OIRECTOR �cmr oouNa� �� �pTY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST 8E ON COUNpI A(iENDA BY�cATE) (}��( O ROU71N0 �BUD(iET DIRECTOR �fIN.6 IYKaT.SERVI�S DIR. Must be in Cit Wl rlc' r r� �8 ��Y���,���,� 0 Council Resear h TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SItiNATURE7 �"ON��Di File No. 18582B Improve the streets listed on the attached resolution with a bent straw street lighting system in conjunction with the Arlington/Western Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. Also, rescind construction of a lantern-style lighting system for t�COMt�ENDi► s: (N« fR► COUNCI _PLANNINO COAAAM8810N _qVll�RVICti C�AA�N8810N ANALYBT PHOPIE NO. CIB COMMITTEE �STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT OOUIiT _ SUPPORTS WNlpi COUNqL OBJECTNE7 Ward 5 Nei b r INITIATINCi PROBLEM.ISSUE�OPPORTUNfTY(Who,WhM�WMn,Whero.Nlhy): The original final order for tMe Arlington/Western Area Project called for lantern- style lighting for the area. A motion to amend the order to in�lude bent straw lights was approved by the Public Works Committee. The City Council adopted the final order with amendments. However, the intent of the Council was not reflected in an amended final order. The original order was signed. Please see copies of attached minutes. ncv�wr�aes��v�veo: Bent straw lighting will be approved for the area. o�snvwwr�oES��ovEn: Some property owners who desire lantern style lights will not have the�r wishes fulfilled. DISADVMITA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED: The city cannot respond to the ma3ority of property owners who have r�quested that bent straw lighting be installed. RECEIVED Vuur�ct� Ke�earcn �rnc�t: �20��� APR 19�0 f�T1' C.�RK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE SIJOOETED(qRd.E O!� YE8 1� FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVIT1f NUMlEII FlN11NpALINFORMATION:(EXPWN) Cost` estimates and financing were included as part of the original Arlington/Western Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. (Finance File No. 18582) No additional costs will be incurred. �I�1/ � . �= yo-yG �' �,tr,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: ,�r` ; OFFICE OF 7HE CTTY COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair • e � : David Thune,vice cha(r , ,�umn � Tom Dimond + {u t u n e Bob Lon • " o�:�,►30, ,sso ��CF'iV�. 9 �... /) � Committee Report ��r30 c�i�, j99p To: Sain# Paul City Council ��FF:� From: � Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair � Hearing Date . 1. � Approval of Minutes of May 16, 1990. APPROVED 3-0 •�2. 6/5/90 VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority to APPROVED 3-0 � vacate part of Arch Street, Park Street, Blair Avenue and part of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, Fletcher's Subdivision bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, Rice and Park Streets. Vacation is required for new platting of Empire Builder Industrial park. 3. 6/5/90 FINAL ORDER: Constructing a storm sewer in APPROVED 3-0 Burns Avenue from English Street to Clarence St. and in the east-west alley in Block 2, of Point Douglas Addition from the north-south alley to Point Douglas Road. 4. FINAL ORDER: Improving the following streets with APPROVED 3-0 a bent straw street lighting system in conjunction with the Arlington Western Area Street Paving and Lighting Project: Parts of the Arundel , Cohansey, Cottage, Cumberland, Galtier, Nebraska and Western. Also, rescinding canstruction of a lantern style street lighting system approved 1/9/90. 5. 6/5/90 AMENDED FINAL ORDER: Installing a lantern style APPROVED 4-0 street lighting system for the following streets: Part of Maryland, Magnolia, Rose, Barclay and Hazelwood and installing a bent straw street lighting system in Mechanic Ave. from Etna St. to the east and there terminating. To be known as the Hazelwood/Magnolia Area Street Lighting Project. 6. RESOLUTION - 90-561 - Authorizing agreement with APPROVED 4-0 Metropolitan Waste Control Commission on joint engineering study on methods of determination of waste water flows. (Referred back to Committee 4/12/90) 7. RESOLUTION - 90-721 - Releasing �250,000 in 1990 APPROVED AS CIB funds currently in contingency for the study AMENDED 5-1 and redesign of the Selby Avenue Bridge. (Laid over in Committee 5/.16/90) i'�/�// LG,� = ���;�]/i)7;' ��t�..r.��• J / G _ ---..- ._—,-.___ MINUTES `" �d �� Pi�blic Works Committee Meeting Deeember 20, 1989 Final Order: ImurovinQ the followinQ streets v th a bitum ous sv fA,.va roadwav concrete curb and ¢utters concrete drivewav a outwalks. boulevard soddin¢ and a lantern style street liQhtin�g svste� t o A del Cohansev CottaQe Cumberland Galt er Neb aska Western and Xheelo k rarkwav All to be known as the ARL GT S �REA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (�v.blic Works wi be recommen n¢ that a nwnber of streets be deleted). Tom Kuhfeld, Public Works, explained that a number of streets were recommended for deletion. They are Cohansey (from Wheelock to Cottage and from Arlington . to Nebraska) , Arundel (from Cottage to the dead end)� Cumberland (from � Arlington to Nebraska) and Galtier (from Cottage to Arlington) . There is �ne block on Cohansey (from Arlington to Cottage) which is not recommended to be deleted. Two residents of the area, Laurie Simon (1482 Arundel)� and Barb Harnett expressed their concern that this project be completed since this area has not _ been worked on in many years. �a othQr;Potct¢e�t wa�c lighting itn C�� t�`�1bO7�1e�df$. Councilmember Rettman made a motion not to delete those streets, and if it is not possible for this to be completed in 1990� that it be completed in 1991. Also, t.�tis are� w� �;�,�.:�� $�� '.li,ghtitt� iAStallad. A vo�a �,, �ken. and tha aotfa� Mas AYP�DVgD. 3=01 8. Final Order: For con truction of the ARLINGTON STERN AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area is bounded b Nebraska Wheelock Parkwa Mackubin and Marion Streets. Also constructin sanita storm and water service connections if reauested bv property owners. . Same issue as ��7; APPROVED, 3-0. I 9. Final Order: Imvrovin¢ the followinQ streets vith a bituminous surfaced I' roadwa concrete curb and tters concrete drinewa a rons and �I: outwalks boulevard soddin and a lantern st le street li htin s stem: �' Parts of Beech Mar aret E. Sixth Clarence Etna Birsnin ham �' Hazelwood Barcla Germain Kennard and Flandrau. All to be known as ' the KENNARD/ggECH AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (Public � Works is recommendin that a number of streets be deleted . � � Tom Kuhfeld, Public Works, stated that staff' s recommendation on this item was I� to delete 4 blocks on Sixth street and 3 blocks on Margaret; however this is not what the neighborhood would like. Councilmember Dimond explained that Margaret and Sixth Streets are both high volume; Sixth St. serves Harding High School� and Margaret is a through street. Also, there was a request to widen both streets. Dick Sobiak, TKDp, explained that Margaret could be widened to 38 feet and Sixth St. could be widened to 36 feet. This is one of the reserve projects. , �; Councilmember Dimond made a motion to not delete those blocks and to widen both Margaret and Sixth Streets as stated above. A vote was taken, and the motion was APPROVED, 3-0. 3 i I � ' • , • ' • ' ' Council Minutes ����y6� January 9, 1990 ���; 38. Final Order - 89-1444 - Acquiring part of Blk. 13, Foundry Addition for the = Western/Atwater Ponding project. (Public Works Committee recommends approval) No one appeared in opposition. Councilmember Rettman moved approval of the Order. - Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 39. Final Order - 89-2168 - Constructing the Larpenteur/Jackson Area Storm Sewer project for the area bounded by Larpenteur, Soo Line Railroad, Burlington Northern Railroad, the D.N.R. right-of-way and I-35E. (Laid over from December 12th - Laid over indefinitely in Public Works Committee) No one appeared in opposition. Councilmember Rettman stated the indefinite layover was at the request of the businesspeople in the community, and she moved an indefinite layover. Roll call. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 40. Final Order - 89-2169 - Constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested for the combined sewer separation project known as the Larpenteur/Jackson Area Storm Sewer project. (Laid over from December 12th - Laid over indefinitely in Public Works Committee) No one appeared in opposition. Councilmember Rettman said businesspeople in this community requested the - � indefinite layover and she moved the Order be laid over indefinitely. . ._ Roll call. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 � 41. Final Order - 89-2170 - Improving parts of Arundel, Cohansey, Cottage, Cumberland, Galtier, Nebraska, Western and Wheelock Parkway with bituminous paving, concrete curb, gutters, driveways and outwalks and constructing lantern style street lighting system in conjunction with the Arlington/Western Area Street Paving & Lighting project. _�jLaid over from December 12th - Public Works � • . f�s re�ommends apprbval witM amendme�rts) f No one appeared in opposition. _ Councilmember Rettman moved approval of the Order without deletion of any streets and said there are people present in favor. Roll calL Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 �`'J 15 • - . , , . . . . � yo,y�9 � GTON/WESTERN CSS ARLIN W Z � z o � � Z ° 2 W J � Z Q �7 � W O p ! m Z � W . W ? ? ~ J � � � � a z m �-' c7 � � � Q � a O a�c � W > u�. � � � � � � V Q U � , I � � � I � U U l_J U U U LJ HOYT ;c:: 15 '�'' r'� 19 r�� . ::�: 22 '� :�:¢::::;:::::. :y. .i:•:v:•S;:ti�S'::} :�:;vi: •::•.� r:: � NEBRASKA •::;:=:�.:.� .,:�::•:.: ,::.. 16 ''�� 16 �`�i 13 �?;c.. 19 18 18 �:�:; ::..; �:?<: {::: �:�: �>s:: � 12 �� I I . • '>.. ��� "•• IZ ti:;: ?•}' .i ,�J.l,j, ., {jc :i: . • ` . . `��_ ARLINC3TON ;;�, ' ={: .. �::;>'.: :<: IT ,.: !3 10 •,,•. 21 r: :�: :�: :.� `• 14 3 �`s: ��' COTT AGE :::�1::�;;:;�:::::;::>: 24 � I� a �T I= � ___ �•i5� 'O ��— _ ' �— _—__ ' >• f ,c:� �4 �� �1 �� I •,.� ��i ' �� L'�� I� " Q _� �� �I 4 � ��� � :,.- WHEELOCK PKWY. '� —�'�� � ' . . , . . iP/i'�'/ �Q l E G E N D ,_ r :;,�` ��1�1 ST�4� Ll iz H�1 I��� � • . SEWER SHEET NO. 12 PAVING SHEET NO. 18 . . �9����� . �:':'PRELIMINARY ORDER � • . -: `. : .. _ � I Council File No.90-715—By Willlam L.Wilson— In the Matter of improving the following streets with a�bent straw lightlng system i in conjuncUon with the Arlington/Westem Area Street Paving and Lighting Project in .; Voting Wazd 5: . . . , ; Arundel St.from Hoyt Ave.to Wheelock Pkwy: - Cohansey St.from Nebraska Ave.to Wheelock Pkwy.� � Cottage Ave.from Mackubin St:to Wheelock Pkwy. ;; _ Cumberland St.from Nebraska Ave.to Arlington Ave. � • : Galtier St.from Arlington Ave.to 1 block south of Cottage Ave. Nebraska Ave.from Mackubin 5t.to Wheelock Pkwy. 'i Western Ave,from Nebraska Ave.to'Arlington Ave." - - j Also,rescinding coristrucUon of a-lantern Style street Iighting system for}he Arlington/ � Western Area adopted per C.F.No.89-2170,approved January 9, 1990. ' The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon ', the above Improvement;and having considered said report,hereby resolves: 1.That the said reporf and the same is hereby approved wlth no alternatives,_and ' that the estimated cost and llnancing ivere Sncluded as part of File No. 18582. ' i ' 2.That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_7th dav ofJune, 1990; � at 9:00 o'clock a.m.,in the Council Chambers of the City Ha71 and Court House Building � in the City of Saint Paul. - 3.That notice of sald public hearing be given to the persons and ln the manner ' provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heartng, the nature of the I improvement arid the total cost thereof as esUmated. . '' f . Flle No. 18582B �. . ' . Adopted by Council May 1. 1990. • I � APProved by Mayor May 2. 1990. - : � � . . , _ ;_ . , � fMay 12� 1990) � :. �. :