90-711 � 0 R�I G I N A L � � Council File # r 0 - 7�� - Green Sheet RESOLUTION T� CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA f I�� J' J' �-- Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, During the 1990 budget deliberation process, the Council placed$16,500 in contingency in the Civic 2 Organization Contribution activity for the Indochinese Food Bank, and 3 a WHEREAS, the$16,500 in contingency is to be financed with CDBG Year XVI dollars that will not be available until 5 after June 1990, and s � WHEREAS, the Council also agreed to reconsider the Indochinese Food Bank's 1989 request for use of$8,200 in 8 CDBG Year XV dollars that would be available as soon as a contract could be prepared and signed, and 9 io WHEREAS, The Indochinese Food Bank would use the City's money as seed money to operate a food shelf with i1 primary service emphasis to Hmong, Laotian, Vietnamese and Cambodian persons who are currently underserved �2 and in a culturally inappropriate manner by existing food shelves, and 13 ia WHEREAS, The Indochinese Food Bank has a fundraising plan to raise additional dollars to match the City's �5 contribution and continue operations when the City's money has been spent, and 16 �� WHEREAS, Staff from Saint Paul/Ramsey County Nutrition Service have agreed to write, administer and monitor a i8 contract between the City and the Indochinese Food Bank, and 19 20 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council removes contingency status from the$24,700 and 2i authorizes Saint Paul/Ramsey County Nutrition Service staff to prepare, administer and monitor a contract for 22 service with the Indochinese Food Bank. 23 24 25 26 27 Yeas tvays nbsent Requested by Department of: Dimond y Gaswitr v Executive Administration General Government Accounts Long Maccabee � B �������� Rettman -., y: Thune � �lson � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date M� 1 1990 By: � Adoption ified by Council Secretary: Form Ap ved by City Attorney: By: BY: —i0'1�?� Approved by M r: Date M�Y 2 1990 App d b ayor for Submissio to Council: By: • .����2� gy. 1�20�/ �'�� ',n`� � � �(��O Pre ared by Saint Paul Budget Olfioe (Jeanetta c:117,idata\fbread.wkt.all 4!6/90) flrl 1••t i � - ��������� ����7�I '" ExecMENAdmin General Gov^�nment �+���E° GREEN SHEET��`� �7 �. 5895 O�JTACT PERSON�PHONE �NmAU DATE �� �NITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ,�CITV COUNpI Barbara Jeanetta 298-4140 ��� m p1Y AITORNEV ►tn MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTWG BUDOET DIRHCTOR �� FI .�T.�ERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATURE) ACTiON RE�UE8TED: Approve removal of contingency status from $24,700 CDBG ($8,200 year XV and $16,500 year XVI) funding for Indochinese Food Bank. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(A)a R�,K(R) (�(1NCIL COIAMI7'TEEJRESEARCM REPORT OPTIONAL _PUINNIN�COMM18310N _pVIL 8ERV1�OOMMISSION �LY8T PMONE NO. _aB�M„�E _ APR _STAFF _ COMMENTB: -����RT - CITY ATTORN�Y BUPPORTB WHICFI COUNdI 08JECTIVE9 II�NTIATINQ PROBLEM.18811E�OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whet�WMn�WMro�N1h1�: During 1989 Council con5iderQd $8,200 budget resolution to provide fundiag for Indochinese Food Bank. They held up decision making on $8,200 until deliberation of the 1990 budget where the food bank had r�ques�Pd an additional �16,500. Council placed the entire amount in contingen�y until the food b�nk could answer 3 questions: 1)Why can't current food banks serve the i�xd�ichinese populat'on? 2)What will the City's money be spent on relative to the rest of th� org�.nization's bu�?;^�.? 3)Will the food bank survive beyond City funding? The attached lett�x answer� thos� qupstions. AOVANTAQES IF APPROVED: The City will provide �Ped monPy to establish a food bank that provides culturally appropriat foodstuffs to low �ncome �ndochi�:ese population in St. Paul. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � City commits spending authority �or providing food shelf services. RfCEIVED �t2o�9�0 DIBADVANTA(3E8 IF NOT APPROVED: Indochinese Food Bank has :�pent considerable energy providing infcsrmation and answers to the City Council on its purpose and services in hopes of receiving seed money. If not approved fundraising will continue elsewhere but will be significantly set back in terms of beginning and continuing operations. ��uX��;�� M����l�Grl �G�14+Ct; APt� �9 I� �:��, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 24,�OO WST/REVENUE BUDaETED(CIRCLE YES NO �uNqNO sou� CDBG Years XV and XVI ACTNITY NUM�R 100-39605-05 5 for 001-09100 FINANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� Decision ma.king for all nonprofit organization contracts is made with general fund budget 09100. Spending authority for CDBG funded organizations is actually in 39605. d� -�, . , . NOTE: (;OMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE ORE�N 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURC�IA31Na OFFICE(PMONE NO.�5). ROUTINC�ORDEft: Below are prsrercsd rouNnga for the five m�t frequent rypes of documenfs: CONTRACT3 (assum�s authaized COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amsnd� Bdgts./ budgst exista) Accept. C3rants� 1. Outeide A�ency 1. Dspartrn�nt Director 2. Initiating DeputmsM 2. BudgN Diroctor 3. Gty Attornsy 3. City Attomsy 4. Msyw 4. MayoNAse�taM 5. Finance�Mg�M S1res. Dtrector 5. City Council 6. Ffnance AccouMinp 6. Chief Aacountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budpet OOUNqL RESOLUTION (all othsrs) Flevisbn) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Menager 1. Initiatinp D�peRrrient Dirsctor 2. DepertmsM A�ccouMant 2. City Attornmy 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAa�nt 4. Bud�et�reCtor 4. City CoUhCil 5. City Gerk 6. q�isf AocountaM, Fln d�M9mt 3vcs. ADAAINISTRATIVE ORDER8 (sll others) 1. InftiaNng D�artmsnt 2. City Attomsy 3. MayoNAs��ttaM 4. City Clerk - TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PAOES Indicate the#�of pepss on whk;h signaturos are required arb paps�lip eew�i of theae a�ss., - ACTION REQUESTED Deacribs what ths projsct/rpuest ssmks to accomplbh in eithsr chronolo�- cal order or ordsr of Importanc�e,whkhsvsr is most appropriate Mr the iswe. Do not write oomplste sentenoes. Begin each itsm in ycwr Ifst with a vsrb. RECOMMENDATION3 Corr�pists If ths issus In qusstion has bssn pressMsd before any body, Public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH OOl►NqL OBJECTIVE? �ndh�te wn+ch cour�ci�oblecUve(s)r�+�Prole�re4�s�M����9 Ms key woM(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEI(iHBORHOOD8, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LI$T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL COMMITTEFJRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REG1t1E8TED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situetion or conditlons that crested a nsed br�rour project or reqt�est. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicats whethsr this la simply an�nnual budpet proceduro requirod by law/ charter or whsther thsro aro ep�ilfc in which the Ciry of Safnt Paul and its citizens will bsneflt irom thia pro�t/actfort. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED . What nspativs sffects or ma)or chanpss to existing a past proceases might this projscUreque�t producs if it is pess�d(e.g.,trafflc delays, noise, tax increases or asapaments)?To Whom�Whsn�For how Ionq7 DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED NVhat will be ths negativs a�n�eq�es if the promiaed action is not approved? Inability to delhrar servk,s?CoMinued high traific, noise, accident rate?L.oas of revenus4 FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the fnformatbn you provids hsre to ths issue you are eddreasing, in pensnl you mwt answer two qusstiona: How much is it going to cost?Who is goirp to psy7 . � . � , G'r= yo yii '� � � �' VIETNAMESE �����`�' MUTUAL �ASSISTANCE ASSOCI�-1TION �� �� 3„ c'�'�dr��� �, 856 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 �� ,��1► (612) 224-3884 � � � �� April 1st, 1990 ADV[SORY COUNCtL John T. Findley Commissioner Ramscy Council Board of Commissioncrs Mayor JAMES SCHEIBEL JuddBerlln City of Saint Paul Vice Chaiman Michael World Trade Mr.Andrew Rollwageo P«a�a�a� Dear Mayor SCHEIBEL: Meridian Bank Dr.Albe�t V,de Leoo Executive Director Council on Aaian Pacific Minnesotans Last fal 1 � aS �:OUY1C1 � Presi dent of the Ci ty Counci 1 � Dr.Stephen B.Young you ass i sted the V i etnamese Mutua 1 Ass i stance Former o�,o Assoc i at i on (VMAA) by propos i ng seed money f rom Hamline Univer:ity Law School R.nim �.R.nim.� Commun i ty Deve 1 opment B1 ock Grant (CDBG) funds to open Certified !nternal Auditot t�'12 I ndoch i nese FOOCj She 1 f ( I FS) . Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Richard C.Sundberg,R.Ph � The Counc i 7 had many quest i ons about the I FS and Prea�deat sw�a� Sundberg Pharmacy asked me to return i n earl y 1990 wi th answers. In the Dr. Kevtn Byrne meant�me, they put $8,21 7 of 1989 CDBG money and Director $� 6 ,500 of 1990 CDBG money i nto conti ngency for the Bloomington Educuion Center Joan Pear�on I FS. Director Saint Paul Ten�nu Union Enc 1 osed p 1 ease f i nd my answe rs to the quest i ons Brlan B.Elkington rai sed by the Counci 1 . Barbara Jeanetta of the Budget Attorney at Law Pcterson, Franke �nd Riach Prof.Asan. Of f 1 C@ has agreed to prepare the budget amendments necessary to authorized spending for the food bank. BOARD of DIRECTORS Jerry Soechti tag � of the Sai nt Pau 1 Ramsey County ,Fresident, Nutrition Program has prepared a contract that wi 11 Tlea Vin Tran gove rn the use of c i ty money by the I FS. Both w i l l Vice Preeident need your s i gnature. Azit Abnham voiunt��r: Your continued support wi �'1 be highly appreciated LTC Butord Johneon Ron Cleveland by ou r organ i zat i on and al l the I ndoch i nese peop l e. N uy8n Tin Tudl 3'u N oe Th'snh Pham�,QTna� Sincerel ours, Huynh KlenQ uoc y y Pham fl�c Hil � Treasnrer � Amy Yen Pham Ti en Van Tran �`i""y P res i dent Gerald McElroy Norton Viet Mutual Assistance Association INDOCEiINES6 FOOD SHELF o;r���af cc: - Barbara Jeanetta R��.Davld G Sda�fer — ,Jgr'ry Soechti ng Vietnamese Representative — �!OUC1C1 � Members Ngurea Dinh Toan Gmbodi�n Rcpresenutive ' Slnattha Chao , Laoti�n Represent�tive Rev.Soul�ng DeJvonQaa Hmong Representative Xu VanQ � � � Cr 90- ��� ANSWER THE 3 QUESTIONS QUESTION 1: Why can't the current food shelves be made to serve the Southeast Asian community in a more appropriate manner. esaentially made more effective? The Inda�hinese Food Shelf (IFS) is eatablished eapecially to serve the Indochinese people (Hmong, Laotian, Cambodian and Vietnameae) in the Saint Paul area. Many of the Indochinese, especially the elderly people and new comers, are unable to apeak English and feel alienated or loat in the current Food Shelf Programs. To overcome language barriers with sensitivity to the di�t and custom o£ the Indochineae people, the IFS hires 4 representatives in the 4 communitiea, who know the custom, culture and speak tha language of their people. It is coat effective and advantageous for thc IFS to hire 4 representatives because it serves all 4 target groups in the whole city of Saint Paul. The other curre,nt food shelf programs limit their sevices to a small area in which the number of the Indochinese recipients is not sufficient enough to justify hiring repreaentatives for each target group. There are 15 eaiating food ahelf programs in Saint Paui. To aerve the Indochinese people in the same manner aa IFS, they would have to hire four representatives from the four communitiea of the Indochineae people in their area� which is not cost effective when serving a limited number of Indochinese recipienta. This is the main reason why the currGnt programa have not been able to provide effective sevice to the Indochineae people. Many of these food ahelvea admit that Indochineae recipienta rarely uae their aervicaa. Instead of aaking all 15 of the eatabliahed food ahelf programa to serve the lndochineae people in the same way aa IFS, it will be subatantially less expensive and complicated for an unique Indochineae Food Shelf to aerve all of the Indochinese people in the city of Saint Paul. , � . , . � yo- ��� QUESTION 2: What will the appropriated funda be uaed for? As was indicated in the Indochinese Food Shelf Budget for 1990 that was submitted to the city council, none of the funding applied for will be used for the purchase of food. 12 centa per pound of food will be paid to Saint Paul Food 8ank as a transportation/aervice fee. The remaining funding will be used for salaries, rent, office suppliea, and the IFS newsletter. (Plcase see the 1990 Budget enclosed) QUESTION 3: Once the CDBG funda run out, will the IFS be able to remain open? As you all know the IFS officially opened on a limited scale on �December 16, 1989. The IFS is presently financed by the Emergency Fund Service which supports IFS with money to purchase Asian food and givea the IFS credit t�o purchase food from the Saint Paul Food Bank. Additionally, we have funding from the 700 Club, First Bank Inc. and fresh food and produce from Fare Share. PRESENT FINANCIAL STATUS Funding from the City of Sain't Paul a24�717 (contingeacy) Individual Donors $745 First Bank Inc. - a500 (per year) Emergency Fund Service 53,000 (credit) The 700 Club Operation Blesaing $400 (5244/monthly) Meridian National Bank 5 000 (likely per year) TOTAL : - $34;362 1990 BUDGET $99,000 BALANCE ' $64,638 The balance of the Budget will be raised f rom: United Way, Saint Paul Foundation, Mc Knight Foundation. 3M _ Foundation, H.B. Fuller Company, Saint Paul Companiea. Northern States Power Company, [nternational Multifooda Charitable Foundation, Busineas men and companies from the Asian community... . ` , , � �° " 7�f It is difficult for the IFS to raise funds for this program, in part becauae private foundationa and Aaian community want to be aasured that the beneficiariea of their grants have eatablished a conatant base of funds for a full operation (thua creating a vicious circlo, need money to raiae money) If the IFS receives funding from the city of Saint Paul, we will be able to put the iFS in full operation as projected, enabling the IFS to serve more people including the immobile. With the funding from the city of Saint Paul, the IFS will be also able to establish a successful program which will continue to generate strong aupport in the Asian community which we count on for financial support in the future, and which alao will be very helpful when we approach private foundationa to secure their financial support. ,: � , � � , . (I� yo-,ir INDOCHINESE F�OD SHELF 1990 BUD � ET (served the co�rcmunities of Hmong, Lcotian, Cainbodian aRd Vietnamese in Minreesota) Monthly In Kind Fund � Expenses Contribution Needed Director (f ull ti�ne) 52,000 51,000 $1,000 Assistant Director (f u!I time) $1,500 $700 . a800 4 secretaries/distributors (part tince) (1 Vistnamese, 1 Cambodian, 1 Laotian, 1 Hncong) ($S/hr X 20 krs X 4 weeks X 4 persons) 51,600 $1,600 Reimburse to Emergency Fund Service ($0.12/Ib X 20,OOOlbs) 52,400 52,400 Transportation (gas and niaintenanee for pick up and delivery food) $500 $500 Rent, heat, air and utilities $800 �800 Office supplies, phone, postages, tea and coffee 5200 5200 Publish a monthly 4 lingual newsletter to give informations concerning food and products distributed in the current month, and news related to the Indochinese communities, 5,000 copies of 12 pages (Printing cost: S tkousands X 12 pages X $22.5/1000) 51,350 5400 $950 TOTAL MONTHLY EXPEI�ISES 510,350 52,100 58,250 TOTAL ANNUALLY EXPENSES 5124,200 �25,200 599,000 NOTE: In lcind contribution in time and money by members of the Viet Mutual Assistance Aasociation and aell advertisements on the newsletters.