90-928 f ( R I r i �� � ,� Council File # Q �'�- O v � � vl �� Green Sheet ,� 7748 RESOLUTION CITY OF S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � . Presented By , �,.�' � Referred �To Committee: Date WHEREAS: The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand Old Day 1990, has submitted a request to 1) waive the 607 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit and 2) to waive the indemnity requirement required by Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code, and WHEREAS: the Grand Avenue Business Association has argued that it would not be practical to obtain neighborhood consent nor would it be economically feasible to indemnify the City for Grand Old Day 1990, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the St. Paul City Council hereby waives both the 607 consent requirement and the indemnity requirement for a block party/ special event permit for Grand Old Day 1990 to be held June 3, 1990, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: ��si'' �— �— License & Permit Division o �. cc e � e �vne s son �� By� � Adopted by Council: Date MAY 3 1 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gy: s_ .� aY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved � Mayor: Date ' �UN �. ��g� Council � � gy; �.2e���v�� By: PUBLiSHED J U N - � �� � � � ��•�� , . � Council File � � - � L c� � 7738 Green Sheet 1� RESOLU N ITY OF S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA < � i Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date WHEREAS: The Grand Avenue Business Association as the sponsor of Gran Old Day 1990 has submitted a petition to waive the 60� co sent requirement for a block party/special event permit d WHEREAS: the Grand A enue Business Association has demonstrated that it woul not be practical to obtain such consent as required by Sect,ion 366.05.2(b) of the City Code therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the St. Paul 'ty Council hereby waives the 607 consent requirement for�a bl ck party/special event permit for . Grand Old Day 199Q to e held on June 3, 1990 between the hours of 12:00 noon and 5:00 PM. Yeas Navs Abaent Requested by De artment of: �on osws z �n � acca ee —'Re£tmari —� e i son BY� Form Approved by City torney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certif ied by Council Secretary By: . ��G�g� By' A�proved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By� , . �ID- q.���� �PARTMENT/OFFICE/WUNCIL DATE�NITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 774�1��DA� L- Finance/License COMTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �pEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �qTY OOUNCIL Robert Kessler/298-5056 ��� �pn'��N�' ,r3]GTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII A(iENDA 8Y(DAT� Clty C12Y'iC �T� BUDOET DIRECTOR �fIN.A MOT.BERVICES Dlfi. Hearin /5-31-90 B 5-24-90 N1AYOR�0R"��""n Q�l R TOTAL#�aF SIQNATURE PAOES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� AC110N REQUESTED: Request for waiver of consent requirement. for Block Party Permit for Grand Old Day - June 3, 1990 RECOMMENDATWNS:Apprars W u►Rsl�I� COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT �TIONAL _PLANNINO COAAMISSION —qVIL 8ERVI�CO�AM18810N ANALY8T PNONE 1�. � _q8 OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ OOMMENT8: _DIBTHICT COURT _ SUPPOHT8 WNICFI COUNpL OBJECTIVE? INITIAi1N0 PROBLEM�IS�IE�OPPORTUNIIY(Who,Wh�t.When.�Nh�►e�NThy): The Grand Avenue Business Association as the sponsoring organization of Grand Old Day 199Q, requests that the City Council waive the consent requirement for the Grand Old Day block party to be held on June 3, 19;90 between the hours of 12:00 noon and 5:00 PM. The Association argues that it would be impractical and burdensome to obtain the signatures of 607 of the property owners or tenants along the 2 mile Grand Old Day special event area. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Grand Old Day 1990 would be able to obtain a block part /s ecial event permit. TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE: oisnov�rrr�oes��a�ROVeo: ❑ FINANCE,MANAGEMENT&PERSONNEL None- event would go on as planned ❑ HOUSING�ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ❑ HOUSING&REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY � � HUMAN SERVICE�,REGULATED INDUSTRIES, , AND RULES AND POUCY ' ois�uv�wr�oES iF r�or�vROVe�: ❑ INTERGOVERNMENTALRELATIONS Grand pld Day 1990 would be unable ❑ NEIGHBORHOODSERVICES permit and we would be forced to cc i ❑ PUBLIC WORKS,UTILITIES&TRANSPORTATION , I ACTION ; ❑ OTHER � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = ' FuNO��sou� DATE � � flNANC1AL INFORMATION:(EXPlA1N) FROM ' � . . � - �- �' Y �NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTiONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABI.E IN THE PURCHASINO OFFICE(PHONE NO:298-4225). ROUTIN(i OR9ER: Below are preferred rouUngs for the five most hequem typss of documeMs: CONTRACTS (assumes autho►ized COUNGL RESOLUTION (Amsnd, Bd�ta./ budget exists) Accept.Grenta) 1. Outside AgsnCy 1. Department Director 2. InRiating DspeRmsM 2. Budget Director 3. qty Attomsy 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Ffnancs fl Mgmt 3�s: Director 5. City Council 6. Ffnancs/►ccouMfng 8. Chief ACCOUMaM, Fln 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCII RE30LUTION (all others) Reviaion) and ORDINANCE - 1. Activity Manager 1. Inkiatln�DepartmsM Director 2. DepartmaM A�ccouritant 2. Gty Attomsy 3. Depertment Director 3. MayoNAssistaM 4. Budget Dirsctor 4. City CoNncfl 5. Ciry Clerk 8. Chfef AccouMaM, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsrs) 1. Inftiatinq Depertment 2. Gty Attomey 3. MayodAssistant a. ay aerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PACiES Indicete the#of pages on which sipnatures are roquired and pepsrclip each of tNeae ep,�ee. ACTION REQUESTED Dsecribe what ths project/nqusst sesks W axompibh in eithsr chronologi- cal order or order of impo�tance,whict�e�roc is moat approp�iata for the iesue. Do not write complete seMSncea. Bepin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if ths issue in question has been p�eMed before anY�Y� Public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objecdve(a)your projecUrequeat supports by listlng ths key word(s)(HOUSIN(3, RECREATION,NEICiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVEI.OPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REQUE8TED BY COUNGL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain ths situation or conditiona that created e need for your proJect • or request. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whsthsr thfs is simply an annusl budpet procedure required by law/ charter or whethsr thero are speciNc wa in whfch the City of SaiM Paul and ita citizens wfll bensfit from this pro�/�tion. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED , What nsgetive sflects or major changes to axiating or past processes might this projecUrequsst produce if it is pasaed(e.g.,traffic delaya, noise, tax increaaea or asseesmente)?To Whom?Whsn9 For how long? DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED WhM will be the negative conaequencea if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver aervice4 Condnued high traffic, noiae, �idenf rate?Loss of rever►ue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT � Altfrouyh ycw must tailor the info►matlon you provide here to the issue you are addrossfng, in general you muat answer Mro questions: How much is it going to cost?Who ia going to pay? �----- _-- -- -- -- _ _ �kr: X . /'1 �._�:: . • � .. V' `� / V � Y�\� `' ' 4S � ' I:�t . . .. .. . � _ . :\- _� . . .. . � .. . . �I'- .- . � . � �P .. � .. . . . . .. . .. u.. > 1 t� . .;_ � ` ` : . 19�g t�'�{ 1 � . �nd u� ;,� ,. _ ' ,May 8, 1990 , ; �� F ; � � ,. _ ,, .r.,.. �.....; �. � . .,: �. . �.� _'.�. -.,.. `.;.. . � � . .. . i.�,.. . .� . . . . .. ... . . . . � � �� . '' Mr. Bob Kessler �� License Departnent �': City Ha.11 St. Paul, ��T �5102 ��� "�\rF' Dear Bob: r�., .:x�.: ���.3E;!�.�`., Desnite the fact that I have yet to receive the new 'bloc� party" applica.tion, and therefore, d�.'t l�maa exactly what's required yet, I am writing to request that the ' 6�°� signatures required by �aaived for Grand Old Day 1�90. Grand Avenue is 3� miles lcm� and h�e to aver 600 bui.ldings occu�ied by both resi- dents �.d businesses. Whilebthe actual rn�nber of prvperty aaners isn't that hi,�, the ntanber is significant. To get 60°,0 of those praperty awners' si�natures wculd ta�.,e a great deal of time not cmly because of the large rnm�ber but because of absentee landlords. 'II.ze Grand Old Day co�nittee, which is a grcxip of volLmteers far tile most nart, wo�ks tnousands of haurs-- far caze whole year--to put c� a Grand Old Day. We dan't need m�re work! �e•i It see� to me that the City shauld be helping, not t�incierin�, festivals whic�z pran4te !� '"�etter neigizborhoods." And in the case of Gr�d Old Day, tize nra�tial goes way be- ymd the neighborhood as tlzis event is re�ognized nationally and, therefore, benefits ';�','; the city and the state. , ����' On behalf of the Grand Avenue Business Association �d its Gr�d Old Da.y cormittee, I ask that yau waive the requirea�ent in the new block party ordinance asking far 6��°,0 - _ of the praperty owners' signatures• _ 5 � yau far yaur consideratian. _ _ �: F,. , - _ u� Sincerely yaurs, ' � , ' � � �n� �i�' � , Mimi �or� ��; Executive Uirector of the Gra�d Avernle Business Association _ Directar of Grand Old Day � , �-. F:. �% .k��-,. � - . �-�: Grand Avenue Business Association �;�„f� 1422 Ashland Avenue • Saint Paul,Minnesota 55104 • (612)645-0680 ; i���:�:.�.. �. LLi•.:,.. . ���i;.: IY, �t=.t:'.'. �=_ . ��G _ ,��� �-` pEP CE/�OUNdL DATE INITUTED � � GREEN SHEET No. 7748 A� Finance/License 001�liACT PERSON 8 PF10NE 1lNTULLJD �O�A�TIAEMT OWECfOR �GTY COUNdI Robert Resslerf 298-5056 �� ���**�� m�� wusr se oN oouNa��o�sr�a►� City Clerk �arru+a �euoc�er owECron ��.a raT.s�ncEa aa Searin 5-31-90 B 5-24-90 ❑���+"�*"�"� 0 ����*+ t� R 'TOTAL I OF SKiNATURE PAGEB (CUP ALL LOCATIONB FOii 81�iNATUR� ncnoN�ou�o: , . � .., . - - :Et Request for waiver of the consent requirement aad the indemnity requirement ` ;-` for a Block Partq Permit for Grand Old Day. 1990. � � ' RECOUAMENQATIONS:Mp�W a��(� COUNCIL COMM�T�I�EARCN NEPORT OPTIONAL _PLAtIMP10 COIiAM18810N _dV11.SERVK7�COMNYM8810N Aw1LY3T PlIOOIE N0. � � �� COMMENT� aar• _STAFi � __DIBTNCT COURT _ SUPPORTS WMICFI COUNGL OBJECTIVE7 u�uru►nra3�os�M.issu�,o�oaTUrom Mnw,wn.e.wi,.n.wn.a.wny): � The Grand Avenue Business Association, the sponsor of Grand Old Day 1990, requests that the City Council waive the consent requirement and indemnity requirement for the Grand Old Day block party scheduled to be held on June 3, 1990 between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. The Association argues that it would be impractical and burdensome to obtain the signatures of 60� of the property owners or tenants along Grand Avenue between Dale and Fairview Streets as well as economicall im ossible to indemnif the �cvu�T�o�s�F�ovEa City f or Grand Old Day 1990. Grand Old Day 1990 would be able to obtain a block party/special event permit. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: .y��, None - event would go on as planned. ,'�a' �-r:':- � ois�ov�u�rr�c�s�No�r�oveo: Grand Old Day 1990 would be unable to obtain a block partq/special event permit and we would be forced to consider "shutting dowa" the event. `:`y TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE NJOOETED(qRCLE ONq YE= NO �'�_� -�K' `��. �1��y���/y�p/� ���y y�� ' rY�WmV iM/T/G AV�����■ �N/�YG� '":• wwwc�iNr�oneu►TaN:(ExPwM Council File # d � `�-�0 P ! 'e� Green Sheet # . 7748 s--��_�o RESOLU CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S �„A � . . r�.e�o r-�G�,.�t�-n; Pr�s�at�d By R�l�rr�d To � Committi�: Dat� WHEREAS: The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand Old Day 1990, has submitted a request to 1) waive the 60Z consent � requirement for a block party/special event permi�t and 2) to waive the indemnitq requirement required by Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code, and WHEREAS: the Grand Avenue Business Association has argued that it would not be practical to obtain neighborhood consent nor would it be economically feasible to indemnify the City for Grand Old Day 1990, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the St. Paul City Council hereby waives both the 60� consent requirement and the indemnity requirement for a block party/ special event permit for Grand Old Day 1990 to be held June 3, 1990, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. Yeas ttava Abs�ne R�qu�stad by Departm�at o!: ' - License � Permit Division - __ SY� Adopt�d by Couacils Dat� pO� Approvod by City Attorn�y Adoption C�stiti�d by Couacil s�cr�tary gY; s- �� $Y= Approv�d by tiayor tor Submission to Couucil Approwd by tisyor s Dat� BY� Sy: 9r% { /S ����..I f—l f .. ... '� 1 .. .. ��� . . � � .. � �i� .` , C� �/Q —Q`� �;: _ ,. „ '. " �t� :_ �" , ! 1 ` ! ' _ ,.: . �gg�j��{ � . �r I�riC� . 'May 8, 1990 � Mr." Bob Kess ler , ` License Departc!�ent �"' City Hall ,�. , St. Paul, ��'�1 �51�2 Dear Bob: Desnite tYie fact that I have yet to receive the new 'block party" apnlication, �d therefore, dcn.'t lmaa exactly what's required yet, I an trriting to request tlzat tlze 6�Q; signatures required by caaived for Grand Old t7ay 1�90. Grand Avenue is 3� miles lang and hcme to aver 600 buildin,gs occ�nied by both resi- dents and businesses. j�lhi.le the actual n�nber of nro�erty aaners isn't that I-ii.�,1.z, _ the n�ber is significant. To get 6�0 of those property awners' signatures wauld ta�.e a great deal of tiuue not only because of the large rnmnber but because of absentee landlords. �he Grand Old Day caimittee, which is a grazp of voltmteers far tne most nart, w�'ks tilwsands of haurs-- for one whole year--to put on a Grand Old Day. We dan't need more wark! It seems to me that the City shauld be Y�elping, not "t�inciering, festivals whicn pra�te '"oetter neigizborhoods." And in the case of Gr�d Old Day, tiie pr�tion goes way be- ycnd the neighborhood as this event is recognized natialally and, t�'�erefare, benefits }:,;,. the city and the state. � On behalf of the Grand Aven�e Business Associatian �d its GYand Old Day co�mittee, I �`df i. ask that yau waive the requir�t in the new block. party ordinance aski.� far 6�co j�,, ;- of the praperty vwners' signatures. �: W •�i. . "` . Zhank yau far yaur consideration. _ a:'��� .:�t::: ... . . .�... � . .. - , .. .. ... ..... . . .. ... .. . . . �: Sincerely ya�rs, � ��� �� , �imi Dor� � Executive Director of the Gr�d Averrue Business Associatian .' Directar of Grar�d OId Day , �; � .: ,: _ � . _ _ _ �. _ ' � ` .: „,: �-� ' Grand Avenue Business Association y �, "�� 1422 Ashland Avenue • Saint Paul,Minnasota 55104 • (612)645-0680 ,�� �,, �- ' 'l�::...'. . y � �— �o —��� �. : . ,; _ �.: � , _ �. . s: , . _ k �� .. . . �.�'�� . .. . .. . �. t 1 ' - 1 1 . �.Ilrl����� �. .. �. . .. .. . � }�' '. :. ' . �.�� , : y.:: . .. �:. . . - . . '. . . .. ,:; May 20, 1990 N, ':,; : . E.,;.: :ri. Mr. Bob ILessler � License Depart��ent � ' ' City of Saint Paul City Ha.11 St. Paiul, NN 55102 Dear Mr. Kessler: The Grand Avenue Busi.ness Associatian c�t ind�anify the City of Saint Paul in relatianship to Gr�d Old Da.y 1990 because in order to do so, we wauld have to insure that ind�mificatian. According to aur insurance agency, Paulet-Slater, it wauld cost CABA approxi- mately $10,000 to insure Grand Old Day imder those cire�stances. GABE1 cannot afford to pay that aIIrnmt for insurance and w�ld cancel Grand Old Day shauld �{��: it be a requirement. �: : To c�.cel Grand Old Day 1990 at this point in ti.me would me� a major loss to GAB�, Gr�d Averna.e businesses, the City of Saint Paul and the rnIIrera�s ncn- profit and charitable organizatians that benefit fr� the day. �� Please waive the require�t that calls far wr indenni.fying the City. s� �': �.. ; Sincerely yo�s, k �• • \ - .. � . . . . - . ... �/ / ItA/(�� ��{� t�r���/v ,. ... _ � .;. �. : -�: � �.., . . . �-� � - . . . �� . . ��� . :! � . :::k . . , � . . � .. . . , . . .. . . . � ... . � � . k'i: �. . ..:... , ., . . . . .�.. . .;. ::.. * �L�. DOraPI I; ,�- . . . .. . F�r�ecutive Director ,.; ; , ,, ,,; ,� : „ �. _r : ; ; ; K . . .. . .. . .. . �� ... . 4P � t . . . '. . " . . . . � L...;:. :.:i; ' . ..� . . . .. �� . . � . . ,. � .. . . �` ' ..; .. . . . . . �1.,..'. . �. .. � . . . . y` Grand Avenue Business A►ssociation �'' 1422 Ashland Avenue • Saint Paul,Minnesota 55104 • 612 645-0680 �;;;�::' ( ) �i:,: :,���.:,- ��::.. �,.�;i. :,;_-. ",�`