90-949 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. � -9�9 AMENDED FINAL ORDER � File No. 18 fi— Voting In the Matter of iastallin� a laatert� style atr�et lighting systea for tha Ward tollorina strsats: �b— ZLa,rTl,and Av�nua frva� Barcla� Street to 1Genuard Str�et; Magaolia lvsa�e fraa l�arcla� Str�et to H,nselw�ood Street; �e e�� fro�e Barclwy Straet to cul-de-aac; 3arcla� Stra�t fro� Msaaolia A�enaa ta Z�tar7land Aveuae and Bassl�aod Strsst frc� Cl�er Avsnne to Marylaad Aie�we. aad i�stal&ins a beat etraa straet lishting ryste� in I�Lechsaic lbsmie fzoa Etna Stree� to the e:et a�ul Lhere tez�inatiag. All to be kaa�rn as t�e Eusl�naod/�iagaolia Arsa Str�et Lishting Project. under Preliminary Order $9-1859 approved October 12, 1989 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fuliy considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �UN 5 199d ` Yeas�� Nays Co�3.tE Certified P ed y Council Secretary �� � In Favor By � �!�[tes�ret Retta�n D � Against Wi1�Q„ JUN 6 �990 Mayor PUBUSHED JUN 1 n 1990 xE 5/is/90 �`� '9�{��� � OEPARTMENTIOFFICE/COUNqL ' DATE INITiATED Finance Department/Real �stat� 5ilsi90 GREEN SHEET No. ���� CONTACT PERSON d PHONE � �NITIAU DATE I UDATE , �, / �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNdL Peter White 292-5317 �/v v �� �cm�rroRNev �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� R01lTq0fi �BUDOET WRECTOR �flN.�bK�T.SERVI�B DIR. Must be in City Clerk's Office no �M,nvoR�oRnss�sT�n � Council Research TOTAL�Y OF 81QNATURE PA � 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Order amended to construct green lanternstyle street lighting system for parts of Maryland, gnolia, Rose, Barclay and Ha.zelwood Streets and to construct the bent straw street lighting system on Mechanic Avenue from Etna St to the east and there terminating. File ��18566-1 Ori inal Green Sheet Attached. RECOMMENDATIONB:ADD�(N a►�(� COUNCIL _PIANNINO COMM18810N _CNIL BERVK�OOMMIBSION ANALV8T PFIONE NO. _qB COMMIITEE _ �.STAFF _ OO�AMENTS: _DIBlfUCT COURT _ BUPPORTB WHICH COUNpI OBJECTIVE7 Sewer Se aration Ward 6 iNrru►nNO�oe�e�,issue.o�oxru�rrv�w�w,wna.wn.�.wti.r.,wny�: ADVANTIU�ES IF APPF�VED: DISADVMITAOE8IF I1PPR01/ED: DISADYMITAOES IF NOT APPF�VEO: RECEIVED �i8�� c,o�ur�ci� Researcn c:enYe� MAY 18 ryyu CITY CI.ERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C�T/REYENUE OIIDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMlER FlNAN(�AL INFORMATWN:(D(PLAIf� �.f+� ,� � � '�` �d�"��� �,*r,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: �+' ; OFFICE OF THE CTTY COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair • ; * David Thune,vice chair � ����������� ; � Tom Dimond +� �� Date:May 30.1990 �'F�ir/V�.h Bob Long .... � Committee Report �Ay3p �'����� j99D To: Sain# Paul City Council 1 fF;� From: � Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair Hearing Date . 1. � Approval of Minutes of May 16, 1990. APPROVED 3-0 •�2. 6/5/90 VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority to APPROVED 3-0 � vacate part of Arch Street, Park Street, Blair Avenue and part of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, Fletcher's Subdivision bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, Rice and Park Streets. Vacation is required for new platting of Empire Builder Industrial park. 3. 6/5/90 FINAL ORDER: Constructing a storm sewer in APPROVED 3-0 Burns Avenue from English Street to Clarence St. and in the east-west alley in Block 2, of Point Douglas Addition from the north-south alley to Point Douglas Road. 4. 6/7/90 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following streets with APPROVED 3-0 a bent straw street lighting system in conjunction with the Arlington Western Area Street Paving and Lighting Project: Parts of the Arundel , Cohansey, Cottage, Cumberland, Galtier, Nebraska and Western. Also, rescinding construction of a lantern style street lighting system approved 1 9 90. 6/5/90 AMENDED FINAL ORDER: Installing a lantern style APPROVED 4-0 street lighting system for the following streets: Part of Maryland, Magnolia, Rose, Barclay and Hazelwood and installing a bent straw street lighting system in Mechanic Ave. from Etna St. to the east and there terminating. To be known as the Hazelwood/Magnolia Area Street Light' Project. 6. RESOLUTION - 90-561 - Authorizing agreement with APPROVED 4-0 Metropolitan Waste Control Commission on joint engineering study on methods of determination of waste water flows. (Referred back to Committee 4/12/90) 7. RESOLUTION - 90-721 - Releasing �250,000 in 1990 APPROVED AS CIB funds currently in contingency for the study AMENDED 5-1 and redesign of the Selby Avenue Bridge. (Laid over in Committee 5/16/90) ��(l/W�//�✓/�'� � j;J��%"''II}'�r v,1j�•�'l i�• ' ' . . RE 10/4/89 �� � /"f�� ��rp��c� Public Wo�cs DepaRment � se�.�, tsss GREEN SHEET No. � 1320 aorirncr�r�a aHOr� r�urw�cntE wruuia►tE t' Tha,mas Kuhfeld 298-53t7 �� �"�n+�r crnrcouNC� CITYAT101MEY CRYG.Etr( ::.-.!8E ON COUNp{.K�H�IDa1 eY(DATE) IIOUTIMO QB�AOEf OIf�C70N f!L i 113T.SERVK:ES Dpi `::=�st be in City Clerk's Office no °� wYOn�on��m , `TOTAL#OF SKiNATURE PAQES 3 (CUP ALL LOCA7pNS FOR SKiNATURE) _ nc'r�or��s�o Hoid publ�c hearing for the 1990 HazelwoaUMagnoqa CSSP Project and Street Paving Projec�t io oo�sfnxx a separated sewer system,water and sewer service connec�ions and reoonnectbns,street�r�pnovements,and a ligh�in9 system. �' File No. 's 18565, 18566 and 18569-7 ��: i�cc'.OAAA�IENDATION��Pp�(N a��(R) COUNpL COMMRTEEIRESEARCN REPORT OPTIONA �PLANNMf3 COMMISSION �CNM.SERVICE CONMIB810N ANALYS'T PFIObE N0. �CIB COIdMITTEE _ . A sr� _ carr�rts _ois�icrcouNC�, . sua�oars w►��camc�oe�ECrnE� - Bette�neighborhoods Sewer Separatbn , WITIATING PROBLEM.IS3UE.OPPORTUNITY(NIFIO,WF�U1T.YNEN.VNiERE.NM1'): : The sewer separation program has been approved through the CIB p�ocess. �ovarRnc�s��aaHOVE�: :_ ��1 reduce Combined Sewage Overtlow(CSO)to the Mississippi Rive�durirg heavy rains. .� ,� ;*. �.. j�� o�►ov�w7�oES��vvtaOVED: '�`� TweMy year assessment levy against property. ;� . t - as�owwr�c�s�rar�AOVeo: '. This is part of the City's Natbnal PoUution Discharge eimirr�ticn System(NPDES)pem�t. Not proceeding with this work may �� result in penaities. `����,� ,. .A�urouerr oF�u►�►craN s 1,697,000.00 cosrn�r�euoc��aac�o�� � ►a ��. �F- RJNDINCi SOURCE �SAA b910W) ACfTVITY NtNA�R FINANCUIL INFORMATION:IFJO�LAIM Federal Grants$158,000;State Grants 5130,000;Sewer Revenue Bonds$523,000;Coumy Aid$380,000;CIB$213.000; � Assessments$293,000.00. � � •� CITY C4UNCIL � ST. PAUL ��,, ,� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE �- �o - �'y9 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTiON City Planning Ward 4�6 Dear Property Owner• District Planning Council 4�2 File No. 18566-1 To decide whether to proceed with the construction of lighting in PU R POSE connection with the HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA paving project on the following streets: Hazelwood from Clear to Maryland, Barclay from Maryland to Magnolia, Maryland from Barclay to. Kennard, Rose from AN D Barclay East to cul de sac, Magnolia from Barclay to Hazelwood, Mechanic from Etna East to end of street. LOCATION Tuesday, June 5, 1990, at 9:00 a.m. HEA RIN G City_Council_Chambers,_Third_Floor_City_Hall___Court_House__________ Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will � discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, May 30, 1990 in City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House at 9:00 a.m. I the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be FINANCIN C assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: INFO R MATIO N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $133,000 RECEIVFQ nPTTVA TL+T L�T�TALIl�TL7/�•