90-698 ' ' ' ' � �").-, Council File # Q"�i y �
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�,7/_ _Q� Ordinance �
D� f������.-\�� R E S 0 L U T I 0 N Green Sheet # �a '�j �
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Presented By
eferred To �� Co ee: Dat �v�G�J�l�
7 /
9 WHEREAS, the use of gasoline in motor vehicles esults in the emission of pollutants to the
10 atmosphere; and
12 WHEREAS, some of these pollutants retum to arth in the form of acidic precipitation,
13 destroying natural habitat, such as plants and t ees, surface and underground water, and even
14 the killing of animals; and
16 WHEREAS, one of these pollutants release into the atmosphere, carbon monoxide, has been
17 one of the integral causes of a global w ng trend which is known as the "Greenhouse
18 Effect"; and
20 WHEREAS, the use of a blend of appro 'mately 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline in
21 motor vehicles will reduce the vehicles' arbon monoxide emissions by 17-33%; and
23 WHEREAS, the use of a blend of ap roximately 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline in
24 motor vehicles improves the efficien of gasoline engines; and
26 WHEREAS, the use of a blend of pproximately 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline is a
27 proven octane enhancer and appro ed by all American automobile manufacturers; and
29 WHEREAS, the use of a blend approximately 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline
30 would stimulate the agricultural conomy of the midwest and Minnesota; and
32 WHEREAS, ethanol is a renew ble fuel and its use will help to reduce our dependence on
33 foreign oil; and
35 WHEREAS, The City of Sain Paul recognizes its leadership responsibility to increase public
36 awareness of environmental i sues;
37 �
1��-��-�� I NA L. � . . . ��o_�Q�
5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City C uncil hereby requests that the
6 administration study the feasibility of implementing an e ol fuel program whereby City-
7 owned or leased motor velucles or equipment use a ble of 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded
8 gasoline, and report back to the Council by September , 1990 on implementing such a
9 program so that consideration of such a program can e made during the Council's 1991
10 budgeting process.
Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
oswz z
accs ee
e man
un e
i son BY�
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By;
By° Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Approved by Mayor: Date
By: By'
� � �- yo-�,��
8. 5/29/90 Final Order: For improving the easterly N-S APPROVED 4-0
alley in Block 26, Chas. Weides Subd. of
Blocks 25 and 26 of Arlington Hills Addition
bounded by Sims, York, Edgerton and Payne.
This is part of the Urban Revitalization
Action Program (URAP) .
9. 5/29/90 Final Order: For improving Alabama Street LAID OVER
from State St. to the east line of Wyandotte 4 WEEKS
St. by grading and paving, constructing
concrete curb and gutter and a bent straw
street lighting system. Also, constructing
a sanitary sewer and connections in Alabama
St. from Lafayette Rd to Chester St. and in
Chester St. from Alabama St. to an easement
in vacated Chester St. approximately 225 feet
north of Alabama St.
10. Resolution - 90-720 - Amending the 1990 budget APPROVED 4-0
by adding $81,270.37 to the Financing and
Spending Plans for Public Works Sewer
Maintenance Division. (Referred to Committee
5/1/90) .
11 . Resolution - 90-721 - Releasing �250,000 in LAID OVER
1990 CIB funds currently in contingency for 2 WEEKS
the study and redesign of the Selby Avenue
Bridge. (Referred to Committee 5/1/90) .
12. Discussion on Smoke Testing Program for NO ACTION
breaks and defects in sewer system. REQUIRED
13. Resolution - 90-547 - Approving plans for APPROVED AS
the University of Minnesota Intercampus AMENDED 4-0
Transit Phase I. (Laid over in Committee
4/18/90) .
14. First Reading - 90-629 - An ordinance LAID OVER
amending Section 152.18 of the Legislative 2 WEEKS
Code pertaining to Special Permit/
15. ion - 90-698 - Requesting Administration APPROVED AS
study the feasibility of implementing an AMENDED 3-0
Ethanol Fuel Program whereby City-owned or
leased motor vehicles or equipment use a
blend of ethanol and unleaded gasoline, with
a report back to Council by September 1, 1990.
16. �ng ity Cable NO ACTION REQUIRED
communications under the City Council Cable
17. Further Discussion on Volume-Based Pricing: LAID OVER
Mandatory collection; not organized trash 2 WEEKS
collection. (Laid Over in Committee 5/2/90) .
�oit,,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members:
,�a ; OFFICE OF THE CTTY COUNCII. Roger J.Goswitz,chair
. s David Thune,vice chair
° ����y���i„ ; Tom Dimond
+ ��i� ��� � �' Bob Long
+ Date:May 16.1990
Committee Report
To: Saint Paul City Council
From: Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee
Roger J. Goswitz, Chair
Hearing Date ACTION
1. Approval of Minutes of May 2, 1990 APPROVED 3-0
2. 5/29/90 Vacation: Petition of Kim Long Development APPROVED 3-0
for the vacation of a building encroachment
in the alley of Block 1, Mackubin and
Marshall 's Addition, bounded by University
Aurora, Western and Arundel Streets.
3. 5/22/90 Final Order: Condemning and taking highway APPROVED 3-0
easements, temporary construction easements
and slope easements for the Shepard Road
Improvement Project near Shepard Road from
Randolph Avenue to 600 feet southwest of
4. 5/22/90 Final Order: Condemning and taking a APPROVED 4-0
permanent easement for roadway right-of-way
purposes on the east side of Victoria Street
between W. Seventh Street and Tuscarora
Avenue for the Seventh/Otto CSSP Project.
5. 5/22/90 Final Order: Condemning and taking an easement APPROVED 4-0
for right-of-way purposes on the southwest
corner of the intersection of Minnehaha Avenue
and Ruth Street.
6. 5/22/90 Ratification of Award of Damages: For taking a APPROVED 4-0
permanent utility easement for public purposes
near Jackson Street and Minnehaha Avenue in
connection with the Sylvan/Acker Sewer Project.
�� 5/29/90 Final Order: For the Lowertown Streetscape APPROVED AS
Extension Project for parts of Jackson, AMENDED 4-0
E. Fourth, Sibley, Wall , E. Fifth and
Broadway Streets. Also, for the operating
costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting
System for the Lowertown Streetscape Extension
Project for .the months of January to December
I ! � n �(�, Council File � CJ � ��
C�� l(� �i v
Ordinance �
Green Sheet $
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
8 %
9 WHEREAS, the`�se of�gasoline in motor vehicles results in the emission of pollutants to the
10 atmosphere; and ����,,
11 �'��,
12 WHEREAS, some of these pollutants retum tof earth in the form of acidic precipitation,
13 destroying natural habitat, sueh as plants and xrees, surface and underground water, and even
14 the killing of animals; and � ��
15 ,
16 WHEREAS, one of these pollutants�rele,�i'sed into the atmosphere, carbon monoxide, has been
17 one of the integral causes of a global�v�'�rming trend wluch is known as the "Greenhouse
18 Effect'; and \
19 �;.
20 WHEREAS, the use af a blend of, pproxima�l 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline in
21 motor vehicles will reduce the vel�icles' ca.rbon i�ioxide emissions by 17-33%; and
22 �
i� �,
23 WHEREAS, the use of a blenc�'of approximately 10%�anol and 90% unleaded gasoline in
24 motor velucles improves the ��f'iciency of gasoline engi�es;��nd
25 ��. A
26 WHEREAS, the use of a blend of approximately 10% ethaaol 90% unleaded gasoline is a
27 proven octane enhancer and approved by all American autori�bile anufacturers; and
28 - ,� '�.. .
29 WHEREAS, the use o,f a blend of approximately 10% ethanol an�0%�unleaded gasoline
30 would stirnulate the �gricultural economy of the midwest and Miu ota;�� d
31 � �,
32 WHEREAS, etha�ol is a renewable fuel and its use will help to reduce o�d pendence on
33 foreign oil; and �
35 WHEREAS. natural gas may be used as an alternate fuel that may dramatically reduce vehicle
36 emissions and increase the vehicle engine life: and
38 WHEREAS. many companies and cities around the countr�,, including Minne�asco. Airport
39 Express. and Viking Food Service in the Twin Cities, both Disney L,and and Disnev World. and
40 the cities of Toronto. Ontario. Tacoma. Washin,on, and Columbus� Ohio are currentl�using
41 natural gas as an alternative fuel to run some of their vehicles: and
42 •
43 WHEREAS, the City of Minneapolis has recently announced a vlan to o�ierate four city busses
44 on natural gas: and
. . . •
2 WHEREAS. 92% of the natural gas used by American consumers is found in the United
3 States and the remaining 8% is found in Canada. making natural gas a lo 'cg� al way to reduce
� American dependence on foreign oil: and f 1
6 WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul recognizes its leadership responsibility to ine�ease public
7 awareness of environmental issues;
8 . ,'
9 .� I
10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, thai� e City Council hereb re �Iests that the
11 administration study the feasibility of implementin� ethanol fuel r program
12 whereby City-owned or leased motor vehicles or equip t use a blend f 1 % ethanol and
13 90% unleaded gasoline r n r in i h r li i r f �i report back to the
14 Council by September 1, 1990 on implementing such a program th�t nsideration of such a
15 program can be made during the Council's 1991 budgeting process. �
Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
osws z
acca ee
et man
i son BY= �
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy:
By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Approved by Mayor: Date Council