90-940 ORI �iI�AL - � -- � � j Counc i l F i t e # _�d�y�v . � , ' I �?� � ', l �� :' Ordinance # __-/`. Green Sheet # _�y� ORDINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To -C�' � Comni ttee: Date!, ���y� �/ �� ______________________________________________________________________�__________________ �' An ordinance amending Chapter 357 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cq�e pertaining to solid waste and adding provisions regarding the use of incinerators�vitlun the city of Saint Paul. S Legislativepurpose. The Council of the City of Saint P ul concemed about the present use of incinerators in homes and small businesses, which incinera op�are not capable of attainuig high enough temperatures so as to achieve complete combustion o the materials being placed into the incinerators. The incomplete combustion of such produ ts paper, cardboard, plastics and other organic materials will cause emission into the air of lu,�nts such as dio�un and which pollutants are both harmful and annoying. Complaints have be r�ceived from the operation of these incinerators concerning smoke, odors and annoy ce , `persons, as well as concern about the ��otential environmental dangers. At the present i a'the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency does not monitor nor require permits for incinerators w 'ch have a refuse burning capacity less than 1,000 pounds per hour. The PCA has pro t��adopt rules relating to incinerators that would prohibit incinerators in single and multi-fanu t�vellings, and would establish permit, monitoring and emission standards for incinerators, i clu g incinerators which have a burning capacity of less than 1,000 pounds per hour. For the pro�c�on of the public health and safety, and the public welfare, the Council finds that the elimi at�on of inadequate incinerators and the imposition of monitoring and emission standards i an propriate governmental purpose, and that the enactment of local emission regulations with r s egf to stationary sources more restrictive than those regulations enacted by the PCA is a �asonable means to achieve that purpose. i � Now Therefore > > fi The Council of the Ci \f;Saint Paul Does Ordain: �� Section 1 That section 357.02 efinitions) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the following defi tion thereto: �n�inex�tor shal mean any furnace or other devise used in the process of burning solid waste for the rpose of reducing the volume of the waste by removing combustible matter. Section 2 That se ion 357.05 (i) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ORIG�I �IAL� � , �9°� �`� ✓ ��> �����: :....::.:::::.::.::.:::::.:::::::.::.:::.::::.:::::::.::.:::::.::.::.:.:::.:.:::..::::::: : ..:..::�::::::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::..�.::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.:�::::::::.�: :::::::.._::::::::::::.�::. ::i:.'......:f. .:.,e......: ... .....::'::::.:...:.: .a: ...r:::'•.;;: �;«;;::.,>:..e.:_.:::::::::.:.:::.:::`:.`° ":;?'::,;,::.:.:.::::t.:::.::;.�:�:':::":.: ::::�>"•::i:::�:::::.:..,1,:..:..:: 1 ��?��>::3�.t�i��ta�5;:: .:����.l�l���:: �o<::��t<�i.�r����::::w.��t�>::�:::�€�:t�€�::>:��:�'u�:>:��::.::.. :; � ) : .::::.�.:.�:..:..:....:.:::.::::::. . .;;:.>:.::.;::.::��: ;.»r:.;:::.;:a::.::::::::;::;:::•.,::::;:::::::::i:::::::<::;:::::::::::::::::�::::::.::::�.::��:.::.>:.>:.;:.::;::>:;<:..:>�.>�:::.>:.::.::.::.:::::::::;::::;:::::::::5:::::::::::::�'�::::i::::i:::i::::::i::::;::;::i::::::::::::::'�:::::::::::::r::::•::i::•::::::::::::•:::::::::ii::::�':::::::::::;:::.: ::..::...:::::: '::"..' :.'. :::>•.. :::::. . .:::: •. 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(��) Facilities and Operation: All facilities and operations for the reduction of solid waste by incineration and any attendant operation as listed in paragraph (h) of this section that maya be carried on in conjunction with incineration at the same premises shall be carried on in a facility designed for the purpose and approved by the County of Ramsey, metropolitan council, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and as approved by the City of Saint Paul. All solid waste involved in the operation of the facility shall be confined to adequate enclosed areas for dumping, storage, handling and charging. Adequate fire protection shall be provided in the dumping, storage, handling and charging areas. Adequate facilities and equipment shall also be provided to clean the entire premises, including water supply and drainage for washing down the entire facility. The provisions of this section shall not only apply to the incineration activities where the sole purpose is the reduction of solid waste in volume and weight, but also to such other activities as may be required to salvage, process and utilize solid waste for such operations as the generation of steam for heat and power. The remaining solid wastes, such as incinerator residue and noncombustible solid waste which is to be finally disposed of at a sanitary landfill, are to be removed from the site regularly with no excessive storage of such material at the incinerator site. Access to the facility shall be provided only at those times which are approved and when authorized employees are on duty at the facility. Section 3 This ordinance and the provisions contained therein restricting the use of certain incinerators shall take effect and be in force 180 days after its passage, approval and publication. 2 oRi ��:iN�A �� � . � �� ��a� Section 4 This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Gl� / � , Y1 J: �/; '�J � � 1 � � %\: ____________________ _�__________________________________________________________________ ------------------ ---- ------ --------- ea :� Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz Lon Maccabee Rettman Thune Wilson BY� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Co cil: Date Adoption Ce itied by Council Secretary By; BY' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: BY� ♦. , w ^ ` ' ��0-fi4�� � DEPARTM[NT/OFpICE/COUNpI F ' DATE INITIATED ` / Gity Council ` May 3, 19 oGREEN SHEET No. 83�4 " COMTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIFiECTOR �GTV COUNqL Bob Cu h x4473 N�� ❑�'�TTO�N�' ❑ciTM c�RK F MUST BE ON WUNGL A3ENDA BY(DAT� pp(ITNrO �8UDf3ET OIRECTOR �FIN.�MQT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ABSISTANT► � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAC�B (CLIP ALL LOCATIONB FOR SIt3NATURE) ACf10N REQUESTED: Prohibit the use of certain small use incinerators. REOOMMENDAT1oNS:Mw�+UU a►�t� COU COMM�REPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNINO COMMIBSION _CIVIL SERVIC�OOMMI8310N �ALY8T PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ —STAFF _ �M�s: _DISTRICT COURT _ 8UPPORT3 WHICM OOUNpL 08JECTIVE7 INITU71NCi PROBLEM.ISSUE�OPPOR7UNITY(Who.Wha�WAsn�Whsro,Why): Unmonitored incinerators create the potential problems of toxic emissions and fire hazards. novnrrt�s��oveo- Level of public safety in St Paul will increase by improving air quality and fire safety. as�ov�r�r�s��ovEO: Increased need for alternative methods of solid waste disposal for small businesses and apartment buildings. DIBADHANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Public health threats not reduced or eliminated. Air quality not improved. Fire risk not reduced. RECEIVED Counc�i �esearch �;�r�`�� �1��9��0 MAY 2 519�0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER flNANCIAI INFOFiMAT10N:(EXPWN) No o�ac , dw � � . ; + � . , L } NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE C3REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL' MANUAL AVAIIABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE N0.2a8-422b). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below ars prsfsrred routin�for the Nve most frequsnt types of documsnts: CONTRACTS (assumss author�zed COUNGL RE80l.UTION (Mwnd, BdgtsJ budgst exists) Acospt.Cirants) 1. Outeide AQsnCy 1. DepsRnnflt DireCtor 2. InRiatin�Dspanment 2. Budgot Dlnctor 3. Gty Attomsy 3. City Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAalstaM 5. Flrwnce�Mgmt 3vca. Di►ector 5. (�ty Cour�cil 6. Flnance Accounting 6. Chief AccouMsnt. Fin d�Nl�mt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (�, COUNqL RE80LUTION (��)�� 1. Activity Manager 1. Initi�tin�Depertm�M Dlnctor 2. Depertrr�ent AccouMaM 2• �Y���Y 3. DepertmeM Dirsctor 3. MayoNAf�taM 4. Budget Director 4. dty COUfICiI S. City qerk 8. Chief/lccouritaM, Fln 8 Mgmt Svcs. • AOMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (all othars) 1. Initfatfng Department 2. CRy Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. City qerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 3K3NATURE PAGES Indicate the M�pages on which eignatures are required and paperd�P sech of th�e p�ss. ACTION RE(�UESTED Describs what ths proJsaVroqu�swks a acoomplfeh fn sfther chrondopi- cal ordsr or ordsr of ImpoRar�cs.whichever is rtroet eppropriate tor ths issw. Do nW writs�mpl�te seMences. Bspin each item in your liat with a verb. REOOMMENDATION3 Complete M ths itsw in questlon has bsen preseMed before amr body,publ� , or private. 8UPPORTS WHICH GOUNqL OBJECTIVE4 Indicate which Coundl abjecWe(s)Irour ProjsctheQuest suppoRs by IisUng ths key viroM(s)(HOUSINO, RE(�iEATION, NEI(iHBORHOOD3, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL OOMMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT-OP"TIONAI A8 RE('iUE8TED BY COUNqL INITIATINQ PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNI'TY Expla(n the sltuetlon or oonditions that created a n�d tor ycwr proJect or requeat. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indkate whsthsr this b simply an annuel bud�et procsdure required by law/ charter or whether th�e aro specitic in which the City of Sefrn Paul and fts citizens wiU bsn�Ht from thla qr�t/actfon. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What negative sifects or major changes to sxiating or paat proc�sses might this proJect/roqueat produce if R is paseed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increas�s or a�an�ents)?To Whom4 When?For F�ow long7 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths nspative consequences if the promiesd action i8 not epproved? InabiNty to deliver serv�e?Condnued high traiHc, noise, axident rate?Loss of revsnus4 FINANCIAL IMPACT Althou�h you muet taflor ths infonn�lon you provide here to the issue you , are a�roeein�, in yenarel you muat an�two qusstions: Honr much is it yoing to cost7 Who is�oin�to pay? . , � ' �c�0 ,Gjc/D . . . ' ���_�. �R�` �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL o � ; ;;;�;;;►;; ; � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY .e �v • i��• JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEI' 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55103 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5G19 MAYOR ���'�x � .. May 17, 19 9 0 � ���} � .iu�. �� • . � .�0� Y �� . �� Councilmember Robert Long NC .�o,, Office of City Council eOQ�<�fi ``J 7th Floor �0�,��BF� City Hall Saint Paul, Mn. 55102 Dear Councilmember Long: . At the request of Bob Cudahy, Council Policy Analyst, I have reviewed the attached ordinance which would prohibit incinerators with a maximum refuse burning capacity of less than 1000 pounds per hour within the City of Saint Paul within 6 months of the date of the adoption of the ordinance. Mr. Cudahy's request was received by our office on April 13th, and we have not had sufficient time to research all of the issues raised by the draft. This letter is written to ^satisfy the requirements of Section 3.02 (3) of �he Saint Paul Administrative Code in order to permit the ordinance to be introduced in draft form without the signature of the City Attorney, and is directed as well to the City Clerk. The draft ordinance proposing to ban incinerators should be researched to determine whether it is in conflict with Minnesota Statutes Section 116.07. We will continue to research the issue of pre-emption, and advise you accordingly. There is also a need for a proper record to establish that the ordinance serves a legitimate governmental purpose and that the means chosen to address this purpose is reasonable and not overly , restrictive. I have not signed the ordinance at this time because hearings have not yet been held and the factual record not yet developed for review by the City Attorney's Office. I would certainly be happy to continue to work with you and your staff on the kinds of witnesses and testimony that would � , , . . Councilmember Robert Long May 17, 1990 Page 2 establish a proper record containing the support and justification for the regulatory provisions of the ordinance. Ver ruly your , / O�IE J. S As��istant C y Attorney i J \/ C� . cc: Albert B. Olson City Clerk � . �o -5t�o � „�����';n CITY OF SAINT PAUL RE�E�VEp e�„ e�� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL �U� 2 01992 clTy��ER� DAVE THUNE Councilmember PUBLIC WORKS, UTILITIES, AND TRANSPORTATIO � COMMITTEE REPORT _-- - -- � - , �)1_-�. ....--...._..... _ .. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of June 3, TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE: ❑ FINANCE,MANAGEMENT&PERSONNEL Committee recomme ❑ HOUSING&ECANOMIC DEVELOPMEN 2. Recommending Withc ❑ HOUSING&REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORIN 18 PUbIIC Works Committee fi will be recommended for witf ❑ HUMAN SERVICES,REGULATED INDUSTR�ES� �tlOfl, al1 item will not be recom AND RULES AND POLICY See attached memo to ❑ �N�RGOVERNMENTALRELAT�ONS _ �� ❑ NEIGHBORHOO�SERVICES �3:�":�°VACATION: Petition of �PUBLIC WORKS,U7IUTIES 8�TRANSPORTATION qvenue �/ between Montcalm Cou garage encroachment in Otto A ❑ ACTION ❑ OTHER Committee recommend: 4. VACATION: Petition of F dley in (/ Block 11, Bazil and Guer, pA� `t Street and Wabasha Street for t� 1/92)�. FROM � Committee recommends 5. FINAL ORDER: Construc....y a �a��Rary sewer and a sanitary sewer service connection in Kennard Street from Case Avenue to approximately 225 feet north of Case Avenue. 1/� �.(Before��the City Council_8/4/92)����;�s . Committee recommends approval. (4 - 0) - V6. FINAL ORDER: Constructing a sanitary sewer in McLean Avenue from Clarence Street to approximately 250 feet west of Clarence Street. (Before-the`City Council 8/4/92)=� Committee recommends approval. (4 - 0) - OVER - CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/295-5679 5�46 Printed on Recycled Paper . . . �'a - ��� . . . Councilmember Dave Thune's Office City of Saint Paul Seventh Floor, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 15, 1992 � RECEIVEJ TO: Molly 0'Rourke, City Clerk JUL 161992 �C�TY CLE�K FROM: J im Murp y SLIBJEC;T: Items Re r ed to Committee Attached is a list of the matters referred to the Public Works Committee. Upon review by the City Council and administration, it was determined that all items on this list, with referral dates between January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be withdrawn except for the following items: • Resolution - 89-1172; GS-45 • Ordinance - 89-2108; GS-1539 • Resolution - 90-1849; GS-5341 • Resolution - 90-1823; GS-2564 • Resolution - 90-2066; GS-59 • Resolution - 91-859; GS-15729 • Resolution - 91-900; GS-15128 • Resolution - 91-531; GS-10237 • Resolution - 91-1318; GS-15735. Also, all requests to appear before the Public Works Committee, with referral dates between January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be withdrawn. Item ��2 on the July 15, 1992 Public Works Committee agenda recommends the withdrawal of these items. All of the previously referenced items have been highlighted in yellow on the attached list. � Enclosure: cc: City Councilmembers Lou Cotroneo RECEIVE� , : __ C1TY C�.EF��i