90-818 � Council File #� Q - /�
Green Sheet #
\ �
Presented ��
Referred To
e s Date
WHEREAS, the City Council al cated $200, 000 for a Neighborhood
Crime Prevention Grant Program for 1990; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 89-1983 adopted
December 14 , 1989, requested that the Planning Commission
establish guidelines for the crime prevention grant program; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has prepared guidelines based on
discussions with representatives of the Police Department,
� Community Services Department, the . Neighborhood Ser-vices
Committee of the City Council, and, neighborhood groups; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on April 27, 1990, recommended
the �adoption of the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Guidelines to
the .:Mayor and City Council; and
WHEREAS, the . City Council has amended the guidelines to� clarify
the small grants portion of the program and to allow neighborhood
meeting time to count as part of a neighborhood contribution;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves
the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Guidelines as amended;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Comm�ssion and City
Council will review and amend as necessary these guidelines prior
to any future grant cycle. ' �
Yeas Navs Absent .
�on � Requeated by Department of:
o QZtz v � Planning & Economic Development �
Macc ee �,
e tman �•
UI�@ �
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T— c7
Adopted by Council: Date _ MAY R jQQ� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Approved b yor: Date . 1Qan Council
By: ���1�1 - -- Hy.
P�l3tlSHEO MAY 19 1990
. . % yo -���'
(With amendments to Planning Commission recommendations as suggested by the
Neighborhood Services Committee of the City Council)
May 3, 1990
Purpose; The Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program is designed to
help neighborhood non-profit groups develop programs that reduce crime.
Activities may include, but are not limited to, organizing and expanding
block club networks for the purpose of neighborhood stabilization.
While the primary focus of the program is crime prevention, this is a
flexible, mul�i-use program that recognizes tc►at additional neighborhood
activities enhance crime prevention efforts. Supportive activities are
allowed under the program.
Authorization. Term: The grant program is funded by a 1990 City budget
allocation of $200,000. These guidelines are to be effective for this
first-year pilot program. At the end of one year, pending future budget
allocations, these guidelines will be reviewed and amended as necessary.
Grant Limits: Program grants are available for up to $20,000 each.
There is no minimum grant limit, (but see small �rants section
. followin�?) . Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. In order to
build and expand crime prevention activity throughout the city, no more
than $40,000 will be awarded within any single community planning _
district. In some instances, the Planning Commission may recommend
changes in a proposed budget, If any funds remain unallocated, a second
grant cycle will be held in the fall of 1990. Funds must be spent by
June 31, 1991. Funding will be on a reimbursement basis due to CDBG
funding source requirements.
To assist individual block-clubs and organizations needing small grants,
$5000 will be set aside. These grants are intended for vostage.
supplies, crimewatch signs, and other purposes directiv related to
neighborhood crime prevention. The maximum amount of anY small rg ant
shall be SS00. A�g��ea�iea-aa�-a�x��r��.s��a��ve-g�eeedt��es-€e�-a��eea��ea
se�gkbe�kee�-ffia�ek: No match will be reQUired for these grants. Staff
in the Devartment of PlanninQ and Economic Develooment will work with a
crime vrevention ��rant advisory group to determine the small grant
awards. A sevarate application form for small grants is enclosed.
Applications are due on MaY 25. 1990. Any unallocated funds will revert .
to the larger grant program to be awarded this �rant cvcle.
. ya ���
Eli�ible Expenses include direct expenses related to establishing and
maintaining crime prevention activity (such as staff salary and
benefits) , education, communications (supplies, production costs,
delivery costs, mileage reimbursement, postage) , and subsidies for the
purchase of crime prevention hardware (fixed asset improvements to homes
and businesses) .
Ineligible Exnenses include vehicles, equipment purchases, office space.
rent, phone, food, drinks, and entertainment. (See neighborhood
contributions section below) .
Eli�ible Areas include all seventeen community planning districts.
Eli�ible Applicants include district councils, residential block club
organizations, and other neighborhood-based non-profit organizations.
Nei�?hborhood Contributions: Each proposal must be matched with
neighborhood contributions at a minimum 1:1 ratio. Contributions must
be directly related to the proposed activities and must be contributed
during the period following initial application through the duration of
the grant.
Contributions may include direct financial resources such as supplies
and foundation grants, equipment, and in-kind services including
volunteer labor. The value of volunteer labor shall be $10 per hour. � °�o
Time s ent in meetin s directl and exclusivel related to the
im lementation of nei hborhood crime reventio activi ' ma be
counted as volunteer labor u to a maximum of of the total
neiehborhood match. Time spent in general meetings of the organization
shall not be counted. All volunteer labor. including time in meetings
must be documented in writin�.
Process: Pre-applications are encouraged but notlrequired.
Pre-applications will be accepted until May 11. The pre-application
gives staff time to clarify and/or correct any issues before final
applications are submitted. Final applications are due May 25, 1990. �
No late applications will be accepted,
Contents: Applications must contain the following:
1. A brief description of the project, including goals, objectives,
2. A budget including how program funds will be spent and an estimate
of neighborhood contributions including volunteer� labor.
3. If the proposal includes salary for staff, a statement of staff
responsibility, including to whom the staff reports.
4. The name of the organization that will implement the program.
5. A map of the proposed project target area.
6. A time schedule for the project.
7. A description of how the program will be evaluated.
Application forms for both parts of this grant program are attached.
Final applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m, on May 25,
. � � J�-�-yo .���
Selection Process: The selection process is competitive. The number of
projects funded will depend on the quality of the proposals and
available resources.
Applicant groups should contact their appropriate district council and
attempt to coordinate proposals within a district. District councils
will be asked to submit comments to PED regarding the proposals and how
they meet district goals and objectives.
The Planning Commission, working with staff from the Police Department,
the Department of Community Services, the Department of Planning and
Economic Development, and other appropriate agencies, will review and
rate the applications and identify those applicants which it thinks
should be funded. The Planning Commission recommendations will be sent
to the Mayor and City Council for final approval. It is the intent that
The City Council will make final funding decisions by June 30. Small
�rant avvlications will be reviewed for compliance with the vrogram
purnose and selection criteria. In the event that small grant requests
exceed the SS000 allocated in the program the grants advisory rt� oup
will determine the vrojects to be funded.
Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on overall program goals
and anticipated accomplishments. The program is looking for:
- how projects relate to stated neighborhood needs
- effective use of grant funds with existing neighborhood resources
- the extent to which volunteer labor is "leveraged"
- broad-based citizen participation
- District Council comment and support
- working relationships with appropriate city departments,
including Police and Community Services
- target area need for proposed activities
Contract: For approved projects, the final application and budget will
serve as the basis for a contract between the City of St. Paul and the
applicant. PED will develop contracts a�propriate to the pro,jects �
fundine source reauirements, and liabilitv insurance requirements
Status Reports: Summary status reports will be due January 15, 1991,
and within thirty days of the completion of the project.
Evaluation Forum: Grant recipients will be expected to attend a forum
at or near the end of the project cycle in order to share experiences.
This first cycle is an experimental program. Assessment of funded
projects is important to continued success of the program.
� ��o-�il�
Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program Use this format for both the
Planning Division pre-application and final
Dept, of Planning and Economic Development application. '
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 228-3371 FINAL APPLICATION DUE: MAY 25, 1990
Please type all responses
Group or Organization Submitting Application
Name: Telephone:
Contact Person: Daytime Phone:
Project Description: (Limit this description to one page!)
(On a separate sheet, provide a brief description of the goals, objectives,
activities and specific steps that will be taken; any existing crime
prevention activities now underway; existing need and how the project
addresses that need; and a statement of how your organization will manage and
evaluate this project; and staff responsibility. Pay particular attention to
the selection criteria listed in the guidelines) .
Bud�et: Amount of Grant Request: $
(On a separate page, provide a line item budget on how the grant will be spent
and the source(s) of matching funds, in-kind services, and volunteer labor.
Volunteer labor should be counted at $10 per hour) . ,
Project Location: (Provide a brief description and map of the target area.)
Time Schedule: (What will be the duration of the project?)
Will the program be coordinated with any other crime prevention program in �he
neighborhood? Yes No If yes, identify.
Signature of Individual Typed Name Title Date
Completing Application
� ,
Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program Small Grant Application
Planning Division $500 Maximwn Grant Limit
Dept. of Planning and Economic Development •
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 228-3371 FINAL APPLICATION DUE: MAY 25, 1990
Please type all responses
Group or Organization Submitting Application
Name: Telephone:
Contact Person: Daytime Phone:
Project Description: (Limit to space provided, Describe how the grant will
be used and how it directly promotes neighborhood crime prevention) .
Bud�et: Amount of Grant Request: $
($S00 maximum limit) .
Project Location: _
Time Schedule:
Will the program be coordinated �rith any other crime prevention program in the
neighborhood? Yes No If yes, identify.
Signature of Individual Typed Name Title Date
Completing Application
City of Saint Paul
City Council Investigation and Research Center
Seventh Floor City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
612 29&4151
DATE: . May 4, 1990
T0: Councilmember Wilson
Councilmember Dimond
Councilmember Goswitz
Councilmember Long
Councilmember Maccabee
Councilmember Rettman
FROM: Jim Murph
SUBJECT: Neighborho d Crime Prevention Grant Program
On May 2, 1990, the Neighborhood Services Committee recommended approval of
the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program with amendments.
Attached is a copy of these guidelines with its amendments. Along with the
guidelines, attached is a resolution approving these guidelines.
As discussed at the May 2, 1990 Neighborhood Services Committee meeting, this
item will be heard by the Council on Tuesday, May 8, 1990 under suspension of
the rules.
cc: Councilmember Thune, Chair
A1 Olson
Jane McPeak
. " d�lo���Y
(With amendments to Planning Commission recommendations as suggested by the
Neighborhood Services Committee of the City Council)
May 3, 1990
Purpose: The Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program is designed to
help neighborhood non-profit groups develop programs that reduce crime.
Activities may include, but are not limited to, organizing and expanding
block club networks for the purpose of neighborhood stabilization.
While the primary focus of the program is crime prevention, this is a
flexible, multi-use program that recognizes that additional neighborhood
activities enhance crime prevention efforts. Supportive activities are
allowed under the program.
Authorization. Term: The grant program is funded by a 1990 City budget
allocation of $200,000. These guidelines are to be effective for this
first-year pilot program. At the end of one year, pending future budget
allocations, these guidelines will be reviewed.and amended as necessary.
Grant Limits: Program grants are available for up to $20,000 each.
There is no minimum grant limit, (but see small grants section
. following) . Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. In order to
build and expand crime prevention activity throughout the city, no more
than $40,000 will be awarded within any single community planning
district. In some instances, the Planning Commission may recommend
changes in a proposed budget, If any funds remain unallocated, a second
grant cycle will be held in the fall of 1990. Funds must be spent by
June 31, 1991. Funding will be on a reimbursement basis due to CDBG
funding source requirements.
To assist individual block-clubs and organizations needing small grants,
$5000 will be set aside. These �rants are intended for postage
supplies, crimewatch si�ns and other purposes directly related to
neiehborhood crime vrevention The maximum amount of any small r�nt
shall be 5500. A����ea��ea-aa�-a��a�s��a��ve-��seedti�es-€e�-a��eea��ea
ae3gkbe�l�eed-�a�ek: No match will be reQUired for these grants Staff
in the Denartment of Plannin� and Economic Develonment will work with a
crime vrevention Qrant advisory group to determine the small rg�ant
awards. A separate anplication form for small grants is enclosed
Applications are due on Kav 25 1990 Any unallocated funds will revert
to the larger grant program to be awarded this grant cycle.
- - �yo-���
Eligible Expenses include direct expenses related to establishing and
maintaining crime prevention activity (such as staff salary and
benefits) , education, communications (supplies, production costs,
delivery costs, mileage reimbursement, postage) , and subsidies for the
purchase of crime prevention hardware (fixed asset improvements to homes
and businesses) .
Ineligible Expenses include vehicles, equipment purchases, office space_
rent, phone, food, drinks, and entertainment. (See neighborhood
contributions section below) .
Eligible Areas include all seventeen community planning districts.
Eli�,ible Applicants include district councils, residential block club
organizations, and other neighborhood-based non-profit organizations.
Neighborhood Contributions: Each proposal must be matched with
neighborhood contributions at a minimum 1:1 ratio. Contributions must
be directly related to the proposed activities and must be contributed
during the period following initial application through the duration of
the grant.
Contributions may include direct financial resources such as supplies
and foundation grants, equipment, and in-kind services including
volunteer labor. The value of volunteer labor shall be $10 per hour.
Time svent in meetings directly and exclusively related to the
implementation of nei�hborhood crime prevention activities mav be
counted as volunteer labor. up to a maximum of 10� of the total
neiehborhood match. Time spent in general meetings of the or�anization
shall not be counted. All volunteer labor ircluding time in meetings
must be documented in writine.
Process: Pre-applications are encouraged but not required.
Pre-applications will be accepted until May 11. The pre-application
gives staff time to clarify and/or correct any issues before final
applications are submitted. Final applications are due May 25, 1990.
No late applications will be accepted,
Contents: Applications must contain the following:
1. A brief description of the project, including goals, objectives,
2. A budget including how program funds will be spent and an estimate
of neighborhood contributions including volunteer labor.
3. If the proposal includes salary for staff, a statement of staff
responsibility, including to whom the staff reports.
4. The name of the organization that will implement the program.
5. A map of the proposed project target area.
6. A time schedule for the project.
7. A description of how the program will be evaluated.
Application forms for both parts of this grant program are attached.
Final applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 25,
, � � ��y�_���'
Selection Process: The selection process is competitive. The number of
projects funded will depend on the quality of the proposals and
available resources.
Applicant groups should contact their appropriate district council and
attempt to coordinate proposals within a district. District councils
will be asked to submit comments to PED regarding the proposals and how
they meet district goals and objectives.
The Planning Commission, working with staff from the Police Department,
the Department of Community Services, the Department of Planning and
Economic Development, and other appropriate agencies, will review and
rate the applications and identify those applicants which it thinks
should be funded. The Planning Commission recommendations will be sent
to the Mayor and City Council for final approval. It is the intent that
The City Council will make final funding decisions by June 30. Small
�rant anvlications will be reviewed for comnli�nce with the vrogram
purvose and selection criteria ln the event that small grant requests
exceed the S5000 allocated in the proeram the grants advisorv group
will determine the vrojects to be funded
Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on overall program goals
and anticipated accomplishments. The program is looking for:
- how projects relate to stated neighborhood needs
- effective use of grant funds with existing neighborhood resources
- the extent to which volunteer labor is "leveraged"
- broad-based citizen participation
- District Council comment and support
- working relationships with appropriate city departments,
including Police and Community Services
- target area need for proposed activities
Contract: For approved projects, the final application and budget will
serve as the basis for a contract between the City of St. Paul and the
applicant. PED will develon contracts apnropriate to the vrojects
fundine source reQUirements and liability insurance recluirements
Status Reports: Summary status reports will be due January 15, 1991,
and within thirty days of the completion of the project.
Evaluation Forum: Grant recipients will be expected to attend a forum
at or near the end of the project cycle in order to share experiences.
This first cycle is an experimental program. Assessment of funded
projects is important to continued success of the program.
. � ��� ���
Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program� Use this format for both the
Planning Division pre-application and final
Dept. of Planning and Economic Development application.
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 228-3371 FINAL APPLICATION DUE: MAY 25, 1990
Please type all responses
Group or Organization Submitting Application
Name: Telephone:
Contact Person: Daytime Phone:
Project Description: (Limit this description to one page! )
(On a separate sheet, provide a brief description of the goals, objectives,
activities and specific steps that will be taken; any existing crime
prevention activities now underway; existing need and how the project
addresses that need; and a statement of how your organization will manage and
evaluate this project; and staff responsibility. Pay particular attention to
the selection criteria listed in the guidelines) .
Budget: Amount of Grant Request: $
(On a separate page, provide a line item budget on how the grant will be spent
and the source(s) of matching funds, in-kind services, and volunteer labor.
Volunteer labor should be counted at $10 per hour) . ,
Project Location: (Provide a brief description and map of the target area.)
Time Schedule: (What will be the duration of the project?)
Will the program be coordinated with any other crime prevention program in the
neighborhood? Yes No If yes, identify.
Signature of Individual Typed Name Title Date
Completing Application
� C�j�O���
Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program Small Grant Application
Planning Division $S00 Maximum Grant Limit
Dept, of Planning and Economic Development
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 228-3371 FINAL APPLICATION DUE: MAY 25, 1990
Please type all responses
Group or Organization Submitting Application
Name: Telephone:
Contact Person: Daytime Phone:
Proiect Description: (Limit to space provided. Describe how the grant will
be used and how it directly promotes neighborhood crime prevention) .
Budget: Amount of Grant Request: $
($500 maximum limit) .
Pro iect Location:
Time Schedule:
Will the program be coordinated with any other crime prevention program in the
neighborhood? Yes No If yes, identify.
Signature of Individual Typed Name Title Date
Completing Application