98-794Council File � q p- t l'1 1 2 3 4 5 6 �.,<<�i�1lAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Depariment of Children, Families a.nd Learning; State of Minnesota, for the continuation of the lending h`brary relationship with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul, subject to the terms and conditions o£ said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Of�ce of Financial Services. .-�--- Requested by Department of: Libraries (�j�..d� GU/� By: Form Approved by City Attorney BY � ��lr��ii�— �/Z ���7'� By: . i'�' ' By: Approved by o for Submission to Council By: ( AdApted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � qg-�1��1 Libraries CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Carole Williams 266-7070 MUSf BE ON COUNCII.AGENDA BY (DATL7 TOTAL # OF D "'� "�'�'`"� GREEN SHEET 1vo.: 60974 August 18, 1998 � �nuarmnrs n�nriar.nnrE �yG57� I DEPAR'IMENf DIIL 8 5 CTI'Y COUNCII. NUMBER j FOR 3 C11YATfORNEY ZJ / CITYCT,ERK ROUTIN6 ORDER 2 FINANC7AI. SERV DII2 $' tS / 6 FINANCIAL SERVICESiACCT ALLLOCATIONSFOR nclzox aE¢uxs-rEn: Approval of Council Resolution to continue the Iirterl�rary Loan Program paid for with the State of Mumesota, Department of Children, Families and Leaming, monies. RECOMIvvIENNDATIONS: Approve (A) �Rejed (R) _PLANNIN(3CAMbIISSION CNII,SERVICE CO,�L�IISSION Cffi COMMITPEE _ �STAFF DISIRICT CAiIAT SUPPORTS WFIICH CAUI3CII, OB)ECfIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS Mi3ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWAG QUESTIONS: 1. Hastpispe�sonlficmeverworkedundaacrngrndforthisdepartment? 2. Has Utis pe'son/&mi ev� been a city employce? 3. Doesthis persoNfum pos�.e a skill aot nojmailY P�bY �Y �'+� �Y employeeT Esplatu sIl pes a�wers on aeparatc sheet and atfach to grecn sheet INITIATWGPROBLEM,ISSIJIS,OYPORTUTiITY(WhqWhekWLeRWhere WIt�: Will provide for the continuation of the State of NTinnesota, Department of Children, Fan�ilies and Leuning, Interlibrary Loan program provided by the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metropolitan azea public library systems. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This agreement provides for the sharing of infosxnation resources and provides total funding of eapenses. DISADVANTAGESSFAPPROVED: None AUG 2 51995 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Saint Paul Public Library would not be able to provides this services to non-metropolitan Libraries. TOTAL AhfOUNT OF TRAl�'SACl'ION: $ 25?,630 FTJNDING SOURCE: State ofMtmnesofa FIIVANC7AL INPORMATION: (EXPS.AIN) COSffREVEI�[JE BIIDGETED: Yes ACfI V YTY NUMBER: 35533430 �.���.{��� AUG 2 "� 1998 s.3 cf n � �-' : �� '4 � 3 ��:��_:�=���� � �'t�4Y0�?'S O�FV�. AJG E � 199$ ��`� � ��� ��������' �� �, .. q�-��� Routing for Accounting Div. City Attomey Fire Department Human Services ADOPTED RESOLUTION5/ORDINANCES Mazion Turley 210 City Hall Peter Pangbom 400 City Hall 7ohn Swanson 100 E. l lth St. 7ulie Kraus 500 CHA Mark Robinson 400 CHA Human Rights 900 City Hall Law Library (Ramsey Cty) 1815 City Hall LIEP (Licenses) Christine Rogek 300 Lowry Prof. Bldg. 5END AFTER YOU HAVE THE PUBLISHED DATE L1EP (Zoning) Mayors Of£xce Pazks & Rec Police Dept. Public Health Public Works Karen Zacho Darlyne Morrow Mary Lou Karp 6-6400 Lou/Fiscal Affairs Reneta Weiss Larry Michalitsch 300 Lowry Prof. Bldg. 390 City Hall 300 City Hall Annex 100 E. llth St. 555 Cedar 600 CHA (temp, Address is 10 CHA N 9�' AGREEMENT This a�reement is made and entered into by and between Library Development and Services, Department of Children, Families and Learning on behalf of the State of Minnesota, hereinafrer refened to as LDS, and the St. Paui Public Library, an agency of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter refened to as the Library. Whereas, under Minn. Stat. 134.31 it is the policy of the state to support the provision of library sezvice and the development of cooperative programs for che sharin� of resources and services; and Whereas LDS has determined that one program to implement the state's policy is the provision of an interiibrary loan and reference service to the regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, the Library is capable of operatina a program of interlibrary loan and reference service; Now therefore, the parties hereto a�ree as follows: I. The Library shali: A. Receive interiibrary loan and reference requests via communications media as may be agreed upon by the parties from the re�ional public library systems outside the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington through communications nodes designated by LDS. B. Lend items from its collection in response to requests received hereunder and refer unfilled requests via an established routing system to other libraries deemed probable secondary sources including but not limited to other public libraries participating in the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), academic libraries through Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC) and the MINI'TEX Library Information Network at the University of Minnesota. C. Maintain a system of reserving items to fill requests received hereunder in cases where said items are in use when a request for said item is received. D. Provide up to 2� pa�es of photocopies of library materials without charge in iieu of the loan of an item, such services to be provided consistent with provisions of Tztle 17, U.S. Code. E. Provide to LDS quarterly reports of the amount of services provided directly to each node, including the services referred to secondary sources and the dellvery services. �8 -�q`� -Z- F. Provide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder includin� paymencs to secondary sources. G. Provide to LDS information concerning problems encountered, recommendations for improved services and other reasonable and appropriate information as may be mutually agreed to regarding the operation of the services provided hereunder. H. From the amount established in Section II, D., reimburse secondary sources, except MTNITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $4.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sources shall aaree to maintain a system for placing requests on a waiting list when the requested materials are in use. II. The Office of Library Development and Services shall: A. Aevelop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and reference service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures to the regional public library systems. B. Coordinate the interlibrary loan and reference service network resultin� from this agreement and serve as a communication channel on matters of policy between the Library and the re�ional public library systems receiving services hereunder. C. Provide to the Library a list of regional pubiic library system communication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and reference requests. D. Reimburse the Library for services provided hereunder during the state's fiscal year ending 7une 30, 1999 in the amount of �257.630.00 which shall be paid to the Library in one installment. III. All services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed [o the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, Joyce C. Swonger, Director of LDS, or her successor, and in accord with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The Library sha11 not receive payment of work found by LDS to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state and local law, ordinance, rule and re�ulation. � -3- IV. This agreement may be canceled by LDS or tfie Library at, any time, with or without cause, upon ninery (90) days written notice to the other pariy. In the event of such cancellation, the Library shall be entitied to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. V. The Library shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement without prior written consent of the authorized agent of LDS. VI. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. °tg -'19`� In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be duly executed intending to be boundthereby. APPROVED: STATE OP MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND LEAIZNING CITY OF ST. PAUL DIVISION OF LIBRARIES I� Date: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approvecl as to Form: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY B , /!�, l✓G✓,�.�s-- Date: �'/�'- �/5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES gy: c��'-�---,-�-1 a�� \�/ Date: �'� � � � � U BY: �,1��-�-�z-oS G/i�-G�iE�y�-- Date: MAYOR Date: �/( 4 r LIBDEV\PLANET.CON Council File � q p- t l'1 1 2 3 4 5 6 �.,<<�i�1lAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Depariment of Children, Families a.nd Learning; State of Minnesota, for the continuation of the lending h`brary relationship with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul, subject to the terms and conditions o£ said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Of�ce of Financial Services. .-�--- Requested by Department of: Libraries (�j�..d� GU/� By: Form Approved by City Attorney BY � ��lr��ii�— �/Z ���7'� By: . i'�' ' By: Approved by o for Submission to Council By: ( AdApted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � qg-�1��1 Libraries CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Carole Williams 266-7070 MUSf BE ON COUNCII.AGENDA BY (DATL7 TOTAL # OF D "'� "�'�'`"� GREEN SHEET 1vo.: 60974 August 18, 1998 � �nuarmnrs n�nriar.nnrE �yG57� I DEPAR'IMENf DIIL 8 5 CTI'Y COUNCII. NUMBER j FOR 3 C11YATfORNEY ZJ / CITYCT,ERK ROUTIN6 ORDER 2 FINANC7AI. SERV DII2 $' tS / 6 FINANCIAL SERVICESiACCT ALLLOCATIONSFOR nclzox aE¢uxs-rEn: Approval of Council Resolution to continue the Iirterl�rary Loan Program paid for with the State of Mumesota, Department of Children, Families and Leaming, monies. RECOMIvvIENNDATIONS: Approve (A) �Rejed (R) _PLANNIN(3CAMbIISSION CNII,SERVICE CO,�L�IISSION Cffi COMMITPEE _ �STAFF DISIRICT CAiIAT SUPPORTS WFIICH CAUI3CII, OB)ECfIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS Mi3ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWAG QUESTIONS: 1. Hastpispe�sonlficmeverworkedundaacrngrndforthisdepartment? 2. Has Utis pe'son/&mi ev� been a city employce? 3. Doesthis persoNfum pos�.e a skill aot nojmailY P�bY �Y �'+� �Y employeeT Esplatu sIl pes a�wers on aeparatc sheet and atfach to grecn sheet INITIATWGPROBLEM,ISSIJIS,OYPORTUTiITY(WhqWhekWLeRWhere WIt�: Will provide for the continuation of the State of NTinnesota, Department of Children, Fan�ilies and Leuning, Interlibrary Loan program provided by the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metropolitan azea public library systems. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This agreement provides for the sharing of infosxnation resources and provides total funding of eapenses. DISADVANTAGESSFAPPROVED: None AUG 2 51995 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Saint Paul Public Library would not be able to provides this services to non-metropolitan Libraries. TOTAL AhfOUNT OF TRAl�'SACl'ION: $ 25?,630 FTJNDING SOURCE: State ofMtmnesofa FIIVANC7AL INPORMATION: (EXPS.AIN) COSffREVEI�[JE BIIDGETED: Yes ACfI V YTY NUMBER: 35533430 �.���.{��� AUG 2 "� 1998 s.3 cf n � �-' : �� '4 � 3 ��:��_:�=���� � �'t�4Y0�?'S O�FV�. AJG E � 199$ ��`� � ��� ��������' �� �, .. q�-��� Routing for Accounting Div. City Attomey Fire Department Human Services ADOPTED RESOLUTION5/ORDINANCES Mazion Turley 210 City Hall Peter Pangbom 400 City Hall 7ohn Swanson 100 E. l lth St. 7ulie Kraus 500 CHA Mark Robinson 400 CHA Human Rights 900 City Hall Law Library (Ramsey Cty) 1815 City Hall LIEP (Licenses) Christine Rogek 300 Lowry Prof. Bldg. 5END AFTER YOU HAVE THE PUBLISHED DATE L1EP (Zoning) Mayors Of£xce Pazks & Rec Police Dept. Public Health Public Works Karen Zacho Darlyne Morrow Mary Lou Karp 6-6400 Lou/Fiscal Affairs Reneta Weiss Larry Michalitsch 300 Lowry Prof. Bldg. 390 City Hall 300 City Hall Annex 100 E. llth St. 555 Cedar 600 CHA (temp, Address is 10 CHA N 9�' AGREEMENT This a�reement is made and entered into by and between Library Development and Services, Department of Children, Families and Learning on behalf of the State of Minnesota, hereinafrer refened to as LDS, and the St. Paui Public Library, an agency of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter refened to as the Library. Whereas, under Minn. Stat. 134.31 it is the policy of the state to support the provision of library sezvice and the development of cooperative programs for che sharin� of resources and services; and Whereas LDS has determined that one program to implement the state's policy is the provision of an interiibrary loan and reference service to the regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, the Library is capable of operatina a program of interlibrary loan and reference service; Now therefore, the parties hereto a�ree as follows: I. The Library shali: A. Receive interiibrary loan and reference requests via communications media as may be agreed upon by the parties from the re�ional public library systems outside the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington through communications nodes designated by LDS. B. Lend items from its collection in response to requests received hereunder and refer unfilled requests via an established routing system to other libraries deemed probable secondary sources including but not limited to other public libraries participating in the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), academic libraries through Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC) and the MINI'TEX Library Information Network at the University of Minnesota. C. Maintain a system of reserving items to fill requests received hereunder in cases where said items are in use when a request for said item is received. D. Provide up to 2� pa�es of photocopies of library materials without charge in iieu of the loan of an item, such services to be provided consistent with provisions of Tztle 17, U.S. Code. E. Provide to LDS quarterly reports of the amount of services provided directly to each node, including the services referred to secondary sources and the dellvery services. �8 -�q`� -Z- F. Provide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder includin� paymencs to secondary sources. G. Provide to LDS information concerning problems encountered, recommendations for improved services and other reasonable and appropriate information as may be mutually agreed to regarding the operation of the services provided hereunder. H. From the amount established in Section II, D., reimburse secondary sources, except MTNITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $4.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sources shall aaree to maintain a system for placing requests on a waiting list when the requested materials are in use. II. The Office of Library Development and Services shall: A. Aevelop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and reference service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures to the regional public library systems. B. Coordinate the interlibrary loan and reference service network resultin� from this agreement and serve as a communication channel on matters of policy between the Library and the re�ional public library systems receiving services hereunder. C. Provide to the Library a list of regional pubiic library system communication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and reference requests. D. Reimburse the Library for services provided hereunder during the state's fiscal year ending 7une 30, 1999 in the amount of �257.630.00 which shall be paid to the Library in one installment. III. All services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed [o the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, Joyce C. Swonger, Director of LDS, or her successor, and in accord with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The Library sha11 not receive payment of work found by LDS to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state and local law, ordinance, rule and re�ulation. � -3- IV. This agreement may be canceled by LDS or tfie Library at, any time, with or without cause, upon ninery (90) days written notice to the other pariy. In the event of such cancellation, the Library shall be entitied to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. V. The Library shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement without prior written consent of the authorized agent of LDS. VI. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. °tg -'19`� In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be duly executed intending to be boundthereby. APPROVED: STATE OP MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND LEAIZNING CITY OF ST. PAUL DIVISION OF LIBRARIES I� Date: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approvecl as to Form: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY B , /!�, l✓G✓,�.�s-- Date: �'/�'- �/5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES gy: c��'-�---,-�-1 a�� \�/ Date: �'� � � � � U BY: �,1��-�-�z-oS G/i�-G�iE�y�-- Date: MAYOR Date: �/( 4 r LIBDEV\PLANET.CON Council File � q p- t l'1 1 2 3 4 5 6 �.,<<�i�1lAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Depariment of Children, Families a.nd Learning; State of Minnesota, for the continuation of the lending h`brary relationship with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul, subject to the terms and conditions o£ said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Of�ce of Financial Services. .-�--- Requested by Department of: Libraries (�j�..d� GU/� By: Form Approved by City Attorney BY � ��lr��ii�— �/Z ���7'� By: . i'�' ' By: Approved by o for Submission to Council By: ( AdApted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � qg-�1��1 Libraries CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Carole Williams 266-7070 MUSf BE ON COUNCII.AGENDA BY (DATL7 TOTAL # OF D "'� "�'�'`"� GREEN SHEET 1vo.: 60974 August 18, 1998 � �nuarmnrs n�nriar.nnrE �yG57� I DEPAR'IMENf DIIL 8 5 CTI'Y COUNCII. NUMBER j FOR 3 C11YATfORNEY ZJ / CITYCT,ERK ROUTIN6 ORDER 2 FINANC7AI. SERV DII2 $' tS / 6 FINANCIAL SERVICESiACCT ALLLOCATIONSFOR nclzox aE¢uxs-rEn: Approval of Council Resolution to continue the Iirterl�rary Loan Program paid for with the State of Mumesota, Department of Children, Families and Leaming, monies. RECOMIvvIENNDATIONS: Approve (A) �Rejed (R) _PLANNIN(3CAMbIISSION CNII,SERVICE CO,�L�IISSION Cffi COMMITPEE _ �STAFF DISIRICT CAiIAT SUPPORTS WFIICH CAUI3CII, OB)ECfIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS Mi3ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWAG QUESTIONS: 1. Hastpispe�sonlficmeverworkedundaacrngrndforthisdepartment? 2. Has Utis pe'son/&mi ev� been a city employce? 3. Doesthis persoNfum pos�.e a skill aot nojmailY P�bY �Y �'+� �Y employeeT Esplatu sIl pes a�wers on aeparatc sheet and atfach to grecn sheet INITIATWGPROBLEM,ISSIJIS,OYPORTUTiITY(WhqWhekWLeRWhere WIt�: Will provide for the continuation of the State of NTinnesota, Department of Children, Fan�ilies and Leuning, Interlibrary Loan program provided by the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metropolitan azea public library systems. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This agreement provides for the sharing of infosxnation resources and provides total funding of eapenses. DISADVANTAGESSFAPPROVED: None AUG 2 51995 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Saint Paul Public Library would not be able to provides this services to non-metropolitan Libraries. TOTAL AhfOUNT OF TRAl�'SACl'ION: $ 25?,630 FTJNDING SOURCE: State ofMtmnesofa FIIVANC7AL INPORMATION: (EXPS.AIN) COSffREVEI�[JE BIIDGETED: Yes ACfI V YTY NUMBER: 35533430 �.���.{��� AUG 2 "� 1998 s.3 cf n � �-' : �� '4 � 3 ��:��_:�=���� � �'t�4Y0�?'S O�FV�. AJG E � 199$ ��`� � ��� ��������' �� �, .. q�-��� Routing for Accounting Div. City Attomey Fire Department Human Services ADOPTED RESOLUTION5/ORDINANCES Mazion Turley 210 City Hall Peter Pangbom 400 City Hall 7ohn Swanson 100 E. l lth St. 7ulie Kraus 500 CHA Mark Robinson 400 CHA Human Rights 900 City Hall Law Library (Ramsey Cty) 1815 City Hall LIEP (Licenses) Christine Rogek 300 Lowry Prof. Bldg. 5END AFTER YOU HAVE THE PUBLISHED DATE L1EP (Zoning) Mayors Of£xce Pazks & Rec Police Dept. Public Health Public Works Karen Zacho Darlyne Morrow Mary Lou Karp 6-6400 Lou/Fiscal Affairs Reneta Weiss Larry Michalitsch 300 Lowry Prof. Bldg. 390 City Hall 300 City Hall Annex 100 E. llth St. 555 Cedar 600 CHA (temp, Address is 10 CHA N 9�' AGREEMENT This a�reement is made and entered into by and between Library Development and Services, Department of Children, Families and Learning on behalf of the State of Minnesota, hereinafrer refened to as LDS, and the St. Paui Public Library, an agency of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter refened to as the Library. Whereas, under Minn. Stat. 134.31 it is the policy of the state to support the provision of library sezvice and the development of cooperative programs for che sharin� of resources and services; and Whereas LDS has determined that one program to implement the state's policy is the provision of an interiibrary loan and reference service to the regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, the Library is capable of operatina a program of interlibrary loan and reference service; Now therefore, the parties hereto a�ree as follows: I. The Library shali: A. Receive interiibrary loan and reference requests via communications media as may be agreed upon by the parties from the re�ional public library systems outside the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington through communications nodes designated by LDS. B. Lend items from its collection in response to requests received hereunder and refer unfilled requests via an established routing system to other libraries deemed probable secondary sources including but not limited to other public libraries participating in the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), academic libraries through Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC) and the MINI'TEX Library Information Network at the University of Minnesota. C. Maintain a system of reserving items to fill requests received hereunder in cases where said items are in use when a request for said item is received. D. Provide up to 2� pa�es of photocopies of library materials without charge in iieu of the loan of an item, such services to be provided consistent with provisions of Tztle 17, U.S. Code. E. Provide to LDS quarterly reports of the amount of services provided directly to each node, including the services referred to secondary sources and the dellvery services. �8 -�q`� -Z- F. Provide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder includin� paymencs to secondary sources. G. Provide to LDS information concerning problems encountered, recommendations for improved services and other reasonable and appropriate information as may be mutually agreed to regarding the operation of the services provided hereunder. H. From the amount established in Section II, D., reimburse secondary sources, except MTNITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $4.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sources shall aaree to maintain a system for placing requests on a waiting list when the requested materials are in use. II. The Office of Library Development and Services shall: A. Aevelop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and reference service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures to the regional public library systems. B. Coordinate the interlibrary loan and reference service network resultin� from this agreement and serve as a communication channel on matters of policy between the Library and the re�ional public library systems receiving services hereunder. C. Provide to the Library a list of regional pubiic library system communication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and reference requests. D. Reimburse the Library for services provided hereunder during the state's fiscal year ending 7une 30, 1999 in the amount of �257.630.00 which shall be paid to the Library in one installment. III. All services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed [o the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, Joyce C. Swonger, Director of LDS, or her successor, and in accord with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The Library sha11 not receive payment of work found by LDS to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state and local law, ordinance, rule and re�ulation. � -3- IV. This agreement may be canceled by LDS or tfie Library at, any time, with or without cause, upon ninery (90) days written notice to the other pariy. In the event of such cancellation, the Library shall be entitied to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. V. The Library shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement without prior written consent of the authorized agent of LDS. VI. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. °tg -'19`� In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be duly executed intending to be boundthereby. APPROVED: STATE OP MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND LEAIZNING CITY OF ST. PAUL DIVISION OF LIBRARIES I� Date: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approvecl as to Form: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY B , /!�, l✓G✓,�.�s-- Date: �'/�'- �/5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES gy: c��'-�---,-�-1 a�� \�/ Date: �'� � � � � U BY: �,1��-�-�z-oS G/i�-G�iE�y�-- Date: MAYOR Date: �/( 4 r LIBDEV\PLANET.CON