90-788 0 R I G I N A L �ouncil File � �Q' 7�d Green Sheet # _ d� RESOLUTION CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA _ � � -. Presented By Referre � Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Child Care Partnership Grant Program (CCPP) wishes to solicit broad community input in the process of proposal review and funding recommendation, and WHEREAS, proposal review and funding recommendations are made by a CCPP Selection Team chosen by the Mayor and City Council, and WHEREAS, the current Selection Team is made up of only nine members, seven adults and two youths, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council would like to expand the Selection Team to represent a broader spectrum of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council do hereby expand the membership of the Child Care Partnership Program Selection Team to include two additional adult members to be chosen from applicants from the general public. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two additional candidates, Linda Owen and DeVelma Ray, have applied for the Child Care Partnership Program and been appointed, by the Mayor, to the Selection Team. smon Y,�� �— �sent Requested by Department of: �'� ,� r ' � � on � � s >�-L,,- ' � e� e � � � �� � � �r e � / ;' ' � ,: z son � Sy: � � � _� 1`�..( ,, Adopted by Council: Date MAY 3 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g �q� �� �L�� Y• By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by or: Date MRY 4 1990 Council � �, By: ����' By: '���� ( :� ��0-7 d��' �PARTMENT/OFFCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED r�yor Scheibel's Office 5/2/90 GREEN SHEET No. 9281 CONTACT PERSON 3 PFIONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY C�OUNCIL Molly 0'Rourke 298—�F73G ��� �CITY AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. A.S.A.P. �MAYOR(OR A8818TANn ❑ TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 1 (C�IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 8KiNATUR� �crioN aeouesreo: Approval of two additional candidates to the Child Care Partnership Selection Team who are representatives of the general public. Membership already includes seven adults and two youths. RECOI�AMENDATIONS:Appow pq a FNpct(Fn COUNCIL COM I�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMM18610N _pVIL BERVICti COUAMI8SION �ALYST PHONE N0. _pB COMMIT�EE _ COMMENT8: _STAFF _ _DISTRI(:f COURT — SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE7 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(1Nho.Whet.Whan.Whsro,WhY): ADVANTAOE8IF APP�IED: D16ADVANTA(iES IF AP�IED: DI8ADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPF�VED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/I�YENUE BUDOETED(GRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDIN6 SOUR�E ACTIVITY NUYBER FlNnMGn��NwRMI►T�on:(ExPwl� . ±R���'.i��C,�' �l�'�� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ,,<,.•, �' _, �a��� ' 347 CITY HALL " � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 298-4323 "r 4� `"`�� '�.-r .=' :y�,�.. �,,::;.., L� - .b Name: Linda L. Owen * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number Address: 66 E. 9th St . , #1403 , St. Faul , MN 55101 Street City Zip Phone: (Home) 224-3698 (Work) �76-1659 or 612-388-7034 2 2 65B City Planning District , Ward Senate District What is your occupation? Self em�loyed , Co-Owner of a Caterin� Company. Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) Native American Place of Employment: Tnc�.��eno �� _ 1; i n , n . Address of Employer: �840 susan r.ane , Minnetonka . MN 55345 Commission or Committee Applied For Child Care Partnership Proaram Selection Team What skills/training or e�cperience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? I have an ex�tensive successful backaround in proaram/proiect development throuah detailed plannina, measureable �oals and obiectives and budaetina. I also ha�re experience in reviewina proposals and project bids . (over) PERSONAL REFERENCE #1 Name: Alan Childs Address: Route 2 , Box 96A, Welch, MN 55089 Phone: 1Home) 612-388-8153 (Work) 330-1121 ext . aag� PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 Name: Judy Dennis Address: 287 E. 6th Street, �675, St . Paul , MN 55101 Phone: 1Home) 571-1250 (Workl 227-3717 PERSONAL REFERENCE #3 Name: Lauri Rockr.e Address: 956 oo .ri h, S . P . �1 , MN 10� Phone: (Homel 2_24-2319 {Work) h F-66 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: Ac a Na .iv _: Am ri an , we Ghare h �niv r a1 b2 ief that we rlust nrovid or h �a e � and ta ii -b ing of our future generations Tn m� � rsonal or nrof s�ional a k�ro �n . a r 1 in my em�lo�ment hi �tor� and vo> >n . a - ivi .iPG . children have always heen a nriorit�. Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? No. ` �-� /6C iL � � � � Si�gn ure Date Rev. 10/89 C,��o_ ��� � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �tECEi�a 347 CITY HALL �; \� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 APR 2 6 1990 �� 298-4323 � � Name: � Q.- � � r'� * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number r � Address: �� � �� �� ,��1�.C��' _ �� . c� 4 ! I;f+� � �fl .'l��i �i Street City Zip Phone: (Home) l c � � ^�� � " � � �/ � (Work) [����� ��� ��"�>(G } � T City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your occupation? �n!'� ,�1� `>.�v � � ����j� Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) � � �. + Place of Employment: � �l � l� �- Address of Employer: , � rn �, ��]�j� Commission or Committee Applied For � , � --� �� � '� � � )D , � �-C�.,C,� U What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? , , 2�.�. ., " -k' � � �.. v �.�` � � t � n t5�� � � �1 � � � �`� � ��C�C�9_.eL.�� � S�.l U l f' A � �_.P?<.�c��� .�,• 'C, ..,._ )' �, � ,� e �4�St., ^ _ � � O�? `� C i /� t, �� � �' i 1 CJ 1 1 � % � �1 1 V' `1 'I' / �I ,I, �� , / � ��� . � _i� r'! 7 l� �C/J�✓� / !/s -n 7-� � � / Jr�' , �, ,1 J (over) PERSONAL REFERENCF� #1 ' � � r. r Name: �� �+.xa�G�l� ��C�'J'�I l UJ � U � Address: .���..^ �i.����..L (��.�� r Phone: {Home) (work) �=} 't�' �:�:=�� PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 Name: . -� i r" (,t�.i���,,--n; p /� �1 ° r Address: � / l s:�% �`'f��.� , / Phone: _�Home) � ���- f� 7�? (Work) <�( �i�- �l���, PERSONAL REFERENCE �3 /• , / ; ,/ `� Name: ; v��'1°�-� �✓`�..c�f�� � � . � -t- / Address: (�{i�,�i ,t..(:. / :c�. . Phone: _(Home) �� �-.�G (� G (Work) ;��� ��� �J� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: ��{,L-E �'L�� ��'Y7��S � � .�`; /y, i ��b�.c��i�, /;�CGhre. `����G'C/7G¢-y��.� f,c `tli�� � , � U. � , . . , , /} � .6 ' J � � �� � ,F: .��D.P i� �-;� (' �Il,�^t�"s l��tr• l�l,� // !7/_/.( T'��i ` 1 ^^i!1� ^ L' / G Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? �� /� ; ^ ( � i ��� �� r�� � �� � / �� t/":,� �� J � �..' Signature � Date Rev. 10/89 DEP,/1RTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Mayor Scheibel's Office 5/2/90 GREEN SHEET NO. 9281 INITIAU DATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCiI - Molly 0'Rourke 298-4736 ASSION �CITY ATfORNEY �CITY CIERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTIN(i �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.�MCiT.SERVICES DIR. A.S.A.P. ��� �MAYOH(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of two additional candidates to the Child Care Partnership Selection Team who are representatives of the general public. Membership already includes seven adults and two youths. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Rejeet(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEEJRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAI _PLANNING COMMISStON _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION '�ALYST PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVE9 iNITIATiNti PfiOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.When,Where,Why): ADVANTACaES IF APPROVED: OISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: 013ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCIE ON� YES NO FUNDINCi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGA�INFORMATION:(EXPWN) ' Council File � � � � ' " Green Sheet � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Child Care Partnership Grant Program (CCPP) wishes to solicit broad community input in the process of proposal review and funding recommendation, and . WHEREAS, proposal review and funding recommendations are made by a CCPP Selection Team chosen by the Mayor and City Council, and WHEREAS, the current Selection Team is made up of only nine members, seven adults and two youths, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council would like to expand the Selection Team to represent a broader spectrum of the community. �NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council do hereby expand the membership of the Child Care Partnership Program Selection Team to include two additional adult members to be chosen from applicants from the general public. � AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two additional candidates, Linda Owen and DeVelma Ray, have applied for the Child Care Partnership Program and been appointed, by the Mayor, to the Selection Team. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department__of: inron �1 - onwitz � � !��, � r s � r?� \��' - acca ee h ettman �- � �'1 ,' � � une � l �--�� �_� � � i son BY� �: .� ` _ � Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: BY° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council ' By� .�n���/l�'�:�s��/ By: �"'��.tiyi�i' _ �go-7� OFFI CE OF THE MAYOR �ti?4;'. ('� -,: i�q�i 347 CITY HALL � " � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 298-4323 3y:`���j�'.�'.y i-�'i��::-z. Name: Linda L. Owen * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number Address: 66 E. 9th St. , #1403 , St. Faul , MN 55101 Street City Zip Phone: (Home) 224-3698 fWork) 476-1659 or 612-388-7034 2 2 65B City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your occupation? Self em�loyed , Co-Osaner of a CaterinG Company. Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) Native American Place of Employment: Tnc�.; �enoL� _ �; 'nP rn Address of Employer: _ 3840 Susan Lane Minnetonka , MN 55345 Commission or Committee Applied For Child Care Partnership Proaram Selection Team What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? I have an ex�tensive successful background in proaram/proiect development throuah detailed plannina, measureable aoals and obiectives and budaetin . I also ha�re exnerience in reviewina proposals and proiect bids . (over) PERSONAL REFERENCE #1 Name: Alan Childs Address: Route 2 , Box 96A, Welch, rzrl 55Q89 Phone: (Home) 612-388-8153 (Work) 330-1121 ext . 4484 PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 Name: Judy Dennis Address: 287 E. 6th Street, �675, St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone: (Home) 571-1250 (Work) 227-3717 PERSONAL REFERENCE #3 Name: Lauri Rockr.e Address: 956 oa .r; h. . �� . MN 5 10 Phone: (Home) 2�4-7'�1 � (Work) 625-6693 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: A� a Na .iv Am r; an, we Ghar _ h �niver�al b2lief that we must nrovide for the safet� and well-beina of our future generations . Tn m� � r�ona� or nrofes�ipnal backgroLnc , aG reflected in my em�� o�ment histor� and vo1 �n e a ivi iPG children have always been a nriorit�. Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? No. - ° �-`-�� lc � � ,..� � � � Si�gn ure Date Rev. 10/89 � � � �=yo -��� n /� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR REi.E1�� � 347 CITY HALL !'� �� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �PR, 2 6 1990 �� � 298-4323 r. .�r \ 1 , . T1 •V� Name: � U �,• n �; � � * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number M (� �-- � ' �,/�,� Address: _ � i � i a� , \��' ,�,t_Y�� l'�-�_- �� � �('i .c� (r ! I'.r ; , �� .11 � � � Street City Zip Phone: (Home) ( ^ � � ��"1 I " 1 � `��� (Work) l��-� ��� Y'�" >�i ; � 1 City Planning District Ward � Senate District r� � What is your occupation? ��,!�3 t��r , �.o�v ,�� ,�, ��,�.���j.. Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) � �� �' q 1 Place of Employment: `� �? �V�� � � ' , � `� . �� _11 IP_ _��T 1i ,� . Address of Employer: , -fl n .�� �t�Q_ � b'� rE1 i+l. �=5�G'� Commission or Committee Applied For \ VZ'� ,r\ ��+v?_���C`.�.�1 Y��2 f��� , � =' ���y� F- Irt F�V1 , ,\Q .�/(% (: J f t�Yl �J C�V1ti U What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? �'12)._t_, i.�1 c7�'�I�Q�c ' a�,..� �t ,Fd �r I � V c�c�.:�'�l� GC.� � �-'%�l��'1 �Sl.t,Zt •j Crl � /r r' � —I. ,- po��,t�n I � � •�,,r l�`� r 1--y-� •/1 A /� 1 /' 1 � 1� ��.Q /.t )(..2.�l ,� �-1� ) �`, � k l • �(��' 0_e��� ��_l ()l r'' k i � A1-CUc'�� . ,�. � e � C ` �) r'� ._..,_ ` I� .} .� P �t ,`LSc.. �,:{_-' �� �1.1� � O� !� � . �• .�1'/�l \ . ' ' ' I � \ • V /i � �' �.C�1�'1 i ��1 �f i . - ri c.. _ ii '�� ,�,, � .. �. :. �l ) � ,� t ;� r �` � 1 � �Ci � �-t�.f�� ( .�' k �1 �s l_f <�-�✓r C�,� , O Ff�� -�.�,c<.� �<�` �/1.4;�t,0� ��(.c.��:!'-�y�L. � ` �' � --!� ���1�.�F2-»,�G:� . � ��,��,1 . � `I (over) pERSONAL REFERENCE #1 , � ;,�� . Name: ��'�n;���i'i�? �i �t�,.-/'✓.l , �� � � � Address: ���, �� � �,� %�..��. .,c R.�� ; ., ., � _ Phone: (Home) (Work) ��:'�� �~ ` �'��, � PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 / Name: . .%� i : �l�i'f,�,„ , �/ -� /' , j Address: / ��� / i.��. i��%�,-L.- " , Phone: _(Home) /� �:�- �� 7�'' {Work ��� 7' �l� ��'� _ � ) � i � cy . PERSONAL REFERENCE �3 � . , �/. � � � '!_/ Name: '�c--n_ ��:�- _/.v .:.%.��� � i � • Address: �".:,�.�:s :c..t_- ��.ci.. Phone: (Homel �f.%� �-_�� lC G (Work) .-���� -� j� %� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: -�/ ��Q{,L-�. �i�i/ (/'2)�/�i','1 ,s �: I�:i:� � �J�.�.C-.Vi�� /'�('�c..�''� �'�1 S /��/1GL1,�.�� �! �li r�� 0 v L. _�r ' • • • • , �., .���.� ,�, a�-� ��%;.��.t'.� 9ti. ,.-., �l�� r':..� �.'� _ � : ` ` -� Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? �� �i .'.. , i r / . , . . . . � � . � t.� /'! 'l �—/ / � iC:� — •1 ���� ��_> �,��•�_�_ 1 ;2�� i o�J " . `, Signature (i Date Rev. 10/89