90-823 � � . ,t�,� ,C��'�-�7 O K � V ( 1 Y : `� ' `. Council File # Q� 3 Y Green Sheet # RESOLUTION TY OF SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA I f Presented B Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, entitled "Noise Regulations", provides authority for the City Council to grant a variance from the restrictions set forth therein based on a finding of an unreasonable hardship upon the variance applicant and community; and WHEREAS, Riverfest Educational Fairs anticipates entering into a contract with the City to promote and conduct an event called "Riverfest", to be held at Harriet Island on July 27 through August 5, 1990; and WHEREAS, Riverfest Educational Fairs applied for a variance and the City Council conducted a public hearing on said application on February 27, 1990; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council finds that an unreasonable hardship would fall upon both the applicant and community in facilitating the successful staging of Riverfest unless a variance is granted, but subject to the following conditions and limitations: (1) The eritire event shall cease operation no later than 12:00 midnight on each day thereof. (2) Shows on the area identified as the Main Stage shall finish no later than 11:00 p.m. during the event. (3) Shows on the areas identified as the Variety Stage and Kids' Stage shall finish no later than 9:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday during the event. (4) Shows at the area identified as River Stage shall finish no later than 11:00 p.m. each day of the event. (5) All radio station stands shall be limited to a sound pressure level of 80 dBA before 10:00 p.m. , and 70 dBA after 10:00 p.m. as measured 50 feet from the stand. _ (6) All carnival ride music, sirens, bells, and other public address systems (except for radio station stands) shall be turned off by 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday during the event. ORIGINr� � , �. ��0/aZ� (7) The following sound level limits shall be maintained: A. Main Stage: The sound mix shall be located 125 feet from the front of the Main Stage with a 105 dBA sound level limit. B. Variety, River, and Kids' Stages: If the sound mix is located 25 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 98 dBA; if the sound mix is located 50 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 95 dBA; and if the sound mix is located 100 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 92 dBA. All measurements in this paragraph shall be taken at the sound mix, and at a minimum of 3 feet above the audience. If a sound mix is not provided, measurements shall be taken at the distances shown. (8) An acoustical curtain shall be suspended from the rear of the Main Stage roof, extending down to the Main Stage floor and covering the entire width of said stage, excluding the speaker wings. (9) A. A Speaker Wing Sound Abatement Wall: A sound abatement wall constructed of 5/8" sheetrock, laminated between two sheets of plywood, shall be erected not more than 8 feet behind each speaker stack, and shall extend 3 feet beyond the outermost speakers and 3 feet above the highest speakers. B. The sound abatement walls and the acoustical curtain shall be assembled, installed and approved by the Division of Public Health, 24 hours before the first performance on July 27th. (10) Riverfest Educational Fairs shall maintain continuous sound level monitoring to ensure the sound levels comply with decibel limits in the variance. (11) Riverfest Educational Fairs shall work closely and cooperate fully with the Division of Public Health. (12) The Division of Public Health shall have full access to all locations needed to ensure compliance with this variance. and, be it, - 2 - ORIGIN .� �� �`� � � 9°-�a3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that delay towers shall be provided towards the back of the main stage audience area to provide better sound coverage. Main Stage speakers shall be tilted slightly forward by using a 2 x 4 "shim" under the speaker stacks. The main stage shall be faced more towards the airport than at the downtown area. and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Division of Public Health shall serve a copy of this resolution on Mr. Randy Levy, an officer for Riverfest Educational Fairs. - 3 - Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon �— Gosw.ztz � on Macca ee �— Rettman �- T nne �— .z son �— BY� O - Adopted by Council: Date MAY 1 5 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ` �; 7_ G By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: Date MA 1 6 1 �oun�ll g f�'Z.c�����/'-��T/� B�'' Y= Pl�l.lSNEO MAY 2 6 �990 TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE: a FINANCE,MANAGEMENT&PERSONNEL ❑ HOUSING&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ❑ HOUSING 8�REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY ❑ HUMAN SERVICES,REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RU�ES AND POLICY ❑ INTERGOVERNMENTALRELATIONS ❑ NEIGHBORHOODSERVICES ❑ PUBLIC WORKS, UTILITIES&TRANSPORTATION Ld'ACTION ❑ OTHER DATE FROM . . ��e-�a3 DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCEICOUNCIL Clty DATE INITIATED Le islative Operating/ GREEN SHEET NO. 7559 CONTACT PER30N 8 PHONE �NITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPIIRTMENT DIHECTOR �CITY COUNpL _ ��� GTY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNpL Af3ENDA BY(DAT� ppUTIN(i BUppET piRECTpp �FIN.8 MOT.SERVI�S DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818TANn � TOTAL#►OF SIQNATUFiE PA�S (CLIP AL��OCATIONS FOR 81QNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: To grant a variance in the Saint �Paul City Noise Ordinance and limit the effect of the Riverfest sound on adjacent neighborhoods. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw py a Mjsct(R) (;p����� pEpppT ppTIpNAL, _PL.ANNIN(i OOMMISSION _GVIL 8ERVICE Cq�iMISBtON ANALYBT PMONE NO. _p8 OOMMI7TEE _ _8TAFF _ OOMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICFI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,NRNt,Whsn,WMro.Why): The effect Riverfest sound has on adjacent neighborhoods. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: Riverfest can proceed and sound levels should be alleviated. DISADVANTAdE$IF APPROVED: Noise from Riverfest will be apparent in adjacent neighborhoods. ��� ��� DI8ADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Riverfest would not occur this year. Ma�or City dollars will end. �.ut�fi���:�� F��:::�a�cr� ��n�er, MAY 04�^� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(GRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAI INFORMATION:(EXPWI� �� ��_ NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE t3REEN 3HEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINO OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINQ ORDER: Below are preferred raitin�s for the flve most frequent types of documenta: CONTRACTS (assurt�es authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (M�end, Bdgts./ � budgst exists) . Axept.G�aMa) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Departmant Director 2. IniNatinq Department 2. Budgst Director 3. Cky Attomey 3. Gty Atto►ney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAesistent 5. Flnar�ce d�Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Flnance Ac�urning 6. Chisi/►ccouMant;Fln&Mgmt SvCS. ADMINI3TRATIVE,ORDER (Budpst COUNqL RESOLUTION (ell otMrs) Reviskut) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Menaper 1. Initlatinp DepaRmeM Director 2. Dspertr►bM Accountent 2. Ciy Attornsy 3. Dspartmsnt Director 3. MayoN/►ssittant 4. Budpet Director 4. City Cdultcil 5. City Cierit 8. Chiet Accour�tant, Fln&Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE�iDERS (all othere) 1. InRiatfng DepaRmsM 2. City Attomey 4. City�(�rk M TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PA(iES Ir�icate the�of pagss on which sb�atur�are required and paperclie sach of thess p�oss• ACTI�1 RE�UE3TED Describs whst ths project/roquest seeks to axorr�plish in eitt�er chronolopi- cal order a ordx of importence.�is nwet appropriate�w the fesus. Do rat writa complete aenter�es. Bs�n sach itsm in your liat with a verb. REOOMMENDATION3 Complete if the iseus in question has baen pressnted before any body, public w p�ivate. 3UPPORT3 WHICH l')OUNqL OBJECTIVE? �ndicate v�id,ca,nd�objscaw(s)your arol�ct/rov�t supp�ts br�isan9 the key wad(s)(HOUSIN(3,RE(;REATION, NEIOHBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET,3EWER SEPARATION).(3EE COMPLETE U3T IN INSTAUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNqI,COMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPOFIT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNGL . :., INITIATINCi PROBL.EM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explairt the�itwdon,`t�icpnditions that created a need for your project or requ�t. ADVANT�IQ��IF 11PPROVED Indk�ts whsthsr�is is simplg an annual budgst procedure required by law/ chaRsr or vrhMf�sr there aro sp�dNc wa in wh�h the Gty of Snfnt Paul e�nd its citizsns will bsnetit fr�an this�t/actia►. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What ne�tive sffects or major changea to existing or past proc�saea might this projscUroquest produce if ft is pesssd(e.g.,traffic delays, nolse, tax increae�or asseesments)?To Whom?When?For how bng? DI3ADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED WFwt wfll bs tM nsgative consequences if the promiaed action ia not approved4lnsbility to dsliver service4 Condnued high trafhc, noiae, accidsnt rate?Las of revenue? FlNANpAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the intormation you provide hero to the issue you are addrossing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to�st4 Who ia going to pay? ��� � � � ��U,�,73 ��A / �` Members: `f GITY OF ►S'AINT PAUL Dave Thune, t ' �s�a°ii i�' 7 Chair t .. OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL .Tanice Rettman, Vice-Chair Roger Goswitz DAVE THUNE Date: April 4, 1990 Councilmember R�C�IVFD COMMITTEE REPORT A����O CiTY CLERK TO: SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL FROM: NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1990 MEETING. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. DISCUSSION OF THE GUIDELINES FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME PREVENTION GRANT PROGRAM. COMMITTEE CONTINUED TO APRIL 18 COMMITTEE MEETING 3. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPLICATION OF ROSE PRODUCTIONS (RIVERFEST EDUCATIONAL FAIRS, INC.) FOR A SOUND LEVEL VARIANCE FOR RIVERFEST 1990. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF VARIANCE AT 105 DBA, WITH STAGE MOVEMENT AND ACOUSTICAL ADJUSTMENTS 4. THE ASSESSMENT FOR SUMMEIRY ABATEMENT FOR PROPERTY AT 1895 PORTLAND AVENUE. COMMITTEE RECOrIl�IENDED RATIFICATION OF SUrIl�IARY ABATEMENT 5. RESOLUTION ��90-297 - RATIFYING ASSESSMENT FOR SUMMARY ABATEMENT FOR PROPERTY AT 474 BIDWELL. , COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED RATIFICATION OF SUMMARY ABATEMENT CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 • 8�48 Printcd on Recycled Paper ��: � �90_��� , _ � ,: 4�tT:o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �4 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O +N � II��II� O , „ . Albert B. Olson ,... 386 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR April 19, 1990 Ms. Jane McPeak City Attorney Room 647, City Hall Dear Ms. McPeak: After public hearing on April 17, 1990, the City Council granted a variance to Riverfest Educational Fairs, Inc., from the noise source limitations for Riverfest, 1990 to be held on Harriet Island July 27th thru August 5, 1990 in accordance with the staff recommendations with changes that the decibel level for the main stage shall be 110 dbc. Will you please prepare the proper resolution implementing this action. I would suggest that you contact Mr. Peter Kishel at the Health Division for further details or clairifcation of this action. Very truly yours, Albert B. Olson City Clerk LMA cc: Peter Kishel, Health Division � ' � � � �- -'�e � . �V � �' . . . � ..� .. ... {' �F• �aj� . ..« . . .' ' ' . . .. -',. ` . . .. , , � � ; . � . � . . � � �. . _ . . . . . �' �� . . : #ptfl 4� 1990 - , , _ . . ,; - . , - ' t�ow�c�lm�nbe� D4�v�.Thurw , . C�airperaon. Neigt�borlx�od 8�rviors:_ ' - � _ tt�oom 702i City ��I.1 = ., Dsac� Qouricilaoa�iE�er Ttn�e: � - , At the Mmcch 29,� 19�9a City Coun�il meeting. Che application'of Ro�a� � �.. Pro�uctiona (Ri�verf�t Educatiana]. Fairs. ' Inc.) fo� a eouc�_veuc�elnce - , f.o� Riv�rf'e,�t 1994. .t�e. rel�rr� Co tlw Neiqt�t�ovd 8�cvicae� C�o�mitt�s. Y�y Ct'u�l�r yO<u^er . _ 111beEt Bs Ol�cx1 . : � . � .: �it�r Clerlc �� - � , . .. , �3:Ch „ � � � . � . . . .. . � . , . . - . .. � . � . . _: h - .� .. � � ' . .. . � � . . ' ' . , - � . � . . . . ... .. . . . � . � � � . . . � ...�� " . � .. . � . . �., . . '� � � .�. .: . - .. ' � . . �� . � . �.� � . . � .. -. . . ' . ' . . , . . ' ' �y� �,1 . . � � i . ������ ,�` . _ �� , , , ` 1''� 1 1 �. ` ; � , 1 .. ' 1� ' `` _ . . , 0. '::. . _ ' , . �. . ' . . . . . � . . . � . . . . � . �-..� ...�.:4;.M. . µ ... _ . - .. .. _ , . , - : , . , . :; _ _ :_ . . :, . ,: . -_ . . _ � � �� . . , . . � - . ;, . , , : . ,', , . _ . . '.: . . . . . . '.. . . , . _ . ,' �. . .. '..� . , e- . , � . '..,.. � '-, i�.. . . � '.'„' . . . . -: ` ._• , . ... , . ...r ....��• . . . � ;�: - � , . .�., �.. . . . . . . . . � . . . � , . , � , � - . . ' .. . . . � . ' . . i , _ �.. ". . . . . .. . . . _ . . . . , � � . � . ' � . . , � - , . .-- ' � . � . �.� . . .. . . . . .. � . . . . �.. . . _ . , . - .. . ' � � . ; -. - ' .. . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. � � " � � ' �J . .� � � � -� � ' ' . . . . . . . � � � . � . . . � / . , . . .. . � .. .. �; ,.. . . . � .. - . , ., '... '. . .. ` . , . . � � � - , ' ' � r 1 �y° ��3✓ +O• �... - � s�: :' � '� � �� r CITY OF SAINT PAUL �° r INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM Mazch 13, 1990 ��t'����� g�,4199d � G�E�:y� G,ti ' To: A1 Olson, City Clerk From: Peter T.Kishel Subjec� Sound Level Variance Public Hearing Rose Productions(Riverfest Educational Fairs,Inc.)has applied for a Sound Level Variance for Riverfest 1990 to be held on Harriet Island from July 27-August 5, 1990. Attached is a copy of the information given to the Councilmembers and notices sent out. A notice of the public hearing will appear in the S�Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch on March 23, 1990. Please have this item placed on the Cou�il Agenda for M�ch 29,1994, If you have any questions,please contact me at 292-7718. ( � � � � `-' / i �� ,, � ./`�� �2 _ / ��, ��-�--Gt ���� ���jt�!"'���� o�� ���'" � ���- ""l� /��,�,�,,��� ; U ,�o �- �/� � ��J . . . �yd-�a� . � . � March 13, 1990 Peter T. Kishel Safety And Health Analyst City Of St. Paul Department Of Community Services Division Of Public Health 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN. 55101 Dear Mr. Kishel, Thank you very much for notifying me about the Public Hearing on the noise variance for Riverfest. I cannot attend the hearing but wish to comment on the subject. I live on St. Paul's Eastside, three blocks north of Maryland and one half mile East of 35E. Last year on several evenings of Riverfest we were able to hear the music loud and clear. We could even hear some of the lyrics the night Ringo Star appeared. One evening in particular, we thought there was a loud party going on down the street behind us. It wasn't, it was Riverfest. Even after closing the windows, turning on the air conditioner, a fan and the T.V. we could still hear the incessant beat of the "MUSIC"!!!!! If it would have been a loud party we had recourse to ask them to tone it down or complain to the police department. There was no recourse for RIVERFEST. I feel very sorry for people who live near Harriet Island. No one should be subjected to listen to something they don't want to hear. I and my neighbors strongly urge the City Council to deny the SWND LEVEL VARtANCE. If people want that kind of music �ouoNess, let them pay for it and listen to it in an enclosed space, and not force it on to those who don't enjoy it. THANK YOU for hearing these comments. Sincerely, / � l � l%._'�. -,-_�...���j� urni.-0 J �yw� � � Kath n S. Smith � � � ! ...G 7�C� �' �%;��.�'2�� (, ��;.,. ,�" , � 1287 Edgerton Street �,� /,��� �,j� ,�t. St. Paul, MN 55101 �� �y � ,��'"�`"``� _ ,(� ���� � y-_s'S/O/ $.�'. �'cL�.1' /)��2_� .,_7/J/ �,LJL• iu.v'^-� � i �) ���__ ��_/f��,��� -�_ � �,��,> �� r. � 0 /,-�y�l %_��,_ff`=' c-.,�,' .. ��- !'��C c c_� `'/��';,>.x;! , v._����i � . � �ya,��3 . ..0� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM March 13 , 1990 TO: Council President Bill Wilson Councilmember Dave Thune Councilmember Bob Long Councilmember Paula Maccabee Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Roger Goswitz Councilmember Tom Dimond FROM: Peter T. Kishel � SUBJECT: Sound Level Variance Application Riverfest 1990 Public Hearing March 29, 1990 We have reviewed Mr. Levy' s sound level variance application and found it to be exactly the same as the variance granted for last year' s Riverfest. The main item being the 110 dBA sound level for the main stage. We recommencl that the variance be granted with the conditions and limitations as indicated in items #1-13 listed under Recommended Conditions & Limitations. As in 1988 and 1989, we are recommending that there be a 100 dBA sound level limit at the main stage sound mix. This level will have significantly less impact on the residents of St. Paul than the 110 dBA limit granted last year, and requested again for this year. Attached Map A-1 indicates the complaint distribution area of Riverfest 1986, the year before the St. Paul Noise Ordinance went into effect. Map A-2 illustrates the complaint distribution area for Riverfest 1987 , the first year with a 100 dBA sound level limit at the main stage. Map A-3 indicates the complaint distribution area of Riverfest 1988 , the second year with a 100 dBA sound level limit at the main stage. Map A-4 indicates the complaint distribution area for Riverfest 1989 when the sound level limit at the main stage was allowed to increase to 110 dBA. The maps clearly show that the impact on city residents is substantially less with a 100 dBA main stage sound level limit, than when the limit is increased to 110 dBA (twice as loud as 100 dBA) . (See Conditions & Limitations, #7) • 1 � ; , � � � � �9a J�°�-� We are also recommending the addition of a sound abatement wall along the back of the stage. Due to the design of the stage last year, the acoustical curtain created stability problems on windy days. As a result, the curtain was not as effective. A combination of a sound abatement wall and the acoustical curtain will provide better sound level reduction for the areas behind the stage. (See Conditions & Limitations #9 B) . In addition, we would ask that the acoustical curtain and sound abatement walls are assembled, installed and approved by the Health Division, 24 hours before the first performance on July 27th. Last year these items were not in place until the fourth day of the event. (See Conditions & Limitations #9 C) . To ensure compliance with this variance the presence of Health Division staff is required on site, to monitor sound levels and/or shutdown times for the various stages, radio booths, carnival rides, etc. Based on previous events the cost to properly monitor this event is approximately $4, 000. We would recommend that as a part of this variance, Rose Productions be required to cover this cost. If you have any questions, please contact me at 292-7718 . 2 . - , . � �r'-la'�°�-� ✓ RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS & LIMITATIONS RIVERFEST 1990 (1) . The entire event shall cease operation no later than 11: 30 P.M. on each day thereof. (2) . Shows on the area identified as the Main Stage shall finish no later than 11: 00 P.M. during the event. (3) . Shows on the areas identified as the Variety Stage and Kid' s Stage shall finish no later than 9: 00 P.M. Sunday through Thursday, and 9 : 30 P.M. Friday and Saturday during the event. (4) . Shows at the area identified as River Stage shall finish no later than 11: 00 P.M. each day of the event. (5) . All radio station stands shall be limited to a sound pressure level of 80 dBA before 10: 00 P.M. and 70 dBA after 10: 00 P.M. as measured 50 feet from the stand. (6) . All carnival ride music, sirens, bells and other public address systems (except for radio station stands) shall be turned off by 10: OD P.M. Sunday through Thursday, and 10: 30 P.M. Friday and Saturday during the event. (7) . The following sound level limits shall be maintained: A. Main Stage: The sound mix shall be located 125 ft. from the front of the Main Stage with a 100 dBA sound level limit. B. Variety, River and Kid' s Stages: If the sound mix is located 25 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 98 dBA; if the sound mix is located 50 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 95 dBA; and if the sound mix is located 100 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 92 dBA. All measurements in this paragraph shall be taken at the sound mix, and at a minimum of 3 feet above the audience. If the sound mix is not provided, measurements shall be taken at the distances shown. (8) . An acoustical curtain shall be suspended from the rear of . the Main Stage roof, extending down to the Main Stage floor and covering the entire width of said stage, excluding the speaker wings. 3 , . � � � �--yo-�a� (9) . A. Speaker Wing Sound Abatement Wall: A sound abatement wall constructed of 5/8" sheetrock, laminated between two sheets of plywood, shall be erected not more than 8 feet behind each speaker stack, and shall extend 3 feet beyond the outermost speakers and 3 feet above the highest speakers. B. Stage Sound Abatement Wall: A sound abatement wall constructed of 5/8" sheetrock, laminated between two sheets of plywood, shall be erected along the back of the stage. This wall shall extend the entire width of the stage, and shall be minimum of 12 feet in height. C. The sound abatement walls and the acoustical curtain shall be assembled, installed and approved by the Division of Public Health, 24 hours before the first performance on July 27th. (10) . Riverfest Educational Fairs, Inc. shall maintain continuous sound level monitoring to ensure than sound levels comply with the decibel limits in the variance. (11) . Riverfest Educational Fairs, Inc. shall work closely and cooperate fully with the Division of Public Health. (12) . The Division of Public Health shall have full access to all locations needed to ensure compliance with this variance. (13) . Rose Productions shall reimburse the Division of Public Health for its costs to enforce the conditions and limitations of this variance. Costs are estimated to be $4, 000. PTK/lv c: Mayor Jim Scheibel Tom Welna Molly O'Rourke Roy Garza Judith Barr Robert Piram 4 . , � � ... ��� f �:.�� , � ��>�� MN � -° ..<.-''':s�' i .r'�'''<�'"''.�;�`''::'�:�::?:";:,,.,2°%'-r:�.. ,.<>":`�:�i:�i<::'i-' ,� �' l:;�i5i:5�;✓" . < :>:��'° �nd �' � ! .�.�. ,...._-- - .�::::::.�::.:.�.�:::.:::::::::::•::.........:::...... li_.�.. ^^ ._./:�:�»>���� �u o 0 :;;:%:^E''.;:�;;::;�:;?y... ,;.,j 'ty ,. %,ii3�/ O� CICC1Il � .¢o � i ij;i:;i;[i;i;:��y✓' ...:�'i'`;;'y 'd �� i p I � ,� Cleveland °' N Cleveland f:�:';::�� r;:::>� Transfer %>::<:`<; Prior /�"�'�`'�. 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Address i �'� , � ,<;,- -I �- ` i �� S 'I . '- ` , � f -��:�; y�u� s � ;�"i .> I � 1:�� �.�, j'�� �-1 :-� i -, , 3. Responsible Person �`������ � �=�' 1 �, 4. Position �=1�:-�� , 5. Telephone > > �- �' C� � � � 6. Briefly Describe the Noise Source and Equipment Involved i i�� �:: ��Z � ��� � s _� ,,�. -�-'%,�� ; .� !�U.-,✓�. 7. Address or Legal Description of Noise Source �'�"r�`� � -�� G`����I 8. Noise Source Time of Operation -� N � � Z � - ��,Y s�- t Z — �Z � 9. Briefly Describe the Steps taken to Minimize Noise Level .from Source. �'��e I�I-��dti�t— , r��n j� �' � t - � /' �.�'.�.C` � �G�L�--,.-.�) �'Y�✓F'�iosu C c' � i i, 1 � 10. Briefly State Reasons for Seeking Variance �. 1 I c% D h ; s .�-��-;, �:�,.�.i� ��� �o,,�.,.�� 1'h-v' -�� � �,--�5� -�� �' , '��.i/`��7i�.1,� yti. �`7 •�li.� j '�—y � � S�� � � `1`J�1 l%�% il 'iZ...C� � 11 • Dates during which the Varian�e is Req'uested "?� L� - ��;' Slgnature of Responslble Person ; ,!:� ""'-%�' �V �L" �-" ;� / �(� C� , Date Return Completed Appllcatlon and $150.00 fee to: �'/ Environmental Fiealth Section, 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Make Checks Payable to the "City of Saint Paul" N-1 5/87 w��:7E - CITY CLEAK I�INK - FINAVCE , � ' ' �� �� CANAHV -- DEPARTMENT ,��" C I Ty (�F SA I NT '� PA U L Council � � BLUE - MAYOR � ^/1 � . File �O._ �/ �� `�(/ / • • Councal lution , �� �yo �r Presented By - � Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Noise Regulations" provi�les autMority for the City Council to grant a variance frdm the restrictions set forth thereir� based on a finding of an unreasonable hardship upon the variance applicant and co�unfty; and �ti-IEREAS, Riverfest Educational Fairs , rnc. is under contract . rorith the City to promote and COt1dtlCt an event called "Riverfest" �to 'be held at Harriet Island on Ju1y 28 through August b, 1989; and WN.EREAS, Riverfest Tducatienal Fairs, Inc. app3ied for � a varianee and the City Council conduct�d a publ:lc hearing on said application on Juiy 6, 1989; not�, therefore, be �lt RESOLVSD, that the Cit� Council fir�ds that an uriressonable hardship would fall upan both the applicant and corumunity in facilitating the successful staging of Riverfest uniess a variance is granted, but subject to the following cond3-tions and limi- tations: (1) R'he entire event shall cease operation no Iater than 11:30 P.M, on each day th�reof. � (2) Shows an the area identified as the Ma3n Stage shall finish MO later than 11 :�0 P.M, during the event. _ _ _ _ . . . ._ _._.. . .. .. _... {�) Shows on the areas id�ntified as the Varisty 5tage and Kid�s Stage sha1Z finish no later than 9:00 P.M. Sunday ithrough Thursday, and 9:30 Friday and Saturday during the event. (4) Shows at the �area identified es River Stage shall finish no later than 1I :00 P.M. each day of the event. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond L°ng In Favor ��� �� Rettman "�f Scheibel A ga i n s t By - �1.��!�'-� • �-�'�`='�� ��- - Sonnen � Wilson � Form p�oved.by City At�orney Adopted by Council: Date I �,i..,. Cerlified Passed by Council Secretary By •'��; . / / � • % _ � :': ��•'=. - . � , B�, � /� i ! • Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to�Council By gy � �� � � � C��-/��y �c9°'�,�3 � ( 5) All radio station stands shall be limited to a sound pressure level of 80 dBA before 10 : 00 P .M. and 70 dBA after 10 : 00 P.M. as measured 50 feet f rom the stand. � . (6 ) All carnival ride music , sirens , bells and all other public address systems (except for radio station stands ) shall be turned off by 10 : 00 P . M. Suriday through Thursday , and 10 : 30 P .M. Friday and Saturday during the event . (7 ) The following sound level limits (dBA Fast Response ) shall be maintained : A. Main Stage : Sound Mix shall be located 125 feet from the front of the Main Stage with a 110 dBA sound level limit between the hours of 7 : 00 P .M. and 11 : 00 P .M. and 100 dBA between 12 : 00 noon and 7 : 00 P .M. B. Variety, River and Kids ' Stages : If the sound mix is located 25 feet from the front of these stages , there shall be a 98 dBA; if the sound mix is located 50 feet from the front of these stages , there shall be a 95 dBA; and if the sound mix is located 100 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 92 dBA. All measurements in this paragraph shall be taken at the sound mix and at a minimum of 3 feet above the audience . If a sound mix is not provided, measurerrients shall be taken � at the distances shown. (8 ) An acoustical curtain shall be suspended from the rear of the Main Stage roof . extending down to the Main Stage floor and covering the entire width of said stage , excluding the speaker wings . (9 ) A sound abatement wall constructed of 5/8" sheetrock , laminated , between two sheets of plywood, shall be erected behind each speaker wing and shall extend 3 feet beyond the outermost speakers and 3 feet above the highest speakers . 2 . � ; ' i�'->-- ._ . . , , , . ._. � . . . : WHITE - CITY CLERK � � PINK -�FINANCE COUI�CII CANA'RY -+ DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT '� PAUL---�.. File NO. ��- J°��� B�.UE - MAVOR ' . Council Resolution - . l(,,r-.,yo,��3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ( (10) Riverfest Educational Fairs � Inc. sha21 maintain co�tinuaus sound 2eve1 monitoring to insure that sound lev�ls coraply with the decibel limits in the variance. {11) Riverfest Educational Fairs, Inc. ahall work e].-osely -end cooperate fu21y otith the Division of Public Health. . (I2) The Division of Public Health shall hav� full access � to all 3ocations needed to ensure co�pliance with th�s varisr►ce. and� be i.t - FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Division +�f Pub2ic Health shal2 serve a copy of this resolutian . �m Mr. Randy Levy, $n afficer for Riv�rfest Educationai Fairs, �inc. = ^ / � � -L. � a l� � � 1 I.. .. � � � � qo / l , - � � � � �: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i,ong--�--- I n Fa vo r ` � ��� . � ��� Rettman BY L %��'._� ` ;/��;!"._: r J _ ScheibeF-� � Against � Sonnen c� '�R�lr ^.---.-... � � j � Forcu=Approved kiy City. A torne Adopted by Council: Date � " _ � � - • �` �� �!, Certified Pas , '-Council retarf� B���"� (` � �. L /� / . B,. .� G� �J � j� l . � Approved by Mayor for Submission to C�uncil Approved by \'favor: Date - By BY � �9a��3 ��,T,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL o` '�� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� �iii�ll n c DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paui, Minnesota 5510'I (6�2) 292-771� JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR Febnaaiy 27, 1990 Rar�' r.,evY Rose Pr�tions 18 N. 4th st. (suite #700) Miruzeap�lis, Nhi. 55401 Dear Mr. Levy: I have receiv�l your Sourxi Level Variarx� application fee of $150.00. A public hearing before the City Council will be held on Thursday, Ma�h 29, 1990, at 9:00 a.m., in the 3rc1 floor City Hall aouncil ChambP�s. Plea_�e have a represP..ntative attend to answaex any ques-tions the Cow-�cil m�y have in regard to your variarice application. Yours , . �'shel Health & Safety Analyst PTK/mgg ±3:=iL:,� , C��o���3 4����*..,; CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; � y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICfS +. „� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH .... 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR Marrh 5, 1990 IQ71'IC� OF PiI�IC I�'ARIl� Dear PrnpeYty Qaner: Tl�is i.s to infoxm you of an application to regaest a variar�e frcm the mise souroe limitatiar� as indicated in the St. Paul Noise � ((1�apter 293, af the St. Paul Iegi..slative oc�de). A Public Haarir�g before the City C�amcil on thi.s variar�ae reques-t wi.11 be held � a�n: D�te: M3mh 29, 1990 Time: 9:00 a.m. Loc�.ation: City Oamcil (�ambei.•s 3rd floor, City Hall/Qairt Ha�se Written oamw..nts or abjectio�ns rc�y be filed with tl�e: Departinent of �itY Services I7ivisiaai af Public Ha31th D7virorn�ntal Health Secti� 555 Cez�ar St,reet � St. Paul, l�h. 5510I Within fifteen �].5) clavs af the mailinq date on this mki,oe. � ���t� ,. , . . � �T . . " : ��tp�'y°n` .��at�at�c� �aque�t' . . � �, i _ :� . , .. ... ,...: -: , _M . . Faoe� . ` 4lRive.rFest EY3�rati,rx�'Fairs, Ir�c.), Minryae�o�lis, l�7r�.'�.is � _ . �.�;v,x�. . .�.�� Te'Vl'1 VdY'Ie3YYJJe s3t � ISlcli� �0lY' t� fO1�.UW]1xJ � e31'� � _, •�.�� � 5, -1990, 12:00 A.m. - 12:00 p.m. ;Zhi.s e�+ecrt will ta�•� . : '�ri�'Clu�ey�. on fau� st-,ac,�es, with ei.�t.;c�atnival ri,c�es � , , a��-� �,�`�ri+de� t� �;,�,P•+� ar ) and Yadir� stati�on bo�oths. � A�.].0 �.e�el 'linut a�t the saarl mn�c is being �equest�ed. , �� ,� � . - :.�� y'Y,y2� ! �, 4/f*$'�.�"�'ti.+�f�"'°�'Y�5 �� .. . � .. . . .:';S ��s" •f �.37i t �ina � f �� .. . . . � . - . . . '�;.. f�'hr+t �. f . .�. .: ...�:� � . � . . . � �� :� su;. - ; . � . . .. . . . � - . . . . - � . " ., . ——~-� . . � . � . . �..�. . � . � . C �1� L13VL° �'1�1E _ :',_ ���Z�118 . . � v � - �e�a Printed on Recvcied Paoer . �—ye,�� 3 ��,r.,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;' 'Y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� ii�ii141 A; DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,��� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510"I (612)292-7711 jAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR Nlarch 5, 1990 Dear Pr�op�erty OHtt�er: Our reaords ir�dicate that yexz filed a ca�laint rega�l.ing t1�e 1989 Riverfest event at Harriet Island. This is to infornn you that Rpse Produ�tions (Riverfest El�uc.ational Fairs, Inc.), Minnea�olis, 1�., is r�sting a sa�arid level variance for this year's Riverfest for the follawing dates and times: July 27 - A�zgu_�t. 5, 1990 12:00 p.m. - 12.00 �.m. This ev�nt wi11 include live masica.l entexfi.airnient on faur stages, with eight carriival rides ar�d 12 children's rides (no sirens or laads�pealflers) and radio station boaths. A ll0 db sam3 level limit at t1� scxuid mix is beirig r�aested. A Public Hearing is �taled before City �il on N�m.h 29, 1990 at 9:00 a.m., in the St. Paul City Ckxu�il Cl�nbers. Written aam�nts or c�bje�tions m�y be filed within fifteen (15) days of the m3ilir�g date of thi.s rx�tice with trye: D�artrrent of C'Y�mu�ity Seivices Division of Public Health F�viro�rmerital Health Section 555 Cedar St.naet St. Paul, Nh. 55101 Yours truly, Feter T. Kishel Safety and I-�ealth Analyst PTK/msg . a6!'!�4�S Prinled on Ree��iled Pnper ; : . �yo_�z3 - :O� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM March 29 , 1990 TO: Council President Bill Wilson Councilmember Tom Dimond Councilmember Roger Goswitz Councilmember Bob Long Councilmember Paula Maccabee Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Dave Thune FROM: Peter T. Kishel Health & Safety Analyst� SUBJECT: Written Comments Regarding Riverfest Sound Level Variance Request Attached are copies of the written comments we received as a result of notices sent to property owners within 200 feet of Harriet Island and to complainants that we had addresses for. PTK/lv Attachments . �. . . � � ���,��3 . � March 9, 1990 Department of Community Services Division of Public Health Environmental Health Section 555 Cedar Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Attention: Peter T. Kishel Safety and Health Analyst We are, as husband and wife, jointly responding to your letter of March 5 even though both of us have received individual letters regarding our complaints on Riverfest. You indicate there will be a hearing on March 29, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers concerning this year' s requested sound level variance for Riverfest. We are both voicing our objection to holding Riverfest again on Harriet Island. There previously was City Council discussion about moving this to another location. Last year there was also a long and on-going discussion about the decibel sound levels. We watched those hearings on cable television and noted all the people who attended to voice their complaints about it and the proposed increased sound level , and in the end it didn't do them any good whatsoever. One of the determining factors in casting our votes last November for Jim Scheibel was the fact that he was not for all this Riverfest hoopla. Now we see a different scene, which is not at all uncommon in the political arena. We are expressing our objection herein to holding Riverfest at Harriet Island and having any sound levels that can be heard beyond the radius of that Island for any musical function, anytime, throughout the year. It doesn't make any difference who is playing there and what time of the year it is - the sound levels should be kept to a level only as necessary for those attending a concert on the Island, not for everyone within a 5 mile radius of the Island - in all directions. It's obvious that Riverfesthas already been set up for 1990 and there hasn't been anything in the paper or any other publication about that. Now we receive a letter informing us about the 110 db sound level and the request for the variance on that sound level . This is some what of a clever way to handle a situation - we will keep all this in mind when the Mayor and Council people are up for election again. Yours truly, . and Mrs. Floyd (Irene) Hayes Kellogg Square Apartments 111 E. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 cc: Mayor Jim Scheibel �:r--�� � �r=9a���-� � N�a,rch 11 , �990 Dept. of Community Services Division of Public Health Environmental Health Section 555 Ced�.r St. st. Paul, r� 55101 R�;: Riverfest - City Couneil Public Hearing, I�',arch 29, 1990. �,. � FROM: kiannis S. Smith and June S. Smith ���" j� ���`�'"���-- 111 �a.st Kellogg Blvd. (Kellog Sq. i�pt. �3201 )`��- �- .�;-,�n.�=(i� St. Paul.,. l�i 55101 Please add us to the numbers of �owntown St. Paul residents who are pro•testing the loud noise pollution produ�ed by the Riverfest evE�nt in 'rIarriet Isla�d Park. Last year �he no.i�ec�r�,s1•p�rticularly bad because the main�tage and its loudspeakers were aimed directly toward our apartment building. The river between in�tensified the noise even more. For most of the time, the sounds had become a mix of Y�eavy drum beat and�nt�lligible voca,lizing sere�ms. This was unbearable to many residents, including many on the side of the building away from �Ia,rriet Zsland. It was deafening, espeaially from �ihe percussion and many of us were unable to sleep, l�ear TV or radio--drowned out by Riverfest noise. Qne neighbor says tha.t the sounds were louder in his apartment, through two layers of wundow glass, than they had been in front of the ma,in stage wheri�attended a giverf�sL concert! �'or the proteation of your downtown residents, who do not wish to move to the suburbs, St.. Paul city government would do well to give then the benefit of a less diseomforting sound level:��r.�'r�en�e. 110 decibels for exa.mple is tet� times as loud as a jackhammer at the sound mix! And for this to run until. midnight is unconsciona.ble! We realize that the noise pollution from Riverfest affects all the surrounding residential area (us, Summit �iill, Irvine Park, and Lexington Ave�, but this should result in considerablg� stronger Timits on sound levels. A level of not more than 100 db at the sound mix, a redirection of sound stages and loudspeakers, and a mandatory cut-off at 10:30 P.?�I. rrould protect us all from the torture and at the same time �ive the Riverfest audience the kind of "blaet" they seem to want and the four - stages eeem anx�.ious to supply. There is no real reason why the Riverfest productions should not be governed by the sa.me sound level regulations as govern Rice Park and - the Kellogg Nfa,lli_ itself. If they want louder go inside, like using our � fine Civic Arena. T�}a..nk you for giving this your serious �onsideration�. Ccy: Mayor James Scheibe� 1 � , � � � � � � �ya_�� 3 March 13, 1990 Peter T. Kishel Safety And Health Analyst City Of St. Paul Department Of Community Services Division Of Public Health 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN. 55101 Dear Mr. Kishel, Thank you very much for notifying me about the Public Hearing on the noise variance for Riverfest. I cannot attend the hearing but wish to comment on the subject. I live on St. Paul's Eastside, three blocks north of Maryland and one half mile East of 35E. Last year on several evenings of Riverfest we were able to hear the music loud and clear. We could even hear some of the lyrics the night Ringo Star appeared. One evening in particular, we thought there was a loud party going on down the street behind us. It wasn't, it was Riverfest. Even after closing the windows, turning on the air conditioner, a fan and the T.V. we could still hear the incessant beat of the "MIJSIC"!!!!! If it would have been a loud party we had recourse to ask them to tone it down or complain to the police department. There was no recourse for RIVERFEST. I feel very sorry for people who live near Haniet Island. No one should be subjected to listen to something they don't want to hear. I and my neighbors strongly urge the City Council to deny the SWND LEVEL VARIANCE. If people want that kind of music �ouo►,ess, let them pay for it and listen to it in an enclosed space, and not force it on to those who don't enjoy it. THANK YOU for hearing these comments. Sincerely, . - ? j"J ,.�� �`� �� ; � Kathryn S. Smith ___ 1287 Edgerton Street St. Paul, MN 55101 ' � • - n � � .�l,��t,-� �c/�,� c.�C��� 1 � � ��� �� � ���l , � / s�� /�� �� �� �� 7 �� ; ���`,;,.� � . , �g� � � � �s ��� �. J ��� �,��. . `�-�"'� �a'`�-'`� YUI !� J ,5 I D � � �5 S%G/ -r . � t�=9o��-�3 March 14, 199C Dear I�,r. Rishel: I am writing in response to the noticE I received regzrdi�g t�e request for a soux;d level rzria�ee for t�is yezr's Rirsrfest. We li�� in tk� Phalen P�rk �rsa just z few blocks south of tk�e St. Pzul - MAplewood bordsr. Durixg the 1989 Riv�rfest tke noise so�a• evex�i�aga w�s sixpl�r ir�tolerable, W� hAd �11 our doors and uindo�s skut� the air co�aditioner aad TV oM a�d still we wer• bo�nbarded by both tk�e xusic a.xid anr�ouxc•x�xts. Our c�ildr�m wera un�bl� to sl��p because of the racket �nd short of drivir�g out of our aeighborhood there wza no way to •scs�pe t}�e �oisa. It wzs � r�al �ss�ult o� bot�a our ezr� and our aerves. I an� all ixi fs�vor of people being �ble to hzve a. good ti�• but not �t the exper�se A�d total disregard of others. Thsre is �o good re�.so� wlny the �r�tertai�re�at hzs to b• so loud t�at it c�.rries over several inil.e and s•v�rs�l xeighborkoods. If z private citizen ckose to k�ve � party th�t w�.a zs disruptive zs Riverfest I a� sur• th�t t�i� p�rty would quiekly be siler�ced. But beczu�e Riqerf:�st is Z a�o�a�y��akixg_ v�xture f or the city of St. Ps�ul t�er• s�cxs to be. A double staxidard zffid ix tke pzst xe wer� supposed to just grin aad bsar tke di�. Our f�n+ily sixcer�ly �iopes that t�d city co�cil xill b� �aor� sexsitivs to tl�� public's co�pla.ixts zrid will r�ot gra�t tl�m noise variaxice for Riverfest this yea.r. If th� council still t�i�aks tha.t loud�r is bsttcr perhaps tl�ere zre . loca.tioxis ot�er tl�a�a Harri�t Islaxid whick would b� farth�r zway frox kea�ily pop�lated zrezs ar�d Would b• better �i�+ts f or th� ftiY�rfest cm lebra.tions. Tha�k you for gi�ing �e z claamcc to express �� opix�ion. Sincer�lT, ��-'��•�� Lo�ise Testen � � � � � � �yo,�a.� Y1��2G� l�� 19��' . , -�-� - --�2'1�.- ,� �� - _ _ - - __ _ _ __ __ --- - ._ _. _ ..__ __ ._ - -_ __ _ -. _ _ .�___ � _ �,�=�� -- � __ _ - -- �_ ��-_��-e- - ---- _ 7q�,J�� t% ���/ZE�����.W/.� _ ._ .. .__��/�i-" ='-= . --. _ _. �`' _.��� - "_- ___�,/ �/?2.. .__....__._ � , ' l Z) ,D�, � 1� a�r� _ G��cz%Ll/' �.. _��� - - � --`��_ _ .._ - - � � - - 9.r , _ __ _ -- -�,a.��-.._�� . `... .�_. .---- ��----�i-.__ -f1�-�G%��� `�-- ---��r.� -____. . i%�'��iC� n � - �r i _ __�..��1_.____.�------- -1��1�� _�___�- --GJ.�2�.._�_ ✓�:�_ _ �__ _ �--- =� - __ _ _._�.r_�/�__—_��s_-�G_���=-- - , _`-___ _ _-- -_ .�ti.���- -______.__ _��.���C--� ��-%�----�-1��?�,---- -- _____________ ----��._.��.�,� �� �. ��-_� _�_ _��---�___-��.-�-�---- ---- _� ��:�____�__ .. _ ... __� __ _�__ _ _� _ ___��__ _ _ ,__ __ . _____ _ . _. -�-�� _�_._�:__ _ �_ __-- ---,-._ =�-____y��.--�---- -- . , . � _ _ _ . _�___._�____ _� .-.- - .-=.- �;��--���_ _ _ - - --- ---- -___._ �'�-� _._-� _ � �-����� _____ __ �l�--- __ _ ._T. _ _ �-����:�_/___._G_L�___.__._ ---f?�u�� ��'����-`�� . . -�--- � -. .��� _��-,.___ ----___�v_�-. .: _ __ _.-- -- ____ --. . ___.---- � � � ' __ __- _ __ ;�-�.._-- ______-- -..--G�__�_�� _ __ . -. _ .___�_._ L/1!LC'��-. _ -�. . _ __ --- _ _ _ ---_ _ _ ____.--- ___....___.. �- , - - - �;�!��.-.. _. . .,.- _______ _ _ _._fS���__�J_..._�%<�r� .���_ __ .�..____------ --- .� . . �ya_��3 4�,T,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�' �ti DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ; ���������� ; DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,�,� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510'I (6�2) 292-77�� JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR Niar�11 5, 1990 Charlotte Neigh 1570 TnA�lock Lar� St. Paul, Nfi. 55106 Dear Prop�erty Owr�er: Our records �ndicate that you filed a c��laint rega�ling the 1989 Riverfest event at Harriet Islar�. This is to inform you that Rose Pr�tions (Riverfest Fducational Fairs, Inc.I , Nli.nr�eapolis, l�., is req�zestirig a sotuzd level variaix:e for this year`s Riverfest for the fol lawing dates arid tiires: � July 27 - A�zgus°t 5, 1990 12:00 p.m. - 12.00 a.m. i�o �o G r�, .c.k„`�;S , �' �,� '�h'� "_ �OOr1 This event will inclucle live masical entertainment on four stages, with eight carnival rides and 12 children's rides (no sirens or loa����eakers) arid radio station booths. A 110 db sow-id level l�mit at the sound mix is being r�uested. A Public H�a.rim� is scl�ule� before City Cburicil on M3rch 29, 1990 at 9:00 a.m., in the St. Paul City C�aancil �exs. Written �nts or obj�tions m3y be filed within fifteen (15) days of the m3ilirig date of this notice wi.th the: Dep�rt�nent of C�cmnanity s No event in a heavily populated Division of Public Health rea should be so loud that the beat Ehv�ror�ental Health f the bass can interfere with listeninc 555 Cedar Street to music or television in a home 4 miles awa� St. Paul, N�. 55101 That includes being able to choose to have one ' s windows open. , Yours y, v• te.r T. I<ishel S�ifety ar�cl Healtlz Analyst Isi'K/msg �5'�•�5 ��' ..... . � 4`.. . . ..... � �o • ` � � � . � oo v� oo c� v� oo cv �t o er c- n n .-� m r. • �ci � �n �ri r� c:� �f ,q •- . � . �j oo [-- �O '� N � r� �, � � O r � r r y(� 4�'t0��, `��f, O�OCM`� �"'� C��, � � r�,- N �Q �O N o, 4'i hi � �t � M Y' [+ �D ^et M N � r- f� �t9 O O r r ,� � N `� t�`- N � � e� r � N � p� `et �..� rr � � r . c� r ° ° r r- U ""'� �too� r+ oen ..i ... q0 t+� tn N � e] O� � '� � O, �OMN � � r N M .-r .� �D C+ .•� �O rl C''� � r r Y F�1 . � `e!' 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T.imhsr ane 'o l'���'� a "� Q�� � m m N � ' �� ¢ ` •ai yti fow _. '. � � Rd a E � p o�E low ?e� v a��y�� � � �ti} 9� ton , ,,, � . �.. � '� l o `m Av _ °' a vi 35 -E a Yt�a' `"°' o -4'- a ,�?,a d �� . 4 I_ G in_Av 4u�,��+ ' . N� - � Q � -. ° E _� wMo ten � ,� d Y `a�;Y�rl r�h,PC�'�,��^ t�a � �S O, N a o W 0 na b ,� �. � � a � � �,. , I N „ K ei rt �. v �n d �'� � �3�� r� '- E e � g --�+� �� 5 -- �p� � -�} -� b�85 6_a �y�� p V w v``'f'�Q 1fS8�� (r R��� o �� a �ap���y „I _ � q h; - � �a,,,. k�'+ w;��'�`qe . , ` '� ••d j'K slw � � � .. a w � �a r � • Ne ad�L o -� e 410Ck t, � in c� u �°�r�w� _p� _.T1m'�e,c i IowE Arli otonr`�- -Av-- k�� . ;a��lp'��r` `� �t� �'D : y, W 110 � , a"rrt,�� � a ? \o q �- � � 55 �_ If S h e r o o d o _" S h erJ'r o o d_ Whe_lock ��,t4 G��� � �r'c+G ,� u , 0 0 1 '� 3 '° d Y j1 E Cotta e m- -- � _E. 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N _ W G r i m E_ _ Plp_�v_ _E- o � _Ger� ium Y v�.in.Av__` _ ____-E Gera iu �Av i° `w Geran�um 3 •`- o W in A_ -`� --A�- -E-- � z -�es mine „ _ _ .Av-_- a---- E essa ine a� A t �_` Jesse �tne Z � � � Q ._W Ma0 oli v,. _ tn Ma� OUe U .Av � _�n. 61-E dpn U T w pv � ro +� i',��^EM¢0 t �, > ;� � o.�� g�N � � > > •- w r T t�,s,� v-'e r�'r.�t.: - -� l� `� Coo _v�. - - - Av.t c� � _ 4�-� ook vvt �1 ,,i�°��{'�et�hen tS n '� t�����49 -A� � Q��N _F „ m °n_ 4awS n Av-- - -.E Laws �� v- o- *``'?'.�ro Q- ' �"'�v!1 L, I - `m r'� y � ' ,� p w p O O o a _o o Plp,.� 3 i ���5 H c m _ v__v�s y�x�*., o a :��Jenk _ �;�_ vo- '�--o- -Jen �a Av_ i � ,� � R�...,s3. o r • -� � A o �e � o C�f s.�� 0.�� Y �`,,-��. �t � Case -- v1�-- -�D_Case..---�'- �-- +-.� 'z �• � � v_ w' ryh•-r-_ . cv v� '4 . h� m , f e � \ �` � itc ffeld ����?n ' f ''" v� ` Pk ims� _Av_ � Sims v_ .� �o0�ey�'G�. -.t � � ' � d xt��:Sims_ 9 cn � in ' � � '-' ~ � Yorl�Av o �t "r � t - M nito p �;� �4t�fs' York �P �v__ m'°i -m o ---�-Yor ul.. -Av-• w ��u r � a , � � n t C2 ? ��4`l11�3' ('� ' m •a C �i u .r-;...-�`v a� p :�-u1 - ��III� v W nniP �Y#��r �"a Cayu e_,,$t_ m�� 9 y °1 -'_ � � f,.-� Z u�� a Atw ter ` �'r,- u , � �d it JI_` -� � _ ,�+--•.Welis St ��� - � O �:S '- 1 t vl t}i! .i": '-°t �f�*�'AC'' Gran.te�°� - -r -i;c ��°� � w S WaFie�n�x-w-„R�',-�R�- --.. _ '�s'"�/ , c o �;`A r- - t�}- .--,....., / � c�,� m '+ -> > e � - �.� _� �"�i Bushm -Av_ f 9. m � - � o W camore.. St�__ES� rec � { -ur� �/ \�..� . � . r r---�m �"' � f�� 3i� v nnan � e„� •°_.� � @ eY�l��^_ � �:f._ . "'.—Y. . , . , . -, C�10'��3 ' QTY OF SAINT PAUL CITIZII�i SEI2VICE F�GRAM 179 CITY HALL 298-4747 ; ID NUN�3ER: 177837885 PAR LIATE: 08-02-89 - S0: LYIa1 WOLF'E P� AND REC�ATION 25 4TH ST. W ; RNII�"� SUNIIN�RY: SHE Tf-ffNI�S Zi� NOISE �1S NOT BAD SO FAR, AND FEEL.S �T EVERYONE IS DOING A GOOD JOB. SUB�7ECT: EVF1`17.5 ALSO SII�T ZiO: MAYOR'S OFFICE PREPARED BY: DORZS QTJIl�iN/C50DQ HEALTH --�`_ OON�IPZAIl�,1�: C�2ACE ARMS'IRONG I�LLfJG SQUARE �PI'S. AD�S: PHONE: 12F5F�OND WI'II�T DAYS OF ABOVE REPORT L1ATE. i , . _ ,,, R�'SFONSE BY,: L1A'I'E: REINSPEC'�ION OATE: . . (If needed) RESPONSE: F�OR'.YOUR INFORM'ATION — NO RESPONSE RDQUIl2ED � . � :; . . , , . t � a ' a , ... . . . , . � �'tV/ i;. , � ' . .. ��: 9 f� .' . . . . _ .� s t fr e . `} �: x ' .... v , . , . . , . . + � � i� ri"0 }j � t��' � . .� �. .. � . . � �,� � 4 i r .�t . . � � , ( � , ., I�:. . . � � � i ,� � ���J 74 - . � � ' �s�^ �Ar`� `%> F` �,e�44' ,�4i.� +.Y 4e• �_ _ � . . � J r "�,•r ` � i y ,� �.3' . . . � f�� � � ,,. . .. . .. , . .. � - ' . . . ... � ' � .. � .. . . ....., t 1.}�',w, ..r.�. .. _., �.n ..������.�D:�4� . �t�t. -.8, , . . ./�,.... � ,. .. , < � ,. :, . � s , ; ; : _ . :� :. «: :::......: : :.... :: C�-�o , �z 3 aeptember 1 , 19$9 Grac� Arms�ron� c/o Kellogg Squ.a.r.e �lP-l;� . 111 E. I.ell:o�;g Elvcl. .5t. iau]. , t�1N �5101 Dear, Gr_ace, We received yoLi-r_ worcls o:f p.r�i:�r� i.'�•om the ���L. Paul Citi�en Service �re�r.am (coPy enc.lo.:,ed 1'. It is a r�r.e occa�:ior� to re�F�ive �ny c��r.r.esPondencc: tha-t is positive in nature on an event like Riverie���t. Usually thC on:1.y responses are dir�;ct�r.l toFiard peoPles ' unPa.e�s:�nt e�reric�ncc�s . We - did reccive other lett�.rs anc.i phone ca1.l s tel.lin�;' ur� what a wonderi ul time People had at Pi�ver_f F st. We are local promote�°s F�ho tonk ov�r FLivc.r°tcst f.rom �n ou�t oi state company who dr_op�?�cl T.iver:£�s� a1�ta�'Pther bPa���se they lost money. We triFd to make m�,n,v imnrovement� in �this yc��rs Riverfest to make it more er�joyable ior -l;he er�Lirc. :famil,v :�nd an even.t PeoP1P from a11 over the �r�a can come an�l enjoy. Wa g'�°eatly ex.panded t�zQ childrens' are<.�, Frha.ch inclucled ch:i.lc]rPns ' rides, a giant s:�ndbor, with toys i:o nl�ay wi�l;h, a p�ttin�' �oo as we11 as a sports area, exPandecl r.ive.r �ctivitie� :;nd basical].y m�re t��.ings to do for tho entir.e fami:l,v. We welcome anv feedb�ck irom p�onle so we can continue to improve River�est and make it an Qven�t that neop�.e c�+n can�inue �to en joy in years to come. Thank vou for your kind wordr . We }zoPr r_�xt y�ar will be even better. Good luck and good hea:Ltli. ' Ilegards , -; ,' � , � ,, � �:� � : .td�J � . ' . � . Rand `•�,Levy � � RIVERFEST EDUCATIONAL FAIRS, INC. 18 North Fourth Street•Suite 700 Minneapolis,MN 55401 612-332-6575 612-338-1051 . ._ .... .ir��y,r.1'.`CSi.r.... . . . .. � ' . .. � �. .. . . . - . , . . .. . _. ..i"���5�` .�...'' 3 �'�.�'. u ..� �..