90-862 6�6/QO NP��k�url.c�c� SPn.'�c�o �a�� � �-/�i�° �U . . r.t;i..�a.c.!�r,:.._� . - . �, ' �.��odsr�c� a.v rtsn �h�i.� J ' —� !' ' �j/ Council File # �(� �o oZ.� Jj �.w�!f o R � �� N a� RESOLUTION � Green sheet # i��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL MI TA � i i �' '` ,�.. Presented By � / � Referred To '� . 1 ' 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor and the Saint Paul Police Department 6 desire to increase the City's involvement in community crime prevention and develop the capacity to 7 work in partnership with grass-roots crime prevention efforts throughout the City, and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department desires to set up a budget using money seized 10 or confiscated from narcotics activities to fund this city-wide crime prevention program, and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that 13 there are available for appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 Budget, and 14 15 WHEREAS, Saint Paul community groups concerned about drug abuse and strengthening 16 neighborhoods including the Mayor's Anti-Drug Task Force and the Mayor's Strategic Planning 17 Task Force on Neighborhood Livability have recommended increasing the partnership between 18 police and communities to prevent crime and stabilize neighborhoods, and 19 20 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has developed and has received support for a 21 program for crime prevention on Saint Paul's East Side which includes a community organizer and 22 other neighborhood connections with the Police Department, and 23 24 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has determined that there is a need to support 25 current community organizations working to prevent crime in our neighborhoods and provide them 26 with public police data to support their work and a need to develop a stronger network of block 27 clubs and other neighborhood organizations throughout the City, and 28 29 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has determined that crime prevention efforts can be 30 most effective if they are coordinated with the patrol teams which do the policing in our 31 communities, and � � - 32 wtitiR�l�S � ►'nnycr kas P,rt,poseLQ a v.e����avd�cc�- �oascclC cr��,.e pr�vf���o� t�.�i�o���✓e �.�1�«,(�. 33 WHEREAS,�the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget: �`��s�` �' 34 Current Amended pu,.-t K��- 35 Financing Plan Bud�et Chan e Budget s��y� 36 v�e�,,��e�. 37 436 Police Special Projects �'���``� 1 38 34120 Special Investigations Activity p��A��"`"'' 39 9890 Undesignated Fund Balance 0 55,016 55,016 40 All Other Fund Financing 1700 033 0 1700,033 �ei��'�'W�6`�� > > > arQac�h.za�+v► 41 42 Remaining Undesignated 43 Fund Balance 912,445 1,700,033 55,016 1,755,049 44 � �. . oRi �iNa�. ��� ��� 2 C rren Amended 3 Suending Plan Budtet Change Budget 4 5 436 Police Special Projects 6 34136 Citywide Crime Prevention 7 0219 Fees-Other Professional 8 Services 42,600 47,616 90,216 9 0241 Printing-Outside 1,500 1,500 3,000 10 0221 Postage 1,300 1,300 2,600 11 0389 Other-Misc. Supplies 2,200 2,200 4,400 12 0848 Other Specialized Equip. 2,400 2,400 4,800 13 All Other Fund Spending 1,600,033 1.600.033 14 1,650,033 55,016 1,705,049 15 16 Net Change 55,016 17 18 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the changes to 20 the 1990 Budget stated above for the purpose of implementing the Police and Communities 21 Together (PACT) program of community policing, and 22 23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Police and Communities Together program 24 of community policing shall include employment of two community organizers who will serve as city- 25 wide Community Crime Coordinators to support current block clubs and community organizations 26 involved with crime prevention and develop new and stronger networks of block clubs and otl�er 27 neighborhood organizations concerned with crime prevention, and 28 29 BE IT FtJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Police and Communities Together program 30 of community policing will include designation of a Crime Prevention Officer in each patrol team to 31 coordinate police response to community crime issues and to permit a decentralized response to 32 crime prevention needs identified in the community, and 33 34 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in order to ensure that the Police and Communities 35 Together community policing program enhances the effectiveness of block clubs, district councils 36 and other community organizati�ns working to prevent crime, that the Crime Prevention Unit of the 37 Saint Paul Police Department�work with the Community Crime Coordinators to provide available 38 public police data, such as reports of frequency andnc°rime and other statistical information as 39 requested by these community organizations. �as Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: imon � oswz z �r �— on "'� � acca ee �— e man �— iuson � � By: 4 Adopted by Council: Date ��N �. 9 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Ce tified by Council Secretary gy: BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �/�/�o JUN 19 �g�°uncil By: By� ��Fp �L'N 3 01990 � � 9�� �6 � Members: Dave Thune, GITY OF SAINT PAUL Chair . f1iIMl1llit .' . OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Janice Rettman, � � Vice-Chair � ' Roger Goswitz DAVE THUNE Date: June 6, 1990 Counc�member COMMITTEE REPORT TO: SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL FROM: NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1990 MEETING. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. ORDINANCE ��90-553 - AMENDING CHAPTER 33 OF THE LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO REPAIR AND/OR DEMOLITION OF NUISANCE BUILDINGS. (Heard in Committee 4/18/90, Laid Over until 5/2/90, Laid Over until 5/16/90, Laid Over until 6/6/90) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED SIX TO EIGHT WEEK LAYOVER 3. RESOLUTION �90-862 - AMENDING THE 1990 BUDGET BY ADDING $55,016 TO THE FINANCING & SPENDING PLANS TO IMPLEMENT NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME PREVENTION PARTNERSHIP. (Referred to Neighborhood Services Committee on 5/22/90) COMMITTEE RECO1�Il�iENDED APPROVAL •146-�N�DED �.C�� 4. RESOLUTION ��90-863 - STRONGLY URGING THE MAYOR TO INCLUDE IN HIS 1991 BUDGET AN APPROPRIATION FOR NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME PREVENTION EQUAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL' S " 1990 APPROPRIATION. (Referred to Neighborhood Services Committee on 5/22/90) COMMITTEE RECO�NDED LAYOVER TO JUNE 25, 1990 �E���v�r . �NO���° � c��y �L�R� CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 s�aa � Pr(nted on Recycled Paper _ , �9d-�� Analyst: Barbara Jeanetta Date: 5/16/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Police Green Sheet Number: 8370 Amount of Request: $55,016 Positions Requested: 0(Contract for services) Amount Recommended: $55,016 Positions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: Fund#436 fund balance Confiscated money from narcotics activities Subject of Request: Spending authority to implement crime prevention partnership project. Last BE IT RESOLVED of resolution describes purpose of program. Background: Mayor and Police Chief have already held press conference announcing this program. One Community Crime Coordinator has already been hired. Major Issues: Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) Confiscated money from narcotics activities could be used to offset cost of narcotics enforcement which is paid for in the General Fund. At the present time,it is deposited in Fund#436,Police Special Projects,after obligations to other communities are paid(for their costs in assisting apprehension or prosecution)and used for special police projects.This is cost of entire program. Some will be spent in 1990 and balance in 1991. Spending authority(balance of what is not spent in 1990)for 1991 has been included in depYs 1991 request. Recommendation: Approve and forward for signatures. Foifow—up Recommended, If Any: Review policy and procedures for deposit of confiscated money from narcotics activities during 1991 budget deliberations. JeanetW's c:\12:idata�anal8.wkl.al� 6-23-90 0" ��GI NA L • + Council File # ��a�y Green Sheet # ___��— RESOLUTION TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5 � esented By Referred To .c¢�[�(,�-r�- Committee: Date �'�a2a � �U 1 � 2 ��\ 3 ����. 4 '� `,. 5 WHEREAS;�he Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor and the Saint Paul Police Department 6 desire to increase th� City's involvement in community crime prevention and develop the capacity to 7 work in partnership wi\''t�i grass-roots crime prevention efforts throughout the City, and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Sain�`Paul Police Department desires to set up a budget using money seized 10 or confiscated from narcotics�ctivities to fund this city-wide crime prevention program, and 11 � 12 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pu`rs`uant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that 13 there are available for appropriatio revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 Budget, and 14 15 WHEREAS, Saint Paul communit roups concerned about drug abuse and strengthening 16 neighborhoods including the Mayor's Anti- rug Task Force and the Mayor's Strategic Planning 17 Task Force on Neighborhood Livability hav �recommended increasing the partnership between 18 police and communities to prevent crime and abilize neighborhoods, and 19 20 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Departm t has developed and has received support for a 21 program for crime prevention on Saint Paul's East ' e which includes a community organizer and 22 other neighborhood connections with the Police Depa ment, and 23 24 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following anges to the 1990 budget: 25 26 Current Amended 27 Financing Plan Budget Chan�e Budget 28 29 436 Police Special Projects 30 34120 Special Investigations Activity 31 9890 Undesignated Fund Balance 0 5 �,016 55,016 32 All Other Fund Financing 1,700,033 `��0 1,700,033 33 � , 34 Remaining Undesignated 35 Fund Balance 912,445 1,700,033 55,016 ��� 1,755,049 36 1 � � O ��I�GINAL � �i= Q° - �Gz 2 3 :. 4 5 6 Current Amended 7 Snending Plan Bu et Change Budget 8 9 436 Police Special Projects 10 34136 Citywide Crime Prevention 11 0219 Fees-Other Professional 12 Services 42,600 47,616 90,216 13 0241 Printing-Outside 1,500 1,500 3,000 14 0221 Postage 1,300 1,300 2,600 15 0389 Other-Mis�:�$upplies 2,200 2,200 4,400 16 0848 Other Speciali�d Equip. 2,400 2,400 4,800 17 All Other Fund Spendi�g 1,600.033 1,600,033 18 1,650,033 55,016 1,705,049 19 20 Net Change 55,016 21 22 `'� 23 NOW, THEREFORE, B�'s.IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the changes to 24 the 1990 Budget stated above for the pu�ose of implementing a Neighborhood Crime Prevention 25 Partnership, and '�.� 26 27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,�`t�at the Saint Paul Police Department be encouraged 28 to develop in its Neighborhood Crime Prevention Partnership a program which includes two 29 community organizers to serve as city-wide Community Crime Coordinators and strengthen 30 cooperation with neighborhood crime prevention ef�prts, and a Crime Prevention Officer in each 31 patrol team to coordinate police response to needs ic�ntified in the community. 32 `� 33 '�� 34 �` 35 , `�, �,. ; Yeas Nays Absent Requested by`,Department of: Dimon Goswitz � on Macca ee Rettman un e i son By' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: ��`�f /y"'- By: � . - �� � � �,��o-��- DEPARTM[NTlOFFICE/00UNqL DATE INITIATED City Council 5/8/90 GREEN SHEET No. 83,�,�A� CONTACT PERSON 3 PIiONE �DEPARTMENT WRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Maccabee x5378 ��� ��y�n��v �cm c�eaK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTMrO �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.BERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8618TANT) � � TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� �cnoN r�eues�o: Change 1990 Budget to implement a Neighborhood Crime Prevention Partnership FiECOMMENw�T101�:Mv►cw W c►F�l�+(� COUNdL I�PORT OPTNDNAL _PLANNINQ COMMIS810N _CMl�Cg OOMMIS810N ��� �E�. �CIB COMMITTEE _ —STAFF _ COMMENTB: _OISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHlpi COUNpL OBJECTNE7 INITIATINQ PROBLEM,188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wh�t,Whsn.Where.Why): There is a need to increase the City's involvement in community crime prevention and to strengthen the partnership between police and communities to prevent crime and stabilize neighborhoods. ADVANTA(iE81f APPROVED: Community Organizers will be available to work with neighborhood organizations and make connections to the Police Department, creating a cohesive approach to crime prevention in Saint Paul neighborhoods. D18ADYANTACiEB IF APPROVED: None �.: ;�RECElVfp . .1��Y 2 4 1990 b��.��r OF��CE 018ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: There will be inadequate staff to build a partnership between neighborhood groups and the Police Department so there will not be a unified approach to crime prevention. �,'CFfV� l.�Ul.iir�`il K@SC'�i'Cl�l liE:)I[�C �11��0 h�AY 11 IyyU �^�3 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON a COST/RHVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE� YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER ' FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) C[ll/ � � � � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE aREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINt3 ORDER: Below are pref�rred routinps tor the flve rtwst frequent typss of documenta: CONTRACTS (assumas authorized OOUNqL RESOLUTION (Artwnd, Bd�ts./ budget exista) Accept. Grants) �. o�ngs�cy �. os�cmem a►ec� 2. Ukiatinp apartmeM 2. sudp.c ancta 3. Gty Attomey 3. dty Attornsy 4. Mayor - 4. MByoNAsN�tant 5. Flnence�Mgmt 3vcs. Director 5. (:ity Coundl 6. Flnance Acoounting 6. Chief AcoournaM, Fln 8 Mgmt S1res. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNqL RESOLUTION (all others) Rsvisbn) and OR�INANCE 1. Activiry Manegsr 1. Initieting Dspe�tmeM Director 2. Dspertm�rn Ac�uMant 2. qry Attomsy 3. DspaRrt�ant DlroCtor 3. Mayor/AtdNant 4. Budget DirectOr 4. City COUnCii 5. City qerk 8. Chief Accourrtant, Fin 8 Mpmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (sll others) 1. Initiadng Deportment 2. Ciy Attorney 3. MayoNAsetstaM a. ary c�erk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PAQES Indicab ths+�of paqe�on whbh si�natur�are required and paperc�iP eech of these paow. ACTION REGIUE8TED Deecribe what tho projscf/nqu�t aseks to�compUsh in either chronologi- cal orde�or order of importance�wfiichever is rrrost appropnate for the iasue. Do not wdte complete sentencxs. Bepin ea�ftsm in your liet with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS .Complete ff the fasue in queation has been p�ented before any body.public or private. 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indk�te wh�h Coundl objectiw(a)YW�Pro�/reclu�t supports by lieting ths ksy woM(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION,NEIOHBORHOOD3, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPARATIOI�.(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL OOMMITTEE/RE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINQ PROBIEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explafn the situation or�wrMitbns that cr�ted a need for your project or request. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr this is simpy an annual bud�et procedure requfrod by law/ chartsr or whether thsre an sp�ciNc in which the Gty of Salnt Paul and its citizens wlll bsneflt irom thb�ro�t/sction. DISADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED What negative effecta or major chan�s to existing or past processes mi�ht this Project/re4u�st produce if R ia passed(s.g.,trsffic delays� noise. tex incrseses or ass�sments)?To Whom?When2 For how IoAg? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED ' What will be the negetive conasquencea H the promieed actbn is not approwd?InebfNty to deliver servfce?Continued hiph treffic, noise, accident reta4 L�of revenue? � FlNANqAL IMPACT Althaph you must taibr the information you provide here to the issue you aro addresein�,M�ral you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is poing to pay? , . , � (�,�..yo _ ��a DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED c�ty coun��� GREEN SHEET N° ,10384 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Maccabee x5378 �$�QN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR ' �FIN.&MQT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER O MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAtiES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Change 1990 Budget to implement a Neighborhood Crime Prevention Partnership RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(A)or Reject(R) pER80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINO�UESTIONS: _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMract for this departmeM? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFP - YES NO _ DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Expialn ail yes answers on separate sheat and attach to green shest INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whero,Why): There is a need to increase the City�s involvement in community crime prevention and to strengthen the partnership between police and communities to prevent crime and stabilize __ neighborhoods. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Community Organizers will be available to work with neighborhood organizations and make connections to the Police Department, creating a cohesive approach to crime prevention in Saint Paul neighborhoods. This change will affect only the 1990 Budget. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: There will be inadequate staff to build a partnership between neighborhood groups and the Police Department so there will not be a unified approach to crime prevention. TOTAL Al1A0UNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUD(3ETEC(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � , . , NOTE: CO�APLE'�E DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of docume�ts: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budgef exists) COUNCIL RESOWTION(Amend Budgets/Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attomey 3. City Attomey 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Ffnance Acxounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCII RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk" TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with • a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate whlch Councii objective(s)your projecVrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, _- BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negaUve effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed.(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT � Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions:How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay?