90-855 o K � �'� n'� � . Council File # — �J� IY Green Sheet � 7722 RESOLUTION r�. :�,� CI F SAINT UL, MINNESOTA 't �� .,�., , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID ��19448) for a General Repair Garage License by Paul T. Romanowski DBA Midwest Motor Co. at 923 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following stipulations; 1) Vehicle storage and off-street parking is maintained in a manner which allows sufficient space on the lot for the on-site maneuvering of these vehicles. Backing of vehicles to or from the public right-of-way is not permitted. 2) Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in good condition. 3) Vehicles for sale or awaiting servicing shall be parked on the property and not in the public right-of-way. on _� -��. Absent Requested by Department of: w �_ on � acc ee �— e �_ ane s �. BY� Adopted by Council: Date MAY 1 �7 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gy: H7 �� ay� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by yor: Date MAY �. 8 �99Q council gy; ����'��'�it��';// By s Pi��IIS�E� �`���:l' � � i�°0 ! - � . _ ��o��'✓ �, DEPAFiTM[NTIOFFlCE/COUNpI DATE INITIATED License GREEN SHEET No. �722 COMTACT PERSON d PHONE �NmAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPMTMENT DIRECTQR �qTY OOUNpL Roze -298-5056 ��p Q�T�'ATfORNEY �c��v c��c MU8T BE ON COUNqI AOENDA BY(DI►TE� �,(c��-�p �Np �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.t MOT.9ERVICE3 DIR. 5-17-90 c' ��'k- �MAYOR(OR A8818TANT1 � Council Research TOTAL A�OF SIQNATURE PAOE8 (CLIP ALL�OCATIONS FOR SIONATUi� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an application for a General Repair Garage License. Hearing Date: 5-17-90 Notification Date: 4-30-90 r�COMMENDnroNS:npProv+(n)c►psk�(R) COUI�ICK COMIMI�H REPORT OPTIONAI. _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL 8ERV1(:�OOMMIS81pN �Y� PFIONE t�. _pB OOMMfTfEE _ —STAFF _ OOIdMENTB: _DIBTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTB WMN�i COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO Pf�BLEM.188UE�OPPOR7UNI1'Y(Vllho.Whet�WINn.WfNro.Wh»: Paul T. Romanowski DBA Midwest Motor Co. requests Council approval of his application for a General Repair Garage License at 92� University Avenue. License Fee of $116.25 has been submitted. All required divisions have given their approval. Zoning has approved with the following stipulations: 1) Vehicle storage and off-street par�.ing is maintained in a manner � which allo�csufficient space on the lot for the on-site maneuvering of these vehicles. Backing of vehicles to or from the public right- AOVANTAOES�FAPPRONED: of-way is not permitted. 2) Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in good condition. 3) Vehicles for sale or awaiting servicing shall be parked on the property and not in the public right-of-way. ���o����: RE��IVFp A�Y(��(� 0 CITY CLfRK as�wv�r�r�oes iF Nor�aPpoveo- �u�.-�ci� t=ce�earcn �:er�ter Il1AY 011yyU TOTAL AMOUNT�TRANSACTION = C08T/F�VENUE Bl�TED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDMIO SOURCE ACTIYITY NUM�R FINANqAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) _ �W �yo-�s.s DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINISTRATION DATE (�� / /� /3 ��' INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant�G�Q, 'j.�;��vC,,��k-�- Home Address c�� �`j � Lpr nZj,E,Q , ��W7P�� i 14n� � Home Phone �Cf,�9-V i��,e.. �?�� - � �3 Business Name � v Business Address ����,(��,�,,�,p� Type of License(s) � �_��_ Business Phone �(�(.n - U� 5(� Public Hearing Date ��7- qQ License I.D. 4i � G�l.��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t (�4��oZ(�� -� llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� � I(� to Applicant �30 --��_ rederal Firearms � '1n � Public Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D l� ( O� C�r Cc�c� �-�Ccnt�$ �� S i'T c'[ a tzs-UR-1 , � PP (���,�J Health Divn. ' .� ' _ .. � � i Fire Dept. � („ � � l i �3 I d I Police Dept. I � � � License Divn. � � � -� � O � City Attorney � Date Received: Site Plan � � � I Y�( To Council Research � � g� Lease or Letter D te f rom Landlord � � Z � �� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: / � ; '��0—�� � ' � �� f CTTY OF ST. pavz DS�AR27�RT �+' FII�ANCE AAD MARA� 3ffitVICL'S . LIGF.�S& A1fD PTRMIT DIVZSION . �These ststement for:ns are issued in c�tiglicste. Plesse w�+er all qnestioos lti�l�y and complete�y. � This application is thorough�y cbecked. Any falsificatioa Mill be csvse for denial. �� v � 2- _ 195 � � 1. Applicatinn for (Licenae) (Persit) � 2. lla�e of appli csnt �� � �� � �?'I it14 l,L,�S 3. If applicsnt is/haa b�an a msrried lemale, list maidea naee b. Date o! birth �iP_ C —��,� � _ �Age� Place of birth �iU fi�ySn.�/`s�li�l/.(f,�� 5. Are you a citizen of the United States '�S Aati�re _ Fsturalized __ 6• Are you a registered voter L°S Where $C IJ , , 7. Rcme aaaress �/�Jr 7'��Di2�i.-� �p� a�v��l� g� �� 3S�5�03 . ' __� R Preserit business addreas � 3 /�/! �Q � _ Business tel�phaoe ��C���a- 9. Includirag yo�r present business/Emplo3rnDent, �aat �sinis�s/�lc�y�ent ha�e yon Pollowed tor the past tive y�ears, Busineaa/F�plays�at p,d�e=e .�`d��s�/9�-��� � ����.i�!�,es �Z` S'��u� �,�5�-.�� 10. Married �IP ans�+�er is "yes", liat t�e aad address oZ apouse �-r�F�tJ�� /Yl�fI�GOGU S�'i ° �/ qsi'�C o�.r/ ��"o' ..��°�i/�� �/�i1�S�//.� Z1. ?iave you ever been arreated for an otlease thst has resulted in a caovictionl�� � I! ans�er ia "yes", lis'� dstes of arrests, vhere, cbargaa, convictio� aod aentenees. Dste o! arreat 19 t+lhere CAARCE . COl'�VICZ'InN g�g�g Date oP arrest 19 �"� Where CHARGr CONVICTIOtI S� 12. List the names and addresses (i! married, name of spauae also) ot all persrns, r co rations, partnerships�associations or organizations which in any �r haire: ���j/ c�!l9f1��'.SJ�' �19.vP-`�!l�'�9'Ndttl sj�"r a. A mortgage interest in the ].icensed premise, b. A security iaterest in the licensed premisea, license, or tt�rniahings oft� , ,9 �' . � / Sz'lYfl�t 13c�nsed premis�, lx�/���'�V � /e,l�P� ���v2 /�{�.���� /�INS /'�9.1> c. A promissory note for tunds loaned !or the cypexation o! the licensed preeiee or tbe pnrchsse ot'the license, /V d 'v "�� d. Finar�cially contributed to the purchaae oP the premise or the license it- self 'il/C�N� e. At�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherrise � in the licensed premise or the licenae itself, /��3 il�"Q-� Attach a copy hereto of anyr and all docwnenta referred to in this attidavit. 1'� (.,:ilnA !�s!!�e'+! s..::.t� i4�i�a."�.c'�.e'�'.Z OZ tT'��� �_'.°.:3�'3:r� 2'L�Si+43�.�`.�.sli O� v�• �7a�� �uaia��vro� wa'�Lt�i -. y can give iniarm�ation concernit�g you. AAI� , � S�J'�~9`i l ���� ��.9�e Gv.e�,v��t�/ 1�43 �/�,e� ���C9��„��� �)oel � ���t.'�i2. ���, r��e��v �0�5`�`�i�'u/ �=i 3 14. Addreas ot premisea for Which License ar Permit is ma�de � . %� �S!� �v� /'� �9 ct//`l'!.c Address�,��J L/l ��l�t°�s��`� Zone classificstion_ 15. Bet�een What croaa streets /�JI l�f�� ���/�/Sl,t�O� �hich aide of street��j � 16. Na�ae under which this business rrill be condurted �j�GG���/��i.�6�d� �-U 17. Busir�ess telephone manber �/7l� � b �U 1°. Attach to thia application, a detailed deacription of the design, location, aad . aquare Pootage o! Lhe premises to be licensed �'.9 �,P,4,� Z9. are premises now occupied i����What business�5� H� lon8 � S y " � 5���S � . � - �'9�-�� 2�. Liat li�ense , ch y curj ently hold, or former�y h ld, or me�y ve an inter� in t / ` S �P .. �� � S. .�-� �J� /— � /o c� 21. Have of the licenses liated by you in No. 20 ever beea sevoked. Yes No �. Ir answer is "yes", list dates aad reasons: , 22. Do you have an intereat of ar�r type ia a�y o�her busineas or busit�esa premiaes. I' answer is "yes", list business, business address and telephone rn�mber.� 23. If business is incorporatad, give date of incorporation /�� `� 19� and attach capy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 24. List all afPicers of the corporation giving their names, office held, hame address, and home and buainess telephone numbers: � �� � ,��� . , � �. 25. If buaittess is . partnership, list partner(a) atidress aaa �ephooe a�sbers, � Address Tiel.l�o. �� f �`_ �� 26. Ia then a�rone else who vill have an iuterest ia thia b�sineas o� premises! If answer is yes", give name, hame address, telephone m�bers a� in nhst manner is their iutex�eat: � .� . 2T. Are you goir�t tc operate this business pera i! aot, �o vill opezate it: Aame Home addresa Te1.Ao. �• n Are you going to have a hS�na�er or assistant in this business? If ans�rer is "yes��, give name and ho:ae address and home telrphone nuaber: Name �'� Home address Te1.No. 29. Ha.s arLyone you have named in questions 22 tarough 25 ever been arrested? If anawer is "yes", list name oP person, dates of arrest, �here, cha.�ges, com►ic- tions and sentence 3p. I /q�! � �D/�/9'�(iC�l���J�/ understaad tbis premise me�y be in- spected by the police, Pire, heslth and other city officfals at ar�r and alI times when the business is in operation. State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) _�fjU t �[>i`N'�/�L�GL-j��J�/� being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the Poregoiag statement bearing his si�oature and lmars the c�tents thereof, and that the same is true oP his oan l�v`+2edge except as to thoae ._ ._ .._. matters tberein stated upon ir_faxzna�i o*� �nd bel!ef and as those m�tters he be- lie�vea them ta be tnie. - � Subscribed and svorn to beYo�se me � --�t-�-��- �, Signa ure of Applican this �r day of 1?� � , � • „ JOHN 6. SI�LER � Notary Public, Ramsey oun , Minnesots �'�i NOTARY PUBUC—MiNNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY A'�r cO�lission Expi2'es �;. �� �,! ��mmission Expires&2&91 Y ■