90-851 0 R i G I N A L ' ' Council File ,� Q��J'r� Green Sheet # 7715 RESOLUTION �----� TY OF SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA �zq� Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 4�59765) for renewal of a State Class A Gambling License by Church of St. Bernard's at 147 W. Geranium, be and the same is hereby approved/d�o^�p� eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: mon o wi z T on T License & Permit Division acca ee —� �!'eunh e � i son � BY� �— v Adopted by Council: Date ��Y � ' 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption rtified by Council Secretary gy. ��a�p. g� By° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b or: Date MAY 18 1990 counc3.� By: .�Z��' By' Pl1'►�.��Ei�� f�;til' �. �; `- .�;� � ��u,� � - ��90-��� � DEPARTM[NTIOFFICEICOUNpL DATE INITIATED c��� - "� Finance/License GREEN SHEET NO. ��� v1 COMTACT PER30N Q WIONE INITIAU DATE INI7IAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine Rozek-298-5056 �� �CITY ATTORNEY �qTN CLERK MU3T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� (�u �..� ROUTING �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �•t �MAYOR OR A8818TANT) � R 5-17-90 C� C�t.r � Crn,n�i 1 TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAGES 5 �0 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an application for renewal of a State Class A Gambling License. Hearin Date: -17-90 Notification Date: 4-30-90 fiECOMMENDATION3:App►ow(p a (F� (�UNq�COMMITTgE/q �RT ppT10NA� _PUWNINf3 COMMIS810N _CINII SERVI�COMMISSION �NAI.YBT �IE NO. _qB COMMITfEE _ _STAFF _ COAAAAENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WIi1CH COUNpI 09JECTIVE7 INITIATINO Pi�BLEM.ISSUE.1 - h : -- --� Shar � City Council appr � ;ass A Gambling Lic� TO C�TY COUNC�� M'�E . ; session are used for' C�M '.SO has been submitted. ' Bin, ❑ FINANCE E• ,MANqGEMENT&PERSONNEL nov�r�vwes iF�rROVI ❑ HOUSING&ECpNOMIC DEV a HOUSING ELOPA,�ENT If �REDEVELOPMEN7q���R�TM will continue to oF � HUMAN SERVICES AND RULES qNp 'REGULq�p�NDUS7RIES, �'OLICY � �NTERGOVERNMENTqI RE�qTbN ❑ NEIG S DISADVANTAOES IF p HBORHpp�SERVICES RECEIVED ❑ PUBLI �MORKS, UTILITIES&7R,q �M �'� NSPpRTqTION �a� ACTIpN ❑ o�►�+ER ��N CtERK D18ADVANTA(iE8 DA� � � FROM G:;u:�c,� r=�ESe�rc� t�enter_ 1�1AY 011yyU . —_-- ._ -- -_ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION : C08T/REVBNUE OUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� �� --r �__.- (.:. f ; NOTE: COMPLETf DIREG?ION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Nii OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below ero preferred routi�gs for tM five mott inqueM types ot documenta: CONTRACTS (assurt�es authorized OOUNCIL RESOIUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Cirants) 1. Outside A�sncy 1. Dspertment Director 2. Inkfating Dspartment 2. Budpet Director ; 3. Gty Attomsy 3. City RBomey 4. Mayor 4. MayorlAesi�ant 5. Flnance d�M�mt Svcs. Diroctor 5.- City Coundl 8. Flnaix:s AcoouMing 6. Chisf Aa�unt�u�t, Rn 8�Mpmt Svcs. r ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER RB�, COUNqL RESOLUTION (�others)�� 1. ActNity Manager 1. Initiadnp D�artmsM Diractor 2. 3. DepeMisnt Director� 3. Meyor A�tddant 4. Budpet Director 4. qiy Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief/Rccountant, Fln d�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (all others) 1. Inkfating DepaRment 2. Gty Attomey 3. MayodAssistant 4. Cfty Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PAGES indk;ats the#�of pages on which sipnatures aro required and paperc�iP e�ch of tFiese p��. ACTION REGIUESTED Dssc�ibs what ths proJecf/roqusst e�eka W acoompUsh in either chronologi- ` cal o►der or order of importenoe.whichever la moat appropriate fo►the isaus. Do not write compkts sentencea. 8epin e�h item in your Iist with a verb. RECOAAMENDATIONS Complete if ths issue in question has besn pr�erned before any body� Public or private. 8UPPORTS WHICH OOt1NCtL:@16JECTIVE? Indfcate which Coundl objscdve(s)your project/request supports by Iisting the key word(s)(HOU$IN(i, R�CREATION, NEI(3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWEFi B�PARATION):l3EE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL CAMMIT.TEF.�RESEl�RCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVMITACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr this is simply an annual budpet procedu�e required by law/ charter or whethsr thero aro spscHic in which the City of Saint Paul and its citize�will bensfit from this pro�t/actbn: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What neyative eifects or mejor char�ges to existing or past proces�s might this proJect/requsst producs if R fs paeaed(a.g.,traffic delays, noiae, tax increa�s or aseeasments)?To Whom?Whsn?For how bng? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED VYhat wili bs ths nspati�re consequsnces if the promised actfon is not approved?Inabflfty�delfvor asrvk;s4 Condnued hiyh traffic, noiss, aocideM rate?Loas of rovenus? FINANGAL IMPACT Althaph you must tailor ths infomwtion you provide here to the iseue you are sddresting, in generel you must answer two questions: How much ia h 9a�9 to c�t?who la 9ofri9 to W►Y't � C� �o-�s� UtVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE - 1 j7 �v/ � 'S�/ �� INTERDEPARTMF.NTAL REVIEW (:HECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud ShQr� CtC.j1 - Covrd�n��o►l' Applicant C�l,t,v(,h O-� �`�, �,nGr �S Home Address /Ci�1 L1� Ei erkniv�r� . Rus ine s s Iv'ame Home Phone �D ���7 3 3 � �usiness Address 1 �7 W � C�eranrum Type of License(s) G(RSS A- L7umb/�n�� Business Phone Ll�►'+S� �e�w�1 Public Hearing llate � / 7 �U License I.D. 4F ����F°� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� � �� ���� llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4f ��� to Applicant �O~�9� Pederal Firearms �� �I�- Public He�.iring DATE IA'SPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � � Health Divn. � ! N � i Fire Dept. � � 'i I N � � I � Yolice Dept. <-' I ��� � `t���q v � �-- � License Divn. ' �� ��! ��L� City Attorney , r�� �� �,C J �� Date Received: Site Plan N�%4 � � G � To Council Research -[ Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord N�A- CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOItMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: � . City of Saint Paul l.n- ����`�( � Finance and Management Services/License & Permit Division � INFORMATION REQUIRID WITfl APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAl�LING GAME IN � SAINT PAUL (To be used with the followiag: New A � C application, renew A & C Licenses, and new and renew B in Private Clubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organization which is applying for license Church of St. Bernard 2. Address where games will be held 147 W. Geranium Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Josegh Zschokke Date of Birth 12-08-�n (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant organization 4 0 �Pa r� 4. Address of Manager e� �. $�se 11�uc St P�ul, M1�.�5117 Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this application is for Bingo Sunday P.M. 6. Is the applicant or organization organized under the laws of the State of 1�1? �pG 7. Date of fncorporation �Q� 8. Date when registered with the State of Minnesota 189� 9. How Iong has organization beea in existence? 99 vea rs 10. How long has organization been ia eaistence in St. Paul? 99 ye ars lI. What is the purpose of the organization? Educational Advancement 12. Officers of applicant organization: � Name Steven J. Martin Nffie Rupert Strobel Address 197 W. Geranium Ave. Address 197 W. Geranium Title C-E-O Dpg 10-4-52 Title Treas . Dpg 12-20-30 Name Fr. Brennan Maiers, 0.S.B. Name Edward Mielech Address 197 W. Geranium Ave. Address 197 W. Geranium Title Vice Pres . Dpg 4-27-36 Title Secretary DOB 6-14-48 13. Give names of officers, or any other persons who paid for services to the organization. Name Name Address Address Title Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) � � � �yo�.si 14. Attached hereto is a Iist of names and addresses of all members of the organization. 15. In whose custodq will organization's records be kept? Name c,�,±gf„-nards Address 167 W. Geranium 16. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name ,Shari Cich Name Joseph Zschokke Addresa L16 W. Lawson Ave. Address 8 7 E. Rose Ave. Member of Member of DOB a-1 -63 Organization? yes DOB 12-08-30 Organization?Yes Aame Kathy A. Wills Name Janet Hanson Address 310 7 Joyce Ct. Address 2 5 5 W. Maryland AVe. Member of Member of DOB q_��_5� Organization? ye S DOB 1 1 -5-4 9 Organizat ion? Ye s 17. a) Does your organization pay or intend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes �o XXX b) If you do pay accounting fees, to whom will such fees be paid? Name Address DOB Member of Organization? c) How are the accounting fees charged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations goveming the operation of Charitable Gambling games? 19. Attached hereto on the form furnished bq the citq of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes all receipts, expenses, and disbursements of the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organizations who have received funds for the preceding calendar qear which has been signed, prepared, and verified bq Sha r i Cich 1167 Albemarle St. St. Paul, MN 55117 Address who is the Lawful Gamblina Coordinator of the applicant organization. Name 20. Operator of premises where games will be held: Name Church of St. Bernard Business Address 197 W. Geranium Ave. Home Address same � � � � �yo�5� . 21. Amount of rent paid bq applicant organization for rent of the hall: • $0 .00 - none 22. Tfie proceeds of the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: Edu a ional Advan ment 23. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? yes - 24. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? No If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If answer is no, explain whq: Tax Exempt #41-0757844 Any changes desired by the applicant association may be made only with the consent of the City Council. Church of St. Bernard Organization Name Date 3/30/90 By. �' � Manager charge of game Organizatio�G� resident or CEO . v � � _ = zt �' = ' � " ; ' � R � A 9 � � S r�i � r A 7 3 • r► � A � :0 ^ �t � ,'A� 7 9 � r► 9 ? A 3 '� �:l�'�a•!!r�.!\� T �+ A 3 � 7 � � C. rr rr . = " ^ r � � /� � �_' � T �f �+ C O .� � C f' '�` �';'y •t 7 �► � A r � = A 1 a S �, l._. !...� y �l `� S 3 � �� y ,��`�:...;..r' S' � ti 9 3 �'+ '.�0 a 's�� 7 Z 3. O : > A r► t 3 — ^ � � ' S � '' d ? '{..._� � r. 3 I R �I tA0 W ti �I .4 �' '�� :' .a; � � � � 3 `< � r. � a e "' �,> t � � . " � � 5 ��`:~�.x�-y � r+ � � 3 � � .� a o, ��'`�.��� , -� ; - -� e m :s a •e I � i��'?`j�� + �; s �_ � � .. .... 9 �1 � "r3,-�'^r� " ` m p r+ -� � '• .»i S. 4 '� � � I I A . r+ �'t � � ' s; :J,.`�y;..'41-..' I � F� f0 �1 � � � �r i:.i f�� ,T '0 � � r7 A n � ; '*I � �"i � I � � r'f I r S a �e� :) � � - � -e � � n :. 9 ! � � : i � Irp 3 � Ir. .. A � i�Vu:9i'o'Wit � r7 •• � ie � ,.,� ' �' '�� :s � ; I 3 3 � ,.� 9 `�� � I �e t � .� O A a '�Os� - � � r. � A 'I %s �0.°.� � a � ; a b � z �) ( � s �. , � v � ; I � � A � � .�• � �e .. � � � Citr ot Saint Paul P�i• � , Deparcmenc ot Fin�nea and Mana=ament Secvic�s � ^a� G�/ Diviaioa oi �iesns� aod Pe nit Adminiscrstion �' 4 ' UNIFOR!! C}lARI?Abtt CAMELINC FINANCLIL RLTOR? � Dst� �+/6/90 Church of St. Berna.rd l. Nas� of Or�anisation 2. Addres� vh�t� Charitabl� Caablin� !a eonduet�d ��7 W. Geranium AV@. 3. R�posc tor psriod corsrin� SBPt. 1 (9 89 throu�h Feb• 28 19 9� 4. Total nueber of days playad S. Gco�• r�ceipta tor abov� p�riod 3 0 8�. � • 1 2 25 6. Gross pris� payouts for abovs p�riod (laelud� eaah short) t 7. N�c r�eeipcs - lia� S ainu� lin� 6 � 1��19•50 8. Exp�nse� incurted io eonduetia� and op�ratint �o�: 0 A. Ctos� va�ss paid. Attaed vork�t li�t vith naa�s, addsesses, iro�� va=as. nusper of Aonrs i vorked. and asaunt paid psr hovt. � B. Rent for veska = C. Licenae fee s � D. Insuranu = E. Bond S !. Dishoaor�d cheeks eot recov�r�d = G. Aceonntia� Expea�a s H. Emplorers l.I.C.A. : I. Pullcab Tax Yaid to Dsparta�at oi R�venu� i ��522•38 J. llinn. U.C. Tu f 1C. iedatal Lxcisa Tu i Sta�p = L. Stau Ca�bliaf 'Lax = M. lSisesllansoua Fa�psaa�s. Id�atit7 tha aaonat and to vhoa psid. i, Comm/Revenue s 3,123•7�+ 2, Lean Year = 2,36�.k2 3. Western Bank s �+.21 �. s 9. iocal L:pea•u TO'IAL s 7 011. � ��4�7.75 10. N�t IaeaN - lias 7 alan� lins 9 = 11. Checkbook balanc� ba�ioais�� oi p�:iod i 2 67.8� 12. Total oE lloe 10 snd 11 ; "'775•55 ' 13. Tacal eoattibutions (froa atcaehsd vorkih��t) f 6.�F6�.O�F 14. Ch�ekbook b�lanes �ad of r�portin� period - f 2�515•5� line 12 lts� line 13 UNIFORM CHARI?ABIc Gr1MBLING riN,�yCiAL RE?ORT � � ` �WFUL PURPOSE CONTRIBUTIONS - WORKSHEcT �f�Q—�'� I Line #13 - Tatal Lawful Purpose Contributions. S List below all checks written from gambling funds which are . charitable lawful purpose contributions. The total dollar amounts of these cfiecks must match the amount claimed in line +�13. Use additional sheets as necessary. CNECK # OA7E PAYEE CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE 1' " , St. Bernards Schools Educational Advancement 2. �� ,� � �� �� 3. .1219 11-27 " " 2,000.00� " " 4• 1220 12-29 " " 2, 100.00 " 5. 1223 1 -18 " " 1 .500.00� " " 6. 1225 1-29 " " 700 .00 " " Subtotal (c3oo — 7. 1203 ; 9-10 Racy Printing 65.80 Printing flyer 8. 1205 10-9 Theresa Anderson 20 .00 Supplies � 9. 1206 10-9 Theresa Anderson 7.36 Suppl.ies 10. 1215 11-15 Cub Foods 62 .09 � Turkeys 11. 1222 1-10 Shari Cich , 4 .79 Coffee 12. ! GRAND TOTAL ,- �1��pD,U� 13. � ?07AL CHECK ANqUNT S NOTE: These expenditures will be provided to Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial report is c�lete and accurate. � • � e� � r �� � 3 1 � i i T a � � S � � + � � i 7 a � - � � • � y • ' - � • � K^..._�n^.c�'�•��. _ � • � � A �,= � � w .� Q � • � � � � �i �r l �� �' � � � � i O � = I � � �` • � �- �.� � _`� � � • � � w � � � f � _ ! /:ri:.�-�"'.-�`�. � . � ' T ! � � + � � � � � � j ":`•.�'`� °]�`. � • ; � Y A � � ' � � r � s � .:�...;^.Y � � � A M ! � i � 0 � s i..,;� } '�=-� �► � � f n � i • ! w > � C i ;��: ; �. � � I �w � � � � � n ii�G'��'`' `'a { !) � � � � , . � � � `� • � s i/�y ::''� � � � w • ` � .r��r i � � 1 i � �r � ± : + �;3�:L'�� •� �\ � � �i w • � � �� r e � � .1i f-• C,) • � � � �� '.! � `s S � j�+ i � O � 3 .� • � • ,_ � ' • s • � • . • � � .`� :�'\ • s + - - � � • � w I � � ! ! A � � � � � j � � • �� • � ) ,` .,, : 1 � w� : I — �:.. _ � ; , J , � � �� I � � �1 • I J ' y i � � � ^O — �