90-914 OQ� �� n' e ( ' ' Council File # �ll — .l 1 � !rr il Irr '' _ Graen SheQt # 02�j0� RESOLUTIO CITY OF SAINT PAU ESO A Pr�sertted By -�'Gt � ' ``,,, A�t�rr�d To , Coam : Dat� WHEREAS, The Mayor and City�Council are committed to strengthening Saint Paul neighborhoods by empowering them to improve their communities, and WHEREAS, Developing partnerships between the Diuision of Parks and Recreation and neighborhood organizat(ons will benefit both the City of S�int Paul and the neighborhoods, and WHEREAS, Expanding non-tax resources will assist the City in meeting its goals to strengthen neighborhoods, and WHEREAS, Neighborhood organizations provide many services which expand non-tax resources by developing projects, such as neighborhood park beautification projects or other park and recreation related projects which assist their neighborhood, and WHEREAS, a Partner 's Mini-G�ant Program in the amount of $10,000 be established to provide grants up to $500 to neighborhood organizations, community groups, local booster clubs and advisory groups who identify, plan and implement innovative, creative and cost effective projects in parks and recreation related areas, and WHEREAS, This program will be managed by the Division of Parks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, The Mayor , pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenue in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget, and WHEREAS, The Alayor recommends the foilowing changes to the 1990 budget : Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ---------------- ----------- -------------- 001 General Fund Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 All Other Financing 133,021 ,638.00 0.00 133,021 ,638.00 ---------------- ----------- -------------- 133,021 ,638.00 10,000.00 133,031 ,638.00 . ---------------- ----------- -------------- Page 1 of 2 � oR � �,��va�� � � � �� 9! � SPENDINC PLAN � 001 General Fund Community Services Division of Parks and Recreation 03108 Parks & Recreation Support Services 0545 City Contribution to Outside Agency 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 AIl other Spending 133,021 ,638.00 0.00 133,021 ,638.00 ---------------- ----------- -------------- 133,021 ,638.00 10,000.00 133,031 ,638.00 ________________ ___________ ______________ � BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. Approval Recommended Bud et Director BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any surpjlus revenues from the 1990 PED Special Events Fund 4�115 be used to reimburse the General Fund no later than September 1, 1990. Page 2 of 2 �g,�_ l�svs l�bs�nt R�qu�st�d by Departmeat ot s —b� � ,� � ��S —�`— -� B ',� .�, � �- � Aaopt� by counci�: Dat� MAY 2 4 1994 Form A by City Att ey Xdoption Certiti�d by Council Sacr�tary SY= By s Q�-ti App by !layor for Su�nission to Approv�d . Mayor: Dat� ;����' �; ;� 1990 �n 1 ` _�� �/� � � = lN gys <�i%/ BYz � pUg11SNEp JUN - 21990. � �o��i� DEPARTMENTlOFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED parks and Recreation 5/21/9 o GREEN SHEET No. ��,�� CONTACT PERSON&PHONE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR ,T � CITY COUNCIL Rob e r t P i r am 2 9 8-412 6 A$$� qT1/AITORNEY GTY CLERK NUMBE/t FOR MUST 8E ON COUNqL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR FiN.Q MOT.SERVICES DIR. ASAP `'MAYOR(ON A8SI3TAN� � P & R TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SI(iNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Transfer funds to initate Partner' s Mini-:�Grant Program REC�IVED RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(A)or Re�ect(R) CpUNCIL COMMITTEE/pEBEApCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N ANALYST PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ �� �'STAFF _ �MENTB: -DISTRICT COURT - SUPPORTS WNICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE? INITIATiNO PR�LEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITV(Who,Whet,WMn,Where,Why): Opportunity to provide funds to neighborhood groups to develop parks and recreation related projects that improve their community ADVANTIU�ES IF APPROVED: Neighborhood improvement projects are initi;ated by neighborhood groups DISADVM(TAOES IF APPROVED: $10,000 less revenue available in General Fund DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Opportunity lost to assist neighborhood groups in improving their community. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i �1 O�O O O COBT/REVENUE BUDQETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO �uNa�sour� General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER 0 310 8 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��.� �-�.�- `�� • � � �',,c �a- �'c 5� Analyst: Kline Date: OS/23/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS D@p2ftment: Community Services(Parks and Recreation) Green Sheet Number: 2907 Green Sheet Date: 5/21/90 AmOUnt of Request: $10,000 PositiOnS Requested: none Amount Recommended: Positions Recommended: FUf1di11g SOUrCe: General Fund fund balance Subject of Request: � The management of Parks and Recreation has requested a budget amendment to correct an oversight made during the 1990 budget process and to provide spending authority for a grant program that will allow neighborhood groups to implement parks related community improvement projects. Background: This program was reviewed by the City Council during the 1990 budget process. It appears that the Council intended to support the program by providing funds from the Parks Festival Support budget(23143)in the Parks Special Services Enterprise Fund(325). Due to an apparent oversight,the spending suthority and fmancing source were never authorized when the 1990 budget was adopted. Major Issues: The issues are selecting 1990 funding and determining a proper ongoing financing source. Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) The use of fund balance as a financing source is commonly recommended for only "one time" spending items. Fund balance is routinely discouraged as an financing source for programs thai require ongoing spending authority. For 1990,fund balance could be used as a one time financing source,but that leaves the issue of determining an ongoing funding source unresolved. In selecting 1990's fmancing source,there are options:the fund balance of the Festivals Support Fund or of the General Fund. Park's management has requested General Fund financing. Recommendation: Follow-up Recommended, If Any: 1. During the 1991 budget process,a permanent ongoing financing source must be authorized.