90-679 O R �G � � Council File � �"'� INA� Green Sheet #� 7(Q�� RESOLUTION �-�,\ CI F SAINT PA , MINNESOTA �� � . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by Mayor Scheibel, of the following persons to serve as members of the newly-created PARRING FACILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. MEMBER REPRE3ENTING Richard Amey Building Inspection and Design Division Douglas Hoskin Owner/Operator of a Parking Facility Lt. James Lundholm Police Department Kathy Reyes Department of Fire and Safety Services Christine Rozek Division of License and Permits Each member shall serve a 3-year term which will expire on April 30, 1993 . fi Yeae Navs Absent Requested by Department of: w z — 'T— an � acc e � e m � une �— i son �, BY� _ T Adopted by Council: Date Mlil i �9� Form A ved by Ci y Attorney Adoption e�tified by Council Secretary gy; _` 3 -2'-�G By' �/`�� A roved b Ma or for Submi s• pp y y s n to 2 1990 Council Approved by Mayor: Date MAY � /� ,' ' �-m�,���.�/� By: �J"-e�.4K�-C-s�l� By: �ttSHED h��Y 1 � 1990 � ��o-��� DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCE/COUNdL DATE INITIATED i� Mayor Scheibel's Office 3-26-90 GREE HEET NO. �6� i,' CONTACT PER30N 6 PHONE ��'w�TE INITIAUDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITV COUNpL Molly 0'Rourke/298-4736 �� m�rro��r c�rv c�RK MUST 8E ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(D/1TE� NOUTINO �BUDOET OIRECTOR FIN.6 M02.BERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A881STANTI � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATURE) � �oun�ESapproval of inembers to newly-created PARKING FACILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Richard Amey-Bldg Insp & Design Div; Doug Hoskin-Owner/Operator Parking Facility; Lt. James Lundholm-Polic�; Kathy Reyes-Fire; and Christine Rozek-Div. of License & Permits. Each shall serve 3-yr. term which expires April 30, 1993. F�COMMENDATIONB:APD►�W o►RN�1� COUNCIL F�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMI8810N _GVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION �LYST PHONE N0. _G8 COMMITTEE _ � COI�IMENTB: —$Twsrr�cr couRr — ��FC,I 9��� '� �� SUPPORTS WFNGI(:OUNpI OBJEC71VE9 vf/� �V INITIATINO PROBL.EM.ISSUE.OPPOR7UNRY(Who.Wh�t�WMn.Wh�re.WIM: �� fr��bC r ADVANTAGE8 IF APPROVED: � .� OISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: " DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVEO: REr.��vE� (;ouncil Kesearch Center, �18�� MAR 2 91990 CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDt�ETED(CIRC�E ONE) YES NO FUNDINd 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPUUN) . 0 � I.0 I N A L � J � Council File ,� Green Sheet # � ` RESOLUTION �, CITY OF INT PAUL, MINNESOTA I ,l� � � , , ,.. _-_ Presented By Referred To Comm' tee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council onsents to and approves of the appointments, made by Mayor Scheibel, of th following persons to serve as members of the newly-created PARRING FACILI ADVISORY COMMITTEE. MEMBER REPRESENTING Richard Amey Building Ins ection and Design Division Douglas Hoskin Owner/Oper or of a Parking Facility Lt. James Lundholm Police D artment Kathy Reyes Depart nt of Fire and Safety Services Christine Rozek Divis on of License and Permits Each member shall serve a 3- ea term which will expire on April 30, 1993. � i � ,' Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: irrron oswita on acca ee ettman une B : z son y Form A pr.�ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � �c �/��z// S � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy ��� :L 3 •-v'--��, BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council ,� /, B S�`.`'"'.�/ �' .r�1-� By: Y� . . � C��o-�7� DEPARTM[NT/OPFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 1 Mayor �cheibel's Office 3-26-90 GREEN SHEET N0. 7611; INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSONL3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Molly 0'Rourke/298-4736 A��N �CITY ATfORNEY CITY CIERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON CAUNCiI AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOFl FIN.R MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ION REQ ESTED: �ounciY approval of inembers to newly-created PARKING FACILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Richard Amey-Bldg Insp & Design Div; Doug Hoskin-Owner/Operator Parking Facility; Lt. James Lundholm-Police; Kathy Reyes-Fire; and Christine Rozek-Div. of License & Permits. Each shall serve 3-yr. term which expires April 30, 1993. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAI _PLANNINC3 COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION �ALYST PHONE NO. � _CIB CAMMITTEE - _STAFF _ COMMENTS: Q � � 9 _�ISTRICT COURT _ ��� ��. �� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE7 ��f� Jn d ��9 INITIATING PN09LEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsre,Why): 'y�• r �. �l,. . a�r , �� /� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��"��'� C���-�_�� . ✓ ���ti������� . j��� ,� DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � � r �- ����, o DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPHOVED: !��'� � tt�::r�ca►Ci 1 l�t;t f rb(, �� 1�, I��U . r�+M• TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = ,__1CLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) . , ; � y���s��� �90—�7q i� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . ��'I��S� ,+ �i;:�'�-... 347 CITY HALL I��!�`..� i. �i I�;�� r � � � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �r7 ,, . � ._� ,� 298-4323 'r.�fP��U:�'� �:��������v Name: K 1 C � L . ���� ��_-l{Z/L• * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number Address: Street City Zip Phone: _(Home) (Work) ` City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your occupation? ' Q Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) Place of Employment: ��Z"�Y OF �/��'���J(� Address of Employer: ��� � .� Commission or Committee A plied For ����1��C�L�TY - What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? L� .C�on�- 4/7. 08 �VI ,� ��.oM . Jy5���2,� /6 T/l//S�a o -- . [�Q�,�/i4,�/t�. ' (over) PERSONAL REFERENCE #1 - Name: � ' Address: Phone: (Home) {Work) PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 Name: Address: Phone: _1Home) (Work) PERSONAL REFERENCE #3 Name: Address: Phone: (Home) {Work1 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? Signature Date Rev. 10/89 e � 1,� `� ' ' - � ��'4;���/s C'. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR /J^„� � � ,° � ,�.-�_ 347 CITY HALL - 1J�� ��� ° �O 79 ' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ���'�<� 1 ' � 298-4323 'tfi��t '"-?'� t`I?s,ir+t Name: Douglas G. Hoskin * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number Address: 81 South 9th Street, Suite 320, t�lpls, MN 55402 Street City Zip Phone: ,�Home) 687-0437 (Work) - 340-9025 17 2 65 City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your occupation? President - Allright Parking Minnesota, Inc. Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) Caucasian Place of Employment- Al l ri ght Parki ng t,ti nnesota, Inc. Address of Employer- S1 South 9th St;reet, Sui te 320 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Commission or Committee Applied For Parki ng Faci 1 i ty Advi sory Commi ttee What skills/training or experience do you posses� for the com.nissiQn/board for which you seek appointment? - Seven years experience in the field of commercial parking manager�ent. - Actively involved with the concerns and future of downtown Saint Paul . . - Serve on the Board of Directors for the Saint Paul Do4,rntown Council . - Serve on the Board of Directors for powntown Community Development Council . (over) . , , PERSONAL REFERENCE #1 - Name: � t�1r. Richard Zehring a tier aza Address: 175 E. Fi fth Street, Sui�e 418, Sai nt Paul , F1f, 55101 Phone: (Home) 292-0307 (Work) 2�2-0600 PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 Name: D1s. Ronnie Brooks Saint Paul Downtown Council Address: 600 North Central To�,rer, 445 Fiinnesota Street, Saint Paul , ��iN 55101 Phone: _(Home) 690-264ti (Work� 297-6899 PERSONAL REFERENCE #3 Name: ��r. Bi 11 Buth ui ing wners an anagers ssocia ion Address: 3a6 VJabasha, Sui te 645, Sai nt Paul , F•1N 55102 Phone• _(Homel 459-5249 (Workl 291-8S8E Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: F am interested in serving on the Parking Facility Advisory Committee due to my personal and professional committr�ent to the City of Saint Pau�. Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for wnivi� you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? None, as this is a newly forrned committee. � �� - �i'�--� t�7ov. �c�,1°l�9 . Signature Date Rev. 10/89 .,fr . , , � , �ECE{M�' ���'�7� ^ j4 �,� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � `� �. :s �,� 347 CITY HALL �G� � 1989 v 'c�t' � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �.,. 298-4323 >.._..� .ls�$ (9�¢IG� James Lundholm Name: * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number Address: 100 E. ilth St. St. Paul, Mn. 55119 Street City Zip Phone: 1Home) (Work) 292-3725 City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your oCCUpatiori? Executive Officer, Traffic/Accident Section St. Paul Police Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) caucasion Place of Employment- st. Paul Police Dept. ; Address of Employer- 10o E. llth st. st. Paul, Mn. 55101 Commission or Committee Applied For Parking Facility Advisory Committee What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? presently serving as exec in the Traff/Acc. Section and the unit head of Surface Parking Enforcement. � (over) . ��-�7� � _ � ' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR R}��''1�� (�/ C': �! ,��� 347 CITY HAT,T• l._,� �'y�-�`'� �%-- • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 r����; 1L�j ���� 298-4323 r(; .'!,'�iC�r•. .• -- Name: Kathy Reyes * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number Address: 100 East llth_Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Street City Zip Phone: _(Home) lWork) (612) 228-6202 City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your occupation? Assistant Fire Marshal Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) _ whi�e Place of Employment: nPnartmPnt nf FirP and Saf � S rvic-P� Address of Employer: 100 Fast- 11 h S rPP r ain Pa �l , MN 55101 COIDIri1SSlOII Or Committee Applied FOY' Parking Fa�ilit� AdviGOr� C'o m.ittPe What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? Knowledge and .experience in the application of fire and safety requirements for all structures, including parking facilities. � (over) _ PERSONAL REFERENCE #1 - Na]IIe: �Cti nrr Fi rP (`}ii af ,Tnhn C'nl nnria Address: 100 East llth �.trePt� Sa� n+ pa„i.� MN ��1 n� Phone: 1Home) (Work) (612) 224-6429 PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 Name• Fire Marshal Steve Zaccard Address- 100 East llth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Phone: (Home) (Work) (612) 228-6230 PERSONAL REFERENCE #3 Name: Elizabeth A. Offermann Address: CIS/Computer Center, 100 East lOth .Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Phone: (Home) (Work) (612) 292-6429 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: As 'one representative of the committee is required to be from the Fire Department, I am interested in serving ii� that capacity to help ensure that improvements in the securitv of parking facilities remain consistent with the provisions and intent of the fire code and nationallv recocrnized life safetv practices. Have yau had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? No Signa ure Date Rev. 10/89 ° �' , , . . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (/�- (0��7/ � ` � ,�� . �� ,,;',��-�� ` 3 47 CITY HALL iZE�EIY� ; ; ` SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 • ' 298-4323 DEC 1 1989 Name- _ Chri sti ne A. Rozek l�A��l�2`� O�F'I E * Please indicate below your PREFERRED mailing address and telephone number HOME: 1966 Fairmount, St.—P�'auT��ll�' 55105 Address•WORK:* 203 City Hall , St. Paul , MN 55102 * PREFERRED MAILING ADDRESS � Street City . Zip Phone: 1Home) 698-5371 (Work) 298'S056 14 � 4 64A City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your occupation? Li cense Enforcement Audi tor City of St. Paul Ethnic Grou to ensure fair and e Caucas i an p ( qual representation) Place of Employment: City of St. Paul � Address of Employer: 203 Ci ty Hal l . .St. Paul , MN 55102 . Commission or Committee Applied For 1 � � � What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board for which you seek appointment? Parking Facility .Advisory Committee - I am the License Division staff person responsible for the licensing of parking ramps/lots. ' (over) PERSONAL REFERENCE #1 ' T+.a _ q,.. r.. • . Name: �-`''''�r'�` " Joseph Carchedi ```�� � �� 203 Ci ty Hal l Address: � Phon�: "��•: .: � (Home) (Work) 298-5056 PERSONAL REFERENCE #2 � Name: Phi 1 Byrne Address: 647 City Hall Phone: _(Home) (Work) 298-5121 PERSONAL REFERENCE #3 Name: Jani ce Rettman Address: 718 Ci ty Hal l Phone: _(Homel (Work) 298-5289 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: . I am responsible for parking lot/ramp licensing and license code enforcement for St. Pa�l parking facilities Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which ' you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? No - The Parking Facility Advisory Committee is a new �ommittee. � ^ ( �, �2� �j-� o-- �. Signature Date Rev. 10/89 ..r:.. . ... . . . . . . . ... . a - � _ %- _ .1 - . _.t _ - _ t._�-;- ' � Y # t i � - _ . . �. � . . . .': -'e .> ': - . . - . «: ^ _: . . .. .. .... .': . ..• ... ..:-... . _�.. r ._�....� . ..e - .,. '.. i .'�' .-..' _ i � '�.a_ _ - � _ _ . '4� _ 1St '�jL—o�`t ` �� . 2nd-_ -, f'..� ��`°�� , 3rd �-'l�' �� Adopted C� ���` �� ,,,_ a - Yeas Nays = �< DIMOND ,; � yo-� �o :'- 'r:r ; GOS4J�TZ ,, _ ' I, ,I� � - I;ONG / ��� `j� ,; � MACCABEE. /�'� �J - - RETTMAN ' .TfiU�1E i - MR. PRESIDENT� �TILSON -- � a� - ;; , .,. �,; _ - - -- - - _ - y J � � - � _ _ � � F_...' �' Y Nr - a--j `�ie _ - _ �. ' r _ � - C � _ f � �j, x = � _ _- 3 �Yewr .-r . .. . ._ : � _ '>_. 'S� ':.:_ �_ -.: -'_: .� . _ _ _ : . „ _ _ y ' _ � _ t` _ _ � + _ r '' _ - ..'h � -,t.- � t a::-c . . � . .. � yti..,..w+r:nwa:� .r,t.��.� .�tu,.:.g.-_r*tfo . , ti.... .,,. .:.. ,.,._� „ .44.;c,.«�„.+sn+�a:?�N.. ._.�r.�r...�.. c . �.,-e.+. _ .�._r r Z:mf�sY. ... . ..,�