98-799:5:30P.M. �- ecretary to the Council �upport.266-8565 •• �a. VickV Erickson_ Michelle McCarnay. -operty Code Enforcement dedaring. 995 ; 'nuisance properties.' (FOr noUficaUon uled at a later date if necessaryJ �ney announc[ng a hearing before an :7. 7998. at 9:30 a.m.. Room 41. City �i�caUOn of Satnt Paui blrearms Company. l Neighborhood Development Fund 140 to fund. ointment of Sergeant Michael J. O'Brien. :aro]e Mannheizn. and Thomas Minter, by, ,yi Affairs Review Commission. �ointments of Sister Mary Frances Benz. ild Aebl. Nimle Otto, Dean Ixmke, Steven iahl, and the appointments of Peter Reely, ;ert: JulSe Waiton. and Dolores Zeller..by mmitteeonAging.� � 998 through Apri12001 Iabor Agreement Lakes and Plains Regiona] Council �of ober 14) pto�ect entilled "[nformatton Sermces ':o�ecY' and memozandums of agreemen[. >epartment�of Pfanning and Economic ouncil forfundingforboth the 750 Pelham lf of.the City of Saint Paul. :oas�fmm.Jary's Mazket and North East nents, music and celebration for the a2ces-E2ectamation� and Prosperity Avenue rield by ALEE, INC., dba the Bourbon Ha;. o tite Statcnf Minnewta. � ;he 300.feet distanre requirement from a ialt Itquof. heense for the bowling center a[ S OsceolaAVenue. � �ion of.:the Legislahve Hearing Offrcer for �naryaY370-372�Fhller Avenue. 900 Juno iherbuzne Avenue #2, 415-417 Shabume ition of a Jrnnt Powers P,greement between .tion:(MnDO'I7 and the City oPSaint Paul coordinate and mntribute staff time for the �de, mu1H-agency traffic informzUon and ,�p. i�UU.:< Lea:i[1g oa Sz:n: i•yu: o..n:ng \�ngc Yoi�Cy'. lKeyues:cU Ut wuuu. ��uouc: : 1998. C.F. 98-9181 36. Resolulion 98-566 - Ordenng Ihe owner to rcmove or repair the building at 674 Wells Street within fiReen ( ISi days Gom adop4on oC resolut+on. (Legislauve Heanng Offic°: reCOmmends appro�al) (lasd o�e: from Stptcmber 23� 37. Resolution 98-997 - Ordering the owner io remwe or repair the building at 932 Concordia� Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adopUOn of resolution. (Itgislauve Hearing Officer recommends amending the orper to remove or mDair withm 45 daysl 38. Resolution 98-992 - Orderin� the owrter to remove oi repair the building at 667 Charles Avenueu9thin fifteen f 15) days from adopllon of resolulion. (Lcgislative Heanng '• OfFicer recommends Ia}�ng over to the November 17, 1998 Legislallve Yearings) 39. Resolution Ratitying Assessment 98-955 - In matter ot summary abatement (property clean-up) £or property at 1904 JeEferson Avenue. (I.egislative Heanng Officer recommendsdenyin�theapnealJfl.aidoverfromOctobcrl4J � 40. Pubiic hearing to consider the anolication of fl�ends School of M�nnesota to rezone property from RM3 (high denstty multi-family residential) fn OS-1 (ofCice-service) for the purpose oCconstructing an addition to the existing fYiends School building at 1365 Englewood Avenue (southeast comer ofN. Albert S[. and vacated�Hubbazd Ave.) MISCELL4NFAUS - 41. Recognition of Mary Hayes. re[inng City of Saint Paul employee. 42. NSP recognizes the Clty of Saint Paul for ouLStanding achievements gafned from their energy conservatron partnershvp. � -- HOBSINGANDREDEVLrIAPMENTAUTHORITY ., ��/ "`'7 r} ( ROLL CAI.L U G 7 CQHSENT AGENDA � 1. Approval of Minutes from September 23: and October 141998. - 2. Resolution Aznending Legal Documents that the HRA�is a Party to, Regazding the '11�ansfer of Title from the Town Square Owner �to� the .City, and Regarding the Easevnents and Relallonships between the Town Square Owner and the City. The Amendment is Inxended to Reflect the Change in Ownerskvn and Usage of the Propert ResulUng from the Sa3e of tkiis Pronerty by the City to K/B Fund ISS. Distriet 17 3.. AuYhorizahon to Acquire i3UD Foreclosed Parcels 523525 York Avenue and 385 Avenue Under Payne-Phatrn Ndgh6orhood Reinvcstmrnt Strategy�Capi :Ciry �evelopment Program, Payne-Phalen. Distnct 5 4. Authonzation [o Acquire Parceis 729 Fdgertcn. 6&3 Payne, 568 Beaumon 39 Kenny Road and 530 Payne Avenue Under the Railroad Csland Small Are lan. Payne- Phalen, Dlstrict 5 5. Rew7ution Authonzing Loan to Frogtown Puale Company. Inc.., Di 'et 7 6. Authortzation to Acquire Tax Forfeit Parcels as follows: 617 5 er Ave.. West Side - Distcict 3, E. Montana Avaiue Property.� Payne-Phalen Di ' t 5. Weshmnster St. Property, Payne-Phalen District 5. 454 Goodrich Avenue. We Seventh Distnet 9. 141 LawsonAve.. Norktt End. Distxict 6 and 73 AtwaterAvenue, orth End. District 6 PUBLIG�HEARING 7. Authonzation to Execute the Sale of Parcel 1304 bbard Avenue under the Replacement Single Faznily New Construction Progra , and AuthorizaUon to Amend . the 1998 Budgetin Connection therewith.I wayDistncY 11 Public Hearing DISCIISSION - � 8. FYnal Approval to Project and Issuance.of Health FacilityRevenue Bonds (Regions Hosoital Pro�ect} DSstrict 17 STAFFREPORT - - � - ADJOURNMENT - l � �reement �nth Ramsey County for the B 'l i FT �� \�. �`]l �� )a7e St.. Maryland Ave. and VJhite Beaz Ave. �l�b �'J� AJ l. t U. lkA '.999 Residentla] Sizeef Vi.ality Program �(' budget m the Housing Code Enforcemen[ __������� �� RF,SQLUTIOriS / rudge[ in the Deparment of Fire and Safety , ��" �=��� Council File No. 9SJ99 - By Dan Sostrom TARBoardRemmmendahonsforCyde4of gg50LVED, That in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Admmistrative Code and � Minnesota Sffitu[e Chapter 429, the Council ot the City of Saznt Pau] does hereby fix [he 12th day of November 1998 at 5:30 P.M. as the date on which the Council will hoid a Public �ate of nav for the proposed new class Hearing in the City Council Chambers. Samt Paul. NSinnesota, to consider The levei of street ice;. (izid over from October 14) and alley mazntenance to be pe: formep m the C�ty of Saint Paul m 1999 and the costs to be :he 1998 Fpurth Cycle Neighborhood STAR chazged against fhe benefieed propeny. and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish nollce o( this Hearin� pursuant to Minneso[a Sta[ute Chapter 429 and the Department of Judge report concerning licenses he1C by Finance is hereby d:rec[ed to mail nohces to affected properties in accordance with 5a�d firenue EasL (Laid over from Oc[ober 14'� Chapter 429. nds from the Univers�ty of Mmnesota for Adopted by Council Sepcember 2. 199& / 39 ,o be perfo^ned by ihe Police Deoartment Certified by Couval Secretar}� ?nvironmental Protectaon (Lfc?). NA1�CY AtvDERSO� - dmg changes to the City's wning and sign (Occober 24. 1998) �/ (Reouestedby the Councii on February �, Couneil File No. 95-918- B}'J2y Benanav PrevenUon of Violence m the Workolace. Resolut�on Es[abl�shmp a PubLc Hearing on October 28, 1995 on the ImpiementaLOn of ° Saint Paul's Ln�ng Wa�e Pohcy able Rage. (Requested by the Council on ��EFEAS. Council File 96-1512 soecifies Chat :here shall be an annual report on the �mpiementation oC[he livingwage pohcy and mmpliznce thereaoth: and >ending Aopendix C of the Izgislative Code �EE2EAS. the City Council req�uested thai [he Admims[rarion pro�nde such reports o^ �Rhem States Power Compzny. (Su6shtute 1997 and 1995 at �ts October 28. 1„93 meetmg as a discuss�on item and make che repons available to [ne CouGCil a��eek onor m that meeon�: aac. ^ e j IPUBLIC WORKS SEPTEMBER 2. 1998 € OF $IGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SlGNA7URq t 998 � GREEN SHEET ATTOHNEY +ET iNRECTOR %i (OR PSSIST N0. +�� r CAUNCIL & MGi SERVICES date of Public Hearing for proposal of 1999 SueeUAlley Maintenance Service Charge to be assessed �iga iefited property. chments: (D) Nofice of Public Hearing; and, (E) Gouncil Resolu5on iMMENDAT70N3 approve (A) a Re;ect (R) pERS�NAI. SERVICE �NTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESllO!!S: PIANNMG COMMISSION qVIL SFAVICE COMNASSION 1_ Has this personlfirtn ever worketl undu a cont2c[ for this department? — YES NO CIB fAMMfi'fEE 2. Has this persontFinn ever been a city employee? — YES NO S7AFF 3. DDes fhis perSONfiRn possess a Ski�l not noRnally pOSSe55ed by any curteM ciTy — employee? Dfsrp�crcouNCfL _ YES NO ORTS WHICH COUNCIL 061ECTVE� ExWain all yes answen on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING Pft�BIEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIiY (WHO, WHAT, WNEN, WHEftE. WH1�: This is the the proposal for the 1999 Program. iDVANTAGES IF A 5ee Above RE�i'�I�� AUG 2 7 ��YC�?�`S s�F�EC� iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACf10N$ �`��=��b�U"G`J,"L15;'U�y=�lti,'L:3/,`JU"L COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� - �,Y� NO FUNDING SOURCE ASSe55Il1elltS, GenCL3] FuIId, TT3nSfCiS Iri, Ai(IS, ACENITY NUMBER 42'31� �170UgY1 4Z34O FINANCIAL MFOFMAiION: (EXPfA1N) q� -'1 �g (D) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NoSce is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the 12th day of November 1998 at 5:30 P.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hail and Court House, Saint Paul, Muutesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1999 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the Department ot Public Works are as fallows: CLASS I- DOWNTOWN OR LOOP 5TREETS Descri.ption: Class I service will be perfarmed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Pro�osed 1999 Level of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: All Ciass I service will be assessed at a rate of 3.53 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II - OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Descri�tion: Class II service will be performed on ail outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian tratfic and have frequent business or commerciai properties fronting on them. Typicai examples would be as follows University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. Ail of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Page 1 of 4 q�'-1qq (D contd.) Pro�osed 1999 Level of Service: The Class II streets wouid be cleaned approxirnately 13 times per season. All rouiine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be done on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residentiaL The commercial property rate will be 2.43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Descri�tion: Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Pro�osed 1999 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, have received a thorough cleaning in the spring which included sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work has been done on an as-needed basis. A new policywas placed in effect August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 142 miles. This new policy calls for 44 miles of these existing oiled streets to be sealcoated each year in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat these oiled streets on a five year cycle until the oiled street is scheduled to be paved as part of the Residential Street Paving Program. The sireet will then be added to our ten year cycle seaicoat list. Approximately 39 miles of existing paved streets will receive a chip sealcoat. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Pro�osed Assessment: Under Class III service to residential streets, we have two assessment categories. The commerciai property rate would be 1.76 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�tion: Class N service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the CiYy. Page 2 of 4 qg -'iqq (D contd.) Pro�osed 1999 L,evel of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys will be swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, will be performed on an as-needed basis. A new policy was put into effect August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 910 oiled alleys. This new policy calls for the 360 existing oiled alleys to be sealcoated each year in 1997,1998, and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat all oiled alleys in a 5 year cycle. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is .86 per assessable foot for commercial property and .57 per assessable foot for residential property. CLASS V AND VI - UIVIMPROVED STREETS AND ALLEYS Descr�tion: Class V and VI service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By ununproved, we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 1999 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in arder to make them passable and reduce hazards. Pro�osed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on ununproved streets is .66 per assessable foot for commercial property and � per assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is .34 per assessable foot for commercial property and .23 per assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 4 q�-19q (D contd.) 1999 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spending Summer $10,729,087 Bridge 1,220,899 SafeTy Services * 0 Winter 4,287,916 Financine Assessmenu Aids(1) GeneralFund TransferIn $8,756,000 $2,009,415 0 0 0 1,185,553 35,346 0 0 0 0 0 0 216,242 4,071,674 0 TOTAL $16,237,902 $8,756,000 $3,411,210 $4,107,020 * Safety Services was transferred [o the Administrauon fund in 1999 (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,865,697 Trunk Highway Aid - 298,561 County Aid - 739,418 Miscellaneous Receipts - 507.534 $3,411,210 � Fund Balance - $36,328 0 0 0 $36,328 Page 4 of 4 :5:30P.M. �- ecretary to the Council �upport.266-8565 •• �a. VickV Erickson_ Michelle McCarnay. -operty Code Enforcement dedaring. 995 ; 'nuisance properties.' (FOr noUficaUon uled at a later date if necessaryJ �ney announc[ng a hearing before an :7. 7998. at 9:30 a.m.. Room 41. City �i�caUOn of Satnt Paui blrearms Company. l Neighborhood Development Fund 140 to fund. ointment of Sergeant Michael J. O'Brien. :aro]e Mannheizn. and Thomas Minter, by, ,yi Affairs Review Commission. �ointments of Sister Mary Frances Benz. ild Aebl. Nimle Otto, Dean Ixmke, Steven iahl, and the appointments of Peter Reely, ;ert: JulSe Waiton. and Dolores Zeller..by mmitteeonAging.� � 998 through Apri12001 Iabor Agreement Lakes and Plains Regiona] Council �of ober 14) pto�ect entilled "[nformatton Sermces ':o�ecY' and memozandums of agreemen[. >epartment�of Pfanning and Economic ouncil forfundingforboth the 750 Pelham lf of.the City of Saint Paul. :oas�fmm.Jary's Mazket and North East nents, music and celebration for the a2ces-E2ectamation� and Prosperity Avenue rield by ALEE, INC., dba the Bourbon Ha;. o tite Statcnf Minnewta. � ;he 300.feet distanre requirement from a ialt Itquof. heense for the bowling center a[ S OsceolaAVenue. � �ion of.:the Legislahve Hearing Offrcer for �naryaY370-372�Fhller Avenue. 900 Juno iherbuzne Avenue #2, 415-417 Shabume ition of a Jrnnt Powers P,greement between .tion:(MnDO'I7 and the City oPSaint Paul coordinate and mntribute staff time for the �de, mu1H-agency traffic informzUon and ,�p. i�UU.:< Lea:i[1g oa Sz:n: i•yu: o..n:ng \�ngc Yoi�Cy'. lKeyues:cU Ut wuuu. ��uouc: : 1998. C.F. 98-9181 36. Resolulion 98-566 - Ordenng Ihe owner to rcmove or repair the building at 674 Wells Street within fiReen ( ISi days Gom adop4on oC resolut+on. (Legislauve Heanng Offic°: reCOmmends appro�al) (lasd o�e: from Stptcmber 23� 37. Resolution 98-997 - Ordering the owner io remwe or repair the building at 932 Concordia� Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adopUOn of resolution. (Itgislauve Hearing Officer recommends amending the orper to remove or mDair withm 45 daysl 38. Resolution 98-992 - Orderin� the owrter to remove oi repair the building at 667 Charles Avenueu9thin fifteen f 15) days from adopllon of resolulion. (Lcgislative Heanng '• OfFicer recommends Ia}�ng over to the November 17, 1998 Legislallve Yearings) 39. Resolution Ratitying Assessment 98-955 - In matter ot summary abatement (property clean-up) £or property at 1904 JeEferson Avenue. (I.egislative Heanng Officer recommendsdenyin�theapnealJfl.aidoverfromOctobcrl4J � 40. Pubiic hearing to consider the anolication of fl�ends School of M�nnesota to rezone property from RM3 (high denstty multi-family residential) fn OS-1 (ofCice-service) for the purpose oCconstructing an addition to the existing fYiends School building at 1365 Englewood Avenue (southeast comer ofN. Albert S[. and vacated�Hubbazd Ave.) MISCELL4NFAUS - 41. Recognition of Mary Hayes. re[inng City of Saint Paul employee. 42. NSP recognizes the Clty of Saint Paul for ouLStanding achievements gafned from their energy conservatron partnershvp. � -- HOBSINGANDREDEVLrIAPMENTAUTHORITY ., ��/ "`'7 r} ( ROLL CAI.L U G 7 CQHSENT AGENDA � 1. Approval of Minutes from September 23: and October 141998. - 2. Resolution Aznending Legal Documents that the HRA�is a Party to, Regazding the '11�ansfer of Title from the Town Square Owner �to� the .City, and Regarding the Easevnents and Relallonships between the Town Square Owner and the City. The Amendment is Inxended to Reflect the Change in Ownerskvn and Usage of the Propert ResulUng from the Sa3e of tkiis Pronerty by the City to K/B Fund ISS. Distriet 17 3.. AuYhorizahon to Acquire i3UD Foreclosed Parcels 523525 York Avenue and 385 Avenue Under Payne-Phatrn Ndgh6orhood Reinvcstmrnt Strategy�Capi :Ciry �evelopment Program, Payne-Phalen. Distnct 5 4. Authonzation [o Acquire Parceis 729 Fdgertcn. 6&3 Payne, 568 Beaumon 39 Kenny Road and 530 Payne Avenue Under the Railroad Csland Small Are lan. Payne- Phalen, Dlstrict 5 5. Rew7ution Authonzing Loan to Frogtown Puale Company. Inc.., Di 'et 7 6. Authortzation to Acquire Tax Forfeit Parcels as follows: 617 5 er Ave.. West Side - Distcict 3, E. Montana Avaiue Property.� Payne-Phalen Di ' t 5. Weshmnster St. Property, Payne-Phalen District 5. 454 Goodrich Avenue. We Seventh Distnet 9. 141 LawsonAve.. Norktt End. Distxict 6 and 73 AtwaterAvenue, orth End. District 6 PUBLIG�HEARING 7. Authonzation to Execute the Sale of Parcel 1304 bbard Avenue under the Replacement Single Faznily New Construction Progra , and AuthorizaUon to Amend . the 1998 Budgetin Connection therewith.I wayDistncY 11 Public Hearing DISCIISSION - � 8. FYnal Approval to Project and Issuance.of Health FacilityRevenue Bonds (Regions Hosoital Pro�ect} DSstrict 17 STAFFREPORT - - � - ADJOURNMENT - l � �reement �nth Ramsey County for the B 'l i FT �� \�. �`]l �� )a7e St.. Maryland Ave. and VJhite Beaz Ave. �l�b �'J� AJ l. t U. lkA '.999 Residentla] Sizeef Vi.ality Program �(' budget m the Housing Code Enforcemen[ __������� �� RF,SQLUTIOriS / rudge[ in the Deparment of Fire and Safety , ��" �=��� Council File No. 9SJ99 - By Dan Sostrom TARBoardRemmmendahonsforCyde4of gg50LVED, That in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Admmistrative Code and � Minnesota Sffitu[e Chapter 429, the Council ot the City of Saznt Pau] does hereby fix [he 12th day of November 1998 at 5:30 P.M. as the date on which the Council will hoid a Public �ate of nav for the proposed new class Hearing in the City Council Chambers. Samt Paul. NSinnesota, to consider The levei of street ice;. (izid over from October 14) and alley mazntenance to be pe: formep m the C�ty of Saint Paul m 1999 and the costs to be :he 1998 Fpurth Cycle Neighborhood STAR chazged against fhe benefieed propeny. and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish nollce o( this Hearin� pursuant to Minneso[a Sta[ute Chapter 429 and the Department of Judge report concerning licenses he1C by Finance is hereby d:rec[ed to mail nohces to affected properties in accordance with 5a�d firenue EasL (Laid over from Oc[ober 14'� Chapter 429. nds from the Univers�ty of Mmnesota for Adopted by Council Sepcember 2. 199& / 39 ,o be perfo^ned by ihe Police Deoartment Certified by Couval Secretar}� ?nvironmental Protectaon (Lfc?). NA1�CY AtvDERSO� - dmg changes to the City's wning and sign (Occober 24. 1998) �/ (Reouestedby the Councii on February �, Couneil File No. 95-918- B}'J2y Benanav PrevenUon of Violence m the Workolace. Resolut�on Es[abl�shmp a PubLc Hearing on October 28, 1995 on the ImpiementaLOn of ° Saint Paul's Ln�ng Wa�e Pohcy able Rage. (Requested by the Council on ��EFEAS. Council File 96-1512 soecifies Chat :here shall be an annual report on the �mpiementation oC[he livingwage pohcy and mmpliznce thereaoth: and >ending Aopendix C of the Izgislative Code �EE2EAS. the City Council req�uested thai [he Admims[rarion pro�nde such reports o^ �Rhem States Power Compzny. (Su6shtute 1997 and 1995 at �ts October 28. 1„93 meetmg as a discuss�on item and make che repons available to [ne CouGCil a��eek onor m that meeon�: aac. ^ e j IPUBLIC WORKS SEPTEMBER 2. 1998 € OF $IGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SlGNA7URq t 998 � GREEN SHEET ATTOHNEY +ET iNRECTOR %i (OR PSSIST N0. +�� r CAUNCIL & MGi SERVICES date of Public Hearing for proposal of 1999 SueeUAlley Maintenance Service Charge to be assessed �iga iefited property. chments: (D) Nofice of Public Hearing; and, (E) Gouncil Resolu5on iMMENDAT70N3 approve (A) a Re;ect (R) pERS�NAI. SERVICE �NTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESllO!!S: PIANNMG COMMISSION qVIL SFAVICE COMNASSION 1_ Has this personlfirtn ever worketl undu a cont2c[ for this department? — YES NO CIB fAMMfi'fEE 2. Has this persontFinn ever been a city employee? — YES NO S7AFF 3. DDes fhis perSONfiRn possess a Ski�l not noRnally pOSSe55ed by any curteM ciTy — employee? Dfsrp�crcouNCfL _ YES NO ORTS WHICH COUNCIL 061ECTVE� ExWain all yes answen on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING Pft�BIEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIiY (WHO, WHAT, WNEN, WHEftE. WH1�: This is the the proposal for the 1999 Program. iDVANTAGES IF A 5ee Above RE�i'�I�� AUG 2 7 ��YC�?�`S s�F�EC� iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACf10N$ �`��=��b�U"G`J,"L15;'U�y=�lti,'L:3/,`JU"L COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� - �,Y� NO FUNDING SOURCE ASSe55Il1elltS, GenCL3] FuIId, TT3nSfCiS Iri, Ai(IS, ACENITY NUMBER 42'31� �170UgY1 4Z34O FINANCIAL MFOFMAiION: (EXPfA1N) q� -'1 �g (D) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NoSce is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the 12th day of November 1998 at 5:30 P.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hail and Court House, Saint Paul, Muutesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1999 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the Department ot Public Works are as fallows: CLASS I- DOWNTOWN OR LOOP 5TREETS Descri.ption: Class I service will be perfarmed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Pro�osed 1999 Level of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: All Ciass I service will be assessed at a rate of 3.53 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II - OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Descri�tion: Class II service will be performed on ail outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian tratfic and have frequent business or commerciai properties fronting on them. Typicai examples would be as follows University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. Ail of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Page 1 of 4 q�'-1qq (D contd.) Pro�osed 1999 Level of Service: The Class II streets wouid be cleaned approxirnately 13 times per season. All rouiine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be done on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residentiaL The commercial property rate will be 2.43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Descri�tion: Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Pro�osed 1999 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, have received a thorough cleaning in the spring which included sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work has been done on an as-needed basis. A new policywas placed in effect August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 142 miles. This new policy calls for 44 miles of these existing oiled streets to be sealcoated each year in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat these oiled streets on a five year cycle until the oiled street is scheduled to be paved as part of the Residential Street Paving Program. The sireet will then be added to our ten year cycle seaicoat list. Approximately 39 miles of existing paved streets will receive a chip sealcoat. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Pro�osed Assessment: Under Class III service to residential streets, we have two assessment categories. The commerciai property rate would be 1.76 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�tion: Class N service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the CiYy. Page 2 of 4 qg -'iqq (D contd.) Pro�osed 1999 L,evel of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys will be swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, will be performed on an as-needed basis. A new policy was put into effect August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 910 oiled alleys. This new policy calls for the 360 existing oiled alleys to be sealcoated each year in 1997,1998, and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat all oiled alleys in a 5 year cycle. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is .86 per assessable foot for commercial property and .57 per assessable foot for residential property. CLASS V AND VI - UIVIMPROVED STREETS AND ALLEYS Descr�tion: Class V and VI service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By ununproved, we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 1999 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in arder to make them passable and reduce hazards. Pro�osed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on ununproved streets is .66 per assessable foot for commercial property and � per assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is .34 per assessable foot for commercial property and .23 per assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 4 q�-19q (D contd.) 1999 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spending Summer $10,729,087 Bridge 1,220,899 SafeTy Services * 0 Winter 4,287,916 Financine Assessmenu Aids(1) GeneralFund TransferIn $8,756,000 $2,009,415 0 0 0 1,185,553 35,346 0 0 0 0 0 0 216,242 4,071,674 0 TOTAL $16,237,902 $8,756,000 $3,411,210 $4,107,020 * Safety Services was transferred [o the Administrauon fund in 1999 (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,865,697 Trunk Highway Aid - 298,561 County Aid - 739,418 Miscellaneous Receipts - 507.534 $3,411,210 � Fund Balance - $36,328 0 0 0 $36,328 Page 4 of 4 :5:30P.M. �- ecretary to the Council �upport.266-8565 •• �a. VickV Erickson_ Michelle McCarnay. -operty Code Enforcement dedaring. 995 ; 'nuisance properties.' (FOr noUficaUon uled at a later date if necessaryJ �ney announc[ng a hearing before an :7. 7998. at 9:30 a.m.. Room 41. City �i�caUOn of Satnt Paui blrearms Company. l Neighborhood Development Fund 140 to fund. ointment of Sergeant Michael J. O'Brien. :aro]e Mannheizn. and Thomas Minter, by, ,yi Affairs Review Commission. �ointments of Sister Mary Frances Benz. ild Aebl. Nimle Otto, Dean Ixmke, Steven iahl, and the appointments of Peter Reely, ;ert: JulSe Waiton. and Dolores Zeller..by mmitteeonAging.� � 998 through Apri12001 Iabor Agreement Lakes and Plains Regiona] Council �of ober 14) pto�ect entilled "[nformatton Sermces ':o�ecY' and memozandums of agreemen[. >epartment�of Pfanning and Economic ouncil forfundingforboth the 750 Pelham lf of.the City of Saint Paul. :oas�fmm.Jary's Mazket and North East nents, music and celebration for the a2ces-E2ectamation� and Prosperity Avenue rield by ALEE, INC., dba the Bourbon Ha;. o tite Statcnf Minnewta. � ;he 300.feet distanre requirement from a ialt Itquof. heense for the bowling center a[ S OsceolaAVenue. � �ion of.:the Legislahve Hearing Offrcer for �naryaY370-372�Fhller Avenue. 900 Juno iherbuzne Avenue #2, 415-417 Shabume ition of a Jrnnt Powers P,greement between .tion:(MnDO'I7 and the City oPSaint Paul coordinate and mntribute staff time for the �de, mu1H-agency traffic informzUon and ,�p. i�UU.:< Lea:i[1g oa Sz:n: i•yu: o..n:ng \�ngc Yoi�Cy'. lKeyues:cU Ut wuuu. ��uouc: : 1998. C.F. 98-9181 36. Resolulion 98-566 - Ordenng Ihe owner to rcmove or repair the building at 674 Wells Street within fiReen ( ISi days Gom adop4on oC resolut+on. (Legislauve Heanng Offic°: reCOmmends appro�al) (lasd o�e: from Stptcmber 23� 37. Resolution 98-997 - Ordering the owner io remwe or repair the building at 932 Concordia� Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adopUOn of resolution. (Itgislauve Hearing Officer recommends amending the orper to remove or mDair withm 45 daysl 38. Resolution 98-992 - Orderin� the owrter to remove oi repair the building at 667 Charles Avenueu9thin fifteen f 15) days from adopllon of resolulion. (Lcgislative Heanng '• OfFicer recommends Ia}�ng over to the November 17, 1998 Legislallve Yearings) 39. Resolution Ratitying Assessment 98-955 - In matter ot summary abatement (property clean-up) £or property at 1904 JeEferson Avenue. (I.egislative Heanng Officer recommendsdenyin�theapnealJfl.aidoverfromOctobcrl4J � 40. Pubiic hearing to consider the anolication of fl�ends School of M�nnesota to rezone property from RM3 (high denstty multi-family residential) fn OS-1 (ofCice-service) for the purpose oCconstructing an addition to the existing fYiends School building at 1365 Englewood Avenue (southeast comer ofN. Albert S[. and vacated�Hubbazd Ave.) MISCELL4NFAUS - 41. Recognition of Mary Hayes. re[inng City of Saint Paul employee. 42. NSP recognizes the Clty of Saint Paul for ouLStanding achievements gafned from their energy conservatron partnershvp. � -- HOBSINGANDREDEVLrIAPMENTAUTHORITY ., ��/ "`'7 r} ( ROLL CAI.L U G 7 CQHSENT AGENDA � 1. Approval of Minutes from September 23: and October 141998. - 2. Resolution Aznending Legal Documents that the HRA�is a Party to, Regazding the '11�ansfer of Title from the Town Square Owner �to� the .City, and Regarding the Easevnents and Relallonships between the Town Square Owner and the City. The Amendment is Inxended to Reflect the Change in Ownerskvn and Usage of the Propert ResulUng from the Sa3e of tkiis Pronerty by the City to K/B Fund ISS. Distriet 17 3.. AuYhorizahon to Acquire i3UD Foreclosed Parcels 523525 York Avenue and 385 Avenue Under Payne-Phatrn Ndgh6orhood Reinvcstmrnt Strategy�Capi :Ciry �evelopment Program, Payne-Phalen. Distnct 5 4. Authonzation [o Acquire Parceis 729 Fdgertcn. 6&3 Payne, 568 Beaumon 39 Kenny Road and 530 Payne Avenue Under the Railroad Csland Small Are lan. Payne- Phalen, Dlstrict 5 5. Rew7ution Authonzing Loan to Frogtown Puale Company. Inc.., Di 'et 7 6. Authortzation to Acquire Tax Forfeit Parcels as follows: 617 5 er Ave.. West Side - Distcict 3, E. Montana Avaiue Property.� Payne-Phalen Di ' t 5. Weshmnster St. Property, Payne-Phalen District 5. 454 Goodrich Avenue. We Seventh Distnet 9. 141 LawsonAve.. Norktt End. Distxict 6 and 73 AtwaterAvenue, orth End. District 6 PUBLIG�HEARING 7. Authonzation to Execute the Sale of Parcel 1304 bbard Avenue under the Replacement Single Faznily New Construction Progra , and AuthorizaUon to Amend . the 1998 Budgetin Connection therewith.I wayDistncY 11 Public Hearing DISCIISSION - � 8. FYnal Approval to Project and Issuance.of Health FacilityRevenue Bonds (Regions Hosoital Pro�ect} DSstrict 17 STAFFREPORT - - � - ADJOURNMENT - l � �reement �nth Ramsey County for the B 'l i FT �� \�. �`]l �� )a7e St.. Maryland Ave. and VJhite Beaz Ave. �l�b �'J� AJ l. t U. lkA '.999 Residentla] Sizeef Vi.ality Program �(' budget m the Housing Code Enforcemen[ __������� �� RF,SQLUTIOriS / rudge[ in the Deparment of Fire and Safety , ��" �=��� Council File No. 9SJ99 - By Dan Sostrom TARBoardRemmmendahonsforCyde4of gg50LVED, That in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Admmistrative Code and � Minnesota Sffitu[e Chapter 429, the Council ot the City of Saznt Pau] does hereby fix [he 12th day of November 1998 at 5:30 P.M. as the date on which the Council will hoid a Public �ate of nav for the proposed new class Hearing in the City Council Chambers. Samt Paul. NSinnesota, to consider The levei of street ice;. (izid over from October 14) and alley mazntenance to be pe: formep m the C�ty of Saint Paul m 1999 and the costs to be :he 1998 Fpurth Cycle Neighborhood STAR chazged against fhe benefieed propeny. and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish nollce o( this Hearin� pursuant to Minneso[a Sta[ute Chapter 429 and the Department of Judge report concerning licenses he1C by Finance is hereby d:rec[ed to mail nohces to affected properties in accordance with 5a�d firenue EasL (Laid over from Oc[ober 14'� Chapter 429. nds from the Univers�ty of Mmnesota for Adopted by Council Sepcember 2. 199& / 39 ,o be perfo^ned by ihe Police Deoartment Certified by Couval Secretar}� ?nvironmental Protectaon (Lfc?). NA1�CY AtvDERSO� - dmg changes to the City's wning and sign (Occober 24. 1998) �/ (Reouestedby the Councii on February �, Couneil File No. 95-918- B}'J2y Benanav PrevenUon of Violence m the Workolace. Resolut�on Es[abl�shmp a PubLc Hearing on October 28, 1995 on the ImpiementaLOn of ° Saint Paul's Ln�ng Wa�e Pohcy able Rage. (Requested by the Council on ��EFEAS. Council File 96-1512 soecifies Chat :here shall be an annual report on the �mpiementation oC[he livingwage pohcy and mmpliznce thereaoth: and >ending Aopendix C of the Izgislative Code �EE2EAS. the City Council req�uested thai [he Admims[rarion pro�nde such reports o^ �Rhem States Power Compzny. (Su6shtute 1997 and 1995 at �ts October 28. 1„93 meetmg as a discuss�on item and make che repons available to [ne CouGCil a��eek onor m that meeon�: aac. ^ e j IPUBLIC WORKS SEPTEMBER 2. 1998 € OF $IGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SlGNA7URq t 998 � GREEN SHEET ATTOHNEY +ET iNRECTOR %i (OR PSSIST N0. +�� r CAUNCIL & MGi SERVICES date of Public Hearing for proposal of 1999 SueeUAlley Maintenance Service Charge to be assessed �iga iefited property. chments: (D) Nofice of Public Hearing; and, (E) Gouncil Resolu5on iMMENDAT70N3 approve (A) a Re;ect (R) pERS�NAI. SERVICE �NTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESllO!!S: PIANNMG COMMISSION qVIL SFAVICE COMNASSION 1_ Has this personlfirtn ever worketl undu a cont2c[ for this department? — YES NO CIB fAMMfi'fEE 2. Has this persontFinn ever been a city employee? — YES NO S7AFF 3. DDes fhis perSONfiRn possess a Ski�l not noRnally pOSSe55ed by any curteM ciTy — employee? Dfsrp�crcouNCfL _ YES NO ORTS WHICH COUNCIL 061ECTVE� ExWain all yes answen on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING Pft�BIEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIiY (WHO, WHAT, WNEN, WHEftE. WH1�: This is the the proposal for the 1999 Program. iDVANTAGES IF A 5ee Above RE�i'�I�� AUG 2 7 ��YC�?�`S s�F�EC� iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACf10N$ �`��=��b�U"G`J,"L15;'U�y=�lti,'L:3/,`JU"L COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� - �,Y� NO FUNDING SOURCE ASSe55Il1elltS, GenCL3] FuIId, TT3nSfCiS Iri, Ai(IS, ACENITY NUMBER 42'31� �170UgY1 4Z34O FINANCIAL MFOFMAiION: (EXPfA1N) q� -'1 �g (D) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NoSce is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the 12th day of November 1998 at 5:30 P.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hail and Court House, Saint Paul, Muutesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1999 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the Department ot Public Works are as fallows: CLASS I- DOWNTOWN OR LOOP 5TREETS Descri.ption: Class I service will be perfarmed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Pro�osed 1999 Level of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: All Ciass I service will be assessed at a rate of 3.53 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II - OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Descri�tion: Class II service will be performed on ail outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian tratfic and have frequent business or commerciai properties fronting on them. Typicai examples would be as follows University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. Ail of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Page 1 of 4 q�'-1qq (D contd.) Pro�osed 1999 Level of Service: The Class II streets wouid be cleaned approxirnately 13 times per season. All rouiine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be done on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residentiaL The commercial property rate will be 2.43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Descri�tion: Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Pro�osed 1999 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, have received a thorough cleaning in the spring which included sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work has been done on an as-needed basis. A new policywas placed in effect August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 142 miles. This new policy calls for 44 miles of these existing oiled streets to be sealcoated each year in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat these oiled streets on a five year cycle until the oiled street is scheduled to be paved as part of the Residential Street Paving Program. The sireet will then be added to our ten year cycle seaicoat list. Approximately 39 miles of existing paved streets will receive a chip sealcoat. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Pro�osed Assessment: Under Class III service to residential streets, we have two assessment categories. The commerciai property rate would be 1.76 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�tion: Class N service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the CiYy. Page 2 of 4 qg -'iqq (D contd.) Pro�osed 1999 L,evel of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys will be swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, will be performed on an as-needed basis. A new policy was put into effect August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 910 oiled alleys. This new policy calls for the 360 existing oiled alleys to be sealcoated each year in 1997,1998, and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat all oiled alleys in a 5 year cycle. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is .86 per assessable foot for commercial property and .57 per assessable foot for residential property. CLASS V AND VI - UIVIMPROVED STREETS AND ALLEYS Descr�tion: Class V and VI service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By ununproved, we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 1999 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in arder to make them passable and reduce hazards. Pro�osed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on ununproved streets is .66 per assessable foot for commercial property and � per assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is .34 per assessable foot for commercial property and .23 per assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 4 q�-19q (D contd.) 1999 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spending Summer $10,729,087 Bridge 1,220,899 SafeTy Services * 0 Winter 4,287,916 Financine Assessmenu Aids(1) GeneralFund TransferIn $8,756,000 $2,009,415 0 0 0 1,185,553 35,346 0 0 0 0 0 0 216,242 4,071,674 0 TOTAL $16,237,902 $8,756,000 $3,411,210 $4,107,020 * Safety Services was transferred [o the Administrauon fund in 1999 (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,865,697 Trunk Highway Aid - 298,561 County Aid - 739,418 Miscellaneous Receipts - 507.534 $3,411,210 � Fund Balance - $36,328 0 0 0 $36,328 Page 4 of 4