90-900 �J-/ CITY OF ST. PAUL E �v � `�O AMENDED FINAL ORDER By File 8547 and 18548 - Voting In the Matter of Ward 2 18547 The Lowertown Streetscape Extension Pro� ect on the East side Jackson Street from East Fourth Street to East Fifth Street ; The north side East Fourth Street from Jackson Street to Wall Street ; The south side East Fourth Street from Sibley Street to Broadway Street ; The East side � Sibley Stree.t from East Fourth Street to Kellogg Boulevard ; The East side Wall Street from East Fourth Street to 141 feet south of East Fourth Street ; The West side Wall Street from East Fifth Street to East Fourth Street ; The North side East Fifth Street from Wall Street to Broadway Street ; The West side Broadway Street from East Fifth Street to 195 feet north of East Fifth Street ; West side Broadway Street from East Fourth Street to 141 feet south of East Fourth Street and East side Broadway Street from Kellogg Boulevard to East Fifth Street . Pro�ect �o include approximately 68 Pedestrian scale ornametal street lights and 98 street trees and grates . 18548 Operating co�ts for the Above Standard Street Lighting System for the — LoNertoWn Streetacape Eatension Project for the sonths of January to � Dece�ber 1991 . _ Also, Council requests that the Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) fund $27,000 from the Downtown Tax Increment District Bond proceeds to extend the public improvements around the Farmers Market and that the annual operating e�enses be paid from general operations. Project to include 3 five-globe lights, 1 two-globe light, and 4 trees with grates. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date M� 2 Q �� Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz Certified sse b Council Secretary Long Ma.ccabee � In Favor By Rettman Thune `� Against Wilson 3 Q gg Mayor RUBl1SHE0 JUN - 9 1990 - GC l�t;'1��� )'y`.:z—�e_-� ,�� �'lO._90� r_ .�; f. .-, ,J �,.- �_ c, r f Also Council re uests that the Housin Redevelo ment Authori HRA fund $27 000 � � q g P tY � ) � -(� from the Downtown Tax Increment District Bond proceeds to extend the public improvements around the Farmers Market and that the annual operating expenses be paid from general operations. Project to include 3 five-globe lights, 1 two-globe light, and 4 trees with grates. ��1,�1 � ��� ���� � ���^R� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCI�. O. FINAL ORDER �`\�°` � �S' ' l�s', t File- . 18Sfi7 iAd 2 8548 Voting In the Matter of War 547 2 ?he Loaerto�a Streatscape Bxtension Pro�eet on the Esst stde Jackson Street froe East Ponrth Straet to East Fifth Street; ?he n�rth side Eaat Fonrth Street fro■ Jackson Street to Wall Street ; ?he sonth side Last Fourth Street fros Sibl�� Straet to Broadway Str�et ; The Esst side Sibley Street frox East Fourth Street to 1Cellogg Eoale�ard; ?ha East side Wall Street fros East Foarth Street to 1�►2 feet sonth af East Fourth Street; !�e �iest side Wall Street fros East Fifth 3trect to East l�ourth Street ; The l�orth side East Fifth Street frea Wall 3treet to Broadva� Street ; The We�t side Bro:dN�� Street fro■ Sast Fifth Strett to 195 feet aortk af East Fifth 3treet ; Vest side Eroadvay SLreet from Sast Fonrth SLreet to 141 feet �outh of Ea4t �'ourth Street and Bast side Brosdrs� Street fro� Re2logg Bo�levard to East Fifth Street. Pro,ject ta includ� approziQately b8 Pedestrias �cal• ornaeetal street lfghta and 98 street trees aad grates, 18548 Operatiag eosts for th� Above Staadard Stra�et Lightins S�ate■ for the Lorerto�u Streetscape Eztenaion �rojeet for the sont�s of Jnly to "` Deceabar 1990. , under Preliminary Order �B ��Q� approved ���� `D The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate ali expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas D���d Nays ��ty Certified Passed by Council Secretary Laag ���bae In Favor By R.�tt�tn ��� Against �i�8� Mayor : ' � �E 4/4�90 , l/� -/Q-��� �.� DEPARTMENTlOFFI(�/WUNqI ' DATE INITIATED PED 3/30/90 GREEN SHEET No. 85��,Q�a� CONTACT PER90N 8 PFIONE ��PARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL Steve Thompson x3212 �� �CITY ATfORNEY 0 cm c��nc MU3T 8E ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� 1 O C}O ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MQT.�RVICES�R. Must be in City Cle k's no �MAYOH(OR A8SI8TANT) Q Crninri 1 R TOTAL A�OF SIGiNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED: Sets a public hearing date for consideration and approval of a special assessment to provide a portion of the financing for the Lowertown Streetscape Extension Project (NPP Project) File ��'s 18547 and 18548 REOOMMENDATIONS:App►ars W a Re�sCt(� (;OUNCIL COIIAIAITT REPORT OPTI�IAL _PLANNINO COMMIS�ON _pVIL�RVI�COMMI8810N ANALY8T PFIONE N0. _C�COMMITTEE _ A BTAFF _ COMMENTB: . _DISTRICT WURT _ BU�TS WNICFI COUNpL OBJECTIVET Economic Development Ward 2 iNmnnru;PROe�.�ssuE,oPronluNrtv Mn,o.wnu,wns�,.wn.n.wny�: Project co-sponsored by Downtown Community Development Council (DCDC) and Lowertown Redevelapment Corporation (LRC) includes ornamental street lighting and trees in the east and south sections of Lowertown in downtown. $490,000 total cost financed from CIB funds ($220,000) through NPP and balance ($270.000) special assessment. Also, $6,150. for operating and maintenance of the lights to be collected as a service charge each year ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: 1. Provides enhanced security for residents and visitors in emerging neighborhood. 2. Supports concentrated public and private investments in redevelopment. 3. Provides further impetus to creation of urban village neighborhood in downtown. DlSADVANTA�ES IF APPiiOVED: None. Increased operating expenses to be annually assessed against benefitted properties. DtSADVANTAQEH IF NOT APPROVED: Opportunity lost for leveraged neighborhood improvement. RE�lV�ED �ouncu Kesearcn ��nter. �R�I�i� APR 041990 CtTY �L.ERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANiACTION = 496,150.�� COST/REVENUE OI�TED(CIRq.B ONE) YE8 NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER Fiwwa�ui�tiu►noH:cex�a� 185 CIB P7-925-96085-0537-76104 $170,343.92 186 CIB P7-925-96q86-0537-76104 49,656.08 Special Assessment (pending) 27�� 5� p�pp 6;I50.00 - _� •� y� .�.. � , 0 1 � i� � � � - . .. .� ..., I '� � . � _ � � � - i �� -� —� ; , � �:� :: ., 'd �i�• � �■�►�� I : �i'� �I ' � I -� � �� � � :,.: . : i�l .. : . : : : : la.� � �= � �I = _ _ �-____ .- .. . . _ . � . `-.-�.�.��■ - - , � ,.•��♦ ♦�. — � � ��i�:���:�,�i � ���— ' �►.�� ' ( ," ►�t''����� � I ( °', •'�i.���'' _ . - : : r 1��,,��:v��v�`• I� r� . � ���?. : `'►��i�aA���� ��� j�j����•�� � � ..':. R�i�. I �! . i►������7i!w��! ���!�i�"' , %��� �� i • � �� II►I. � _� _. : L ; :��r�.-�_. �� . . , �. . _�--j ! 1��� -: ��;,,� - - �--- �- ..--� � _ ��! _ ��.�►� - � ►�^�,� � � �_ . .. . _ _ � ►�.•.•.-"'::��•.! � �� , `'_;�,•, ,ai r _ . _ ����������•�♦ � �ti.•� ��'•� ��� ;u,/ I � � '� � ►���i:�.;r•��'� , '_� / /�� � � �„ , ,�: - - ��1���1�I�� � _ � ,� ' 1`�i.��1�.��,� �♦ r;►�� , r► � - - . . , � e � � ' i�������;�1���s���j� � �d� ��'� � �-� ��/��'r - `=������a�j���`_ o� � .:.. a : �'7) � � ' j,±�1a�t���� � � �.t�.,�.��� �� . . . �x���so�� .�r��r���r .,..�-i1 A��♦ ���� �1 _ =�a'�i'1�►�1 ������ • �� : � � -�� i :, '% � ' � _ �l • � ������ � j t •���• ' �• ' '� • � � / � , 1 ��'�� � � '�.�. .. -. . � � ; /����� 1 � ' ,��•Q � �� 1� � � ;z; �- � . . - . , ,•.• . ►... - _ �e..• . - . �- . . .� -� __�� � � �//i ' - . � - � ,. � _,: . .. � �, , , i ' - �.,....,� .. .. � -�. �: , `!Z � '�' .., � • � • .� . � - ` �s' • .: � . � - ��� , �- S � ` � � . � ti �� ' ����I�/ED . ; � .- GTY OF SI11NT PAUL 3/Z� / 7 0 INTERDEP/1RTMENTAL MEMORANDUM��ai Estate Division Dept Finance & Managemerrt Service� DATE: March 22, 1990 TO: Peter White Assessments and Valuation Division FROM: Steve Thompson � PED � RE: Assessment for Financing of NPP Project Lowertown Streetscape Extension The purpose of this memo is to request that the necessary procedures be initiated for the approval of a special assessment to provide a portion of the financing for the Lowertown Streetscape Extension Project. The project consists of the installation of approximately 68 pedestrian scale, ornamental street lights and 98 street trees and grates. The project area includes approximately 15 block faces totaling 3 ,939 linear feet in the south and east sections of Lowertown in downtown (project area map attached) . The Lowertown Streetscape Extension is an NPP project co-sponsored by the Downtown Conununity Development Council (DCDC) and the Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation (LRC) . Total cost of the project is $490,000, of which $220,000 was approved from 1988 CIB funds through the NPP Program, and $270,000 to be financed through special assessment. The estimated capital assessment is $69 per front foot, payable in twenty equal annual installments of approximately $3.45, together with interest at the rate of 9� per annum on the outstanding principal balance. Annual operating expenses will also be assessed and are estimated to be $1.57 per front foot in the first year. Project costs are itemized as follows: Uses Design $78, 000 Construction 412 , 000 $490, 000 � � . ., ' . .. 4 � • � �a'�� Peter White Page Two . Financing for the project, including the special assessment portion, is itemized as follows: Sources Special Assessment $270, 000 CIB 220. 000 $490, 000 If the assessment is approved, construction should begin in the summer of 1990. DCDC and LRC have contacted all property owners in the project area and have secured consent petitions from the majority of property ownership proposed for assessment. Copies of these consent petitions are enclosed. If possible, I would ask that notices of Council Committee reviews and public hearing be mailed to the project sponsors as they are scheduled. The sponsors are as follows: Ms. Mary Krueger Downtown Community Development Council 245 E. 6th Street, Suite 101 _ Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Mr. Weiming Lu Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation Park Square Court 400 Sibley Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Please contact me at 228-3212 if you have additional questions. ST:dc dianec/st-white enclosure cc: Jim Zdon Mary Krueger Weiming Lu . RE 5/1/90 Q •� .�• ':�, DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� PED 3/30/90 GREEN SHEET No. 9144 C�ITACT PERSON d PMONE �NITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOFi �CITY�UNpL Steve Thompson x3212 �� �cm�rro�er �CdTN fXERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) S ROUTIHO �BUDfiET DIRECTOR FIN.8 MOT.SERVICEB aR. Mus be in the City C1 rk' e ��,voR�oR,�ssisrnrm �] Council Researc TOTAL M OF SKiNATUI�PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOFi 81CiNATUR� ACTbN REOUE8'TEO: Amended Final Order requested to change dates for Above Standard Street Lighting System for the Lowertown Streetscape Extension Pro�ect for the months of July to December, 1990 to January to December 1991. File 4� 18548 Ori inal Green Sheet Attached HEOOMMENDATION8:�PP►�(N a p�l�(AI COUNCIL CO�AITTEE/�ARCM I�PORT OPT _PIANNIN�C�AMISSION _GVIL SERVIG'�OOMMIS810N ��Y� PNONE NO. _d8 OOMMITTEE _ A STIIFF _ COMMENT8: _D19TRICT COUFiT _ 8UPPORT3 WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVET WaY•d 2 INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPOfi7UNRY(Who.WMt.WINn�1NINn.Wh�: ADNANTA(iES IF I1PPFl�IED: DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED t�uu�►cE, n��earct� G�nYer, ���� MAY 0 N I�(.l .��a �� C�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : C08T/REV@IUE BUDOETED(CHICLE ONE) YES NQ FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMiER FlNANGAL INFORNIATION:(EXPLAIN) , . v . NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QRE6N 3FIEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAI AVAiIABLE IN TNE PURCHASINt3 OFFICE(PHONE WO.268�4225). ROUTIN(3 OROER: Bslow ere proferred routings for the five most frequent typss of docunwnHr - CONTFiACTS (assurtwa authorized COUNCIL RE30LUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budgst exists) Accept.Orants) 1. Outsids A�nCy 1. Depeutmerlt DinCtor 2. Initiatin�Dsp�RmsM 2. Budpst Dlrsclor 3. City Attomsy 3. City AttOrnry 4. Mayor 4. NlayorUlsNKaM 5. Flnar�cs 6 M�mmt Svca. Director 5. City Cou�cil 6. Finance Acoourning 6. Chisf AocouMaM� Fln&�Aprnt Svcs. . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othsrs) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activfty Man�ger 1. InRlating DspaRnMnt Diroctor 2. Dep�rtmeM AccouMant 2• �Y� 3. Ospertment arectof 3. MayoN�►se�tent 4. Budgert Dfr�ctor 4. qty CONlncil 5. City Clerk _ 8. Chfsf Accountant. Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (all others) t. InlUating DspaRrrroM 2. (�ty Attornsy 3. MayoNAaiataM 4. Cny qerlt TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PACiES Indkxte Nte N of papsa on which�ures are requlred end ap p�rN�i sach of thsss s1�es. ACTION REOUESTED De�c►Ibe whst the proj�ct/nqw�t sa�ks to�omplislt in elther chra�olopi- cal ordsr or order oi impoRar��whichsver is most appropriate br ths fasus. Do not writs�e�sntencs4. Begin each item M your liet with a verb. RECOMNIENDATION8 Compieb if the fasus in qussNon has bsen pressMed before any body,publfc or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE? Indicats which Council objective(s)your proJect/requeet supporta by Ihdnp ths key Mwrd(s)(H�ISING,RECREATION, NEIOHBORHOODS, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUC710NAL MANUAL.) OOUNqL COMMITTEEIRE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUE$TED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROB�EM, IS8UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or oonditions that cnated a need tor your project or requsst. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED Indicste whethsr this is simply an annual bud�st procedure requirod by Iew/ chartsr or whether there an�scific wa in which the Gty of SaiM Paul and ite citizens will bensflt irom this pro�t/actfon. DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED What negativa etfects or mejor chang�to exiati�or p�ist proali6�a might this projecUnqueet producs if k ia pessed(e.�.�tr�Mc delays, rwiee, tex incre�aes or aa�art�snts)?To WFwm?When?;For hqnr long? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED Whet will bs the npative coraequsnas ff ths promised action is not approved?Inabllity to deliver servics4 CoMinued high treiHc, noi�, a�xideM rate?Loss of rovenus? FINANqAL IMPACT Although you must taflor ths informadon you provide here to the isaue you are addrs�sin�, in gensrsl you must answer two questbns: How much is it poi�9 to c:oat?VVtw is yoin�tc PeY? r ,. � 4,4�90 �yo—�e� i:,: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/OOUNpI OATE INfT1ATED °��� 3/30/90 GREEN SHEET No. 8530 ,L.,... ` ����r� �/�p ��� /�y/yy� �� ❑��M�iV�N� ❑N�1 NM� ��' Steve Thompson x3212 �� ❑an�rro�r D arr c�c 5� eE�couNa��o�a►er�a►re� 1 90 �ovraa �suoaer anECra� ��.a raT.s�nv�s ow. s t be in Cit Cle k's no �w►ron�on�sra�rn Q (:nnnri 1 � TOTAL M OF SKiNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfONATURE) ACTION REGUESTE7. Sets a public hearing date for consideration and approval of a special assessment - to provide a portion of the financing for the Lowertown Streetscape Extension Project '�,,.�' (NPP Project) File �'s 18547 and 18548 ';,�,; nec�M�a►noNS:�av��•w«r�cr� cou� r�o�rr ovTtow►� '"• _Puw�nr�a c�M�ssaH —c�v�sarv�oo�oN u�u�rsr Pno�No. ae ooM�xrrEe — CO�AMENT& A s�� _ . _o�srnicr couRr _ SUPPORTS WMICM COUNqI OBJECTNE9 ' Economic Development Ward 2 u�mnnrw�.►ssue.o�oRTUNmr�wno.w�w.wn.n.wnuw�rk Project co–sponsored by Downtown Community Development Council (DCDC) and Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation (LRC) includes ornamental street lighting and trees in the east and south sections of Lowertown in downtown. $490.000 total cost financed from CIB funds ($220.000) through NPP and balance (�270,000) special assessment. Also, $6,150. for operating and maintenance of the lights to be collected as a service charge each year ADVANTAOES IF APPFlOVED: 1. Provides enhanced security for residents and visitors in emerging neighborhood. � 2. Supports concentrated public and private investments in redevelopment. 3. Provides further impetus to creation of urban village neighborhood in downtown. ,:, {+ pBADVANTAOE9 If APPf10VED: �'r "' None. Increased operating expenses to be annually assessed against benefitted ��x'M properties. .�s 7• t DISAOVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPiIOVED: Opportunity lost for leveraged neighborhood improvement. .j� OTAL AMOtJNT OR TMNSACTION = 496,150.00 ��w���� � � -�,i.. ' ����V�E �� • Flwwci���wu►noN:�oc�w�n 185 CIB P7-925-96085-0537-76104 �170,343.92 186 CIB P7-925-96086-0537-76104 49.656.08 � Special Assessment (pending) Z�(,�150.00 � icn nn � � �� � qoo 4�,Tt,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: ,�a ; OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair o � � David Thune,vice chair ` ����'��f�� , Tom Dimond ,. ho Bob Long ° Date: May 16,1990 �... Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council � From: Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair Hearinq Date ACTION 1. Approval of Minutes of May 2, 1990 APPROVED 3-0 2. 5/29/90 Vacation: Petition of Kim Long Development APPROVED 3-0 for the vacation of a building encroachment in the alley of Block 1, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition, bounded by University Aurora, Western and Arundel Streets. 3. 5/22/90 Final Order: Condemning and taking highway APPROVED 3-0 easements, temporary construction easements and slope easements for the Shepard Road Improvement Project near Shepard Road from Randolph Avenue to 600 feet southwest of Randolph. 4. 5/22/90 Final Order: Condemning and taking a APPROVED 4-0 permanent easement for roadway right-of-way purposes on the east side of Victoria Street between W. Seventh Street and Tuscarora Avenue for the Seventh/Otto CSSP Project. 5. 5/22/90 Final Order: Condemning and taking an easement APPROVED 4-0 for right-of-way purposes on the southwest corner of the intersection of Minnehaha Avenue and Ruth Street. 6. 5/22/90 Ratification of Award of Damages: For taking a APPROVED 4-0 permanent utility easement for public purposes near Jackson Street and Minnehaha Avenue in connection with the Sylvan/Acker Sewer Project. �� 5/29/90 Final Order: For the Lowertown Streetscape APPROVED AS Extension Project for parts of Jackson, AMENDED 4-0 E. Fourth, Sibley, Wall , E. Fifth and Broadway Streets. Also, for the operating costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting � System for the Lowertown Streetscape Extension Project for .the months of January to December 1991. � , 8. 5/29/90 Final Order: For improving the easterly N-S APPROVED 4-0 alley in Block 26, Chas. Weides Subd. of Blocks 25 and 26 of Arlington Hills Addition bounded by Sims, York, Edgerton and Payne. This is part of the Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) . 9. 5/29/90 Final Order: For improving Alabama Street LAID OVER from State St. to the east line of Wyandotte 4 WEEKS St. by grading and paving, constructing concrete curb and gutter and a bent straw street lighting system. Also, constructing a sanitary sewer and connections in Alabama St. from Lafayette Rd to Chester St. and in Chester St. from Alabama St. to an easement in vacated Chester St. approximately 225 feet north of Alabama St. 10. Resolution - 90-720 - Amending the 1990 budget APPROVED 4-0 by adding $81,270.37 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Works Sewer Maintenance Division. (Referred to Committee 5/1/90) . 11. Resolution - 90-721 - Releasing $250,000 in LAID OVER 1990 CIB funds currently in contingency for 2 WEEKS the study and redesign of the Selby Avenue Bridge. (Referred to Committee 5/1/90) . 12. Discussion on Smoke Testing Program for NO ACTION breaks and defects in sewer system. REQUIRED 13. Resolution - 90-547 - Approving plans for APPROVED AS the University of Minnesota Intercampus AMENDED 4-0 Transit Phase I. (Laid over in Committee 4/18/90) . 14. First Reading - 90-629 - An ordinance LAID OVER amending Section 152.18 of the Legislative 2 WEEKS Code pertaining to Special Permit/ Transportation. 15. Resolution - 90-698 - Requesting Administration APPROVED AS study the feasibility of implementing an AMENDED 3-0 Ethanol Fuel Program whereby City-owned or leased motor vehicles or equipment use a blend of ethanol and unleaded gasoline, with a report back to Council by September 1, 1990. 16. Discussion on Consolidating City Cable NO ACTION REQUIRED communications under the City Council Cable Operations. 17. Further Discussion on Volume-Based Pricing: LAID OVER Mandatory collection; not organized trash 2 WEEKS collection. (Laid Over in Committee 5/2/90) . �,� ��-�� • PRELIMIIVARY ORDER • . Council File No.90-600—By Dave Thune— In the Matter of 18547—The Lowertown Streetscape Extension Pro)ect on the East side Jackson St. from E.Fourth St.to E.Flfth St.;the North side E.Fourth St.from Jackson St.to Wall St.;the South side E.Fourtti St.from Sibley St.to Broadway St.;the East side Sibley St.from E.Fourth St,to Kellogg Blvd.;the East side Wall St.from E.Fourth St.to 141 feet south of E.Fourth St.;the West side Wall St.from E.Fifth St.to East Fourth St.; the North side E.Fifth St.from Wall St.to BroadwaySt.:the West side Broadway St.from E.Fifth St.ta 195 feet north of E.Fifth St.:West stde Broadway St.from E.Fourth St. to 141 feet south ot E.Fourth St.and East side Broadway St.from Kellogg Blvd.to E. Flfth St.Project to include appro�dmately 68 pedestrian scale omamentai street lights and 98 street trees and grates in Voting Ward 2. 18548 — Operatlng costs for the Above Standard Street Lightlng System for the Lowertown Streetscape Extension Project for the months of July to December 1990. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement,and having corisidered said report,hereby resolves: 1.That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives,and that the estimated cost thereof is S490,000,flnanced by assessments S270,000 and Capital Improvement Bonds S220,000. 2.That a publlc hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th dav of Mav.1990,, at 9:00 o'clock a.m.,in the Council Chambers of the City Hail and Court House Building ' in the City of Saint Paul. 3.That notice ot said publlc heari�]g be given to the persons and 1n the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the lmprovement and the total cost thereot as estlmated. FYIe Nos. 18547, 18548 Adopted by Council April 12, 1990. Approved by Mayor April 12, 1990. (Apri121, 1990) PUBLIC HEARING � �� /� 1�� `� � C.F. �0 -��