90-957 0�R I �� N A L Council File # - Green Sheet � 5734 RESOLUTION ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. ��12456) for the transfer and activation of an Off Sale Liquor License currently issued to Duane T. & Antoinette L. Severin at. 1T1 E. Kellogg Boulevard (Inactive) , be and the same is hereby transferred and activated to Duane T. & Antoinette L. Severin DBA Jackie's Spirits of St. Paul at 175 E. Sth Street (Galtier Plaza) . �Ye,�s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: on � w on 'P- a s ee � e tma ane i son � BY� 0 Adopted by Council: Date MAY 3 i 1990 Fa� Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY. J� �,`����L By' �� `��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date ��N i ���' CounciY ,���i=�' By° By: ��%�ct PUBLISNED ' 0 � . , �. �a -�5� OEPARTM[NTIOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATEO J/� Finance/License ` GREEN SHEET No. 5 7 3 4 CONTACT PER80N d PNONE �NIT1ALl DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIqECTDR �CITY COUNpL Kris Van Horn/298-5056 �� �cm��r�v �cirv c�aK M�BEQN COU�IdL AQEN�f ROUTNIO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �flN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. TorCi�yrL���'rk: � � 90 ❑M,�►roR coR�sr�rm 0�o�ucil TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (C.LIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION REWESTED: Application (I.D. 4�12456) for the activation and transfer of location of an Off Sale Liquor License F�COMMENDAI'IONS:nPP►ove(�)o►RN�fR) COt11rfYL i�PORT OPTIONAI _PLANNINO COMMIS810N _CML SERVI�CO�q�i18310N ��YST PMONE NO. _p8 OOMMITfEE _ _STAFF _ �MENT8: _DISTRICT OOURT _ 8UPPORTB WHIGi COUNqL OBJECTiVE9 INII'IATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE�OPPORTUNITY(1Mp.WMt�WMn�Whsr1�Wh�: Duane T. Severin DBA Jackie's Spirits of St. Paul requests Council approval of their application to activate and transfer their Off Sale Liquor License to 175 E. 5th Street (Galtier Plaza). All applications and fees of $252.50 have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this application. ADVMITAOE8 IF APPROVED: C18ADVANT/KiEB IF APPROVED; OISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROYED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAMB�ACTION = COST/REVENI�ellDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVtTY NUMBER FlNANqA�INFORMATION:(EXPlA1N) 1, NOTE: COAAPLETE DIRECTiON3 ARE INfXUDED IN THE CiREEN SHE@'f INSTRUCTIONAL� MANUAL AVAiLABLE IN THE PURCHASiNi3 OFFICE(PMON�NO.298-4225). ROUTINCi ORDER: Bslow are profsrred routirps for ths five m�t froquent typ�of documsMS: OONTRACTS (aswnws authorized OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amsnd, Bdgts./ budpst exists) Accspt.(3rar�ts) t. outswe Agenc�r i. oepercmeM ar�eccor 2. Inkfating DepaRment 2. Budgst Diro�tor 3. City Attorne�r 3. Gty Attornsy 4. Mayor. 4. MsyoNAssiNant 5. Ffnanos 8 Mgmt Svcs. Diroctor 5. City Councfl . 6. Flnance Accourninp 6. Chisf/�coountaM, Fln&Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget OOUNqL RESOLUTION (all�hsrs) Hsvision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Mana�er 1. InitlaNng DspeRrneM Directtw 2. DepartmaM A�uMaM 3. M�/� 3. Departmsnt Director 4. Criy Gdtlncll 4. Budpst Dirocta 5. City derk 6. (�ief AocouMarH� Fln d�Mpmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER8 (all others) 1. Initiating DspaRment 2. Gty AttomeY 3. MayoNMtistaM 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31f3NATURE PA(3ES Indicate the#of pspee�vrt�ich signatures are requind and Pepsrc�Pi esch of thes��ss. ACTION REQUESTED Dmacribe what ths projecNnque��esks to accomplhh fn either chronolopi- caI order or or�►a�mport�u�o.�wt�e�rer ia nw.c appropriaM f«the issue. Do not write compleb seMencea. Bepin ead�fEe�n in ycwr list wRh a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Canplete if the iawe in questlon h�bean pr�eMed before an�r body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICki COl1NGL 08JECTIVE4 �ndicace wh�N cound�objscWe(s?rour aro�t/►squest s��wrb br�btlng the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATlON, NEIQHBORHOOD8, EOOMOWIIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDC33ET,SEINER SEPARATION).(&EE COMPIETE UST IN IN3TRUCTIONAI.MANUAL.) COUNGL OOMMITTEE/RE3EARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE8TED BY COUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explai�tne sicuatbn or ca�dit�s tnat creaeed a need ror yau projec,K or reqt�eat. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this la simply an annusl budpM procedure roquind by law/ chartsr or vvhether there an sp�ciflc wa in which ths City of SeiM Paul and ks citizens wiU beneflt fran this pro�Ct/acdon. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What neyative effecta or myor d�anges to exiatin�or past processes might this ProjecUrsqus�t producs if R Is passsd(e.g.,traffic delays. raiae, tex increaaes or aasesnbnts)?To Whom?When? For how bng? D18ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs the nspadvs conssquerK:es if ths promiaed action is not approved4 InaWlity to delfver ssrvice?Ca�tinusd hiph traiNc, noise, accident rats? Loes of nvenus? FlNANqAL IMPACT ARfrouph you mwt teibr the information you provide here to the isaue you are addreainp,in�snerel you must anawer two questiona: How much is k 9dnp to oat?1Nho is�ofnp to pay4 . p� yd _r�? DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIIvISTRATION DATE 'S �� / 5 INTE,RDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW C:HECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant�hP�,Y-��.� ti, Hvl�-C,i✓►.�T�,-�erUi� Home Address `7 (� �Q�;I�I.�.. �l,�.,,..a,., �(�. �.cQ_::�. Rusiness Name � �� ;��Y�},S U�- Home Phone 5� -��t� Business Address � � ti,,.. 5�-- .�.-�( � Type of License(s�rQ,,,, �,�-�� QC Business Phone ��$� r� �� - t,-�.c.� �v � Public Hearing Date S"��t �c�t� License I.D. 4i �ac��(.o at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� llate A'utice Sent; Dealer �f ,/� � � to Applicant �I,� ��t(� Pederal Fi.rearms l� y� (a o - Public HE:�.iring DATE INSPECTIUN REVtEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � S �a�- , C� � Health Divn. -- � �1a� ' ^PI�, s �a , rrk:�m;�� °�5 Fire Dept. � � i J f I S l 0�5� � C�� �� Yt.i n s i- w� rzQ �{t,o� I � Yolice Dept. I ���,� �-�, c3,-� � R�c_o�. License Divn. � s�ar ; o�s City Attorney � 5��� , Date Received: Site Plan ������ To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �(C� ��('� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: - - Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: .���..�..�.._.r, __ __ � �:;: �qa-95� � DEPARTM@NT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED ,�� Finance/License GREEN SHEET � � NO. 5734 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �NITIAIJ DATE IMITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOii ,, �CRY COUNpL Kris Van Horn/298-5056 A���N pTy AnppNEy ,, . �an,c�RK �3 �tJ NUMBER FOR 0 M.C,OrCklgyr��l2'rkN J jj� D� 90 ROUTINO Q MAYOR(OR ASSIBTANn �FIN.8 MOT.8ERVICE3 DIR. 1 �t l:l OpDER Q--�O.IlAC�I .7 TOTAL N OF SI�iNATURE PA(iE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SI�iNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: , '�''t v'� a.,�s�;;}`; Application (I.D. 4�12456) for the activation and transfer of location,;of,anrOff Sale Liquor License , , ��,,`_ > ,.-; - c RECOMMENDATIONB:Approw(q w Rej�ct(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL x _PIANNINO OOMMI3810N _qVll 8ERVIC:COMMISSION �LVST PHONE NO. _p8 COMMITTEE . , '•.. .' _ _STAFF _ OOMMENT8: , ;, , c.,;a, _DISTRICT COURT _ 1, •,B��<�t� ` . . '� i1b'��tt`t.i,} i,'a:� 3,.",. . . . SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE4 , i �r ."„�Y�`. .'+-�'. . x � INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOR7UNITY(Who,VUhtl,yylNn,yyhK�,yyhy�; ' '',,.,, r41`:�e.��.�i��� � Duane T. Severin DBA Jackie's Spirits of St. Paul requests Council approvallof their application to activate and transfer their Off Sale Liquor License to �175 E. 5th Street (Galtier Plaza) . All applications and fees of $252.50 have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this application. '4�' �' . >t,�ta,y�x.�e��'� ��.��.�` .. r� „ < �5,. ,�.x ,;�;;, �; . nnv�n�r�aes��aPpoveo: (. ; .,,. : �����'���=�. ��d;;. . � _. � .. Y: _. �f?Y�' a t��;*tiC". �.�?�';�}t.����� vi^ � ._ ,. . .. � � - n�;_ re�a'+x,10,:,�>i�i F.t tc 4;r:� _ . �, , `? .3'�r Nt.�z.*,-�°t+�,,;rt+;.S3�'4sF;' 9� :;�, � . �. ,t` _ . . . � �u. .,�y;��, �S�.t'ia x �,-i'•, , DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: . . � „+! t�.. -��:�Pt.fM.+� � F.��.' ��t: -.. .. '� . . � - , . - .. :'r ;.1;:. e n if�v';,,[�-''�'r„r J S.:H JL�+x. . . � . . . . . � � � - .. . .. . '.'t''.;, �.{�it t `—It S����; 5 �:''��(,lr 'r �:� . . - . . . . , , . . . . ..�+ �.1'r t:t;?��1'3^ i"t£� Y-! .. , , �• . . . ' �. { ",''R„s' '¥i.•�.aF�°tis.'4/., . _ - . . . . . � .. ���. 7 .., f�F .a��i �{� �Fa'°,`Y:'�n '-4 . . � . � - . r �r:'iy, ,i '{'r�t ts.. :4�f a�ul..`'i.: + i . F . _... � ... ,.. . i . , , .' . . ' . �.'..? , , ' DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: _ __. , *�t � :`'t�"� . �;'�, a '��t u"_ '2:: 't��!�t a3`'� � . � .. . , . • .'�.,. . ti c.y� .t�fi'flY�°, ltlr'�i'� . . . . � � . � � � . ,�t;:r a?��j ��.` ;r�`.'i a { `�.t. V�.;r :a'� . w ``, ^`- � � � � � � �w;t� rs . � . . , . a _.. � . +,t,�q�x.f. ';.i.�ti ; . -�° � � .. . ri 'i. � �`S a1 #y- .F^ . � . .. . . . ��+:3 .��o+..'i8$��. ti; . ' . ... .. � .. . , ./f�.�:G . .. .. , , .r, � ' i. '.:j TOTAL AMOUNT OF TfiAN8ACT10N -� COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLB ON� .F YEB, r NO.,�r, - � � FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ' FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWM " ,. ,,i;';}a. :•:�;.;ro, � ' _, , , 1 ..s � � r,� tr.�;t,t�;�� �t ,r_; , . � . . .. � . � ; ir;��(, i.;�+, ;��l'u�.+l.ti `.. . � .