90-683 , • �' 'I� A Council File # �'��-3 ✓ OR � f� L ^ Green Shest # u v� RESOLUTION --- , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z5 `' Preseated By ' �=��1 v �eferred To Commi ee: Date �� , �/ � �., � � / WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police lief Association, as part of their 1990 Legislative Agenda, h s had legislation (H.F. 2275) introduced which would grant addit' onal benefits to certain members who retired prior to June , 1971, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fi Department Relief Association also has requested the authct�, amend the legislation to include additional benefits to certa�l. members who retired prior to July 1, 1973 , and `� WHEREAS, actuarial su veys have been completed for both of the Relief Associations icating that their accrued liabilities would increase by $254 .00 and as a result would add $19, 336. 00 to the Cit 's contribution to the Relief Associations for the next 20 ye`a�s amortize the increased liabilities, and \, WHEREAS, th Fi� and Police Relief Associations have indicated that 'n t ent earnings during 1989 will more than offset the addit' liabilities affecting the City over the next 20 years, a , is opinion can be confirmed after receipt of the 1989 actuari�l urveys in May 1990, and WHEREAS, ���e is a need to review the actuarial requirements re ing to the assumed rate of interest for salaries and investments ,�or the local relief associations before additional bene�its are granted, and r` ; �y� ��3 OR� GI�NAL � ,/ � �- .. � � ; WHEREAS, it is desirable for local bills h `e the support of the local governing body, now therefore b i � RESOLVED, that the City Council of Sai�4�au1 acknowledges the increased liability and indicates s por for H.F. 2275 or similar legislation conditioned upon t p�sage of companion legislation that changes the current ac rial assumptions relating to the local relief associatio�s from 3 . 5� salary increases and 5.0� investment return t,o 4.0� salary increases and 6. 0� investment return in order t o"re accurately define the '- annual contributions necessary to a�y ortize their unfunded liabilities and be it, r �-; FINALLY RESOLVED, that ��said legislation must include a clause that requires local g �erning body approval. �1;�'� �`, � � �� . V ;%� � ` . � � � Yeas Nave Abaent g�ested by Department of: �� e e u �: Adopted by Council: Date Form Approvad by City Attorney Adoption Certitied by Council Secretary gl,: � BY� l�pproved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by 1Kayor: Dats �uncil By: �� . � "V PARTM[NTIOFFICE/OOUNqL DATE INITIATED • ° • GREEN SHEET No. 8�99 ACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII �b �n ���� �� �CITY ATTORNEY �CITV CLERK MUST BE ON L AOENDA 8Y(D/1TE7 RWTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICE3 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A881STAN'n � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PA�iEES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� �REOUEB'TED: � O -l�a.�.�L ��i ce QS�O� . LIS �� O� ��r �� 1 O �S(lJ�,��Y L �9 C.�U.' �5 CL �29i5I� n N F. 2275) i ��roduGed r:�hiCh l�oU,ld r� additiol�Q,1, bP�e�i�5 fo certa�n mem�rs �ho r2+i �e.d �r i0r +o bl ► I �� � REOOMMENDATIONB:Approw(IQ a R�j�ct(R) COUNf:N.COIA REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COwiMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC:COMM18810N ��YST PHONE NO. _qB WMMIITEE _ COAAMENT8: _8TAFF _ _D18TRICT COURT _ BUPPORT8 WNK�1 COUNqL OBJECTIVE9 INITtATINO PROBLEM,ISSl1E,o�oR�vam�wrw.What,WMn,Whsro,Wh�: ADVANTAOES IP APPROVEO: DISADVANfN0E8 IF APPHONED: D18ADVANTl1(iE6 IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : C08T/REVENUE 8UD0ETED(CIRCd.6 ONEj YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORAMTION:(EXPLAIN) a'VV . ., • • . `. ,1,. � � . • • a NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OFiEEN 8HEET tN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Ni3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Bsbw are pr'Mensd routings for the f�re most frequeM typss of documsnb: . OONTRACT3 (assum�authorizad COUNCIL RE80WT10N (Am�d, Bdgt�./ budQet exists) Accept.GrantB) 1. Outsids Apsncy 1. DepartmaM DirlcxOr 2. Initiatin�Dsp4rtment 2. Budgst Diroctor 3. Gty Attornsy 3. Gty Attornsy 4. Mayor 4. MayodAseistaM 5. Flnar�ce&Mgmt 3vcs. Oireator 5. Gty Caandl 6. Fnance/►ccouMiny 6. Chief Axount�nt. Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budgst COUNqL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE t. Activky Mana�sr 1. InitlaUnp DepertmeM Director 2. DepaKms�tt AccouMaM 2• �Y A�Y 3. Dspartmsntt Diroctor 3. MayodAtebteu�t 4. Budg�t Dir�ctor 4. City CoUhcil 5. Gy Gerk 6. Ghief AccouMant, Fin&Mpmt 3vcs. ADMINI3TFlATIVE ORDERS (all othera) 1. InitfeUnp Dspertment 2. Cily Attomsy 4. dty�Clsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PAQES Indic�e the i of pages on which ai�naturs�are required end peperc�iP escft of tl�as p�a., � ACTION REQUESTED Deac�ibs what ths projeat/roquat sesks to accomplfsh in sither chronologa cal ordsr or o►dsr of irr�porta�e,wh�hsvsr is rrast eppropriate for the �sus. Do not writ•complste asntencss. Be�n each item in your liet with a verb. RECOMMENDATION3 Canplsta ff the issue in qu�tfon has besn presented befors arry body, public or p�ivate. 3UPPORT3 WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indfcate whksh Coundl objectl+ro(a)Your Project/nQuest supporta by listinp the key word(s)(HOUSiN(i, RECREATION,NEKiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET,SEWER 3EPARATION).(8EE COMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MIWUAL.) COUNqL OOMMITTEE/RE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REDUESTED BY COUNGL INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the aitwtbn or corxikfons that created a need for your proJect or request. ADVANTAC3E3 IF APPROVED Indicate whstFbr this is simply an annwl budpst proceduro required by Isw/ chartsr a whethsr thero ars spsdflc wa in which the City of 3aint Paul and ita citizsne will ben�flt from tMs p�o�tlactbn. D13ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED What nepative Mfects or major ch�ngss to existlng or past processes might this projsct/request produce if it is pessed(s.g.,traffic detays, noise, tax increa�s or asassments)?To Whom?WMn?For how long? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT MPROVED What will be ths negetivs oonspuerx�s if the promiaed actbn ia not approved?InabiBty to deliver asrvice?Condnued high traffic, noise, accidsnt rate?Loes of rsvsnue9 FINANqAL IMPACT Altlwuph you murt taflor tha information you provide hsre to the issue you are addreainy, in�nsral you must ansvrer two questions: How much ia it �arW W c�ost?Who is�oi�9�o PeY� . . �. � . ` C�ya-� �3 • ,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL iui�ii�n OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: Bob Long, Chair Paula Maccabee Tom Dimond BOB LONG Councilmember COMMITTEE REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MARCH 30, 1990 Resolution nertaininq to aensions of pre-1971 retirees Sent to Council without recommendation , CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOZ'A 55102 612/298•4473 a�se Printed on I00%Recycled Paper � �,� �� �-i� - �� ,� • . . ��'�� 5) 11/21/89 GS - 55 Resolution - Section 5.02 of the St. Paul City CF - 892054 Charter authorizes the City to retain special council in the event of special or unusual circumstances. Intergovernmental Relations and Public Safety Committee Agenda for August 12, 1992. WITHDRAWN 3-0 6) 11/30/89 GS - 56 Ordinance - Amending Chapter 24 of the St. Paul CF - 88623 Administrative code pertaining to a code of ethics for city employees and officials. {No material attached} NO ACTION 7) 12/21/89 GS - 54 Resolution - Supporting legislation requiring CF - 892242 that for-profit tenants in facilities which are tax exempt continue to pay taxes. ' WITHDRAWN 3-0. J 8) 4/24/90 GS - 8899 Resolution - St. Paul Relief Association has had Cj CF - 90683 legislation (HF 2275) introduced which would ��.a' grant additional benefits to certain members who retired prior to 6/1/71. WITHDRAWN 3-0. . 9) (�7/10/90 GS - 10403 Resolution - Approval of a resolution directing � CF - 901158 City staff to begin lobbying for changes in Q � State law and the LGA formula to address unfair � tax burden for cities with tax. WITHDRAWN 3-0. J10) �8/21/90 GS - 10955 Resolution - Approval of a resolution supporting ,� CF - 901450 and affirming position taken by Minnesota � Legislature in rejecting reinstatement of death penalty in State of Minnesota. � WITHDRAWN 3-0. J 11) �12/11/90 GS - 10950 Resolution - Stating if a metropolitan tax is �7,. CF - 902013 considered by the 1991 legislature, the City ' prefers a payroll tax to a sales tax and listing conditions. under which the City would support a metropolitan tax. WITHDRAWN 3-0. J12) /12/11/90 GS - 3367 Resolution - Supporting State legisl.ation which � a5 CF - 902024 removes replacement housing requirements which ' are in conflict with other laws, burdensome to cities and interfere with development, and do not apply to all cities. WITHDRAWN 3-0. 2