90-964 ' i ' ° Council File � �� '�(� a R�I�G�'N,� L � � Green Sheet # �3 7 RESOLUTION CITY OF S T PAUL, MINNESOTA �`t t , ��a� ! � Preaented By �eferred To ,�t�,_�c�z.�� Committee: Date � ° 7-i 4 WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department desires to complete the Computer Aided Dispatching System (CAD), and WHEREAS, There is need to complete the installation of Mobile Digital Terminals in the squad cars in a timely fashion, and WHEREAS, The Department desires to hire a temporary not-certified installer to complete the installation process by May 31, 1990, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pu�suant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 Budget: FINANCING PLAN: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET 436 - Special Projects - Police 34114 - 911 Emergency Com. Center 9890 - Undesignated Fund Balance 0.00 11,252.00 11,252.00 1,636,532.00 0.00 1,636,532.00 (Remaining Undes. Fund Bal 967460) 1,636,532.00 11,252.00 1,647,784.00 SPENDING PLAN: _ 436 - Special Projects - Police 34114 - 911 Emergency Com. Center 0132 - Not Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0.00 11,252.00 11,252.00 Al1 Other Fund Spending 1,636,532.00 0.00 1,636,532.0.0 1,636,532.00 11,252.00 1,647,784.00 NET CHANGE 11,252.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the following changes to the 1990 budget. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: B GET IRECTOR ���:,�=f ,,.�"� ;, ,,, �� � � � � .-, f �� , ,:�� ;.� r-�� �,, _ y.. , � , �: , -,-._.. . � � .'j✓•:....y, �i',y t�'� y 1., / .\..- � �" �, �,�� , rT ' , , � . - �-9a-9�� ORIGINAL Yeas a s s nt Requested by Department of: n �_ st�► , - s ► � c3 f c� ac e � e m _�� � � By: l,�n�.��.����.�L, Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 3 �ggp Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � � By' l'��� ���"J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date ,� AUG 2 7 1990 �uncil gy; ,l%71." ���t� By: �'�.c�'�� C041290A ����H� 5 t� - 11990 J � RC�+CI r�as .�t� _ � � � + / � M AY 2 � 1990 RECEIVED y�.��' �DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNpI DATE INITIATED Poii� o�-li-90 GREEN SHEE�qY ��o, q 2�� WNTACT PERSON 3 PHONE ��T�� ATE OEPARTMENT GTY COUNqI Chief McCutcheon 292-3588 �F� GT1'AT�iNEV aaev GTV CLERK MUBT BE ON f�UNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� pONTINp BUppET pIREC'fpR FIN.8 M(iT.SERVICEB DIR. �� MAYOR(OR A88ISTANn TOTAL#►OF SK�{NATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of the attac�ed Council Resolution, to provide adequa,te fundin� for an installer to install the Mobile Digital Terminals (r�I"s) in squad cars. � RE END�►T�ON8:Approvs W a R�1�(Rl COUI�IL _PLANNIN(�OOMMISSWN _pVIL SERVI�COMMIBSION ��YST Pt10NE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE _ _BTAFF _ COIiAMENTB: MAY 141990 —°�°°�� — CITY A�TOR�M�Y �P�,��,�'"p`�,E�"E' CITY ATTORNEY / fNR1ATiNCi PROBLEM.ISBUE.OPPORTUNITI�(Who�What�Whsn�Whsro,Wh�: The St. Paul Police Department desires to set up abud.�et for a T�orary Itadio Installer. The installer will place A�P's in squad cars as �art of the Computer Aided Dispa�chers System (CAD). The vvork of the installer is scneduled to be comaleted by Ma.y 31, 1990. (o w��n� �+u�� (�rn �f' �t� (� v�n.cl.Ud1� vv, �t . `� p,mc c,� 1�8 I�ct , D . ��n,a�o wzro i r d i h-F� r - ADYANTA(iE81F APPROVED: � , I�'VlJ����LJ���V• • -�'�/� �Ll/V ^� Installation and a 'or portion of the comp�����n of the CAD Syste�n. � ���•� . � {�'i�d DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: None apparent. �� �" "`� � RE`CEIyE�p ApR �. � 2 4 1990� I R BUD� . �1'Uff1�E D18AOVANTAOEB IF I�T APPROVED: $4Q0,000.00 worth of hardwaxe will not be installed ina,timely fashion and contract tercr� could be in jeopardy. Counc�l Research Cen�rer MAY 2 91990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION �252.00� WBT/REVENUE oUDQETED(qi�X.E ONE) YE8 NO �N��� Special Fund (436) ACTIVITY NUMBER 34114 �Uh.�n �����M '� -�/� ►Vt�" �/►'� ��18�1 0� -fZ� �U� 1�� d �0��2 1C'Gt�, . , -, • ' ' • , , � _ � - . �:, NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE�REEM 8FIF.�T INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL A�I'AILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Na OFFICE(PHONE NO.Z98-4225). ROUTINt3 ORDER: ' Below are prefsrred routinqa for the nvs mat irpuent typea of documsMs: CONTRACTS (aesumes authorized COUN(YL RESOLUTION (Ams�,Bdpts./ budpet exista) Axept.(iraMs) 1. Outside I►�ency L Department Dir�ctor 2. Initfetinp Dspartmern 2. Bud�et Director 3. Gty Attomey 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAesistarrt 5. Flnence d�Mgmt 3vcs. Director 5. Clty Councfl 8. Flnance AxourMinp 6. Chisf AccouMaM, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budqst COUNqL RESOIUTION (all othe►s) Reviafon) �rid ORDINANCE 1. Activity M�u�ager 1. Initiating DspertmeM Director 2. D�ertmont AccouMaM 2• �Y�aMY 3. DepartmsM Diroctor 3. MayoN/►�aM 4. Budqet Dirsctor 4. qly(�Uhcil 5. City Clerk 6. Chisf/►ccountant, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEHS (ali oths►s) 1. In�iadnp Department 2. qty Attorney 3. MayoN/lselatant . 4. City qsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAOES � Indicats the#of pa�ss on which signetu►es an required and a�e�cUp each of these ep�ea. ACTION REGIUE8TED Deecribs what the project/requ�t sssks to accomplfsh in sither chronologi- cal order or order of importar�ce.whichwsr is rtwst appropriate for the issue. Do not w�ite complste sentencea. Beyin each i�m in your Ilat wfth a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS Complsts if ths i�ue fn qusstion has bssn proseMed before any body� Public or p�ivats. 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? Indk�ts whbh Councfl objsctNe(s)Irou�Projecvre4uest suppoRS by ti�inp tha key word(s)(HOU31N(i, RECREATION, NEIQH80RHOODS, EOONOMIC OEVELOPMEN'f, BUDOET,SEWER SEPAR�TJtlN�. (SEE COMPLETE UST IN IN8TRUCTIONAL AM4NUAL.) COUNdL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH AEPORT-OPTIONAL A3 RE�UESTED BY OOUNqL INITIATINO PROBI.EM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explein ths situation or c�ndidons Mat cxeetsd a need for your project or request. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whMher this la simpy an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ charter or whsther thsre aro�acMic wa 1n wh�h the dty of Saint Psul and Rs citizens will bsrieflt from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Whaf negatiw sifscta or mejor changea to existing or past proc�ses might this Projsct/requost produce if it is paseed(e.g.,trafHc dNeys, nolae, tax fncreases or�menta)?To Whom?When�For how bng? DISADVANTA�ES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs d�s neyative consequences if the promiaed actbn ia not approved?Inability to deliver aervice?Contlnued high traflic,nofse, �ciderrt rate?Loes of rsvenue4 FlNANCIAL IMPACT Althouph you must taibr the information you provide here to ths iesw you are addr�eing, in gsneral you must answer two questions: How much is ft gdng to coat?Who is going to pay? - . _ . . , � ��90,yG� ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��[tlf I'?Ci ; tift i 1:fi OFFiCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: Janice Rettman, Chair • Roger 6oswitz Paula Maccabee JANICE RETTMAN JOE COLLINS Counc�lperson Legislative Assisiant COMMITTEE REPORT KATHYZIEMAN FINANCE� MANAGEMENT� AND PERSONNEL COMMI7TE�E�FI�iative Assistant AUGUST 13, 1990 �UG161�� ClTY CLERK 1. Call to order; introduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of sign-up sheet approval of minutes of July 23 and July 30, 1990, meetin4s. Minutes were approved 3-0. 2. Resolution 90-1206 - authorizing payment of James Wirth in the amount of �18,000 from the Tort Liability Fund in settlement of his claim. �Referred from Council 7/17/90� � Approved 3-0 . esolution 90-964 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $11,252 to t Financing and Spending Plans for installation of Mobile Digital Terminals in squad cars. (Referred from Council 6/7(90) Approved 3-0 4. Resolution 90-1201 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $1,650 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Cable Communications for Legislative Operations, directing Council Cable Productions to provide video assistance for a training tape for advocates, and accepting a grant from the Legal Advocacy Project to Council Cable Productions in the amount of $1,250. (Referred from Council 7/17/90� Approved as amended 3-0 5. Resolution 90-1253 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $2,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for General Fund Office of Personnel and Labor Relations from contribution by the City and County Employees Credit Union. (Referred from Council 7/24/90) - Approved 3-0 6. Resolution 90-1155 - changing the rate of pay for Property clerk in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution form Grade 20, Section ID1 to Grade 22, Section ID1 of the Clerical Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council 7/10/90, laid over in Committee 7/30/90) Approved as amended 3-0 CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 5�46 Prin[ed on Recycled Paper 7. Resolution 90-1296 - authorizing an agreement with ISD #625 whereby the City will provide law enforcement services - liaison. (Referred from Council 7/31/90) Approved 3-0 8. Resolution 90-1251 - amending the 1990 budget by transferring $70,128 from Personnel and Labor Relations to General Government Relations to remove contingencv status. LReferred from Council 7/24/90) Approved as amended 3-0. 9. Resolution 90-1279 - changing the rate of pay for Aquatics Manager to Grade 38, Section ID2 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council �26J90) Approved 3-0 10. Resolution 90-1255 - informing elderly residents of St. Paul of the availability of chore services and recruitment of volunteers to help the elderly with necessary chores around the homes. (Referred from Council �24J90) Laid over indefinitely. 11. . AFSCME letter on Payroll Clerk. (Laid over in Committee 4/16/90) . Resolution 89-2049 - establishing the rate of pay for Payroll Clerk in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council 11/21/89, laid over in Committee 12/4/89 & 4/16/90) . Policy discussion on grievance procedure. (Laid over in Committee �12/90, 5/7/90 and 5/21/90) Appropriate resolution will be drafted as requested by the Committee to be introduced to City Council . 12. Ordinance 90-52 - amending the Administrative Code of the City of Saint Paul by adding a new Chapter 67 pertaining to Pedestrian Skyway System Security Operation and Maintenance Service Charges. (Referred from Council 1/9/90, laid over in Committee 3J12j90, 6�4/90 & 7/2/90) Laid over to October 1, 1990. Continue the layover of the original ordinance 90-52 with amendments. Will have September meeting to discuss procedures for accessing the CIB dollars. The Committee will review assessment mechanism policy at a later date. The Committee recommended drafting a new ordinance by the Skyway Governance Committee to 2