98-824Cou�il File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented 8y: WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 10 of the City Charter, Mayor Coleman presented to the City Council on August 12, 1998 the Mayots Proposed Budget, with said recommeaded budgets totaling $485,476,327 hefore subtracting out'Transfers To and Transfers From Funds" and "Subsequent Year Debt"; and totaling $389,903,982 after netting out'Transfers To and Transfer From Funds" and "SubsequeM Year Deffi", and -l_�- �_�� 32599 �a Referrntl To: Committee: Oa� 1 2 3 a 5 s 7 s s �o n 12 13 td 15 i6 17 18 19 20 21 zz 2A 25 26 27 28 zs 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 ao WHEREAS, the Mayor did recommend, as part of the comprehensive 1999 Financing Plan for the City of Saint Paul and after applying the preliminary certified amount of State Paid H.A.C.A payme�ris of $20,012,573, that the 1998 Net Property Tau Levy Payable in 1999 be $63,293,263. The MayoPs recommended Net Ta:c Levy (6efore fiscal disparities distrihution levies) is no change ftom the t� levy certified for the Adopted 1998 City Budget, and is detailed as follows; Green Sheet# BUDGET +Z.S°!o DELINQ MAYOR'S REC. REVENUE ALLOWANCE TAX LEVY City Levy for City Operation City Levy for Debt Service Levy for Port Authority TOTALRECOMMENDED: 62,523,267 18,319,487 1,414,634 82,257,388 1,563,082 64,086,349 0 18,319,487 35,366 1,450,000 1,598,448 83,855,836 Less State Paid H.A.C.A Payments to Reduce Grass Levy: NET LEVYAFfER H.A.C.A. ADJUSTMENTS: Levy for Port Authority Net Levy for City Govemment 20,012,573 ss,aas,zss (1,45Q,OOQ) 62,393,263 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statues, Section 275.065 Subdivision 1, the City Council after considering the AAayor's recommendations, but absent public hearings on 4he Mayors budget proposal, does hereby accept the Budgets for Fiscal Year 7999 as proposed by the Mayor, as consUtuUng the Proposed Budgets tor the City of Saint Paul; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the same referenced Statue, the City Council, after wnsidering the Mayots recommendation for property tax levies, including the request of the Port Authority, and the certified amount of state paid H.A.C.A., does hereby certify to the Ramsey County Auditor that the Proposed Maximum Tax Levy for the City of Saint Paul for Taxes Payable in 1999 (for use in calculating the TrutB-In-Taxation Notices to be maiied in November of 1998) as foilows: GROSS CITY LEW (Operations, Debt and Port Authority): LESS H.A.GA. PAYMENTS (Certified Amount): NET LEVY AFTER H.A.G.A. ADJUSTMENT; $83,855,836 $20,012,573 $63,843,263 sr.�ss \dopted by Council: Date ��� , g 1 �qQ,� doption Certified by Council Secretary: Y� iproved by Requested by Department of: Office of Financiat Services - Budget Sedion � Approval Rec:ommended by Budget �irector: By: � m b�� �,,,��„��,� nA��� a�-g�a�— Executive Administaation- Financial Services Q9-3-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 3'Z5!� OM'ACTPERSON&PH�NE al �EPA&lMEt+CORtECI'OR O6 CRl'COVNCd JosephReid 266-8553 ,� []z rnrn�ao� � crnc�saK IUSTBEONCOUNCII.AC�i'DABY(DAT� � � BU!%:EfDIltELI'OR O FQ:.&MGf.SERVICESDIX. �d MAYOR(OAASS/SiATI1� O !'OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnrnv�uFSlm Approval of CouncII Reso(ution adopting a maximum annual ta�c Ievy. �vm�eu>mxiwaU _PLaNCmvGCOMI�9S51�N _CtYaSFRV[CECAhsaSS[tlN LHaztbispessoNfirmeve[woikedunderaconkactforthisdepactment? _cm cossnng _ YES NO _a st'eFe ! 2.Hutldspe�xoNf¢mevecbeeaacityemployee? nuriucrcomcr _ YES NO s`mrax�rs wtucH cAUrvc¢ oa�rnve? 3. Dces this pecsoW6mi possus a skill not normally possessed by any cucrent city emptoyee? YES NO ISItA1INC PAOBLEM,155UE, OPPORIUNPIl( (W6o, Wbaf, Whaq W6ere. WLyY State law requires the City of Saint Paul Yo certify by September 15th a ma7cimum annual ta:t levy. This maximum annual tax levy cannot be exceeded (except under severe restrictions) when fmancing the General Fund and General Debt Service budgets. The City will be in compliance with State law. None. �$���Prs� ��e��°,^.h. !'•??',�°� � �, :rxi: City cannot levy taxes for 1998 Pay 1999 to finance its budget� � or,v„wwucrr ox rxnwsncnow JANCL4L A'FORMA'IfON. (EYPLAtiJ) COSTfftEVENUEBUDCESE➢(QRCLEOlIE� YFS NO finmmal5erviwsOiiice (F:IVSERS�BW6El�tP�tYRt9891 M%T%lEW .WK4) 0949-98 Cou�il File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented 8y: WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 10 of the City Charter, Mayor Coleman presented to the City Council on August 12, 1998 the Mayots Proposed Budget, with said recommeaded budgets totaling $485,476,327 hefore subtracting out'Transfers To and Transfers From Funds" and "Subsequent Year Debt"; and totaling $389,903,982 after netting out'Transfers To and Transfer From Funds" and "SubsequeM Year Deffi", and -l_�- �_�� 32599 �a Referrntl To: Committee: Oa� 1 2 3 a 5 s 7 s s �o n 12 13 td 15 i6 17 18 19 20 21 zz 2A 25 26 27 28 zs 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 ao WHEREAS, the Mayor did recommend, as part of the comprehensive 1999 Financing Plan for the City of Saint Paul and after applying the preliminary certified amount of State Paid H.A.C.A payme�ris of $20,012,573, that the 1998 Net Property Tau Levy Payable in 1999 be $63,293,263. The MayoPs recommended Net Ta:c Levy (6efore fiscal disparities distrihution levies) is no change ftom the t� levy certified for the Adopted 1998 City Budget, and is detailed as follows; Green Sheet# BUDGET +Z.S°!o DELINQ MAYOR'S REC. REVENUE ALLOWANCE TAX LEVY City Levy for City Operation City Levy for Debt Service Levy for Port Authority TOTALRECOMMENDED: 62,523,267 18,319,487 1,414,634 82,257,388 1,563,082 64,086,349 0 18,319,487 35,366 1,450,000 1,598,448 83,855,836 Less State Paid H.A.C.A Payments to Reduce Grass Levy: NET LEVYAFfER H.A.C.A. ADJUSTMENTS: Levy for Port Authority Net Levy for City Govemment 20,012,573 ss,aas,zss (1,45Q,OOQ) 62,393,263 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statues, Section 275.065 Subdivision 1, the City Council after considering the AAayor's recommendations, but absent public hearings on 4he Mayors budget proposal, does hereby accept the Budgets for Fiscal Year 7999 as proposed by the Mayor, as consUtuUng the Proposed Budgets tor the City of Saint Paul; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the same referenced Statue, the City Council, after wnsidering the Mayots recommendation for property tax levies, including the request of the Port Authority, and the certified amount of state paid H.A.C.A., does hereby certify to the Ramsey County Auditor that the Proposed Maximum Tax Levy for the City of Saint Paul for Taxes Payable in 1999 (for use in calculating the TrutB-In-Taxation Notices to be maiied in November of 1998) as foilows: GROSS CITY LEW (Operations, Debt and Port Authority): LESS H.A.GA. PAYMENTS (Certified Amount): NET LEVY AFTER H.A.G.A. ADJUSTMENT; $83,855,836 $20,012,573 $63,843,263 sr.�ss \dopted by Council: Date ��� , g 1 �qQ,� doption Certified by Council Secretary: Y� iproved by Requested by Department of: Office of Financiat Services - Budget Sedion � Approval Rec:ommended by Budget �irector: By: � m b�� �,,,��„��,� nA��� a�-g�a�— Executive Administaation- Financial Services Q9-3-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 3'Z5!� OM'ACTPERSON&PH�NE al �EPA&lMEt+CORtECI'OR O6 CRl'COVNCd JosephReid 266-8553 ,� []z rnrn�ao� � crnc�saK IUSTBEONCOUNCII.AC�i'DABY(DAT� � � BU!%:EfDIltELI'OR O FQ:.&MGf.SERVICESDIX. �d MAYOR(OAASS/SiATI1� O !'OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnrnv�uFSlm Approval of CouncII Reso(ution adopting a maximum annual ta�c Ievy. �vm�eu>mxiwaU _PLaNCmvGCOMI�9S51�N _CtYaSFRV[CECAhsaSS[tlN LHaztbispessoNfirmeve[woikedunderaconkactforthisdepactment? _cm cossnng _ YES NO _a st'eFe ! 2.Hutldspe�xoNf¢mevecbeeaacityemployee? nuriucrcomcr _ YES NO s`mrax�rs wtucH cAUrvc¢ oa�rnve? 3. Dces this pecsoW6mi possus a skill not normally possessed by any cucrent city emptoyee? YES NO ISItA1INC PAOBLEM,155UE, OPPORIUNPIl( (W6o, Wbaf, Whaq W6ere. WLyY State law requires the City of Saint Paul Yo certify by September 15th a ma7cimum annual ta:t levy. This maximum annual tax levy cannot be exceeded (except under severe restrictions) when fmancing the General Fund and General Debt Service budgets. The City will be in compliance with State law. None. �$���Prs� ��e��°,^.h. !'•??',�°� � �, :rxi: City cannot levy taxes for 1998 Pay 1999 to finance its budget� � or,v„wwucrr ox rxnwsncnow JANCL4L A'FORMA'IfON. (EYPLAtiJ) COSTfftEVENUEBUDCESE➢(QRCLEOlIE� YFS NO finmmal5erviwsOiiice (F:IVSERS�BW6El�tP�tYRt9891 M%T%lEW .WK4) 0949-98 Cou�il File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented 8y: WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 10 of the City Charter, Mayor Coleman presented to the City Council on August 12, 1998 the Mayots Proposed Budget, with said recommeaded budgets totaling $485,476,327 hefore subtracting out'Transfers To and Transfers From Funds" and "Subsequent Year Debt"; and totaling $389,903,982 after netting out'Transfers To and Transfer From Funds" and "SubsequeM Year Deffi", and -l_�- �_�� 32599 �a Referrntl To: Committee: Oa� 1 2 3 a 5 s 7 s s �o n 12 13 td 15 i6 17 18 19 20 21 zz 2A 25 26 27 28 zs 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 ao WHEREAS, the Mayor did recommend, as part of the comprehensive 1999 Financing Plan for the City of Saint Paul and after applying the preliminary certified amount of State Paid H.A.C.A payme�ris of $20,012,573, that the 1998 Net Property Tau Levy Payable in 1999 be $63,293,263. The MayoPs recommended Net Ta:c Levy (6efore fiscal disparities distrihution levies) is no change ftom the t� levy certified for the Adopted 1998 City Budget, and is detailed as follows; Green Sheet# BUDGET +Z.S°!o DELINQ MAYOR'S REC. REVENUE ALLOWANCE TAX LEVY City Levy for City Operation City Levy for Debt Service Levy for Port Authority TOTALRECOMMENDED: 62,523,267 18,319,487 1,414,634 82,257,388 1,563,082 64,086,349 0 18,319,487 35,366 1,450,000 1,598,448 83,855,836 Less State Paid H.A.C.A Payments to Reduce Grass Levy: NET LEVYAFfER H.A.C.A. ADJUSTMENTS: Levy for Port Authority Net Levy for City Govemment 20,012,573 ss,aas,zss (1,45Q,OOQ) 62,393,263 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statues, Section 275.065 Subdivision 1, the City Council after considering the AAayor's recommendations, but absent public hearings on 4he Mayors budget proposal, does hereby accept the Budgets for Fiscal Year 7999 as proposed by the Mayor, as consUtuUng the Proposed Budgets tor the City of Saint Paul; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the same referenced Statue, the City Council, after wnsidering the Mayots recommendation for property tax levies, including the request of the Port Authority, and the certified amount of state paid H.A.C.A., does hereby certify to the Ramsey County Auditor that the Proposed Maximum Tax Levy for the City of Saint Paul for Taxes Payable in 1999 (for use in calculating the TrutB-In-Taxation Notices to be maiied in November of 1998) as foilows: GROSS CITY LEW (Operations, Debt and Port Authority): LESS H.A.GA. PAYMENTS (Certified Amount): NET LEVY AFTER H.A.G.A. ADJUSTMENT; $83,855,836 $20,012,573 $63,843,263 sr.�ss \dopted by Council: Date ��� , g 1 �qQ,� doption Certified by Council Secretary: Y� iproved by Requested by Department of: Office of Financiat Services - Budget Sedion � Approval Rec:ommended by Budget �irector: By: � m b�� �,,,��„��,� nA��� a�-g�a�— Executive Administaation- Financial Services Q9-3-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 3'Z5!� OM'ACTPERSON&PH�NE al �EPA&lMEt+CORtECI'OR O6 CRl'COVNCd JosephReid 266-8553 ,� []z rnrn�ao� � crnc�saK IUSTBEONCOUNCII.AC�i'DABY(DAT� � � BU!%:EfDIltELI'OR O FQ:.&MGf.SERVICESDIX. �d MAYOR(OAASS/SiATI1� O !'OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnrnv�uFSlm Approval of CouncII Reso(ution adopting a maximum annual ta�c Ievy. �vm�eu>mxiwaU _PLaNCmvGCOMI�9S51�N _CtYaSFRV[CECAhsaSS[tlN LHaztbispessoNfirmeve[woikedunderaconkactforthisdepactment? _cm cossnng _ YES NO _a st'eFe ! 2.Hutldspe�xoNf¢mevecbeeaacityemployee? nuriucrcomcr _ YES NO s`mrax�rs wtucH cAUrvc¢ oa�rnve? 3. Dces this pecsoW6mi possus a skill not normally possessed by any cucrent city emptoyee? YES NO ISItA1INC PAOBLEM,155UE, OPPORIUNPIl( (W6o, Wbaf, Whaq W6ere. WLyY State law requires the City of Saint Paul Yo certify by September 15th a ma7cimum annual ta:t levy. This maximum annual tax levy cannot be exceeded (except under severe restrictions) when fmancing the General Fund and General Debt Service budgets. The City will be in compliance with State law. None. �$���Prs� ��e��°,^.h. !'•??',�°� � �, :rxi: City cannot levy taxes for 1998 Pay 1999 to finance its budget� � or,v„wwucrr ox rxnwsncnow JANCL4L A'FORMA'IfON. (EYPLAtiJ) COSTfftEVENUEBUDCESE➢(QRCLEOlIE� YFS NO finmmal5erviwsOiiice (F:IVSERS�BW6El�tP�tYRt9891 M%T%lEW .WK4) 0949-98