98-825�RtG1NAl. Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council k'ile # Green Sheet # Referred To: Committee:Date: 13 1 WFIEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department has received and accepted a gant from the 2 Minnesota Department of Public Safety for a Weed and Seed Program in the SummitJ[Iniversity 3 neighborhood for the period July 1 through June 30, 1999, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 WI�REAS, the Department of Public Safety has amended this agreement authorizing an additionai $50,000 for the Weed and Seed Program in the SwlunitlUniversity neighborhood, and WI3EREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a designated authority for the execution of agreements, and RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui City Council accept this grant award amendment in the amount of $50,000 for the Swnnut/University Weed and Seed prograsn and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety. �ta: 7��4t� Requested by Department of: g�- Sa5 61Q1Q Department f 292-3588 s�za�vs GREEN SHEET No. 61010 INfiIAUDATE INIPAUDAIE � ATfORNEY__��]_L _ � � �CLERK tJ d r L�1 � c �ru�wrv�.w�5ERV10ES01R� � v �ereuw�w�SERYlACCTG L.�� /� � -r �mwYaR(ORf�S�AU� ' 1 I I�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA7'IONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolution to accept the Amendment of the Weed and Seed Grant from the State of Miun.esota increasing the amount of grant by $50,000. (from $150,Q00 to $200,000 J TION ApP�OVe �A) of ReJeC[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worlced under a contract tor this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hes this personlfirm ever been e city empbyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3 Dces fhis perso�rtn possess a skill rwf nwmalry possessed by any wRenY cify employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis personlfirm a tafgetetl Vendo(.� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�d attach to green sheet Snmmit University neighborhood is e�periencing crime, deteriorarion of some housing, and other quality of life issues wluch will be addressed in part through tlus Weed and Seed Project. . .._. �., ��� , Provides additional resources to Sumxnit University to address crime, nuisance and housing issues. �'� i`��� '�� � 'k,� ,f� �'= g a � s ffi Y. L %:,:=. ,l� F2 �� t.. i..,? None Sammit University loses this chance to enhance their���g � ��I crime. control efforts. ��� � � ��� tOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ SQ000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) 'UNDWGSOUftCE STBTEOfMIRI16SOfa ' ACTIVINNUMBER iNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) AUG 2 8 1998 �l:��tt�'S c�FF1Cr" YES NO GRSHEET.�cis � „ � ,- : :�,. . ,� � ,.,s,.... �.,.�v= <: . .�., > :: �` t � `�., : ._ 3' �'� � �., .1. v:.�" / ; �.C`- � � �t,t;� HUBERT H. HL':vIPHREY 73I A77012�E;S GE\ERAL JuIy 16, 1998 STATE OF MI?VTNES4�I`A OFFICE OF THE ATTORVEI' GEK'ERAL Amy Brown O�ce of tne Chief St. Paul Police Departsnent 100 E. l lth Street St_ Paul, MN SSIQ1 Deaz Amy: RECEIV�D \ �M� J tl i. 2 fl 1998 CNIEF'S Q�FICE � � -pas Hf:AL(11 A LfCt\ti�\I: tiF('IIU\ s_s rnx�: srxnt� tiuirl! 5a� SI.1'ACL,11155�U3-?IW TF.LFPH04£.. (64) 2Y9d�k".n Enclosed please find three copies of Amendment No. 1 to Contract Oxder Number 6000-11 (Summit-University Weed and Seed). Once you have obtained the appropriate signatures, return them to me and I wi21 fotward the Contract on to the appropriate people at the State. Once the grant has been futly executed, I will send yoa a copy for }>our records. If you 11ave any questions, dor,'t hesitate to call me at 297-4038 or send an email to me a*.: shipero@agstate.inu.ns. My mailing address is: Office of Minnesota Attomey General, 525 Park Ave., Suite �00; St. Paul, ivIDi 5�143-2106. S' cerely, � wvw�/� Rowzat ipchan ler Weed and Seed Grants Coordinator cc: Pamela Docken, Department of Public Safety Anthony Carter, Summit-University Weed and Seed F�cvmile' 1612!?9i-�?7G •TTY. Cbl'_i -'S'_-252? . ToYI Free Lmeti: (SDD) 657-37A7 lvaice). B00) 36fi-4fiV^_ (ITY)- wwv'.ag.a;ote mn.u. 4n Equ:d Opponump' Empinver Wiro A4iSut. Une;tn.� p'� Prmfecl ori 504¢ rccycled paper (!5 % pn�l cansumer contam) � q� �pa Locn Code State of Minnesota Depamnent oFPubiic Saferv St. Paul Police Depattmenc 100 East llth Street St. Paul, M1V SSI61 i otai vbugaTion for FY 9g SZ5.aC�.bO 5 84,283.00 Amount:$50,000.00 AMEND;�fENT 210. 1 TO CONTRACT OIZDER NUMBER 6000-i t WHEREAS, the State of h4innesota, Department of Pubfic Safery (STAT�E) has a Grant A,reement identified as Coatract Number 6Q00-11 with the St. Paui Police Deparrment (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Weed and Seed Iaitiative. and VJF�EI2EAS, the STA�I'E hu awarded addiYional funds for the initiative: and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND SETIVEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT. Clause II, Section A. Paragraphs I and 3, of the Grant Agreemen[ shall be amended to read: Compensation sha11 be consistent with the Revised Program Line Budget, included in Attachment 1., of this agreemenc. The Revised Program Line Bud�et is herebv incorporated bv reference and made a part of this a�reement ' 3• 71oe totaf obligation of the STATE for ali compensation and reimbursements to GRANT&E shatl not exceed EiQhtv Four Thousand, Two Hundred Eighty Three Dollars (584,283.00) from July 1, 1997, through lune 30, 1998, an t�e�s� deUars-�+25.t�19.9� One Hundred Fifceen Thovsaad Seven Hundred Seventeen Dollars (�115,71'7.Od). from 3uly 1, 1998, through Iune 30, 1944. Funds not expended by GRANTEE durinE the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second ,vear o; this agreement, THAT, Page i of Attachment 1. tiYted, "Weed and Seed Application Cove: Page," column tided "Projec[ Funds Requested," shail be amended to read: Project Funds Requested. Year I:-�7�.a� .� s�g4,2S3.00 and Year 2: �. ' �l I5, i 27.00. AMEt�fDMENT #1 Agency Appr. rceou�sttion No. ( Contract No. I Order N 6000-5 6000-'I'1 6000-'11 lof3 Weed and Seed Inipative S[. P2�Il Police Deparunent {Summi[-Universiry) G��r-8'� By execu[ion of this amendment. the terms and conditions oi the origina! Grant Aereement are ex¢ressly rea�rmed. Escept as herein amended, the provisions of the original Grant A�reement remain in full force and effec:. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The panies nave caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound therebv. APPIZO VED 2. DEPARTIv�NT OF PUBLTC SAFETY By: ��� B Tit1e; �/,y��'i Q.j% Title: �... / Date: �iIZ�E��'t� Date Title: Date 3. ATTORNEY GEI�IERAL Approved to sign on behalf of the Attomey Genera3 as to form and execution Date: Date: 2 Cf 3 weed and Seeea Ir.itiative St. Paul Police Deper�ment ;Sumcrit Unicersity) Revised Program Line &udget a�'g Page 6 of 6 WEED AND SEED Budget Page ITEM Year One Request � Year Two Request Totat Request Salarv � -0- -0- -0- Benents -0- y � -0- -0- F.quipment $2,OQ0 $4,300 $b,300 PnndCopy $1,000 $3,300 $4,300 PhonerPastage $3,000 $6,000 $9.000 Supplies $750 $2,000 $2.�50 Contracted Services $34,500 59A00 $43.500 In-State Travei Other Expenses I (Describe) � Out o; State Travel $1,500 4,000 $5,500 Rent $1,350 3,000 4,350 Allev Clean Up $1,300 $5,000 $6,300 Rehab/Renovation $25,780 $25.000 �40.780 Trauuna $I,680 $3,600 $4,680 Code Enforcement $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 Stipends Communitv Forums $8,000 $23,000 $31.000 Youth Stipends $2,800 $10.000 $12.800 Other $5,623 $8,II7 �13,740 Total Amount $25,.B9A- �494 $115.717 $�9,999- Reouesced Budget Description (describe each iine item as needed) - �r..r..sts� . - r. •! •. - .sG:aR:���: 3 02 3 Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paui Police Departmer.t (SUmmit University) q� �Pa s "Revised Program Line Budget" SUM�IIT UNIVERSITY COMMLiNITY Eudgec Page This budget page includes two budgeu - one for the money (�75.000 per year} we have been awazded and one with the money �ve have been allocated and the additional funds we are reguesting. We are requestin¢ an additional $25.000 a year for a total of $20Q000 over twa vears. BUDGET (Money � giJ�GET {Wish that has been an additional iAr. � Qthcr Oui-of-State Trave{ Rent Alley Clean-up Rehab Trainin� Code Eniorcement Scipends'• 9:�cc Communicv �orums'•: Youth Stioends Other = 1500 2i�04 l35023AA -�� ! 300 �� l578a �� 1680 �� 5000 99P4 .y�„y,gg 8000 2800 5623 Bi3DGET (Money thaz has been Yet to be determined �CYA� f BUDCiET (With an additional Yet to be determined 1�1 i � �i� 4000 3000 5000 25 3000 1 Q OOD 23.000 i o,aoo 811'7 * The P (ine-item wou{d be used to assist exisiing agencies such as Habitat for Humanity and Rondo Land Communiry Land Trust in their efforts in housing development. '*T7�e St. Pauf Public Department of Heaith has committed to train three Summit-University tesidents in code enforoement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We woutd use these stipends to pay the Qeople who would be doing our code enforcement. ***Includes communitv events. s onsorships, eatherin2s. etc.. inciudin� s eakers, s ace rentaI. food and child caze. #Other includes buttons, promational items flierin2 incidentais �RtG1NAl. Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council k'ile # Green Sheet # Referred To: Committee:Date: 13 1 WFIEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department has received and accepted a gant from the 2 Minnesota Department of Public Safety for a Weed and Seed Program in the SummitJ[Iniversity 3 neighborhood for the period July 1 through June 30, 1999, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 WI�REAS, the Department of Public Safety has amended this agreement authorizing an additionai $50,000 for the Weed and Seed Program in the SwlunitlUniversity neighborhood, and WI3EREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a designated authority for the execution of agreements, and RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui City Council accept this grant award amendment in the amount of $50,000 for the Swnnut/University Weed and Seed prograsn and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety. �ta: 7��4t� Requested by Department of: g�- Sa5 61Q1Q Department f 292-3588 s�za�vs GREEN SHEET No. 61010 INfiIAUDATE INIPAUDAIE � ATfORNEY__��]_L _ � � �CLERK tJ d r L�1 � c �ru�wrv�.w�5ERV10ES01R� � v �ereuw�w�SERYlACCTG L.�� /� � -r �mwYaR(ORf�S�AU� ' 1 I I�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA7'IONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolution to accept the Amendment of the Weed and Seed Grant from the State of Miun.esota increasing the amount of grant by $50,000. (from $150,Q00 to $200,000 J TION ApP�OVe �A) of ReJeC[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worlced under a contract tor this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hes this personlfirm ever been e city empbyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3 Dces fhis perso�rtn possess a skill rwf nwmalry possessed by any wRenY cify employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis personlfirm a tafgetetl Vendo(.� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�d attach to green sheet Snmmit University neighborhood is e�periencing crime, deteriorarion of some housing, and other quality of life issues wluch will be addressed in part through tlus Weed and Seed Project. . .._. �., ��� , Provides additional resources to Sumxnit University to address crime, nuisance and housing issues. �'� i`��� '�� � 'k,� ,f� �'= g a � s ffi Y. L %:,:=. ,l� F2 �� t.. i..,? None Sammit University loses this chance to enhance their���g � ��I crime. control efforts. ��� � � ��� tOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ SQ000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) 'UNDWGSOUftCE STBTEOfMIRI16SOfa ' ACTIVINNUMBER iNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) AUG 2 8 1998 �l:��tt�'S c�FF1Cr" YES NO GRSHEET.�cis � „ � ,- : :�,. . ,� � ,.,s,.... �.,.�v= <: . .�., > :: �` t � `�., : ._ 3' �'� � �., .1. v:.�" / ; �.C`- � � �t,t;� HUBERT H. HL':vIPHREY 73I A77012�E;S GE\ERAL JuIy 16, 1998 STATE OF MI?VTNES4�I`A OFFICE OF THE ATTORVEI' GEK'ERAL Amy Brown O�ce of tne Chief St. Paul Police Departsnent 100 E. l lth Street St_ Paul, MN SSIQ1 Deaz Amy: RECEIV�D \ �M� J tl i. 2 fl 1998 CNIEF'S Q�FICE � � -pas Hf:AL(11 A LfCt\ti�\I: tiF('IIU\ s_s rnx�: srxnt� tiuirl! 5a� SI.1'ACL,11155�U3-?IW TF.LFPH04£.. (64) 2Y9d�k".n Enclosed please find three copies of Amendment No. 1 to Contract Oxder Number 6000-11 (Summit-University Weed and Seed). Once you have obtained the appropriate signatures, return them to me and I wi21 fotward the Contract on to the appropriate people at the State. Once the grant has been futly executed, I will send yoa a copy for }>our records. If you 11ave any questions, dor,'t hesitate to call me at 297-4038 or send an email to me a*.: shipero@agstate.inu.ns. My mailing address is: Office of Minnesota Attomey General, 525 Park Ave., Suite �00; St. Paul, ivIDi 5�143-2106. S' cerely, � wvw�/� Rowzat ipchan ler Weed and Seed Grants Coordinator cc: Pamela Docken, Department of Public Safety Anthony Carter, Summit-University Weed and Seed F�cvmile' 1612!?9i-�?7G •TTY. Cbl'_i -'S'_-252? . ToYI Free Lmeti: (SDD) 657-37A7 lvaice). B00) 36fi-4fiV^_ (ITY)- wwv'.ag.a;ote mn.u. 4n Equ:d Opponump' Empinver Wiro A4iSut. Une;tn.� p'� Prmfecl ori 504¢ rccycled paper (!5 % pn�l cansumer contam) � q� �pa Locn Code State of Minnesota Depamnent oFPubiic Saferv St. Paul Police Depattmenc 100 East llth Street St. Paul, M1V SSI61 i otai vbugaTion for FY 9g SZ5.aC�.bO 5 84,283.00 Amount:$50,000.00 AMEND;�fENT 210. 1 TO CONTRACT OIZDER NUMBER 6000-i t WHEREAS, the State of h4innesota, Department of Pubfic Safery (STAT�E) has a Grant A,reement identified as Coatract Number 6Q00-11 with the St. Paui Police Deparrment (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Weed and Seed Iaitiative. and VJF�EI2EAS, the STA�I'E hu awarded addiYional funds for the initiative: and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND SETIVEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT. Clause II, Section A. Paragraphs I and 3, of the Grant Agreemen[ shall be amended to read: Compensation sha11 be consistent with the Revised Program Line Budget, included in Attachment 1., of this agreemenc. The Revised Program Line Bud�et is herebv incorporated bv reference and made a part of this a�reement ' 3• 71oe totaf obligation of the STATE for ali compensation and reimbursements to GRANT&E shatl not exceed EiQhtv Four Thousand, Two Hundred Eighty Three Dollars (584,283.00) from July 1, 1997, through lune 30, 1998, an t�e�s� deUars-�+25.t�19.9� One Hundred Fifceen Thovsaad Seven Hundred Seventeen Dollars (�115,71'7.Od). from 3uly 1, 1998, through Iune 30, 1944. Funds not expended by GRANTEE durinE the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second ,vear o; this agreement, THAT, Page i of Attachment 1. tiYted, "Weed and Seed Application Cove: Page," column tided "Projec[ Funds Requested," shail be amended to read: Project Funds Requested. Year I:-�7�.a� .� s�g4,2S3.00 and Year 2: �. ' �l I5, i 27.00. AMEt�fDMENT #1 Agency Appr. rceou�sttion No. ( Contract No. I Order N 6000-5 6000-'I'1 6000-'11 lof3 Weed and Seed Inipative S[. P2�Il Police Deparunent {Summi[-Universiry) G��r-8'� By execu[ion of this amendment. the terms and conditions oi the origina! Grant Aereement are ex¢ressly rea�rmed. Escept as herein amended, the provisions of the original Grant A�reement remain in full force and effec:. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The panies nave caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound therebv. APPIZO VED 2. DEPARTIv�NT OF PUBLTC SAFETY By: ��� B Tit1e; �/,y��'i Q.j% Title: �... / Date: �iIZ�E��'t� Date Title: Date 3. ATTORNEY GEI�IERAL Approved to sign on behalf of the Attomey Genera3 as to form and execution Date: Date: 2 Cf 3 weed and Seeea Ir.itiative St. Paul Police Deper�ment ;Sumcrit Unicersity) Revised Program Line &udget a�'g Page 6 of 6 WEED AND SEED Budget Page ITEM Year One Request � Year Two Request Totat Request Salarv � -0- -0- -0- Benents -0- y � -0- -0- F.quipment $2,OQ0 $4,300 $b,300 PnndCopy $1,000 $3,300 $4,300 PhonerPastage $3,000 $6,000 $9.000 Supplies $750 $2,000 $2.�50 Contracted Services $34,500 59A00 $43.500 In-State Travei Other Expenses I (Describe) � Out o; State Travel $1,500 4,000 $5,500 Rent $1,350 3,000 4,350 Allev Clean Up $1,300 $5,000 $6,300 Rehab/Renovation $25,780 $25.000 �40.780 Trauuna $I,680 $3,600 $4,680 Code Enforcement $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 Stipends Communitv Forums $8,000 $23,000 $31.000 Youth Stipends $2,800 $10.000 $12.800 Other $5,623 $8,II7 �13,740 Total Amount $25,.B9A- �494 $115.717 $�9,999- Reouesced Budget Description (describe each iine item as needed) - �r..r..sts� . - r. •! •. - .sG:aR:���: 3 02 3 Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paui Police Departmer.t (SUmmit University) q� �Pa s "Revised Program Line Budget" SUM�IIT UNIVERSITY COMMLiNITY Eudgec Page This budget page includes two budgeu - one for the money (�75.000 per year} we have been awazded and one with the money �ve have been allocated and the additional funds we are reguesting. We are requestin¢ an additional $25.000 a year for a total of $20Q000 over twa vears. BUDGET (Money � giJ�GET {Wish that has been an additional iAr. � Qthcr Oui-of-State Trave{ Rent Alley Clean-up Rehab Trainin� Code Eniorcement Scipends'• 9:�cc Communicv �orums'•: Youth Stioends Other = 1500 2i�04 l35023AA -�� ! 300 �� l578a �� 1680 �� 5000 99P4 .y�„y,gg 8000 2800 5623 Bi3DGET (Money thaz has been Yet to be determined �CYA� f BUDCiET (With an additional Yet to be determined 1�1 i � �i� 4000 3000 5000 25 3000 1 Q OOD 23.000 i o,aoo 811'7 * The P (ine-item wou{d be used to assist exisiing agencies such as Habitat for Humanity and Rondo Land Communiry Land Trust in their efforts in housing development. '*T7�e St. Pauf Public Department of Heaith has committed to train three Summit-University tesidents in code enforoement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We woutd use these stipends to pay the Qeople who would be doing our code enforcement. ***Includes communitv events. s onsorships, eatherin2s. etc.. inciudin� s eakers, s ace rentaI. food and child caze. #Other includes buttons, promational items flierin2 incidentais �RtG1NAl. Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council k'ile # Green Sheet # Referred To: Committee:Date: 13 1 WFIEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department has received and accepted a gant from the 2 Minnesota Department of Public Safety for a Weed and Seed Program in the SummitJ[Iniversity 3 neighborhood for the period July 1 through June 30, 1999, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 WI�REAS, the Department of Public Safety has amended this agreement authorizing an additionai $50,000 for the Weed and Seed Program in the SwlunitlUniversity neighborhood, and WI3EREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a designated authority for the execution of agreements, and RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui City Council accept this grant award amendment in the amount of $50,000 for the Swnnut/University Weed and Seed prograsn and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety. �ta: 7��4t� Requested by Department of: g�- Sa5 61Q1Q Department f 292-3588 s�za�vs GREEN SHEET No. 61010 INfiIAUDATE INIPAUDAIE � ATfORNEY__��]_L _ � � �CLERK tJ d r L�1 � c �ru�wrv�.w�5ERV10ES01R� � v �ereuw�w�SERYlACCTG L.�� /� � -r �mwYaR(ORf�S�AU� ' 1 I I�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA7'IONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolution to accept the Amendment of the Weed and Seed Grant from the State of Miun.esota increasing the amount of grant by $50,000. (from $150,Q00 to $200,000 J TION ApP�OVe �A) of ReJeC[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worlced under a contract tor this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hes this personlfirm ever been e city empbyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3 Dces fhis perso�rtn possess a skill rwf nwmalry possessed by any wRenY cify employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis personlfirm a tafgetetl Vendo(.� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�d attach to green sheet Snmmit University neighborhood is e�periencing crime, deteriorarion of some housing, and other quality of life issues wluch will be addressed in part through tlus Weed and Seed Project. . .._. �., ��� , Provides additional resources to Sumxnit University to address crime, nuisance and housing issues. �'� i`��� '�� � 'k,� ,f� �'= g a � s ffi Y. L %:,:=. ,l� F2 �� t.. i..,? None Sammit University loses this chance to enhance their���g � ��I crime. control efforts. ��� � � ��� tOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ SQ000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) 'UNDWGSOUftCE STBTEOfMIRI16SOfa ' ACTIVINNUMBER iNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) AUG 2 8 1998 �l:��tt�'S c�FF1Cr" YES NO GRSHEET.�cis � „ � ,- : :�,. . ,� � ,.,s,.... �.,.�v= <: . .�., > :: �` t � `�., : ._ 3' �'� � �., .1. v:.�" / ; �.C`- � � �t,t;� HUBERT H. HL':vIPHREY 73I A77012�E;S GE\ERAL JuIy 16, 1998 STATE OF MI?VTNES4�I`A OFFICE OF THE ATTORVEI' GEK'ERAL Amy Brown O�ce of tne Chief St. Paul Police Departsnent 100 E. l lth Street St_ Paul, MN SSIQ1 Deaz Amy: RECEIV�D \ �M� J tl i. 2 fl 1998 CNIEF'S Q�FICE � � -pas Hf:AL(11 A LfCt\ti�\I: tiF('IIU\ s_s rnx�: srxnt� tiuirl! 5a� SI.1'ACL,11155�U3-?IW TF.LFPH04£.. (64) 2Y9d�k".n Enclosed please find three copies of Amendment No. 1 to Contract Oxder Number 6000-11 (Summit-University Weed and Seed). Once you have obtained the appropriate signatures, return them to me and I wi21 fotward the Contract on to the appropriate people at the State. Once the grant has been futly executed, I will send yoa a copy for }>our records. If you 11ave any questions, dor,'t hesitate to call me at 297-4038 or send an email to me a*.: shipero@agstate.inu.ns. My mailing address is: Office of Minnesota Attomey General, 525 Park Ave., Suite �00; St. Paul, ivIDi 5�143-2106. S' cerely, � wvw�/� Rowzat ipchan ler Weed and Seed Grants Coordinator cc: Pamela Docken, Department of Public Safety Anthony Carter, Summit-University Weed and Seed F�cvmile' 1612!?9i-�?7G •TTY. Cbl'_i -'S'_-252? . ToYI Free Lmeti: (SDD) 657-37A7 lvaice). B00) 36fi-4fiV^_ (ITY)- wwv'.ag.a;ote mn.u. 4n Equ:d Opponump' Empinver Wiro A4iSut. Une;tn.� p'� Prmfecl ori 504¢ rccycled paper (!5 % pn�l cansumer contam) � q� �pa Locn Code State of Minnesota Depamnent oFPubiic Saferv St. Paul Police Depattmenc 100 East llth Street St. Paul, M1V SSI61 i otai vbugaTion for FY 9g SZ5.aC�.bO 5 84,283.00 Amount:$50,000.00 AMEND;�fENT 210. 1 TO CONTRACT OIZDER NUMBER 6000-i t WHEREAS, the State of h4innesota, Department of Pubfic Safery (STAT�E) has a Grant A,reement identified as Coatract Number 6Q00-11 with the St. Paui Police Deparrment (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Weed and Seed Iaitiative. and VJF�EI2EAS, the STA�I'E hu awarded addiYional funds for the initiative: and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND SETIVEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT. Clause II, Section A. Paragraphs I and 3, of the Grant Agreemen[ shall be amended to read: Compensation sha11 be consistent with the Revised Program Line Budget, included in Attachment 1., of this agreemenc. The Revised Program Line Bud�et is herebv incorporated bv reference and made a part of this a�reement ' 3• 71oe totaf obligation of the STATE for ali compensation and reimbursements to GRANT&E shatl not exceed EiQhtv Four Thousand, Two Hundred Eighty Three Dollars (584,283.00) from July 1, 1997, through lune 30, 1998, an t�e�s� deUars-�+25.t�19.9� One Hundred Fifceen Thovsaad Seven Hundred Seventeen Dollars (�115,71'7.Od). from 3uly 1, 1998, through Iune 30, 1944. Funds not expended by GRANTEE durinE the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second ,vear o; this agreement, THAT, Page i of Attachment 1. tiYted, "Weed and Seed Application Cove: Page," column tided "Projec[ Funds Requested," shail be amended to read: Project Funds Requested. Year I:-�7�.a� .� s�g4,2S3.00 and Year 2: �. ' �l I5, i 27.00. AMEt�fDMENT #1 Agency Appr. rceou�sttion No. ( Contract No. I Order N 6000-5 6000-'I'1 6000-'11 lof3 Weed and Seed Inipative S[. P2�Il Police Deparunent {Summi[-Universiry) G��r-8'� By execu[ion of this amendment. the terms and conditions oi the origina! Grant Aereement are ex¢ressly rea�rmed. Escept as herein amended, the provisions of the original Grant A�reement remain in full force and effec:. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The panies nave caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound therebv. APPIZO VED 2. DEPARTIv�NT OF PUBLTC SAFETY By: ��� B Tit1e; �/,y��'i Q.j% Title: �... / Date: �iIZ�E��'t� Date Title: Date 3. ATTORNEY GEI�IERAL Approved to sign on behalf of the Attomey Genera3 as to form and execution Date: Date: 2 Cf 3 weed and Seeea Ir.itiative St. Paul Police Deper�ment ;Sumcrit Unicersity) Revised Program Line &udget a�'g Page 6 of 6 WEED AND SEED Budget Page ITEM Year One Request � Year Two Request Totat Request Salarv � -0- -0- -0- Benents -0- y � -0- -0- F.quipment $2,OQ0 $4,300 $b,300 PnndCopy $1,000 $3,300 $4,300 PhonerPastage $3,000 $6,000 $9.000 Supplies $750 $2,000 $2.�50 Contracted Services $34,500 59A00 $43.500 In-State Travei Other Expenses I (Describe) � Out o; State Travel $1,500 4,000 $5,500 Rent $1,350 3,000 4,350 Allev Clean Up $1,300 $5,000 $6,300 Rehab/Renovation $25,780 $25.000 �40.780 Trauuna $I,680 $3,600 $4,680 Code Enforcement $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 Stipends Communitv Forums $8,000 $23,000 $31.000 Youth Stipends $2,800 $10.000 $12.800 Other $5,623 $8,II7 �13,740 Total Amount $25,.B9A- �494 $115.717 $�9,999- Reouesced Budget Description (describe each iine item as needed) - �r..r..sts� . - r. •! •. - .sG:aR:���: 3 02 3 Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paui Police Departmer.t (SUmmit University) q� �Pa s "Revised Program Line Budget" SUM�IIT UNIVERSITY COMMLiNITY Eudgec Page This budget page includes two budgeu - one for the money (�75.000 per year} we have been awazded and one with the money �ve have been allocated and the additional funds we are reguesting. We are requestin¢ an additional $25.000 a year for a total of $20Q000 over twa vears. BUDGET (Money � giJ�GET {Wish that has been an additional iAr. � Qthcr Oui-of-State Trave{ Rent Alley Clean-up Rehab Trainin� Code Eniorcement Scipends'• 9:�cc Communicv �orums'•: Youth Stioends Other = 1500 2i�04 l35023AA -�� ! 300 �� l578a �� 1680 �� 5000 99P4 .y�„y,gg 8000 2800 5623 Bi3DGET (Money thaz has been Yet to be determined �CYA� f BUDCiET (With an additional Yet to be determined 1�1 i � �i� 4000 3000 5000 25 3000 1 Q OOD 23.000 i o,aoo 811'7 * The P (ine-item wou{d be used to assist exisiing agencies such as Habitat for Humanity and Rondo Land Communiry Land Trust in their efforts in housing development. '*T7�e St. Pauf Public Department of Heaith has committed to train three Summit-University tesidents in code enforoement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We woutd use these stipends to pay the Qeople who would be doing our code enforcement. ***Includes communitv events. s onsorships, eatherin2s. etc.. inciudin� s eakers, s ace rentaI. food and child caze. #Other includes buttons, promational items flierin2 incidentais