90-771 �-c-�c����'x� , o ' ` ��G I NA L ' a ' • Council File # ��-' ��� Green sheet # 713g RESOLUTION ,.�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ;' f jn,; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �/y']�g/J S-,f�d WHEREAS,The Mayor pursuant to Secdon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul,does certify that there are available for appropriadon total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget; and WHEREAS,Council File 277510,adopted October 1, 1981,did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS,Prior to 1990,the Public Works Sewer Setvice Fund advanced funds to the Public Works Municipal Garage to pu�hase capital equipment; and WHEREAS,The balance of this advance has been retumed; and WHEREAS,The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1990 budget: Financin�Plan rr n Bud�et Change R i _ Bud�et 260 Sewer Service Enterprise Fund 22206 Sewer Maintenance Equipment 6922 Repayment of Advance or Loan 0.00 81,270.37 81,270.37 9910 Unreserved Retained Eamings 0.00 28,500.00 28,500.00 All other Fnancing the Same 45.592.529.00 �QQ 45.592.529.00 45,592,529.00 109,770.37 45,702,299.37 �ndin� Plan Current Bud�et Change Revised_ Bud�et 260-22200-XXX Other Spending 17,318,157.00 0.00 17,318,157.00 260-22201-XXX Other Spending 1,592,706.00 0.00 1,592,706.00 260-22202-XXX Other Spending 56,996.00 0.00 56,996.00 260-22203-XXX Other Spending 222,928.00 0.00 222,928.00 260-22204-XXX Other Spending 1,116,139.00 0.00 1,116,139.00 260-22205-XXX Other Spending 258,838.00 0.00 258,838.00 260-22206-0828 Tractors and Mowers 0.00 31,270.37 31,270.37 260-22206-0859 Other Communicadon Equip 0.00 28,500.00 28,500.00 260-22206-0898 Building Improvements 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 26Q-22206-XXX All Other Spending 47,635.00 0.00 47,635.00 ` 260-22207-XXX Other Spending 895,914.00 0.00 895,914.00 260-22209-XXX Other Spending 21,005.00 0.00 21,005.00 260-22211-XXX Other Spending 237,032.00 0.00 237,032.00 260-22212-XXX Other Spending 167,089.00 0.00 167,089.00 260-22213-XXX Other Spending 3,476,831.00 0.00 3,476,831.00 260-22214-XXX Other Spending 548,913.00 0.00 548,913.00 260-22215-XXX Other Spending 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 260-22216-XXX Other Spending 263,308.00 0.00 263,308.00 260-22217-XXX Other Spending 750,000.00 0.00 750,000.00 260-22218-XXX Other Spending 49,754.00 0.00 49,754.00 260-22221-XXX Other Spending 9,674,393.00 0.00 9,674,393.00 260-22222-XXX Other Spending 8,026,140.00 0.00 8,026,140.00 260-22224-XXX Other Spending 650,000.00 0.00 650,000.00 Page 1 of 2 � � � . _ . r�- �d--� � � � ORI�GfNAL Scending. Plan C�rrent Bu Change R vise _ Bud�et 260-22225-XXX Other Spending 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 260-22226-XXX Other Spending 68.751.00 Q,,44 68.751.00 Total 45,592,529.00 109,770.37 45,702,299.37 Now,therefore,be it RESOLVED,that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1990 budget. APPROVED: Budget Dinector Director of Finance and Management (' V �� ���__y./ Page 2 of 2 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Absent �1��� imon PubliC WOt�cS —�}a'cca�c� ---,�3 g�3!'�3A / Th une Wi 1 s on B�'� — Adopted by Council• Date Form A roved by City Attorney . By• � ^Z3�U Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Appr ve by ayor for Submission to By: Counc Approved by Mayor: Date ��� By: Z By: - - ��o���� ;�i E�c;ts:;�; CITY OF SAINT PAUL .FFF {��:�ti; OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JAIvICERETTMAN Members: JOECOLLINS Councilperson Janice Rettman, Q1�tslativeAssistant Roger Goswitz KATHYZIEMAN Paula Maccabee LegislativeAssistant COMMITTEE REPORT FINANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MARCH 18, 1991 1. Call to order; introduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of si4n-ua sheet: approval of minutes of March 4. 1991, meetinq. Minutes were approved 3-0 2. Policv discussion on capping the hourlv rate paid to outside counsel . Motion for suspension of rules to accept resolution carried 3-0. New Resolution was approved 3-0. The resolution will be placed on a City Council agenda and will be laid over at the Council meeting until notification has been received from Ken Peterson and the Mayor's Office regarding employees and the bargaining units. (see attached) 3. Resolution 90-341 - amending the 1990 budget by transferring $29,078 from contingency to Community Services for Child Care Initiative Program. (Referred from Council 3/6/90, laid over in Committee 6/11/90) Conunittee recommended withdrawal . Resolution 90-771 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $109,770.37 to the Financing and Spending Plans to allow Public Works Sewer Maintenance Division to purchase equipment. (Referred from Co.uncil 5/8/90, laid over in Committee 7�9/90) Committee recommended withdrawal . Resolution 89-2147 - amending the Civil Service Rules concerning Examination Procedures. (Referred from Council 12/7/89, laid over in Committee 3/19/90 and 4/16/90) Con�nittee recommended withdrawal . CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 � Sa�p48 Printed on Recycled Paper