90-965 . O� IGINAL � _ - Council File # Green Sheet # �/� RESOWTION CITY O SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA f 3 � �� Presented By 19 Referred To �L�T_�r2;_f/ Committee: Date � � !`1 � fiAfiRBAS, the Public Healt� Support 3ervices needs speading authority to cover the coats of the aeasles epideAic: and BHBBBAS, a council resoiution is needed to increase spending authority and to increase the FTfi'3 by 1.0 position; and tiBBBBAS, The Nayor pursuant to Section 10.07,1 af the City Charter, does certify that t6ere are available or WABBBASIaihen![ayornrecoaaendaet�e�folloWingBChanges to the 1990 budget; and Current Anended Budget Changes Budget --------------- --------------- ----------- FINANCING PLAN 303 9pecial Projects - flealth Fund 9890 Use of Fund Balance. 74,100 51,9i� 126,Q14 �Undesignated 123,235 123,235 All 6tber Financiag _______________ _____________----- -------197,336 51,914 249,249 SPBNDIHG PLAN 305 3pecial ProJects - flealth Fuad 2¢�2Q� 24,204 33230-Oi32 Special Project 3upport - Teapo � 10,127 33230-0439 Frinde Benefits 8,91i 1,Z1G 22,680 33230-0352 Medical Supplies 6,186 16,300 Z�gpa 33236-0369 6ther Office 5upplies 9GG 2,000 10,200 33230-OZ41 Printing ��260 �'dd� 3,256 33230-0221 Postage , 250 3,000 175,888 33230 All Other Spending 195,888 ------------------ -------199,33� ----------?---- 51 914 249,2�9 lifiT C6ANCB 51,914 BfiSOLVBD, That the City Council approves these c6anges to the 1990 budqet, Appro Be ot,e ded Budget irector Y�s a s Absent Requested by Department of: —� ,p� c —� (�'�1�`'�� ��� ��/'�..�C� ' � —� �� T— BY' Adopted by Couacil: Date J U L 3 1990 For�► Ap ved by City Attorney ,� .,. Adoption rtitied by Council Secretary gy: � �" ..,.,,, ,,��:�y ��-- � � tr, „ gY= Appro�ec�'by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �UL 5 1990 Counci'ilr' - j� By: � By � �C2�� : PIIBUSNED J U L _0_ RECEIVEf� � . , , , ° �'�0-�'(vs . DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/OOUNdI �A��N��►�o AY 2 4199 � s P bl i Heal h 5 o GREEN SHEE� Ao• 4�N��� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTIAENT DIRECfOR ���� �� CITY ATfORNEY � MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENOA BY(OA7� NROUTINOF� �BUDOET DIRECTOR � g FIN.Q MOT.BERVICEB DIR. As soon as pos s i bl e ��u►voA coR nsss�sr�wn �j TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REOUES'TED: Council approval to increase spending authority to cover the costs of the measles epidemic. RECOAAMENDATION8:Approw(N w Rysct(Fq COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT ONAI _PLANNII�Ni COMMI8810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PMONE NO. —�,e�„M„�E — MAY 3 ���: -�"� - CITY A�TORlVEY _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITIATIN(i PROBLEAA,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The Special Health Project Support Program needs additional spending authority in 0132 temp- orary employees, 0439 Fringe Benefit costs, 0352 medical supplies, 0369 office supplies, 0241 printing and 0221 postage to fight the measles epidemic. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The Public Health Division will be able to increase its' efforts in the fight against the spread of ineasles. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: NoNE R�r�'i\►FI1 RECEIVED �1(��,��� MAY 10 1990 C1T'`! CLERK BUDGEt OFfICE DI8ADVANTIK�ES IF NOT APPROVED: The program will not have the needed staff and supplies to combat the measles epidemic. � , �t�ur�cii tc�5earcr� ��:,�«r. � �� �' � MAY 3 �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : 51,914 C08T/REVENIlE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FuNaNa sour� Fund Bal ance A�J�y�Ty N��p 33230 �wwqA�iN�n�:(DCPwM . : ��� - ���' �� ' ' �i�i����.,;�; GITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: Janice Rettman, Chair Roger Goswitz Paula Maccabee JANICE RETTMAN - CouncHperson COMMITTEE REPORT FINANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE JUNE 25, 1990 1. Call to order; introduction of inembers, staff, guests, etc. 2. Approval of minutes of June 18 1990 meeting Approved 3-0 3. Discussion items - specific Goals and Policies Discussion on recommendations for special funds and fund balances presented by Stacy Becker, Budget Director. Laid over item from Julv 18 meetin4• Resolution 90-576 - amending the 1990 budget by transferring $38,000 from Contingent Reserve to Mayor's Administration to cover cost of national search for director candidates in PED and Finance and Manage- ment Services. lReferred from Council April 19) Committee recommended that resolution be withdrawn by author. 4. Resolution 90-602 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $40,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire Responsive Services for preparation of Standard O�eratinp Procedure Manual (Referred from Council 4/12/90,� Approved 3-0 5. Resolution 90-626 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $40,583 to the Financina and S�endinq Plans for saecialized training of police officers Adopted by Council 6/14/90 Suspension item eso ution 90-965 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $51,914. to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Health Support Services. (Referred from Council 6/7/90 Approved 3-0 CTTY HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SS102 612/298-5289 s�4s � . . � yU_y�� Analyst: Kline Date: 05/21/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Depdrtm@nt: Community Services(Public Health) Green Sheet Number: 4156 AmOUnt Of RequeSt: $51,914 PoSitiOnS RAqueSted: 1.0 temporary fte(one time use) Amount Recommended: 551,914 POSitiOnS RACOmmended: 1.0 temporary 8e(one time use) Funding SOUrC@: Public Health Special Projects Fund fund balance Subject of Request: The clinical innoculations and case investigation workload has increased because of the"measles epidemic". This amendment to the Public Health Special Projects Fund will provide the necessery fiscal resources to address the problem. Background: The Health Division budget normally provides for weekday health clinics from 8:30- 10:00. The clinics are reserved for handling routine medical trecttment. The Health Division has responded to the epidemic by providing additonal clinic hours: a second weekday clinic(3:00 to 5:00)and Saturday clinics(8:30 to 10:00)have been added. The Public Health Division has also sponsored the innoculations at four neighborhood health clinics by providing the vaccine. The Health Division ezpects the ezpanded clinics to operate through June. At the Public Health Division's clinic,nurses have been used to staff the clinics and case investigation has been handled by the epidemiologists. Health Education Assistants have been telephoning individuals(targeting the Southeasy Asian community)to encourage innoculation. Nurses from Ramsey County and ISD 625 have contributed time and provided invaluable assitance. The vaccine used at all clinics is provided to the City by the State,but only up to a certain amount. Any eztra vaccine that is needed must be purchased. For publicity,letters have been printed and distributed to any organization where children gather(schools,daycare,etc.). Major Issues: There is a need to inform the public of the situation and to encourage innoculation. Special emphasis will be needed for the southeast asian community. Fiscai Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) The Health Division does not normally budget for epidemics. Accordingly,the 1990 budget does not contain sufficient authority to fund the existing need. The proposed spending amendment provides for temporary funding for staff(Health Education Assisrsnts,Nurses and Epidemiologists), medicine and publicity materials. A S10 fee for each innoculation has been routinely requested but no one is denied service.The total collections are estimated at less than$1,000. The financing has been requested from the Health Divisions Special Projects Fund fund balance. This fund balance has been built up over several years from various sources(grant program savings,certain patient fees,ind'uect cost state reimbursement. etc.). Existing budget policy states that this fund balance must be used solely for medical health purposes. Recommendation: Since the 1990 budget was prepared with the understanding that resources requued for epidemics are not included in the "typical" health budget,a fund balance is generally considered as a reserve for emergencies,and the provisions of policy B-4(using fund balance as a financing source in amendments for only one-time ezpenses)have been met,I endorse immediate approval. (note-services are now being provided and resources are now being expended to respond to the emergency. If this request is denied,an alternative fiscal response must be prepared,e.g.,reallocating spending authority within existing budgets). Follow-up Recommended, If Any: l. review the"no budgeting for epidemics" provision during the 1991 budget process and provide clear policy d'uection on the issue. 2. review the epidemic situation in June to discover if additional resources or budget amendments are requued. � I : 62 more cases of ineasles j � : -reported in state, 50 in St. Paul Sixty-two more measles cases have she said more door-to-door visits arc been reported in the state since needed to spread the word in ncigh- ; Thursday, Minnesota Department of borhoods with many cases. • Health o!1'icials said Tuesday. But there is some encouraging news:A lot Even with the stepped-up vaccina- ' :of parents are heeding advice to get tion efTorts underway, a major drop i ,the�r children vaccinated. in cases isn't expected unti! early � June,health otiicials said. The numberofconfirmed and proba- ' ble measles cases reported in the The officials generally say that all , �state this year has reached 414, up children 15 months and older should ;from 352 last Thursday. be vaccinated against measles. How- 't, ever, the minimum age temporarily I St. Paul continues to be hardest-hit. has been dropped to 6 months for all ' The latest total includes 252 cases St. Paul children and all Hmong chil- I there this year, up from the 202 dren in the state; babies who get Thursday. measles shots before they're 12 � months old will need another at 15 About 185 of the state's cases,includ months to ensure long-lasting protec-' ing 1S2 in St. Paul, have been in tion. � people of Southeast Asian .descent, - ' pnmarily Hmong. Here's a breakdown of the 4l4 cases: There have been three measles St.Paul ........................................252 I : dcaths. Other Ramsey County .,,,17 ............... . ` Minneapotis...................................46 'Diane Peterson, the department's Other Hennepin County................40 . chief of acute disease programs, said Elsewhere in metro area ................37 ' hundreds of children have been im- Elsewhere in state..................... 22 � • . munized in the past several days. But ����' f .� -' �-� - - r �SH�!r+f. .�l�Sn!T�n!i!l�,1,�I!YMrjrh�t•s rs�'fha�u!t�1!'Ni�� .� u - t �'i!'+�i�i}��l4�+�4I?S�1h�Px�Mi!Y!i!=!S!T!6�1!�r!i!a!r4!1!1.,<....................v� ...•..• �•_,.�: ...,w...�r...�.....«.....�....�.rv.......�v..�•.��+......,....K.< ..�. .e...�.�rw�r�.�.....�.......,.�.....�<�.......�.�.�.en:�)<7:t:� :'5�44�:�.ti���f.'vW�f.4.H:�.w.�.�, . . v�..w.w�r..... � � .. . .. . .__ . _ . " {�� �-"��• ST. PAU L .}s�r>� - r,�=�: �, . �::.� .___:_ . ..__ �:-�*s �Clinics stil! open for measles shots �>� � t,� �r St:Paui health authorities are urging parents to go to ! A i`�their private physician for their chld's measles shots. `w� �,"�T. �`- iiowever,families without a physician may go to one , - -� - ��qf the clinics listed below.There is a a10 fee,although 1 the child will receive it without charge if a person is t ... P Y unable to a . � ! " '�"`--'� � � .'�Clinics will continue through June in St.Paul.Loca- � ... _ t�ons are Helping Hand Health Center,545 W.Seventh i � - '.St.,5-7 p.m.Tuesdays;West Side Health Ceater,153 Concord St.,4-6 p.m.Wednesdays;Model Cities Health `-'"' � 'Center,430 N.Dale St.,4-6 p.m.Thursdays;Nort6 End - � � `Health Center,135 Manitoba,4-6 p.m.Thucsdays;and ' � S�Paul Division of Public Health,555 Cedar S�,8:30 to y -10:30 a.m.Monday through Saturday and 3 to 5 p.m. . , - = Monday through Friday. - , These clinics are for St.Paul residents only.Call 292- � ' i 7746 for more information.