90-699 O�RI�� IN� L � ' _ , '�,�� ¢ouncil File � �� , Green Sheet ,� �9D-`> RESOLUTION CITY O INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � P sented By Referred To �, Committee: Date �o��i-/'�d WHEREAS, The Department of Community Services has identified the need to fund support costs and EDP equipment for new initiatives in Youth programs, the Drug Task Force, and other high priority Departmental and City needs; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify there is fund balance financing available for appropriation in excess of the original 1990 estimates; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes in the 1990 Budget: CURRENT CHANGE AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET FINANCING PLAN . 301-00000-9890 USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 12,500 12,500 SPENDING PLAN 301-33002-0221 POSTAGE 0 500 500 301-33002-0222 TELEPHONE CHARGES 0 500 500 301-33002-022X TELEPHONE INSTALLATION 0 500 500 301-33002-0253 REGZSTRATION 0 500 500 301-33002-0361 OFFICE ACCESSORIES 0 1,000 1,000 301-33002-0369 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 2,000 2,000 301-33002-0857 EDP HARDWARE 0 7,500 7,500 TOTAL SPENDING 0 12,500 12,500 NOW, THEREFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, approves the above amendment to the 1990 budget. FINANCING IS AVAILABLE APPROVED � Director, Finance and Management Services Budge 'rector ��ti� Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon � � � � �- of�t M✓�t/i� P,er i�.v 5 oswitz —�acca e� � e man �_ ane i son �— By' � � " Adopted by Council: Date J U L 3 199Q Form App ov by Cit Att ney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; �. BY�.. �--- . App ove Mayor for Submission to U� JC �9� Cou Approved by ayor: Date , B ����,��i'-/� Y� By: PUBUSHED �U L 141990 � . . �,�. ,� _�:. A _�a _/ �� " • ,. � (,��" �o �, ,.:., �PARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED �'`�';� � ,`3 �9�'', communit services 3/14/90 GREEN SHEET NO. 4���� CONTACT PER80N d PHONE D DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ��4N�1��;'y Bob Beikler 298-4431 �,� ��Ano�� ❑ � MUST BE ON COUNqL ACiENDA BY(DI1T� ROUTMW �BUDOET DIRECTOR (�`R� FI .��RVICEB DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8SI8TAN1) � �`"` •� TOTAL N OF SiGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� Yi' r jyv �� ACT10N RECUESTED: � � l'�'�, , � �S`<;,� Concoul Resolution - Budget Amendment �(" -� � RECE�VED ��.��,�a��� , RECOMMENDATIONS:Appraro(/U a Re�ect(F� �tlNql COMMI7TEE/RESEARCN f�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMIS810N _GVII 8ERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� MAR 21 1990 ��E� _pB OOMMITfEE _ A sT�FF _ °0""""E'''�� OFFICE QF THE DIRECTOR —as�,cr oouar — DEPARTMENT OF FINAN�E SUPPORTS WNICH COUNpI OBJECTIVE? �^�1D ���1f�G�NIENT SERVICES INITIATINO PROBLEM,�SUE,OPPOR7UNITY(Who,Whet,Whea,Whero,Why): The Department has a new director and an increased Administration staff to program youth issues in the City. Associated support costs for this transition in style and focus was not originally budgeted. $12,500 was put into our special projects fund in 1989 to help fund these transitions. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: Staff will have the resources to do their job. D18ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: R None. MAR �41990 g���ET pFftCE DI3ADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Staff will not be able to operate efficiently. RECEIVED �ouncil kesearch C;enter �1g��0 MAR 2 91990 CiTY Cl.ERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 12, 5 0 0 c�sri�v�uE euoc��o�ar�oN� vES nw FUNDINOSOURCE Special Fund #301 ACTIVITYNUMBER 33002 - Special Projects FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Fund Balance �YV . . �r�e -G�% Committee Report Finance, Management & Personnel Committee June 25, 1990 6. Resolution 90-699 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $12,500 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services Youth Program. 1Referred from Council 4/26/90) roved 3-0 7. Resolution 90-748 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $2,025 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Mayor's Office Special Events. (Referred from Council 5/3/90) Approved 3-0 8. Resolution 90-766 - amending the 1990 budget by appropriating $169,911 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire Responsive Services. IReferred from Council 5/8/90) Approved 3-0 Resolution 90-767 - amending the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget by appropriating $390,911 for Capital Projects City Community Warning Svstem Imalementation. (Referred from Council 5/8/90) Approved 3-0 9. Resolution 90-768 - amending the Capital Improvement Budget by adding $20,301,393 for the Combined Sewer Separation and Street Paving projects. (Referred from Council 5/8/901 Substitute Resolution approved 3-0 -2- � � 9o � � g9 INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM �l���y�'.' �.�,��.. TO: Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee ,, ;� ., �;,4�� .��. � �� -� FROM: Bob Beikler Qo•� Departmen�ommunity Services :� �- :� ��- � ,..:t, , . ,, _. DATE: June 20, 1990 SUBJECT: Resolution 90-699 On Committee Agenda 6/25/90 Special Fund 301, titled Community Services Special Projects, is set Lp to program one time projects that are Department wide, or inter-de�artmental in nature. There is currently a $12,500 fund balar.�e in this fund. This money was transferred to the fund at the end of 1989 from the General Fund with the specific intent of financing transition expenses associated with the change in admir.istration. We feel this was sensible pre-planning by management, rather than to request continc�ent reserve money. . In either case the Council has the final decision in appropriation. The �ollowing items are included in the spending plan: ITEM JIISTIFICATION Services (0200 's) Two additional telephone lines were installed based on increased volume. Additional staff and interns are in the De�artment of Community � Services office. The registration fees are for local seminars and activities related to -. , Youth projects, the Southeast Asian report, - `_,,:.� and the Drug Task Force. As a result of all - � these, we expect mailings (postage) to also increase. Supplies (0300 's) Based on the increased staff and number of . � projects being run out of the Department of Community Services, we have a corresponding increase in desk top supplies and paper. Also computer supplies and paper was underfunded in the General Fund budget for 1990. • EDP Hardware (0857) The new Department Director has requested a� personal computer for him and his secretary to draft reports and connect to both the Division • Local Area Network and the city E-Mail. We are currently renting equi�ment (on �re-purchase approval) until an appropriation is approved. It is more cost effective to purchase, and our agreement is to have rental payments applied to the purchase price to the extent they exceed interest expense incurred by the vendor. Please contact me at 298-4431 if you have any further questions on this resolution. c: Roy Garza, Department Director � � S�acy Becker, Budget Director �