90-811 � ' • ' Council File # Q'0/� i ! �-C' � � I N�� � Green Sheet � 5868 `� � � RESOLUTION CITY OF S T PAUL, MINNESOTA �3� _ �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID ��72844) for a General Repair Garage License by Kenneth R. Morency/Douglas Morency DBA Morency's Auto Repair at 1431 Rice Street, be and the same is hereby approved . e s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: iraon osw T �— n � License & Permit Division acca e � e man T— une s. son �— BY� C:U Adopted by Council: Date MAY i p 1990 Form Approved by Ci Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ` B,r: /3-9� By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Dat /0 �Q t Council • � ewai � � feJo B l/ _ By� Y� PURttSHED M1�AY 1 9 1990 . - _ � . , . (,��o-�// DEPARTM[NTIOFFlCFJOpUNCII DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 5868 Finance/License CONTACT PERSO�1 8 PHONE INITWJ DATE MITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITV COUNqL Christine Rozek-298-5056 �� ���NEV 0 CITY CLERK MU3T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� pOUTINQ �BUDCiET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. For Hearin /5-10-90 ❑Mnroa�oR nasisnwn � Council R TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAOE8 (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR 81ONATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an application for a General Repair Garage License. Hearing Date: 5-10-90 Notification Date: 4-25-90 REOOM�a►noNS:�aa�•(�1 a�1�IR) COUti�COMNIITTEEIRESEARCN P�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL BERVICB COMM18810N �Y� PNONE N0. _p8 COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: _DIBTRICT OOURT _ SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNdL 08JECTIVE9 INITIATiNQ PROBLEM�ISBUE�OPPOR7UNITY(INho.What�WhNf.Wh�re.Nlh�: Kenneth R. Morency/Douglas Morency DBA Morency's Auto Repair requests Council approval of their application for a General Repair Garage License at 1431 Rice Street. All fees have been paid ($128.25) and all applications have been submitted. All required departments have given their approvals. ADVANTAOE8IF APPFiOVED: If Council approval is given, Renneth R. Morency & Douglas Morency will be able to operate a General Repair Garage License at 1431 Rice Street. , asn�vMrr�s��o: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �,��p Gouncil Research Center. �301� NNK 2 71;i�0 � ,�a,� ' CI�Y GLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : C08T/F�VENUE SllDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOtJRCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFOHMATION:(EXPWN) dw . . . . . � - . '. . � � �" NOTE: COMPLETE DIRfCTIONS AAE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AYAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Nti OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4226). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Below are prefsrred routlnps for ths fiw nwat iroquertt types of documents: CANTRACTS (atwm�s auNwri�d �UNdL RESOLUTION , (Amsnd, Bdpts./ budpst exists) Axept.OraMs) 1. Outside Ape�cy �. Departmsnt Director 3. �GtY ttaneY t 3. dty�Attomey r 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAseiatant 5. Flnanw d�Mprr�t 8vcs.Director 5. Cfty CounCil 6. Finanoe AocouMir� 6: Chief Acxounteu�t. Rn�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (8udg�t COIJNCdL RE30LUTION (aN others) Rsvisbn) and ORDINANCE 1. A►cNvity Man�psr 1. Initiatlng Departmern Dfrector 2. �rtmeM AocouMant 2. City Attomey 3. Dep�rtmsnt Dir�cbr 8. NkYaUlseisteu�t a. Budpet�rector a. Gry council 5. City Clsrk 6. Chisf A�ocouMant, Fin�Mgmt Sv�cs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsn) 1. IMtfatinq Dsp�Rmsnt 2. �ty Mtomsy 3. Mayor/Assistant . 4. City Clsrk . TOTAL NUMBER OF 31(3NATUF�PACifS Indicate the#�of pa�ss on which eign�tu�are►equirod end�Ilp sach of tlwse ap�e�. ACTION RE�UESTED p�cribe what th�projsayrequs�seNw W ao�mplf�in ekher chronologh cal ader or order of irt�poRano�.�r Is rt�ap�opriate br the asue. Do not MMte oomplste�ntancss. Bpin each item in your list withh a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Canpbts if the isaus in qusstbn hes bsen prsssnted befors any bady, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OB,IECTFVE? Indidde which Oouncil objecliw(�)lrour P�oj�ct/nQusst supports bY���9 ths keY word(s)(HOUSIN(i. RECRE/►�ION.NEIOHBORHOOD3� EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT� BUD(3ET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN iNSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL OOMMITTEE/RE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RECIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINt3 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the sitwtion or conditions that croated a n�ed for your project or reqwst. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indk;ate whether this is�mply an annwl budpN proosduro roquired by law/ . chartsr or whether tMro ars tpsdfic In whfch ths Gty of S�Int Paul and its citizens wfil bsnslit irom�is�t/sction. DI8A�p1�ANTA(iE$IF eAPPROVED Whet negatiw�effecb a�mejor chanpss to existing.or pe�t procee{t�s mf�M this Prolect/re4u�t produce ff�is paMed(e.g.�trafNc dslays� ndae, tex increasss or aasa�rtNnts)4 To Wfrom?Whsn?For.how�4 a3ADVANTAOES 1F NOT APPROVED What will be the�dhn oonsequer�e if the prorr+feed action ia not approved?Inability to delhrer sen�ice4 Corrtinued hi�tratfic, noise, accident rate?Loss of rovenue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr ths infam�fon you provids hsre to the issue you are�ddreaing,in psr»ral you mwt a�swsr two questions: How much is it �oin9 to cost��Who is�inp 4o pa�/t � � (��o -�il DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � � /o / 3 � �� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW C:HECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud �e n n e�-h �. �'i o re n c� Applicant c n nc�-�, O renC ���-S Home Address �g(p � �,('D OdC✓�Sf '�� , n 0 v�en c�� ��t3 L Rusiness Name �QYenC 5 �-tu� �r Home Phone � �� ��J`��-� Business Address f �3) J��(,q_, o� L Type of Lic.ense(s) �.(���� �.e�,� _ Business Phone �C,�vi� " Public Hearing Date 5 t O g!a License I.D. �F vZ � ��sf� �Z— ` at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l 7 �� �� llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� 'UI/}" to Applicant o2.J �'� Pederal F3.rearms 4� Public Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VEKFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D �[ l'v� �U � d �� Health Divn. ' ; ��� � Fire Dept. � �i � O /� i ,-�I�3 �.. i � ! .5e..,.� ��� 5 �Z� Yolice Dept. I � � t�y� �� �--� License Divn. � �����; Q �� City Attorney � � �3 �t Date Received: Site Plan ��5 I�'j() / To Council Research �C� Lease or Letter ? te from Landlord J f CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: ' Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: GZ�et� ���' �?.J?. 4 . • . CITY OF SAINT PAUL . �/3C%•7� ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION • �.�-��-��l ��' . These statement forms are issued in duplicate. Please answer all questions fully and completely. This application is thoroughly checked. Aay falsification will be cause for denial. ' � 1) Application for (type of license) �-�.e�/i �� ��,�¢��2 2) Name of applicant ,r/,✓ ,� e t ,✓t, 3) Applicant's title (corporate officer,� sole owner, partner, other) �'� , ;�,C_._ 4) Name under which this business will be conducted: �;���•Je�,✓ � ������ � ���fL i�i�z�.,✓fJ. �,��dL__ App] cant / C�any Name J—� Doing Business As 5) Business telephone number /v��� 6) If applicant is/has been a married female, list maiden name �� 7) Date of birth C' S' Age 3 zi Place of birth .,�����i%'/.r/• 8) Are qou a citizen of the IInited States? Native Naturalized 9) Are you a registered voter? ere? 10) Home address ��d s /,��,�[��zosl�� `�/,�iC Home Phone �� -QSa� � � � 11) Present business address � A-� Business Phone 12) Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years. Business/Employment Address � � � � —r-� �—y . ,�....�s �L, sa Gv ,'�.� �f�� .�� 13) Married? If answer is "yes", list name and addr s of spouse. �- 14) Have you ever been arrested for an offense that has resulted in a conviction? /�"� If answer is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, charges, confictions, and sentences. Date of arrest , 19 re Charge Conviction entence . ' . , . 1,�9a��« � � � � Date of arrest , e � Charge � . Coaviction . � s tence 15) At�ach a copy hereto of a lease agreeme or proof of awaership for the premises at which a Iicense will be held. 16) Attach to this application a detailed description of the design, location, and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan) . I7) Give names and addresses of two persons who are local resideats who can give information concerning you. �.� . Name —Address � 5 /OS' � .f���� __� . � ic.3 �9�=°v`r�'Y�.�°� . ' � ,.-�'�r� i'��i � '� � 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made Address , Zone Classiffcation � 19) Between what cross streets? -��Z�`-f,�•_ Which side of street?��v � 20) Are premises now occupied? _� What business? / How long? � eU 21) List Iicense(s) , business aame(s) , and locatioa(s) which you currentlq hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in, and locatfons of said license(s). � - 22) Save any of the licenses Iisted by you ia o. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No If answer is "yes", Iist dates aad reasons. 23) Do qou have an interest o any tppe in q other busiaess or business premises not listed in �Z1? Yes No If answer is "yes", list bnsiness, business address, aad tele- phone aumber. 24) If business is incorporated, give date of in orporation , 19 and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. � _ � .. : �---�a-��� �:5) List all officers of the corporation giving their names, office held, home address, date ` of birth, and home and business telephone numbers. 26) If the business is a partnership, list partner(s) address, phone number, and date of birth. �«� , �,�7���,��.� / � �,�r�� �/.�--- _ �/�-��o � 27) Are you going to operate this business personally? If not, who wi11 operate it? -Give their name, home address, date of birth, and lephone aumber. 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? J�G� If answer is "yes", give name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. 29) Has anyone qou have asmed in questions �23 through �26 ever been arrested? ,� If answer . is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convictions, and sentence. 30) I understand this premises may be inspected by the Police, Fire, Heal h, and ot er c officials at anq and all and all times when the business is in operation. State of Minnesota ) ) 43-aS-�O County of Ramsey ) ignature o Ap i t Date being duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing stat ent bearing his signature and kaows the coatents thereof, and that the same is true of his owa knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Subsczibed and sworn to before me this day of � , 19 9i� No Public, Coun�, 1�IId ,nnr�.�r•r Annr�.n,��.�.v�� � ' `,�-- n G�:�r�� ; My commission expires _"�,j c; :�•.� �.���:��i:�:� � Rev. 2/88 `i F �•,v ct:,:;:;:J,:;�sT�T _�i y ��W�/�V�'�/:'�rL�.'�/i1i�J�15i�.`��''i.1�'�/'7